219 resultados para Viridans Streptococci


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Objectives To review the epidemiology of native septic arthritis to establish local guidelines for empirical antibiotic therapy as part of an antibiotic stewardship programme. Methods We conducted a 10 year retrospective study based on positive synovial fluid cultures and discharge diagnosis of septic arthritis in adult patients. Microbiology results and medical records were reviewed. Results Between 1999 and 2008, we identified 233 episodes of septic arthritis. The predominant causative pathogens were methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) and streptococci (respectively, 44.6% and 14.2% of cases). Only 11 cases (4.7%) of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) arthritis were diagnosed, among which 5 (45.5%) occurred in known carriers. For large-joint infections, amoxicillin/clavulanate or cefuroxime would have been appropriate in 84.5% of cases. MRSA and Mycobacterium tuberculosis would have been the most frequent pathogens that would not have been covered. In contrast, amoxicillin/clavulanate would have been appropriate for only 75.3% of small-joint infections (82.6% if diabetics are excluded). MRSA and Pseudomonas aeruginosa would have been the main pathogens not covered. Piperacillin/tazobactam would have been appropriate in 93.8% of cases (P < 0.01 versus amoxicillin/clavulanate). This statistically significant advantage is lost after exclusion of diabetics (P = 0.19). Conclusions Amoxicillin/clavulanate or cefuroxime would be adequate for empirical coverage of large-joint septic arthritis in our area. A broad-spectrum antibiotic would be significantly superior for small-joint infections in diabetics. Systematic coverage of MRSA is not justified, but should be considered for known carriers. These recommendations are applicable to our local setting. They might also apply to hospitals sharing the same epidemiology.


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Peu d’études ont exploré l’utilisation du traitement prolongé pour les mammites cliniques et aucune ne portait sur l’utilisation du traitement prolongé à base de ceftiofur pour le traitement des mammites cliniques légères à modérées. L’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer l’efficacité du traitement intra-mammaire prolongé à base de ceftiofur pour les mammites cliniques légères à modérées, en considérant toutes les bactéries responsables ou seulement Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) et les streptocoques. Des vaches laitières (n = 241) de 22 élevages du Québec et de l’Ontario ont été inclues. L’étude a été conçue comme un essai clinique à allocation aléatoire. Pour chaque cas de mammite clinique légère à modérée, 125 mg d’hydrochloride de ceftiofur (Spectramast® LC) a été administré par voie intra-mammaire une fois par jour pour 2 ou 8 jours. Le pourcentage de guérison clinique 21 jours après la fin du traitement était de 89% (n = 98/110 pour chaque groupe, p = 0,95). Les pourcentages de guérison bactériologique 21 jours après la fin du traitement pour les groupes 2 jours et 8 jours étaient 32% (n = 15/47) et 61% (n = 25/41) respectivement pour toutes les bactéries (p < 0,01); 64% (n = 9/14) et 82% (n = 9/11) respectivement pour les streptocoques (p = 0,50); et 0% (n = 0/20) et 47% (n = 9/19) pour S. aureus (p < 0,01). Il n'y avait pas de différence entre les 2 groupes pour les nouvelles infections intra-mammaires (p = 0,30). Le traitement prolongé à base de ceftiofur est un choix raisonnable pour le traitement des mammites cliniques légères à modérées, en particulier causées par S. aureus.


