129 resultados para estafilococos áureos


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La mastitis infecciosa es una patología común durante la lactancia y constituye una de las primeras causas de destete precoz. Por tanto, debería ser considerada un problema de Salud Pública relevante, ya que priva a la pareja madre-hijo de los incuestionables beneficios que la lactancia proporciona. No obstante, la mastitis humana ha sido hasta la fecha una enfermedad subestimada e infradiagnosticada, ya que habitualmente sólo se consideran mastitis los casos agudos que cursan con una sintomatología evidente y su diagnóstico microbiológico no se realiza de forma rutinaria. La etiopatogenia de la mastitis se ha relacionado con un proceso de disbiosis en la glándula mamaria, que da lugar al sobrecrecimiento de ciertas especies presentes en la leche humana. Sin embargo, la ausencia de un diagnóstico microbiológico rutinario de la leche humana hace que los estudios microbiológicos sobre esta patología sean muy escasos y que se desconozca el papel que juegan muchos agentes etiológicos. En este trabajo, el análisis microbiológico de 1.849 muestras de leche materna procedentes de mujeres con mastitis ha revelado que el género Staphylococcus constituye el primer grupo microbiano implicado en esta patología, siendo Staphylococcus epidermidis la especie aislada con mayor frecuencia (91,56% de las muestras). La especie Staphylococcus aureus se detectó en el 29,74% de los casos. Los géneros Streptocococcus y Corynebacterium constituyeron, respectivamente, el segundo (70,20%) y tercer (16,60%) grupo microbiano con mayor prevalencia en este estudio. Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto que los estafilococos coagulasa-negativos, los estreptococos del grupo viridans y las corinebacterias, habitualmente considerados microorganismos comensales y subestimados como causa de mastitis humanas, tienen un papel relevante como agentes etiológicos de esta patología. Este hecho avala que el análisis microbiológico de la leche, identificando los agentes causales a nivel de especie, es el único medio posible para obtener un diagnóstico etiológico preciso y establecer un tratamiento eficaz para la mastitis...


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Jerked beef, an industrial meat product obtained from beef with the addition of sodium chloride and curing salts and subjected to a maturing and drying process is a typical Brazilian product which has been gradually discovered by the consumer. The replacement of synthetic antioxidants by natural substances with antioxidant potential due to possible side effects discovered by lab tests, consumer health, is being implemented by the meat industry. This study aimed to evaluate the lipid oxidation of jerked beef throughout the storage period by replacing the sodium nitrite by natural extracts of propolis and Yerba Mate. For jerked beef processing brisket was used as raw material processed in 6 different formulations: formulation 1 (control - in nature), formulation 2 (sodium nitrite - NO), formulation 3 (Yerba Mate - EM), formulation 4 (propolis extract - PRO), formulation 5 (sodium nitrite + Yerba Mate - MS + NO), formulation 6 (propolis extract + sodium nitrite - PRO + NO). The raw material was subjected to wet salting, dry salting (tombos), drying at 25°C, packaging and storage in BOD 25°C. Samples of each formulation were taken every 7 days for analysis of lipid oxidation by the TBARS method. In all formulations, were carried out analysis of chemical composition at time zero and sixty days of storage. The water activity analysis and color (L *, a *, b *) was monitored at time zero, thirty and sixty days of storage. The Salmonella spp count, Coliform bacteria, Termotolerant coliforms and coagulase positive staphylococci were taken at time zero and sixty days. The activity of natural antioxidants evaluated shows the decline of lipid oxidation up to 2.5 times compared with the product in natura and presented values with no significant differences between treatments NO and EM, confirming the potential in minimize lipid oxidation of Jerked beef throughout the 60 days of storage. The results also showed that yerba mate has a higher antioxidant capacity compared to the propolis except the PRO + NO formulation. When associated with yerba mate with sodium nitrate, TBARS values become close to values obtained only for the control samples with the addition of sodium nitrite. The proximal composition of the formulations remained within the standards required in the IN nº22/2000 for jerked beef. Samples that differ significantly at 5% are directly related to the established type of formulation. The count of microorganisms was within the standards of the DRC nº12/2001 required for matured meat products. The intensity of the red (a*) decreased with storage time and increase the intensity of yellow (b*) indicates a darkening of the product despite L* also have been increased. These results suggest that yerba mate is a good alternative to meat industry in reducing healing addition salts when associated with another antioxidant.


