111 resultados para Acanthosis nigricans


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Insulin resistance is a metabolic disorder in which target cells fail to respond to normal levels of circulating insulin. Insulin resistance has been associated with presence of acanthosis nigricans and acrochordons. It is known that early diagnosis and early initial treatment are of paramount importance to prevent a series of future complications. These dermatoses may represent an easily identifiable sign of insulin resistance and non-insulin-dependent diabetes.


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The objectives of this study were to investigate the relationship between fasting serum insulin levels and Acanthosis Nigricans (AN) (a dermatological condition characterized by hyperpigmentation and thickening of the skin in specific body areas such as the neck and knuckles) and obesity among 6 to 9 year old children. Children were selected at random from a pediatric clinic located on the U.S.-Mexico border. Because none of the children participants had a weight for height at or above the 97th percentile of the CDC growth charts, obesity was defined as weight for height at or above the 95th percentile and at risk of overweight between the 85 th and 95th percentiles of the CDC growth charts. Anthropometrics, blood samples for fasting serum insulin and blood glucose, and a picture of the neck were obtained at baseline (n = 85) and 6 months later (n = 49). None of the children partipating had high fasting serum insulin levels and only 2 children had AN degree 2 (moderately severe). At baseline children with a weight for height at or above the 95th, percentile had 15 units less of insulin than children who weighed less. However, 6 months later this was not confirmed, thus the baseline result is considered to be an anomaly. Eventhough statistical significance was not reached, results showed that children without AN had 5 percentiles lower weight for height than children with AN. The most important recommendation from this study is the need to monitor longitudinal growth in children to characterize the individual child's growth pattern. AN seems to be related to longitudinal growth changes. ^


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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Na última década, surgiram evidências de que a Síndrome Metabólica (SM), relatada de forma crescente entre adolescentes, tem início na vida intrauterina e seus sinais e sintomas já estão presentes na adolescência, porém, ainda faltam critérios diagnósticos específicos para essa faixa etária. O ciclo menstrual representa o resultado do funcionamento normal não apenas do eixo Hipotálamo-Hipófise-Ovário (HHO), do útero e do aparelho genital, mas também, do equilíbrio metabólico do organismo. Alterações no ciclo menstrual podem representar sinais de desequilíbrio e anormalidade. A SM está também relacionada à Síndrome dos Ovários Policísticos (SOP), disfunção ovariana caracterizada por oligoanovulação, hiperandrogenismo e/ou ovários policísticos. A resistência à insulina (RI) tem um papel central na fisiopatologia e na inter-relação dos componentes tanto da SM como também da SOP. A RI é compensada pelo aumento da produção de insulina pelas células beta pancreáticas, e essa hiperinsulinemia compensatória tem conseqüências no endotélio, nos fatores inflamatórios, no metabolismo glicídico e lipídico, além de afetar o ciclo menstrual pelo estímulo da androgênese ovariana, suprimindo a SHBG e possivelmente alterando o padrão da secreção pulsátil do GnRH. Estas alterações menstruais podem apresentar-se de forma precoce, antes das alterações metabólicas da RI, portanto, a avaliação atenta do padrão menstrual de adolescentes pode representar um valioso sinal que alerta para o risco metabólico e cardiovascular. Avaliamos o comportamento de parâmetros da Síndrome Metabólica e sua relação com o ciclo menstrual em adolescentes através de um estudo observacional transversal com 59 adolescentes do sexo feminino entre 12 e 19 anos e presença de pelo menos um dos seguintes fatores de risco para SM: Sobrepeso - Obesidade - Acantose Nigricans. Todas as adolescentes foram submetidas a uma avaliação clínica com levantamento de dados antropométricos, e laboratoriais composta de: Glicose de Jejum, Colesterol Total, HDL-Colesterol, Triglicerídeos, Teste Oral de Tolerância a Glicose (Glicose 120), Insulina pré (insulina jejum), pós TOTG (insulina 120), Folículo-Estimulante (FSH), Hormônio Luteinizante (LH), Testosterona Total (TT), Androstenediona, Foram criados 2 grupos:G-1- adolescentes com ciclos irregulares, e G-2- adolescentes com ciclos regulares. Das 59 adolescentes avaliadas, 36 formaram o G-1, e 23 o G-2. A média da idade ginecológica foi de 4,5 anos e da menarca 11,3 anos. Na análise estatística das diferenças nas variáveis clínicas e laboratoriais entre os grupos, observou-se que o G-1 apresentou: Cintura (p=0,026), Insulina de jejum (p=0,001), Glicose 120 (p=0,002), insulina 120 (p=0,0001), HOMA-IR (p=0,0008), Triglicerídeos (p=0,013), SM (p<0,0001) e SOP (p<0,0001) significativamente maiores e QUICK (p=0,008), G/I (p=0,002), HDL (p=0,001) significativamente menores que o G-2. (88,8% das adolescentes com ciclos irregulares no ultimo ano apresentavam irregularidade desde a menarca. Estes resultados demonstram uma associação significativa entre a irregularidade menstrual, RI, SM e SOP na população estudada. Todas as adolescentes com diagnóstico de SM apresentavam irregularidade desde a menarca e destas, 93,5% tiveram o diagnóstico de SOP. O nosso estudo chama a atenção para o comportamento do ciclo menstrual na adolescência em relação aos riscos cardiovasculares e metabólicos, sinalizando assim que outros estudos precisam ser desenvolvidos nesta população.