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Chez les bactéries à chromosome circulaire, la réplication peut engendrer des dimères que le système de recombinaison site-spécifique dif/Xer résout en monomères afin que la ségrégation des chromosomes fils et la division cellulaire se fassent normalement. Ses composants sont une ou deux tyrosines recombinases de type Xer qui agissent à un site de recombinaison spécifique, dif, avec l’aide de la translocase FtsK qui mobilise l’ADN au septum avant la recombinaison. Ce système a été d’abord identifié et largement caractérisé chez Escherichia coli mais il a également été caractérisé chez de nombreuses bactéries à Gram négatif et positif avec des variantes telles que les systèmes à une seule recombinase comme difSL/XerS chez Streptococcus sp et Lactococcus sp. Des études bio-informatiques ont suggéré l’existence d’autres systèmes à une seule recombinase chez un sous-groupe d’ε-protéobactéries pathogènes, dont Campylobacter jejuni et Helicobacter pylori. Les acteurs de ce nouveau système sont XerH et difH. Dans ce mémoire, les premières recherches in vitro sur ce système sont présentées. La caractérisation de la recombinase XerH de C. jejuni a été entamée à l’aide du séquençage de son gène et de tests de liaison et de clivage de l’ADN. Ces études ont montré que XerH pouvait se lier au site difSL de S. suis de manière non-coopérative : que XerH peut se lier à des demi-sites de difSL mais qu’elle ne pouvait, dans les conditions de l’étude effectuer de clivage sur difSL. Des recherches in silico ont aussi permis de faire des prédictions sur FtsK de C. jejuni.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Streptococcus du Groupe B (GBS) et Streptococcus suis sont deux pathogènes encapsulés qui induisent des pathologies similaires dont la méningite et la septicémie chez les animaux et/ou les humains. Les sérotypes III et V du GBS et les sérotypes 2 et 14 du S. suis (utilisés dans cette étude) sont parmi les plus prévalents et/ou les plus virulents. La capsule polysaccharidique (CPS) définit le sérotype et est considérée comme un facteur de virulence essentiel pour les deux espèces bactériennes. Malgré que plusieurs études aient été réalisées au niveau des interactions entre ces streptocoques et les cellules de l’immunité innée, aucune information n’est disponible sur la régulation de la réponse immunitaire contre ces pathogènes par les cellules dendritiques (DCs) et leur interactions avec d’autres cellules, notamment les cellules ‘natural killer’ (NK). Dans cette étude, différentes approches (in vitro, ex vivo et in vivo) chez la souris ont été développées pour caractériser les interactions entre les DCs, les cellules NK et GBS ou S. suis. L’utilisation de mutants non encapsulés a permis d’évaluer l’importance de la CPS dans ces interactions. Les résultats in vitro avec les DCs infectées par GBS ou S. suis ont démontré que ces deux pathogènes interagissent différemment avec ces cellules. GBS est grandement internalisé par les DCs, et ce, via de multiples mécanismes impliquant notamment les radeaux lipidiques et la clathrine. Le mécanisme d’endocytose utilisé aurait un effet sur la capacité du GBS à survivre intracellulairement. Quant au S. suis, ce dernier est très faiblement internalisé et, si le cas, rapidement éliminé à l’intérieur des DCs. GBS et S. suis activent les DCs via différents récepteurs et favorisent la production de cytokines et chimiokines ainsi que l’augmentation de l’expression de molécules de co-stimulation. Cette activation permet la production d’interferon-gamma (IFN-y) par les cellules NK. Cependant, GBS semble plus efficient à activer les DCs, et par conséquent, les cellules NK que S. suis. La production d’IFN-y, en réponse à la stimulation bactérienne, est principalement assurée par un contact direct entre les DCs et les cellules NK et ne dépend qu’en partie de facteurs solubles. De plus, nos résultats in vivo ont démontré que ces deux streptocoques induisent rapidement la libération d'IFN-y par les cellules NK lors de la phase aiguë de l'infection. Ceci suggère que les interactions entre les DCs et les cellules NK pourraient jouer un rôle dans le développement d’une réponse immune T auxiliaire de type 1 (T ‘helper’ 1 en anglais; Th1). Cependant, la capacité de S. suis à activer la réponse immunitaire in vivo est également plus faible que celle observée pour GBS. En effet, les CPSs de GBS et de S. suis jouent des rôles différents dans cette réponse. La CPS de S. suis empêche une activation optimale des DCs et des cellules NK alors que c’est l’opposé pour la CPS de GBS, indépendamment du sérotype évalué. En résumé, cette étude adresse pour la première fois la contribution des DCs et des cellules NK dans la réponse immunitaire innée lors d’une infection à GBS ou à S. suis et, par extension, dans le développement d’une réponse Th1. Nos résultats renforcent davantage le rôle central des DCs dans le contrôle efficace des infections causées par des bactéries encapsulées.


