336 resultados para Anticorpo bactericida


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As acidemias orgânicas são desordens metabólicas caracterizadas, bioquimicamente, pelo acúmulo de um ou mais ácidos orgânicos e, clinicamente, por disfunções neurológicas graves. Os ácidos propiônico (PA) e metilmalônico (MMA) são metabólitos presentes, em altas concentrações, nos tecidos e fluídos biológicos de pacientes afetados pelas acidemias propiônica e metilmalônica, respectivamente. Os neurofilamentos (NFs) são proteínas do citoesqueleto neuronal formados pela polimerização de três subunidades, denominadas: NF de alto peso molecular (NFH), NF de médio peso molecular (NF-M) e NF de baixo peso molecular (NF-L), com pesos moleculares aparentes de 200, 150 e 68 kDa, respectivamente. Essas proteínas são amplamente fosforiladas, sendo que seu nível de fosforilação está relacionado com a polimerização dos NFs e com a regulação das interações entre os constituintes do citoesqueleto. Neste trabalho fizemos um estudo ontogenético dos efeitos in vitro do PA e do MMA 2,5 mM sobre a imunorreatividade da subunidade NF-H em fatias de córtex cerebral de ratos de 9, 12, 17, 21 e 60 dias de idade. Para tanto utilizamos uma abordagem metodológica baseada na imunodetecção da NF-H com dois anticorpos diferentes: o anticorpo monoclonal anti NF-200 clone NE14 que se liga somente a epítopos fosforilados da NF-H e, portanto, reconhece a NF-H fosforilada; e o anticorpo monoclonal anti NF-200 clone N52 que reconhece a NF-H total, independentemente do nível de fosforilação. Nossos resultados mostraram que os metabólitos induzem alterações na imunorreatividade da NF-H presente na fração citoesquelética de maneira dependente do estágio de desenvolvimento do animal Considerando o conjunto de dados obtidos com os anticorpos NE14 e N52 na fração citoesquelética, podemos dizer que o tratamento das fatias de córtex cerebral de ratos de 9 dias aumentou o nível de fosforilação sem alterar o imunoconteúdo total; em ratos de 12 e 17 dias de vida levou a um acúmulo da subunidade NF-H na fração citoesquelética e que esta proteína está na forma fosforilada; e finalmente, em ratos de 21 e 60 dias de vida os metabólitos não alteraram os parâmetros estudados. Mostramos, também, que o acúmulo da NF-H provocado pelos metabólitos em ratos de 12 e 17 dias de vida não decorreu de um aumento na síntese da proteína, mas, provalvelmente devido a um desequilíbrio na relação NF-H solúvel/NF-H polimerizada, que favoreceu a forma polimerizada. Finalmente, mostramos um possível envolvimento de mecanismos de neurotransmissão GABAérgica e glutamatérgica para os efeitos observados em ratos de 12 e 17 dias de idade, respectivamente. Considerando que a fosforilação é um mecanismo importante para a regulação da dinâmica de polimerização dos NFs e das interações com outros componentes do citoesqueleto, sugerimos que uma desorganização na sua homeostase possa causar uma neurodegeneração, que é característica dos pacientes portadores das acidemias propiônica e metilmalônica.


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AgNORs, e expressão do Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) em células epiteliais de ameloblastomas. Onze casos de ameloblastomas foram submetidos à técnica de hematoxilina e eosina, para análise morfológica; à técnica de impregnação com prata para quantificação das AgNORs e à marcação com anticorpo anti-Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor. Os resultados não revelaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas quanto à quantificação das AgNORs. A expressão do EGFR nas ilhas epiteliais de ameloblastoma não se mostrou uniforme, sendo possível identificar ilhas marcadas e ilhas sem marcação. A localização da marcação também foi variável nas diferentes ilhas epiteliais, sendo a marcação predominante a de citoplasma e raras as de membrana, essas geralmente eram nas ilhas epiteliais de menor tamanho. Concluiu-se que o tumor apresenta um crescimento irregular, com as ilhas de menor tamanho podendo estar associadas a uma maior atividade proliferativa, contribuindo para a infiltração do tumor.