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Tomámos a rubrica Diabruras de Nicolau, mais tarde Nicolau e Nicolina, do primeiro suplemento infantil de grande fôlego em Portugal – o Notícias Miudinho do Diário de Notícias, – e propusemo-nos criar cinco Livros- -de-Montar, um para cada fase do seu percurso, entre 1924 e 1933. Observámos o percurso das publicações infantis em Portugal, particularmente nas décadas dos nossos protagonistas, e tirámos ilações dos seus períodos áureos; pesquisámos suportes e mecanismos em papel recortado e todo o tipo de livros, no limiar do conceito. Tentámos perceber como poderíamos, sem recorrer a mão-de-obra estrangeira, criar livros pop-up em Portugal, a baixo custo, e contribuir para melhorar dois pontos fracos da cultura de hoje, que o nosso exercício na docência verifica diariamente: desenvolver competências ao nível da motricidade fina, perceção do espaço e gosto pela leitura; e fomentar momentos de partilha “analógica” entre gerações, cuja falta é hoje gritante; ABSTRACT: NICOLAU E NICOLINA, 90 years of pranks Taking as a starting Diabruras de Nicolau, later Nicolau e Nicolina, the first children’s supplement of grand success in Portugal – the Notícias Miudinho of Diario de Noticias, - we proposed to create five books to assemble, one for each phase of its course, between 1924 and 1933. We analysed the course of children’s publications in Portugal, particularly in the decades of our protagonists, taking conclusions of its golden periods; we searched for supports and mechanisms in cut paper and all kind of books, in the concept’s threshold. We tried to understand how we could create, without resorting to cheap labour from around the globe, pop-up books in Portugal, at low cost, and also to contribute to improving two weak points in today’s culture, that we as teachers face every day: to develop delicate motor skills, space perception and a taste for reading; and to encourage moments of analogical closeness between generations, whose absence is striking today.


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Antecedentes y Objetivos. La contractura capsular (CC) es la complicación más común y frustrante en mujeres que se han sometido a cirugía de aumento mamario con fines estéticos. La causa es actualmente desconocida y se considera que a menudo participan varios factores conjuntamente. Material y Método. Realizamos un estudio prospectivo observacional de casos y controles anidados en una cohorte de pacientes y llevado a cabo durante 4 años en la Clínica Ruber de Madrid. Resultados. Determinamos que el ejercicio físico es un factor de riesgo en el desarrollo de CC, con una probabilidad 5 veces mayor de desarrollo en pacientes que lo realizan respecto a las que no lo practican; sobre todo los ejercicios relacionados con la movilidad de los miembros superiores, entre ellos los aeróbicos suaves, la natación y la musculación. El ejercicio físico actuaría como principal causa de fricción entre cápsula e implante rugoso, y llegado un momento, dicha fricción originaría pequeñas roturas en la cápsula periprotésica generando una respuesta inflamatoria. El brazo hábil dominante resultó ser un factor de riesgo en el desarrollo de contractura, determinando el lado de la mama que se contractura. Los hallazgos microbiológicos de las cápsulas periprotésicascontracturadas demostraron que un mayor grado de contractura en aquellos implantes en los que hubo resultados microbiológicos positivos, encontrando Propionibacteriumacnes y especies de estafilococos coagulasa negativos. Conclusiones. Las pacientes con implantes mamarios que realizan ejercicio físico habitual presentan mayor riesgo de sufrir contractura capsular mamaria.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Zootécnica - Produção Animal - Instituto Superior de Agronomia


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Animal, 2016.