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Microbiological studies on the incidence, behaviour, activity and ecological implications of marine micro~organisms, particularly microbial pathogens in coastal waters and estuaries exhibit the increasing concern and awareness of environmental impacts on health and wealth. Marine microbiologists have been active in investigating on the distribution, kinds of organisms and their activity in the environment. However, informations on the effect of environment on the ecology or on the distribution (spatial/temporal) of microbial comunity and competition among groups inhabiting the ecosystem are sparE§L Estuarine environment are complex with respect to diversity of habitats, variation in physicochemical parameters and contamination by terrestrial bacterial species. Being the organisms of‘public health significance, ecological studies on total coliforms, faecal coliforms, faecal streptococci, §. ggli and X. parahaemolyticus have great relevance as studies of these types would provide a wealth of information to environmentalists and to fishery industry. In order to evalé%e the status, role and significance of potentially hazardous bacterial species in natural environment it is necessary to monitor the ecology of such organisms systematically in relation to physico-chemical parameters


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Water quality of rooftop-collected rainwater is an issue of increased interest particularly in developing countries where the collected water is used as a source of drinking water. Bacteriological and chemical parameters of 25 samples of rooftop-harvested rainwater stored in ferrocement tanks were analyzed in the study described in this article. Except for the pH and lower dissolved oxygen levels, all other physicochemical parameters were within World Health Organization guidelines. Bacteriological results revealed that the rooftop-harvested rainwater stored in tanks does not often meet the bacteriological quality standards prescribed for drinking water. Fifty percent of samples of harvested rainwater for rural and urban community use and 20% of the samples for individual household use showed the presence of E. coli. Fecal coliform/fecal streptococci ratios revealed nonhuman animal sources of fecal pollution. Risk assessment of bacterial isolates from the harvested rainwater showed high resistance to ampicillin, erythromycin, penicillin, and vancomycin. Multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) indexing of the isolates and elucidation of the resistance patterns revealed that 73% of the isolates exhibited MAR


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Effect of delayed icing on the microbial quality and shelf-life of Hilsa toll was studied . Fish iced in rigor condition had a shelf-life of 11 days irrespective of the state of rigor . Fish procured from the landing centre had a shelf-life of only 8 days . It showed the presence of coagulase positive staphylococci, faecal streptococci and E. coli. Total bacterial count was low in all the samples and it increased after spoilage


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A discoespondilite é uma doença infecciosa rara que afecta, de forma crónica, os discos intervertebrais e as extremidades adjacentes dos corpos vertebrais. Geralmente advém de uma infecção disseminada por via hematógena e os agentes mais frequentes são bacterianos e são principalmente Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., E. Coli e Brucella spp. Também pode ser devida a infecções fúngicas, parasitárias ou migração de corpos estranhos. É caracterizada pela degenerescência do disco intervertebral e lesões escleróticas e proliferativas das extremidades dos corpos vertebrais. O principal sinal clínico desta doença é a hiperestesia paravertebral e alterações da marcha ou relutância ao movimento. Febre e anorexia são menos frequentes do que seria de esperar e os sinais neurológicos são considerados raros. O diagnóstico desta doença é geralmente radiográfico e a determinação do agente pode ser conseguida por cultura de material discal, hemocultura ou urocultura. Podem ser usados meios de imagiologia avançada como TAC e RM para melhor avaliar a extensão das lesões e o envolvimento dos tecidos circunvizinhos. A realização de hemogramas raramente revela alterações significativas embora possa existir leucocitose. O tratamento médico é eficaz em aproximadamente 76% dos casos e deve ser feito com base em cultura e TSA mas, de forma empírica, as cefalosporinas de primeira geração são frequentemente utilizadas. Em alguns casos pode ser necessária a estabilização ou desbridamento cirúrgicos. O estudo retrospectivo realizado no âmbito deste trabalho, teve como objectivo avaliar os sinais clínicos, radiográficos e laboratoriais , assim como o maneio médico e cirúrgico de 10 casos de discoespondilite confirmada radiográfica e clinicamente, num período de 2 anos. Observou-se maior prevalência da doença em machos, em cães jovens e adultos, e raças de grande porte. A região mais afectada foi a junção lombossagrada, e o sinal mais observado foi a dor paraespinhal. No entanto os sinais neurológicos foram mais frequentes do que o descrito. Os agentes isolados em cultura de material discal não foram os mais comuns. O tratamento médico instituído pelos veterinários foi eficaz em 6 dos casos, Foi necessária intervenção cirúrgica em 3 e 1 animal não recuperou totalmente até à conclusão deste estudo.


