557 resultados para Kraft pulping


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Este trabalho constou num estudo da modificação da pasta kraft de eucalipto, utilizando uma técnica de processamento por alta pressão hidrostática com o intuito de melhorar a sua performance para novas aplicações tal como o papel tissue ou o papel para embalagens. Para tal pretendia-se melhorar algumas propriedades da pasta com a utilização da técnica de alta pressão hidrostática. Realizou-se um estudo preliminar onde se submeteu uma pasta branqueada A, não refinada, a um tratamento hiperbárico (TH) numa gama de pressões de 5000-8000 bar. Para uma pressão de 6000 bar constatou-se uma melhoria de cerca de 16 % no alongamento percentual na rotura, 17 % na resistência à tração, 27 % no índice de rebentamento e cerca de 19 % no índice de rasgamento. Posteriormente, e tendo em conta os resultados positivos verificados na pasta A, estudou-se o efeito do TH numa pasta branqueada B variando a consistência de tratamento (1,5% ou 3%) e o tempo de processamento (5 ou 10 minutos). Foi estudado também o efeito do TH quando aplicado antes e após a refinação da pasta. A pasta branca foi submetida à refinação num moinho PFI entre 1000 e 3000 rotações. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o TH realizado a menores consistências apresenta um efeito mais significativo nas propriedades físico-mecânicas de pastas e que o efeito é distinto quando o processamento é aplicado antes e depois da refinação, tendo-se registado melhoramentos das propriedades mecânicas apenas quando o TH ocorre após a refinação. A pasta kraft foi também modificada com anidrido alquenil succínico (ASA). A modificação da pasta de celulose com ASA resultou numa diminuição das propriedades mecânicas e para além disso não gerou qualquer alteração na termoplasticidade do material, no entanto registou-se um aumento na resistência à molhabilidade. Concluiu-se que o TH conduz a alterações ao nível de propriedades mecânicas e estruturais da pasta de interesse para a aplicação em papéis tissue no caso da pasta B. Para além disso a modificação da pasta com ASA resultou em alterações de interesse particular para papéis de embalagem.


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Dissolving-grade pulps are commonly used for the production of cellulose derivatives and regenerated cellulose. High cellulose content, low content of non-cellulosic material, high brightness, a uniform molecular weight distribution and high cellulose reactivity are the key features that determine the quality of a dissolving pulp. The first part of this work was an optimization study regarding the application of selected enzymes in different stages of a new purification process recently developed in Novozymes for purifying an eucalypt Kraft pulp into dissolving pulp, as an alternative to the pre-hydrolysis kraft (PHK) process. In addition, a viscosity reduction was achieved by cellulase (endoglucanase) treatment in the beginning of the sequence, while the GH11 and GH10 xylanases contributed to boost the brightness of the final pulp. The second part of the work aimed at exploring different auxiliary enzyme activities together with a key xylanase towards further removal of recalcitrant hemicelluloses from a partially bleached Eucalypt Kraft pulp. The resistant fraction (ca. 6% xylan in pulp) was not hydrolysable by the different combinations of enzymes tested. Production of a dissolving pulp was successful when using a cold caustic extraction (CCE) stage in the end of the sequence O-X-DHCE-X-HCE-D-CCE. The application of enzymes improved process efficiency. The main requirements for the production of a dissolving pulp (suitable for viscose making) were fulfilled: 2,7% residual xylan, 92,4% of brightness, a viscosity within the values of a commercial dissolving pulp and increased reactivity.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2016.


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Denna studie uppmärksammar kollektivtrafik som transformativ förändringskraft i städer. I studien talas om att se kollektivtrafik som ryggraden i hållbar mobilitet och en möjliggörare för förändring, med visionen att bygga en stad för människor. En levande och attraktiv stad där kollektivtrafik sätts in i ett större sammanhang för att underlätta människors vardag.  Sveriges tre största stadsregioner; Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö har studerats. För att på ett djupare plan förstå dessa förändringsprocesser har även sju internationella jämförelsestudier tagits fram (Freiburg, Zürich, London, Paris, Singapore, Kapstaden och Buenos Aires), liksom en konceptuell och teoretisk analys- och tolkningsram. Såväl de svenska som utländska fallstudierna pekar på att det finns många utmaningar i växande stadsregioner.  Studien ger en ökad insikt om att kollektivtrafik kan vara ett verktyg att bryta sociala och miljömässiga utmaningar, liksom mobilitetsutmaningar. Det krävs en avancerad produktionslogik för att utveckla kapacitetsstarka kollektivtrafiklösningar, men när allt är på plats i ett samverkande system kan kunden/resenären utnyttja systemet i sin egen värdeskapande process utifrån en kundorienterad tjänstelogik. Det finns ett behov av en fortsatt lärprocess för att använda kollektivtrafik som transformativ kraft. Det är människor som rör sig i staden, kollektivtrafik är endast ett medel. Det är med gemensamma offentliga och privata resurser som en levande, hållbar och attraktiv livsmiljö kan skapas, men det måste ske inom ramen gemensamma värderingar och berättelser.  Då utvecklas ett samhälle som bygger på tillit. Att hantera transformation, värdeskapande och hållberhet kräver flernivåstyrning, resursintegration och en utmaningsdriven tjänsteinnovation. Delarna finns där, men det behövs ett mer samlat grepp för att fullt ut utnyttja potentialen i Kollektivtrafik som transformativ kraft för levande och hållbara städer.