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A mielopoiese depende do estroma mielossuportivo tanto no que diz respeito a produção de fatores de crescimento como de proteoglicanos de heparan-sulfato. O ambiente intercelular formado entre células do estroma e células progenitoras mielóides possui características ácidas, conferidas por moléculas carregadas negativamente e sensíveis a sialidase. Gangliosídios, glicoesfingolipídios contendo pelo menos uma molécula de ácido siálico, têm sido relacionados à modulação de fatores de crescimento e à diferenciação de células hematopoiéticas. Neste trabalho, estudamos a produção, a distribuição e o papel dos gangliosídios em um modelo experimental in vitro de mielopoiese dependente do estroma derivado de fígado fetal murino AFT-024. Utilizamos como sistema de resposta para o monitoramento da disponibilidade e atividade local de GM-CSF a linhagem celular precursora mielóide FDC-P1, a qual é dependente de GM-CSF para sua sobrevivência e proliferação. O GM3 foi o principal gangliosídio produzido pelo estroma, mas não pelas células mielóides, sendo requerido para que a função mielossuoprtiva do estroma seja ótima. Este gangliosídio foi liberado para o sobrenadante de cultura das células AFT-024 e seletivamente incorporado pelas células progenitoras mielóides, onde foi segregado em rafts e colocalizou-se com a cadeia α do receptor de GM-CSF. Além disso, o gangliosídio GM3 foi encontrado na fração insolúvel de células AFT-024 tratadas com Triton X-100 a 4°C, estando presente também nas frações menos densas do fracionamento em gradiente de sacarose, indicando sua presença em rafts. O GM3 captado pelas células FDC-P1 foi metabolizado, gerando gangliosídios das séries a e b, da mesma forma que o GM3 endógeno. Nestas células, o GM1 é o principal gangliosídio, também sendo encontrado na interface entre estroma e células mielóides, mas com colocalização apenas parcial com a cadeia α do receptor de GM-CSF. As imagens de imunocitoquímica ainda revelaram que o GM1 não apresenta colocalização significante com a cadeia β do receptor de GM-CSF, com o gangliosídio GM3, ou com CD44. Em um outro grupo de experimentos, analisamos o perfil de síntese e shedding de gangliosídios em um estroma derivado de medula óssea, a linhagem celular S17; na linhagem celular GRX, derivada de células estreladas hepáticas isoladas de reação fibro-granulomatosa inflamatória; e em cultivos primários de fibroblasto de pele murinos. Além disso, comparamos a habilidade destes estromas para sustentar a sobrevivência e a proliferação das células precursoras mielóides. A concentração de ácido siálico reflete a capacidade mielossuportiva dos estromas. Embora os diferentes estromas sintetizem os mesmos gangliosídios, existem diferenças no conteúdo relativo de cada gangliosídio. Aparentemente, o GM3 é o principal gangliosídio envolvido na modulação da atividade dos fatores de crescimento. O shedding foi similar ao perfil de síntese de gangliosídios, mas a atividade mielossuportiva dos sobrenadantes foi diferente entre os tipos celulares e em relação a sustentação por contato. No entanto, a proliferação das células FDC-P1 diminuiu em todos os sobrenadantes obtidos de células estromais em que a síntese de gangliosídios foi inibida e onde o gangliosídio GM3 foi neutralizado pelo anticorpo monoclonal anti-GM3. As diferenças encontradas na capacidade de sustentação da proliferação de células progenitoras mielóides por fator de crescimento solúvel ou apresentado podem estar relacionadas a diferenças na concentração de gangliosídios inseridos na membrana plasmática ou liberados para o meio de cultura. Sendo assim propomos que as células do estroma mielossuportivo produzem e secretam os fatores de crescimento necessários e seus cofatores, tais como proteoglicanos de heparan-sulfato. O estroma também fornece gangliosídios, os quais são transferidos do estroma para as célulasalvo, onde geram domínios de membrana específicos contendo complexos macromoleculares que incluem os receptores para fatores de crescimento.