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Two strains of an unidentified, Gram-positive, catalase-negative, chain-forming, coccus-shaped organism recovered from seals were characterized using phenotypic and molecular taxonomic methods. Based on morphological and biochemical criteria the strains were tentatively identified as streptococci but they did not appear to correspond to any recognized species of the genus Streptococcus. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing studies showed that the strains were closely related to each other and confirmed their placement in the genus Streptococcus. Sequence divergence values of > 5 % with reference streptococcal species demonstrated the organisms from seals represent a novel species. SDS-PAGE analysis of whole-cell proteins confirmed that the two organisms were closely related to each other but were different from all currently defined streptococcal species. Based on biochemical criteria, molecular chemical and molecular genetic evidence, it is proposed that the unknown isolates from seals be assigned to a novel species of the genus Streptococcus, Streptococcus marimammalium sp. nov. The type strain is M54/01/(T) (=CCUG 48494(T)=CIP 108309(T)).


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Due to the major role of Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus in the etiology of dental caries, it is important to use culture media that allow for differentiating these bacterial species. The aim of this study was to evaluate the suitability of a modified SB-20 culture medium (SB-20M) for the isolation and morphological differentiation of S. mutans and S. sobrinus, compared to biochemical identification (biotyping). Saliva samples were collected using the spatula method from 145 children, seeded on plates containing the SB-20M, in which sucrose was replaced by coarse granular cane sugar, and incubated in microaerophilia at 37 degrees C during 72 h. Identification of the microorganisms was performed under stereomicroscopy based on colony morphology of 4904 colonies. The morphological identification was examined by biochemical tests of 94 randomly selected colonies with the macroscopic characteristic of S. mutans and S. sobrinus using sugar fermentation, resistance to bacitracin and production of hydrogen peroxide. There was no statistically significant difference (p> 0.05) between morphological identification in the SB-20M medium and biochemical identification (biotyping). Biotyping confirmed that S. mutans and S. sobrinus colonies were correctly characterized in the SB-20M in 95.8% and 95.5% of the cases, respectively. Of the mutans streptococci detected in the children 98% were S. mutans and 2% S. sobrinus. The SB-20M medium is reliable for detection and direct morphological identification of S. mutans and S. sobrinus. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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To study the physical properties of two experimental dentifrices for complete denture hygiene, their effect on denture biofilm removal and antimicrobial properties by means of a clinical trial. The experimental dentifrices comprised two compositions. One was based on the addition of 1% chloramine T (D1) and the other on the presence of 0.01% fluorosurfactant (D2). Measurements of density, pH, consistency, rheological features and abrasiveness were conducted. Sixty complete denture wearers were randomly assigned to three groups and were instructed to brush their dentures with a specific toothbrush: (1) Water (control); (2) D1; or (3) D2. Each method was used for 21 days. Denture biofilm was disclosed by a 1% neutral red solution and quantified by means of digital photos taken from the internal surface. Microbiological assessment was conducted to quantify Candida sp. and mutans streptococci. Data were evaluated by one-way anova and Tukey HSD, or Kruskal-Wallis (alpha = 0.05). Both dentifrices decreased biofilm coverage when compared with the control group. D1 was the most efficacious treatment to reduce mutans streptococci, whereas D2 showed an intermediate outcome (anova, p < 0.040). No treatment influenced Candida albicans or non-albicans species (Kruskal-Wallis, p = 0.163 and 0.746, respectively). It can be concluded that brushing complete dentures with the experimental dentifrices tested could be effective for the removal of denture biofilm.