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A Síndrome de Berardinelli-Seip (SBS) ou Lipodistrofia Generalizada Congênita acomete freqüentemente o aparelho cardiovascular e também promove anormalidades metabólicas envolvendo os metabolismos glicídico e lipídico. O objetivo do nosso trabalho foi avaliar a prevalência das anormalidades cardiovasculares e metabólicas em portadores da SBS. Vinte e dois pacientes do estado do Rio Grande do Norte (Brasil), com diagnóstico da SBS, foram submetidos à avaliação clinica, eletrocardiograma de repouso, ecodopplercardiograma, radiografia de tórax, eletrocardiografia dinâmica de 24 horas, teste ergométrico e análise laboratorial. Os pacientes eram predominantemente adultos jovens (n=22) , sendo 14 do sexo feminino. O mais novo tinha 8 e o mais velho 44 anos(22,4±9,7 anos). A totalidade da amostra apresentou resistência à insulina, acanthosis nigricans e HDL-colesterol diminuído. A presença de esplenomegalia, hepatomegalia, diabetes mellitus tipo II e triglicérides elevados eram constantes. A síndrome metabólica foi caracterizada em 81,8% dos pacientes com predominância para sexo feminino e com um alto grau de consangüinidade paterna (86,4%). A hipertensão arterial sistêmica e pré-hipertensão foram encontradas em mais da metade dos pacientes (77.3%). O eletrocardiograma e a radiografia de tórax não foram úteis para identificar a presença de anormalidades cardíacas na SBS, em particular a presença de hipertrofia ventricular esquerda. Para identificar o acometimento cardiovascular foi indispensável o estudo ecodopplercardiografico. Este exame mostrou a presença de hipertrofia concêntrica do ventrículo esquerdo (50%), hipertrofia excêntrica do ventrículo esquerdo (4,5%) e geometria normal do ventrículo esquerdo (45,5%). Disfunção sistólica do ventrículo esquerdo foi encontrada em apenas um paciente (4,5%) e disfunção diastólica em nenhum. Elevada taxa de arritmia foi evidenciada no Holter, tais como, extra-sístoles ventriculares, extra-sístoles supraventriculares e taquicardia supraventricular sustentada. Incompetência cronotrópica (54,5%) foi observada no teste ergométrico. Anormalidades cardiovasculares e metabólicas foram encontradas em elevada prevalência em indivíduos jovens e assintomáticos com SBS. Esses achados xii apontam para a necessidade de acompanhamento cardiológico sistemático e de medidas preventivas nesse grupo de risco


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Acromegalia é doença crônica rara, insidiosa, decorrente da hipersecreção de hormônio do crescimento, cujos efeitos tróficos e metabólicos frequentemente incorrem em manifestações cutâneas, que podem ser precoces. Os autores avaliaram 15 pacientes portadores de acromegalia e evidenciaram alterações dermatológicas em todos, principalmente espessamento da pele, acrocórdons, cistos epidérmicos, pseudoacantose nigricante, queratoses seborreicas, nevos melanocíticos e manchas lentiginosas.