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A dor constitui uma experiência complexa, mediada por distintos sistemas de transmissão sendo integrados por diversos mecanismos neurais. Um dos modelos mais empregados para o estudo da dor neuropática é a secção nervosa periférica, a qual resulta em alterações neuroquímicas e neuroanatômicas em neurônios sensoriais primários e em seus territórios de projeção. Após a secção do nervo ciático, os mamíferos apresentam um aumento na expressão de genes precocemente expressos, como o c-Fos e o c-Jun, no corno dorsal da medula espinal. Animais não mamíferos, como os anfíbios, também vem sendo utilizados como modelos para os estudos dos mecanismos acerca da nocicepção. No presente estudo foi analisado o padrão de imunorreatividade à proteína c-Fos na medula espinal lombossacral e no gânglio da raiz dorsal (GRD) de rãs Rana catesbeiana em condições basais, bem como de rãs submetidas à manipulação e à secção do nervo ciático. Para isso foram utilizados animais adultos, de ambos os sexos, sendo que os mesmos foram sacrificados 3 dias após o procedimento cirúrgico. A técnica imunoistoquímica utilizada foi a do anticorpo não marcado de Sternberger (1979), sendo utilizado anticorpo primário do tipo policlonal, na concentração de 1:700. As alterações no padrão de imunorreatividade a esta proteína no GRD dos três grupos experimentais foram quantificadas através das técnicas de densitometria óptica e contagem neuronal. Para a quantificação da proteína c-Fos na medula espinal lombossacral dos 3 grupos experimentais, utilizou-se a técnica de western blot. Em GRD, a imunorreatividade foi mais pronunciada no citoplasma de neurônios de pequeno (10-20μm), médio (25-35μm), e grande 40-50μm) diâmetro dos 3 grupos experimentais. A manipulação e a secção do nervo ciático provocou aumento no número de núcleos imunorreativos de células de pequeno diâmetro. A densitometria óptica foi significativamente maior no citoplasma das células dos GRDs localizados ipsilateralmente quando comparada com aquela das células pertencentes aos GRDs localizados contralateralmente à lesão. Todavia, não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativa entre a imunorreatividade nuclear nos GRDs entre os 3 grupos experimentais. O número de células imunorreativas nestes gânglios não mostrou mudanças significativas nos 3 grupos experimentais. Na medula espinal, a imunorreatividade à proteína c-Fos ocorreu predominantemente em núcleos localizados nos campos terminais dorsal e ventral, na banda mediolateral, na região ventral medial do corno ventral e nos funículos lateral e ventral medial. Os neurônios motores sempre foram imunorreativos. A manipulação e a secção do nervo ciático resultaram em um acréscimo no número de núcleos imunorreativos localizados nos campos terminais dorsal e ventral, e banda mediolateral, sendo este aumento maior na região do campo terminal dorsal. As demais regiões não mostraram modificações significantes no padrão de imunorreatividade da proteína c-Fos. A expressão desta proteína não modificou significativamente nos 3 grupos experimentais. Estes resultados mostram que, em rãs, similar ao que ocorre em mamíferos, a ativação de fibras aferentes primárias ativam a proteína c-Fos. No entanto, diferente de mamíferos, esta proteína ocorre no citoplasma de células sensoriais. Assim, apesar das rãs constituírem excelentes modelos para o estudo do papel do c-Fos nos mecanismos da transmissão nociceptiva, os estudos futuros abordando esta questão deverão considerar esta particularidade das rãs.