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Goniosomatine harvestmen have strongly armed pedipalps, generally large bodies and, commonly, very long legs (sometimes more than 20 cm), and are distributed in the Brazilian Atlantic forest, from southern Bahia to Santa Catarina. Since they are conspicuous animals and individuals of some species tend to concentrate in caves (and also under rock boulders), they have been (and still are) the target of several studies, especially those focusing on reproductive and defensive behavior, population ecology, physiology, chromosomes, etc. In spite of their importance for biological studies (some species constitute important and frequently used models for these studies), the taxonomy of Goniosomatinae has faced some problems, including misidentification, a large number of undescribed species and the lack of a phylogenetic hypothesis for the relationships among its species (which would allow evolutionary studies to be made). The last taxonomic changes in the subfamily were made 60 years ago. Considering a taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis of the subfamily to be of paramount importance, the main scope of the present paper is to provide a cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the species of Goniosomatinae and a new arrangement of genera (and species). The main taxonomic changes are given as follows. Six genera are recognised within the subfamily: Goniosoma; the newly described genus Pyatan; the reestablished genera Serracutisoma, Heteromitobates and Mitogoniella; and Acutisoma. New generic synonyms include: Glyptogoniosoma = Goniosomella = Lyogoniosoma = Metalyogoniosoma = Xulapona = Goniosoma, Acutisomelloides = Pygosomoides = Spelaeosoma = Serracutisoma; and Acutisomella = Heteromitobates. Newly described species include: Goniosoma capixaba; G. apoain; Pyatan insperatum DaSilva, Stefanini-Jim & Gnaspini; Serracutisoma pseudovarium; S. fritzmuelleri; S. guaricana; Heteromitobates anarchus; H. harlequin; H. alienus; Mitogoniella taquara; M. unicornis; and Acutisoma coriaceum. New combinations include: Goniosoma macracanthum (Mello-Leitao, 1922); G. unicolor (Mello-Leitao, 1932); G. carum (Mello-Leitao, 1936); Serracutisoma proximum (Mello-Leitao, 1922); S. banhadoae (Soares & Soares, 1947); S. molle (Mello-Leitao, 1933); S. thalassinum (Simon, 1879); S. catarina (Machado, Pinto-da-Rocha & Ramires, 2002); S. inerme (Mello-Leitao, 1927); S. spelaeum (MelloLeitao, 1933); Heteromitobates inscriptus (Mello-Leitao, 1922); H. albiscriptus (Mello-Leitao, 1932); Mitogoniella modesta (Perty, 1833); and M. badia (Koch, 1839). Reestablished combinations include: Mitogoniella indistincta MelloLeitao, 1936 and Acutisoma longipes Roewer, 1913. New speci. c synonyms include: Acutisomella cryptoleuca = Acutisomella intermedia = Goniosoma junceum = Goniosoma patruele = Goniosoma xanthophthalmum = Metalyogoniosoma unum = Goniosoma varium, Goniosoma geniculatum = Goniosoma venustum; Goniosomella perlata = Progoniosoma minense = Goniosoma vatrax, Glyptogoniosoma perditum = Progoniosoma cruciferum = Progoniosoma tijuca = Goniosoma dentipes; Leitaoius iguapensis = Leitaoius viridifrons = Serracutisoma proximum; Acutisoma marumbicola = Acutisoma patens = Serracutisoma thalassinum; Progoniosoma tetrasetae = Serracutisoma inerme; and Acutisoma monticola = Leitaoius nitidissimus = Leitaoius xanthomus = Mitogoniella mutila = Acutisoma longipes. The following species are considered species inquirenda: Goniosoma lepidum Gervais, 1844; G. monacanthum Gervais, 1844; G. obscurum Perty, 1833; G. versicolor Perty, 1833; and Mitogoniella badia (Koch, 1839). The monotpic genus Goniosomoides Mello-Leitao, 1932 (and its species, G. viridans Mello-Leitao, 1932) is removed from Goniosomatinae and considered incertae sedis.