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Purpose. To evaluate whether menstrual irregularity in morbidly obese women is indicative of metabolic dysfunction.Patients and Methods. Fifty-seven women with morbid obesity were evaluated. They were divided into two groups: one comprising women without menstrual dysfunctions or hirsutism (Group 1), and another obese women showing menstrual dysfunction with or without hirsutism (Group 2). The following were evaluated: age, colour, childbirth, marital status, profession, socio-economic level, education, age at menarche, body weight, height, body mass index, presence of hirsutism (Ferriman Gallwey Index), abdominal circumference, hip circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, menstrual cycle, blood pressure, presence of acanthosis nigricans, insulin resistance (IR), fasting glycaemia, total cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C, triglycerides, thyroid-stimulating hormone, free T4, luteinising hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone, prolactin, total testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, insulin and the Homeostasis Model Assessment (HOMA test).Results. Clinical and epidemiological aspects did not present statistical differences. Clinical and laboratory parameters did not show statistically significant alterations; however, HOMA test values for Group 2 were significantly higher than those for Group 1.Conclusions. The presence of IR in class III obese women can cause menstrual dysfunctions such as amenorrhoea or oligomenorrhoea even in the absence of hyperandrogenism, suggesting that IR plays an important role in the ovarian mechanisms involved in the menstrual cycle control.


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There is an association between insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, and essential hypertension, but the relation between insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, and hypertension diagnosed during pregnancy is not well understood. Transient hypertension of pregnancy, the new-onset nonproteinuric hypertension of late pregnancy, is associated with a high risk of later essential hypertension and glucose intolerance; thus, these conditions may have a similar pathophysiology. To assess the association between insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, essential hypertension, and subsequent development of proteinuric and nonproteinuric hypertension in pregnancy in women without underlying essential hypertension, we performed a prospective study comparing glucose (fasting, I and 2 hours postglucose load), insulin, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and triglycerides levels on routine screening for gestational diabetes mellitus. Women who developed hypertension in pregnancy (n = 37) had higher glycemic levels (fasting, 1 and 2 hours postglucose load) on a 100-gram oral glucose loading test, although only the fasting values showed a statistical significance (p < 0.05), and a significantly higher frequency of abnormal glucose loading tests, two hours after glucose load (>= 140 mg/dL) (p < 0.05) than women who remained normotensive (n = 180). Glucose intolerance was common in women who developed both subtypes of hypertension, particularly preeclampsia. Women who developed hypertension had greater prepregnancy body mass index (p < 0.0001), higher frequency and intensity of acanthosis nigricans (p < 0.0001), and higher baseline systolic and diastolic blood pressures (p <= 0.0001 for both), although all subjects were normotensive at baseline by study design; they also presented lower levels of HDL-C (p < 0.05). However, after adjustment for these and other potential confounders, an abnormal glucose loading test remained a significant predictor of development of hypertension (p < 0.05) and, specifically, preeclampsia (p < 0.01). There was a trend toward higher insulin and homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) levels in women developing any type of hypertension. When comparing women that remained normotensive to term with those with transient hypertension and preeclampsia, the preeclamptic women were born with lower weight (p < 0.05) and shorter length (p < 0.005); at screening they were older (p < 0.005), showed higher frequency and intensity of acanthosis nigricans (p < 0.0001), had higher prepregnancy BMI (p < 0.0005), as well as higher baseline systolic and diastolic blood pressures (p <= 0.0001 for both). They also showed higher HOMA-IR levels that did not show a statistical significance. When glucose tolerance status was taken in account, an association was found between increasing indexes of hypertension (p < 0.05) and of HOMA-IR (p < 0.05) with the worsening of glucose tolerance. These results suggest that insulin resistance and relative glucose intolerance are associated with an increased risk of new-onset hypertension in pregnancy, particularly preeclampsia, and support the hypothesis that insulin resistance may play a role in the pathogenesis of this disorder.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the clinical, ultrasonographic, biochemical and metabolic alterations of adolescents with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). METHODS: Retrospective observational study conducted on 44 adolescents aged 12 to 19 years, diagnosed with PCOS according to the Rotterdam Consensus. Metabolic changes were assessed according to the recommendations of the International Diabetes Federation, considering: waist circumference (WC) ≥90th percentile (10-15 years of age) or >80 cm (age >16 years), fasting glucose >100 mg/dL, triglycerides >150 mg/dL, HDL <40 mg/dL, and blood pressure ≥Hg 130/85 mm. RESULTS: Mean age was 16.7±2.2 years and age at menarche was 11.8±1.4 years. The menstrual irregularity most frequently observed was amenorrhea (72.7%) followed by oligomenorrhea (27.3%); hirsutism was observed in 86.4% and acne in 56.8%. Polycystic ovaries were observed by ultrasound only in 27.3%. Mean BMI was 30.3±6.6 kg/m2. According to BMI, 52.3% of adolescents were obese, 13.6% were overweight and 6.8% had a healthy weight. Increased waist circumference (63.6%, 28/44) and the reduction of HDL-C (34.1%, 15/44) were the metabolic changes most frequently observed. Increased triglycerides were observed in 27.3% (12/44) and increased blood pressure and impaired fasting glucose were found in 9.1% (4/44) and 4.5% (2/44) of cases, respectively. Acanthosis nigricans was observed in 52.3% and insulin resistance in 62.8% of the adolescents with PCOS. Metabolic syndrome was identified in six children (13.6%), all of them obese or overweight. CONCLUSION: In the adolescents with PCOS studied here, menstrual irregularity and hirsutism were the most common clinical manifestations, while the sonographic findings consistent with polycystic ovaries were less prevalent. Obesity associated with insulin resistance predisposes these adolescents to a higher frequency of metabolic disorders.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of colon cancer, primary hyperparathyroidism, thyroid tumor, and skin cancer in all acromegalic patients in follow-up at the Clinics Hospital - Botucatu Medical School, from 2005 to 2011. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: These patients were evaluated retrospectively for colon cancer, primary hyperparathyroidism, dermatological, and thyroid tumors. RESULTS: Of 29 patients included at the beginning of the study, two were excluded. Among 19 patients submitted to colonoscopy, one presented colon adenocarcinoma (5%). Thyroid nodules were present in 63% of patients, and papilliferous carcinoma was confirmed in two patients (7,7%). Four patients were confirmed as having primary hyperparathyroidism (15%). The most common dermatologic lesions were thickened skin (100%), acrochordons (64%), epidermal cysts (50%), and pseudo-acanthosis nigricans (50%). Only one patient presented basal cell carcinoma. CONCLUSION: Although a small number of acromegalic patients was studied, our findings confirm the high frequency of thyroid neoplasias and primary hyperparathyroidism in this group of patients.