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A doença celíaca (DC) é um distúrbio de má absorção intestinal, causada pela ingestão de glúten e tem como único tratamento uma dieta livre de glúten (DLG). Este estudo teve como objectivo determinar a prevalência, a incidência e os melhores marcadores sorológicos de DC na Região Autónoma da Madeira (RAM), através da análise dos pedidos no serviço de Patologia Clínica do Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça, com marcadores de DC durante o período de Janeiro de 2002 a Dezembro de 2010. A determinação dos marcadores sorológicos (anticorpos antitransglutaminase tecidular IgA (AATA) e IgG (AATG), anticorpos anti-gliadina IgA (AAGA) e IgG (AAGG)) foi realizada no analisador automático ImmunoCAP 250, que utiliza a técnica Fluoro-Enzyme ImmunoAssay (FEIA). Dos 1004 pedidos que requereram marcadores sorológicos para a DC, 214 obtiveram um ou mais marcadores positivos, que pertencem a 130 indivíduos distintos. Quarenta e quatro (44) indivíduos realizaram biópsia intestinal e 38 foram positivas com aspectos morfológicos compatíveis com o diagnóstico de doença celíaca. A doença atingiu mais as crianças que os adultos e foi mais frequente no sexo feminino do que no masculino. A prevalência de DC na RAM de acordo com os resultados das biópsias foi de 15,3 casos por 100.000 habitantes e a incidência foi de 1,9/100.000 habitantes, com uma tendência crescente nos últimos anos. O anticorpo anti-transglutaminase tecidular IgA foi o marcador mais sensível (95,5%), correspondendo ao melhor marcador na detecção inicial de DC. Todas as amostras de crianças com idade inferior a 2 anos devem ser adicionalmente testados para anticorpos anti-gliadina, devido à sua maior sensibilidade (92,3%) em relação aos anticorpos anti-transglutaminase tecidular IgA (84,6%). Este trabalho procurou contribuir para um melhor conhecimento do perfil de doença celíaca da população da RAM.


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GB virus type C (GBV-C) appears to promote a Th1 response and is associated with prolonged survival in HIV-infected people. L. chagasi causes a spectrum of illness that varies from severe visceral leishmaniasis, a disease that in the majority of cases is fatal if not treated, to self resolution of infection and development of positive DTH response that is protective against symptomatic disease. To determine if GBV-C viremia might influence the outcome of Leishmania infection, we characterized GBV-C status in a cohort of subjects residing in a L. chagasi endemic area in Brazil. GBV-C viremia was more prevalent in blood donors from urban than in periurban regions of Natal, Brazil (16% and 7.5% respectively). Evidence of prior GBV-C (anti-E2 antibodies) was detected in 24% and 12%of these groups respectively. Anti-E2 increased with age (p= 0.0121). No difference in GBV-C viremia was found in the DTH+ and VL groups (p= 0.269); however, subjects with visceral leishmaniasis were more likely to have anti-E2 than DTH+ subjects (p=0.0012), and DTH induration was smaller in subjects with E2 antibodies (4.5 mm) compared those without (7.12 mm) (p= 0.002). Furthermore, the size of the Leishmania DTH response was greater in GBV-C viremica subjects (6.8 mm) compared to non-viremic subjects (3.3 mm; p= 0.0054). There findings suggest that GBV-C virus may promote a type 1 immune response that could influence the outcome of Leishmania infection


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Four different sponge species were screened using Ouchterlony agarose gel and immunodiffusion tests to identify cross-reactivity with the polyclonal antibody IgG anti-deglicosilated CvL, a lectin from Cliona varians. Crude extract from the sponge Cinachyrella apion showed cross-reactivity and also a strong haemmaglutinating activity towards human erythrocytes of all ABO groups. Thus, it was submitted to acetone fractionation, IgG anti-deglicosilated CvL Sepharose affinity chromatography, and Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography (FPLC-AKTA) gel filtration on a Superose 6 10 300 column to purify a novel lectin. C. apion lectin (CaL) agglutinated all types of human erythrocytes with preference for papainized type A and O erythrocytes. The haemagglutinating activity is independent of Ca2+, Mg2+ and Mn2+ ions, and it was strongly inhibited by the disaccharide D-lactose, up to a minimum concentration of 6.25 mM. CaL molecular mass determined by FPLC-AKTA gel filtration on a Superose 12 10 300 column and SDS gel electrophoresis was approximately 124 kDa, consisting of eight subunits of 15.5 kDa, assembled by hydrophobic interactions. The lectin was relatively heat- and pH-stable. Leishmania chagasi romastigotes were agglutinated by CaL, indicating that lactose receptors could be presented in this parasite stage. These findings are indicative of the physiological defense roles of CaL and its possible use in the antibiosis of pathogenic protozoa