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The technology of modern fermented milk production is not complicated and relies largely on the characteristics of the microorganisms used in its manufacture. Biochemical substances excreted by the starter cultures contribute to the chemical, physical and organoleptic properties of cultured milks. Chemical and organoleptic properties of yoghurt starter cultures have been widely studied over several decades. Conversely the biosynthetic processes and genetic control of the production of viscous extracellular material (slime) by selected thermophillic streptococci is still insufficiently understood. This study attempted to elucidate physiological aspects and the genetic control of slime production. An attempt to chemically induce ropiness was also preformed. Twenty strains of Gram positive, thermo-tolerant, milk dotting, catalase negative cocci were collected from a variety of sources. All strains were identified as Streptococcus thermophilus. Four of the isolates were identified as capable of producing an extracellular, ‘ropy’ capsular material. A negative staining method for highlighting capsular material under light microscopy was described. Ropy isolates displayed thick capsular zones of between 6-8 μm. The isolates graded as non-ropy produced only small capsular zones (less than 2 μm); two variants displayed no capsular material. Instability of the ropy phenotype during subculture and prolonged storage was described for all four ropy isolates at varied temperatures. Instability during transfer was reported as moderate with a loss of no more than 45% of ropy colonies after 15 subcultures at 48°C A significant increase in instability, during transfer, associated with an increase in incubation temperature (37-48°C) was also reported. Prolonged storage of ropy variants over ten days resulted in a drop in the number of ropy colonies. The loss was minimal when cultures were stored at 8°C, but excessive (approaching 100%) at 37°C This suggested the presence of capsular degradative substances. Analysis of the plasmid profiles of 20 strains identified only two strains harboured plasmid DNA. All plasmids were small, less than 23kilobases, and each strain possessed a single plasmid species. Only one ropy strain contained plasmid DNA that was shown, with the aid of curing experiments, not to be linked to production of the ropy phenotype. The amino acid analogue p-fluoro-DL-phenylalanine was unsuccessful in generating ropy colonies from non-ropy variants of Streptococcus thermophilus at low concentrations. Some technological considerations for the use of ropy variants of Streptococcus thermophilus in yoghurt starter cultures were made.


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Lactobacillus plantarum and subspecies of Lactobacillus casei were isolated from good quality mature Cheddar cheese and characterized with respect to metabolic functions that would allow their use in cheesemaking. In this way microbiological control of the maturation process with particular emphasis on protein catabolism was achieved. The lactobacilli isolated were selected for low growth rates (and acid production) in milk, and low proteinase activity to allow for their addition in high numbers to cheesemilk together with the normal starter flora (group N streptococci). The growth and acid production of the starter bacteria were unaffected by the presence of the lactobacilli during cheese manufacture and it was found that the added lactobacilli were able to grow and function under the conditions prevalent in Cheddar cheese during maturation. It was also demonstrated that the lactobacilli could be grown in an artificial medium to high numbers under controlled conditions and could be harvested for the preparation of cell concentrates, a necessary characteristic for commercialization. The lactobacilli also metabolized citrate, a potential problem in cheese maturation associated with C02 production but this did not adversely affect the maturation process under the conditions used. Compared to the group N streptococci the non-starter lactobacilli possessed a proteinase system that had a higher temperature optimum and was less affected by heat and sodium chloride. They also possessed a more active peptidase system although both the lactobacilli and the starter organisms possessed a similar range of peptidases. Non-starter lactobacilli were added to normal cheese and cheese made with proteinase negative starter. The added organisms did not adversely affect manufacturing parameters and did not metabolize citrate or lead to the formation of biogenic amines. However protein catabolism rates, particularly with respect to peptide degradation, were increased, as was flavour development and intensity. It was observed that the body and texture of the cheeses was unaffected by the treatment. By controlling both the starter and non-starter microflora in the cheeses a practical system for favourably influencing cheese maturation was possible. The investigation has demonstrated that carefully selected and characterized non-starter lactobacilli can be incorporated into Cheddar cheese manufacture in order to influence flavour development during maturation. Moreover the organisms can be added to the vat stage of manufacture without causing problems to the manufacturing process. This approach is a simple cost effective means of improving the cost of Cheddar cheese production and provides an unique opportunity to improve and control quality of all Cheddar cheese produced.