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In a hospital environment, these bacteria can be spread by insects such as ants, which are characterized by high adaptability to the urban environment. Staphylococcus is a leading cause of hospital infection. In Europe, Latin America, USA and Canada, the group of coagulase negative staphylococci (CoNS) is the second leading cause of these infections, according to SENTRY (antimicrobial surveillance program- EUA). In this study, we investigated the potential of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as vehicle mechanics of Staphylococcus bacteria in a public hospital, in Natal-RN. The ants were collected, day and night, from June 2007 to may 2008, in the following sectors: hospitals, laundry, kitchen, blood bank. The ants were identified according to the identification key of Bolton, 1997. For the analysis of staphylococci, the ants were incubated in broth Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) for 24 hours at 35 º C and then incubated on Mannitol Salt Agar. The typical colonies of staphylococci incubated for 24 hours at 35 ° C in Tryptic Soy Agar for the characterization tests (Gram stain, catalase, susceptibility to bacitracin and free coagulase). The identification of CoNS was performed through biochemical tests: susceptibility to novobiocin, growth under anaerobic conditions, presence of urease, the ornithine decarboxylation and acid production from the sugars mannose, maltose, trehalose, mannitol and xylose. The antimicrobial susceptibility examined by disk-diffusion technique. The technique of Polymerase Chain Reaction was used to confirm the presence of mecA gene and the ability to produce biofilm was verified by testing in vitro using polystyrene inert surface, in samples of resistant staphylococci. Among 440 ants, 85 (19.1%) were carrying coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) of the species Staphylococcus saprophyticus (17), Staphylococcus epidermidis (15), Staphylococcus xylosus (13), Staphylococcus hominis hominis (10), Staphylococcus lugdunensis (10), Staphylococcus warneri (6), Staphylococcus cohnii urealyticum (5), Staphylococcus haemolyticus (3), Staphylococcus simulans (3), Staphylococcus cohnii cohnii (2), and Staphylococcus capitis (1). No Staphylococcus aureus was found. Among the isolates, 30.58% showed resistance to erythromycin. Two samples of CoNS (2.35%), obtained from the ant Tapinoma melanocephalum collected in the post-surgical female ward, S. Hominis hominis and S. lugdunensis harbored the mecA gene and were resistant to multiple antibiotics, and the specie S. hominis hominis even showed to be a biofilm producer. This study proves that ants act as carriers of multidrug-resistant coagulase-negative Staphylococci and biofilm producers and points to the risk of the spreading of pathogenic microorganisms by this insect in the hospital environment


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A partir de final da década de setenta do século XX Mértola viveu novos tempos, não tão áureos como os do seu passado de cidade portuária, elo de ligação com as riquezas do Mediterrâneo, mas, pelo menos, de Vila conhecedora das suas raízes, pronta para construir o seu novo futuro. Este novo alento foi sem dúvida dado pela consciencialização relativamente à importância do seu património arqueológico, histórico e natural. Esta tese pretende clarificar a relação existente entre o Projecto Mértola Vila Museu e o desenvolvimento local, caracterizando e analisando o projecto com o objectivo de conhecer as suas acções, implicações e consequências no desenvolvimento de Mértola. Passados trinta anos esta reflexão é essencial para perceber se este projecto foi, ainda é, e será, factor de desenvolvimento local, e quais as suas perspectivas de futuro. ABSTRACT: From the end of the 70s of the 20th century Mértola has experienced a new phase, not as magnificent as when it was a city port in the past, when it was a link in the relationship with the riches of the Mediterranean but at least as a town with knowledge of its roots, a town ready to construct its new future. This new breath of energy was, without doubt, given by the awareness of the importance of its archaeological, historical and natural heritage. This thesis aims to clarify the relationship that exists between the Project “Mértola Museum Town” and local development, characterizing and analyzing the project with the aim of getting to know its actions, implications and consequences in Mértola’s development. With the passing of thirty years, this reflection is essential in order to understand whether this project was, still is and will be a factor in local development and what are its perspectives for the future.