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Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in Brazil is a disease caused by Leishmania infantum chagasi (L.i.chagasi). The clinical evolution post-infection depends on the vertebrate host immune response, which is genetically mediated. This study aimed to evaluate the immune response of individuals living in endemic area for VL in the state of the Rio Grande do Norte, considering individuals with VL under treatment (n = 9), recovered VL <1 year post treatment (n = 10), > 10 years posttreatment (n = 9), uninfected individuals living in endemic areas (n = 7), individuals that lost DTH response (n=6) and asymptomatic individuals for VL (n=9). Peripheral blood cells were evaluated in the presence and absence of soluble Leishmania antigens (SLA) and ex vivo, to determine activation, presence of regulatory cells and memory cells. The Leishmania parasitemia and anti-Leishmania antibodies were determined respectively by qPCR and ELISA. Cells from individuals with VL under treatment showed less cell activation after stimulation with SLA for the markers CD4/CD69, CD8/CD69 and CD8/CD25 compared with VL post treatment treatment (p <0.001). Apparently uninfected individuals have a higher cell activation than symptomatic VL (p <0.001), with the exception of CD8/CD25 marker (p = 0.6662). On the other hand, in the ex-vivo group, significant differences were observed for CD4/CD69, CD8/CD69 and CD8/CD25 between the 4 groups due to increased cell activation present in cells of individuals symptomatic LV (p <0.001). VL cells under treatment, ex vivo, have a lower percentage of memory cells (CD4/CD45RO and CD8/CD45RO) than individuals VL post-treatment or control group (p = <0.01). Likewise, individuals with symptomatic VL have fewer regulatory cells when stimulated by SLA [CD4/CD25 (p = 0.0022) and CD4/FOXP3 (p = 0.0016)] and in the ex-vivo group (p = 0.0017). Finally, DNA isolated from recovered VL contained Leishmania DNA, supporting the hypothesis of non-sterile clinical cure for Leishmania infection. Recovered VL, even 10 years after treatment have high levels of memory cells, which may be due to the presence of stimulation, either by reexposure to Leishmania or non-sterile cure


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Nutritional status is an important determinant to the response against Leishmania infection, although few studies have characterized the molecular basis for the association found between malnutrition and the disease. Vitamin A supplementation has long been used in developing countries to prevent mortality by diarrheal and respiratory diseases, but there are no studies on the role of vitamin A in Leishmania infection, although we and others have found vitamin A deficiency in visceral Leishmaniasis (VL). Regulatory T cells are induced in vitro by vitamin A metabolites and are considered important cells implicated T CD4+ cell suppression in human VL. This work aimed to examine the correlation of nutritional status and the effect of vitamin A in the response against Leishmania infantum infection. A total of 179 children were studied: 31 had active VL, 33 VL history, 44 were DTH+ and 71 were DTH- and had negative antibody to Leishmania (DTH-/Ac-). Peripheral blood monuclear cells were isolated in a subgroup of 10 active VL and 16 DTH-/Ac- children and cultivated for 20h under 5 different conditions: 1) Medium, 2) Soluble promastigote L. infantum antigens (SLA), 3) All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA), 4) SLA + ATRA and 5) Concanavalin A. T CD4+CD25highFoxp3+, T CD4+CD25-Foxp3- and CD14+ monocytes were stained and studied by flow cytometry for IL-10, TGF-β and IL-17 production. Nutritional status was compromised in VL children, which presented lower BMI/Age and retinol concentrations when compared to healthy controls. We found a negative correlation between nutritional status (measured by BMI/Age and serum retinol) and anti-Leishmania antibodies and acute phase proteins. There was no correlation between nutritional status and parasite load. ATRA presented a dual effect in Treg cells and monocytes: In healthy children (DTH-/Ac-), it induced a regulatory response, increasing IL-10 and TGF-β production; in VL children it modulated the immune response, preventing increased IL-10 production after SLA stimulation. Furthermore, we found a positive correlation between BMI/Age and IL-17 production and negative correlation between serum retinol and IL-10 and TGF-β production in T CD4+CD25highFoxp3+ cells after SLA stimulus. Our results show a potential dual role of vitamin A in the immune system: improvement of regulatory profile during homeostasis and down modulation of IL-10 in Treg cells and monocytes during symptomatic VL. Therefore, the use of vitamin A concomitant to VL therapy might improve recovery from disease status in Leishmania infantum infection