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This cross-sectional study evaluated risk factors (RF) for type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in 100 Hispanic adolescents(50 overweight, 50 non-overweight) aged 12-16 years, and their associations with body mass index (BMI), diet, physical activity (PA), gender, and birth weight (BW). The RF studied were fasting plasma glucose (FPG), insulin sensitivity (IS), total cholesterol (TC), triacylglycerols (TG), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), acanthosis nigricans (AN), and blood pressure (BP). Dietary intakes were assessed using the Block Kids Questionnaire, fat-related intake behavior (FB) using the Fat-Related Diet Habits Questionnaire, and PA using the Modifiable Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents. Blood was collected after an overnight fast of 12 hours. All statistical analyses used SPSS 14.0. Overweight adolescents had presence of AN, higher BP, TC, TG, and LDL, and lower IS, ps < .001, as compared to non-overweight adolescents. Overweight adolescents were more likely to have 1 and 2 RF for T2DM and CVD as compared to having 0, ps < .001, and 2 RF as compared to having 1, p =.033. Adolescents with kilocalorie (Kcal) intake above requirements for age gender, and PA level were 4.6 times more likely to be overweight, p = .005. Overweight adolescents had worse FB, p = .011, and lower PA, p < .001. Adolescents with worse FB had higher BP, p = .016. Fiber below recommendations (14g/1,000 Kcal) was associated with being overweight, p = .012, and lower IS, p = .040. Adolescents with higher BW had higher FPG, p = .013. Our findings point to an association between being overweight and RF for T2DM and CVD, suggesting that overweight during adolescence may have serious health consequences for Hispanic adolescents. Also, our results indicate that Hispanic overweight adolescents eat more Kcal and less fiber than required, have worst FB, and less PA levels than their non-overweight counterparts. In addition, high BW and dietary habits of Hispanic adolescents, such as low fiber and FB, increase their risk for T2DM and CVD. We conclude that BMI can serve as a useful tool to identify Hispanic adolescents at risk for T2DM and CVD.