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Single stage and two-stage sodium sulfite cooking were carried out on either spruce, pine or pure pine heartwood chips to investigate the influence of several process parameters on the initial phase of such a cook down to about 60 % pulp yield. The cooking experiments were carried out in the laboratory with either a lab-prepared or a mill-prepared cooking acid and the temperature and time were varied. The influences of dissolved organic and inorganic components in the cooking liquor on the final pulp composition and on the extent of side reactions were investigated. Kinetic equations were developed and the activation energies for delignification and carbohydrate dissolution were calculated using the Arrhenius equation. A better understanding of the delignification mechanisms during bisulfite and acid sulfite cooking was obtained by analyzing the lignin carbohydrate complexes (LCC) present in the pulp when different cooking conditions were used. It was found that using a mill-prepared cooking acid beneficial effect with respect to side reactions, extractives removal and higher stability in pH during the cook were observed compared to a lab-prepared cooking acid. However, no significant difference in degrees of delignification or carbohydrate degradation was seen.  The cellulose yield was not affected in the initial phase of the cook however; temperature had an influence on the rates of both delignification and hemicellulose removal. It was also found that the  corresponding activation energies increased in the order:  xylan, glucomannan, lignin and cellulose. The cooking temperature could thus be used to control the cook to a given carbohydrate composition in the final pulp. Lignin condensation reactions were observed during acid sulfite cooking, especially at higher temperatures. The LCC studies indicated the existence of covalent bonds between lignin and hemicellulose components with respect to xylan and glucomannan. LCC in native wood showed the presence of phenyl glycosides, ϒ-esters and α-ethers; whereas the α-ethers  were affected during sulfite pulping. The existence of covalent bonds between lignin and wood polysaccharides might be the rate-limiting factor in sulfite pulping.


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Despite the large quantity of sugarcane grown in Australia, no bagasse is pulped in the country. This is largely because of an established pulp industry based on the abundant native hardwood resources. However, increasing demand for fibre and the limited availability of additional forest areas make bagasse pulping attractive. Issues relating to infrastructure and economics are discussed, and scenarios of acceptable risk identified. It is shown that there should be scope for the production of bleached bagasse pulp in Australia.


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In this experimental study the permeability of Australian bagasse chemical pulps obtained from different bagasse fractions were measured in a simple permeability cell and the results compared to one another as well as to eucalypt, Argentinean bagasse and pine pulps. The pulps were characterised in terms of the permeability parameters, the specific surface area, Sv, and the swelling factor, α. It was found that the bagasse fraction used affects these parameters. Fractionation of whole bagasse prior to pulping produced pulps that have permeability properties that compare favourably with eucalypt pulp. The values of Sv and α for bagasse pulp also depend on whether a constant or a variable Kozeny factor is used.


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Now in its sixth edition, the Traffic Engineering Handbook continues to be a must have publication in the transportation industry, as it has been for the past 60 years. The new edition provides updated information for people entering the practice and for those already practicing. The handbook is a convenient desk reference, as well as an all in one source of principles and proven techniques in traffic engineering. Most chapters are presented in a new format, which divides the chapters into four areas-basics, current practice, emerging trends and information sources. Chapter topics include road users, vehicle characteristics, statistics, planning for operations, communications, safety, regulations, traffic calming, access management, geometrics, signs and markings, signals, parking, traffic demand, maintenance and studies. In addition, as the focus in transportation has shifted from project based to operations based, two new chapters have been added-"Planning for Operations" and "Managing Traffic Demand to Address Congestion: Providing Travelers with Choices." The Traffic Engineering Handbook continues to be one of the primary reference sources for study to become a certified Professional Traffic Operations Engineer™. Chapters are authored by notable and experienced authors, and reviewed and edited by a distinguished panel of traffic engineering experts.


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The effect of bentonite micro-particles and cationic polyacrylamide (CPAM) on the filtration properties of bagasse pulp was investigated under shearing conditions. CPAM improves retention but the bentonite addition level must be optimised for further improvements in retention. A Dynamic Drainage Jar (‘Britt Jar’) was modified to allow bagasse pulp slurry to be subjected to vacuum allowing a thin pulp pad to be formed. Bagasse pulp which had had the majority of the fine fibre removed prior to pulping drained more quickly than a conventional bagasse pulp when vacuum was not applied, however this situation was reversed when vacuum was used. The flocculants continue to improve fibre retention under vacuum and shear conditions but with reduced effectiveness.


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A precise definition of interaction behavior between services is a prerequisite for successful business-to-business integration. Service choreographies provide a view on message exchanges and their ordering constraints from a global perspective. Assuming message sending and receiving as one atomic step allows to reduce the modelers’ effort. As downside, problematic race conditions resulting in deadlocks might appear when realizing the choreography using services that exchange messages asynchronously. This paper presents typical issues when desynchronizing service choreographies. Solutions from practice are discussed and a formal approach based on Petri nets is introduced for identifying desynchronizable choreographies.


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Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified multiple common genetic variants associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer (PrCa), but these explain less than one-third of the heritability. To identify further susceptibility alleles, we conducted a meta-analysis of four GWAS including 5953 cases of aggressive PrCa and 11 463 controls (men without PrCa). We computed association tests for approximately 2.6 million SNPs and followed up the most significant SNPs by genotyping 49 121 samples in 29 studies through the international PRACTICAL and BPC3 consortia. We not only confirmed the association of a PrCa susceptibility locus, rs11672691 on chromosome 19, but also showed an association with aggressive PrCa [odds ratio = 1.12 (95% confidence interval 1.03-1.21), P = 1.4 × 10(-8)]. This report describes a genetic variant which is associated with aggressive PrCa, which is a type of PrCa associated with a poorer prognosis.