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Leishmania infantum and Trypanosoma cruzi are trypanosomatids of medical importance and are, respectively, the etiologic agents of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) and Chagas disease (CD) in Brazil. People infected with L. infantum or T. cruzi may develop asymptomatically, enabling the transmission of pathogens through blood transfusion and / or organs. The assessment of the infection by T. cruzi is included among the tests performed for screening blood donors in Brazil, however, there is no availability of tests for Leishmania. Serological tests for T. cruzi are very sensitive, but not specific, and may have cross-reactions with other microorganisms. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of Leishmania infection in blood donors and assess whether the serological test for T. cruzi detect L. infantum. Among the 300 blood samples from donors, discarded in 2011, 61 were T. cruzi positive, 203 were from donors with other infections and 36 were from handbags with low blood volume, but without infection. We also assessed 144 samples from donors without infections and able to donate blood, totaling 444 subjects. DNA was extracted from blood samples of all to perform quantitative PCR (qPCR) to detect Leishmania DNA. The buffy coat obtained from all samples was grown in Schneider medium supplemented and NNN. All samples were evaluated for the presence of anti-Leishmania antibody. The serological results indicate a percentage of 22% of Leishmania infection in blood samples obtained from discarded bags. A total of 60% of samples positive in ELISA for T. cruzi were negative by IFI, used as confirmatory test, ie 60% false positive for Chagas. Among these samples false positive for Chagas, 72% were positive by ELISA for Leishmania characterizing the occurrence of cross reaction between serologic assays. Of the 300 cultures performed, 18 grew parasites that were typed by qPCR and specific isoenzymes, found the species Leishmania infantum crops. Among the 18 cultures, 4 were purged from scholarships for low volume and all negative serology blood bank, thus demonstrating that there is a real risk of Leishmania transmission via transfusion. It is concluded that in an area endemic for leishmaniasis in Brazil, serological diagnosis performed to detect infection by T. cruzi among blood donors can identify infection by L. infantum and although cause false positive for Chagas, this cross-reactivity reduces the risk of Leishmania infection via blood transfusion, since tests are not applied specific detection of the parasite. In this way, there remains the need to discuss the implementation of a specific serological screening test for Leishmania in endemic countries such as Brazil


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Grains and legume seeds are foods that form the basis of the diets of many cultures around the world, winch contritbute to the daily nutrient requirements of humans. Vicilins (7S globulin) are storage proteins found in legume seeds, and may have an additional function constitutive defense of the embryo against pests and pathogens. In this work the vicilin from Anadenanthera macrocarpa - AmV (red-angico), was purified and partially characterized, its effect on development and larval survival and adult emergence of Callosobruchus maculatus was evaluated by determination of LD50, WD50 and ED50 in system bioassay. Purification of vicilin was initiated by the chitin affinity chromatography and then gel filtration (Superdex 75 Tricorn 10x300 mm) FPLC system followed by reverse phase chromatography (C8 phenomenex) on HPLC system. Bioassays WD50 and LD50 for larvae were 0.32% and 0.33% (w:w) respectively, since the ED50 for adults was 0.096%. The probable mechanism of action was evaluated by testing digestibility of AmV in vitro, and observed for the involvement of two fragments vicilins immunoreactive against polyclonal Anti-vicilin from Erythrina velutina (Anti-EvV) about of 22 and 13 kDa chitin binding. The AmV in its native form has been recognized by the anti-EvV, indicating that there is a conserved region in the vicilin and is probably corresponding to the chitin binding domains. These results point to a new vicilin chitin binding that can subsequently be used as a possible biopesticide protein source, in order to control insect pest C. maculatus and confirm literature findings that demonstrate vicilin in the presence of different kinds of ligands to conserved regions chitin not yet characterized


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The aetiology of autoimmunes disease is multifactorial and involves interactions among environmental, hormonal and genetic factors. Many different genes may contribute to autoimmunes disease susceptibility. The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes have been extensively studied, however many non-polymorphic MHC genes have also been reported to contribute to autoimmune diseases susceptibility. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of SLC11A1 gene in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Ninety-six patients with SLE, 37 with RA and 202 controls enrolled in this case-control study, were evaluated with regard to demographic, genetic, laboratorial and clinical data. SLE mainly affects females in the ratio of 18 women for each man, 88,3% of the patients aged from 15 to 45 years old and it occurs with similar frequency in whites and mulattos. The rate of RA between women and men was 11:1, with 77,1% of the cases occurring from 31 to 60 years. The genetic analysis of the point mutation -236 of the SLC11A1 gene by SSCP did not show significant differences between alleles/genotypes in patients with SLE or RA when compared to controls. The most frequent clinical manifestations in patients with SLE were cutaneous (87%) and joint (84.9%). In patients with RA, the most frequent out-joint clinical manifestation were rheumatoid nodules (13,5%). Antinuclear antibodies were present in 100% of the patients with SLE. There was no significant relation between activity of disease and presence of rheumatoid factor in patients with RA, however 55,6% of patients with active disease presented positive rheumatoid factor. Significant association between alleles/genotypes of point mutation -236 and clinical manifestations was not found


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Brazil has vast amounts of hydric resources, whose quality has been deteriorating due to pollutant dumping. Household waste disposal is one of the main sources of water pollution, stimulating bacteria proliferation and introducing microorganisms, including those from fecal matter. Conventional water disinfection methods are a solution, but on the downside, they lead to the formation byproducts hazardous to human health. In this study, aiming to develop bactericidal filters for the disinfection of drinking water; silver nanoparticles were deposited on alumina foams through three routes: sputtering DC, dip coating and in situ chemical reduction of silver nitrate. The depositions were characterized through X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and EDS element mapping. The influence of the depositions on permeability and mechanical properties of the ceramic foams was assessed and, in sequence, a preliminary antibacterial efficiency analysis was carried out. Characterization results indicate that the chemical reduction routes were efficient in depositing homogeneously distributed silver particles and that the concentration of the metallic precursor salt affects size and morphology of the particles. The antibacterial efficiency analysis indicates that the chemical reduction filters have potential for water disinfection


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Sugar esters are substances which possess surfactant, antifungical and bactericidal actions and can be obtained through two renewable sources of raw materials: sugars and vegetable oils. Their excellent biodegradability, allied to lhe fact that they are non toxic, insipid, inodorous, biocompatible, no-ionic, digestible and because they can resist to adverse conditions of temperature, pH and salinity, explain lhe crescent use of these substances in several sections of lhe industry. The objective of this thesis was to synthesize and characterize surfactants and polymers containing sugar branched in their structures, through enzymatic transesterification of vinyl esters and sugars, using alkaline protease from Bacillus subtilis as catalyst, in organic medium (DMF).Three types of sugars were used: L-arabinose, D-glucose and sucrose and two types of vinyl esters: vinyl laurate and vinyl adipate. Aiming to reach high conversions from substrates to products for a possible future large scale industrial production, a serie of variables was optimized, through Design of Experiments (DOE), using Response Surface Methodology (RSM).The investigated variables were: (1) enzyme concentration; (2) molar reason of substrates; (3) water/solvent rale; (4) temperature and (5) time. We obtained six distinct sugar esters: 5-0-lauroyl L-arabinose, 6-0-lauroyl D-glucose, 1'-O-lauroyl sucrose, 5-0-vinyladipoyl L-arabinose, 6-0-vinyladipoyl D-glucose and 1 '-O-vinyladipoyl sucrose, being lhe last three polymerizable. The progress of lhe reaction was monitored by HPLC analysis, through lhe decrease of sugar concentration in comparison to lhe blank. Qualitative analysis by TLC confirmed lhe formation of lhe products. In lhe purification step, two methodologies were adopted: (1) chromatographic column and (2) extraction with hot acetone. The acylation position and lhe chemical structure were determined by 13C-RMN. The polymerization of lhe three vinyl sugar esters was possible, through chemical catalysis, using H2O2 and K2S2O8 as initiators, at 60°C, for 24 hours. IR spectra of lhe monomers and respective polymers were compared revealing lhe disappearance of lhe vinyl group in lhe polymer spectra. The molar weights of lhe polymers were determined by GPC and presented lhe following results: poly (5-0-vinyladipoyl L-arabinose): Mw = 7.2 X 104; PD = 2.48; poly (6-0-vinyladipoyl D-glucose): Mw = 2.7 X 103; PD = 1.75 and poly (1'-O-vinyladipoyl sucrose): Mw = 4.2 X 104; PD = 6.57. The six sugar esters were submitted to superficial tension tests for determination of the critical micelle concentrations (CMC), which varied from 122 to 167 ppm. Finally, a study of applicability of these sugar esters, as lubricants for completion fluids of petroleum wells was' accomplished through comparative analysis of lhe efficiency of these sugar esters, in relation to three commercial lubricants. The products synthesized in this thesis presented equivalent or superior action to lhe tested commercial products


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Visceral leishmaniasis hás adapted in the past 20 years to periurban and urban areas, and in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, it became endemic. Thid study aimed to evaluate the environmental and social aspectsof Leishmania chagasi infection and its epidemiologic transmission chain in an urban, periurban and rural area of Parnamirim-RN. A study with three sections was conducted: Section 1: Sectional study of the human and canine infection by L. chagasi and its environmental and social determinants. Section 2: Observational longitudinal cohort to evaluate the dynamics of the canine infection. Section 3: Longitudinal study to evaluate the behavior of Lu. Longipalpis vector and the seasonal factors related to its dynamics. To include in the study the hauses were randomly selected and georreferenciated. Montenegro skin test was done in the human population and blood samples were collected for anti-Leishmania antibody detection. The canine population was examinated for L. chagasi infection by RIFI, ELISA and ELISA for rK39. An entomologic surveillance was monthly done with CDC light trapsin 10 houses of each locality. Quantitative and qualitative analyses was done using STATISC 6.0. Probality and prediction maps were done using ArcGis 9.0 model. In the human population L. chagasi infection was associated with the area of the hause, age, sex, population densyti, vegetation, kind of the floor of thr hause, water and resides destiny. In the canine population L. chagasi infection was associated with the breed, size, time of living in the hause, presence of dogs in the neighborhood, presence of horses and donkeys in the neighborhood, vegetation, kind of the floor and walls of the hause. The human infection was associated with canine infction only when analyzed taking into account the locality. In the prospective study, serum conversion and antibody lost observed in 30,8% and 22% of the animals examined, respectively. The human infection rate by L. chagasi was 24,6%, by the presence of anti-Leishmania antibody and 38,6% by the Montenegro skin test. The canine infection rate 32,5% by the presence of anti-Leishmania antibody. The vector Lu longipalpis showed an atypical behavior. These results indicate that environmental and social factors are important variables associated with L. chagasi infection in humans and canines, with punctual association of thr last two. Control measures of the infection on the studied points are necessary, in the aim to reduce the endemic focus of the disease in the study area. This research was carried out in a multidisciplinary involving the categories of: doctor, biologist, veterinarian, statistical, pharmaceutical and biochemical