121 resultados para lactoferrin


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Retinoblastoma (RB), a malignant tumour of the eye arising from developing retina, is the most frequent primary intraocular malignancy of childhood. Its primary management with chemotherapy involves combination regimen of etoposide, vincristine and carboplatin and intra vitreal chemotherapy using melphalan when vitreous seeds develop. Radiotherapy is another effective mode in treating RB. We recently explored the notion if radiotherapy in RB can be mediated via Sodium Iodide Symporter (NIS), an intrinsic membrane glycoprotein which is a key regulator of iodide access to thyroid gland. Its expression has been exploited successfully for diagnostic imaging and molecular radionuclide-based therapy of thyroid cancer. We determined that NIS is expressed endogenously in RB tumour tissues, and in retinoblastoma cell lines Y79 and Weri-Rb-1, and therefore made an attempt to enhance the endogenously low expression of NIS protein in both Y79 and Weri-Rb-1 cells. Here we report about the potential of bovine lactoferrin (bLf) which is a known chemo preventive and emerging safe anti-cancer bio drug, as well as a natural transcriptional activator of genes, to enhance the endogenous expression of NIS in Y79 and Weri-Rb-1 cells. Real time PCR revealed that both cell lines express mRNA of lactoferrin receptors while flow cytometry and confocal microscopy showed the cells efficiently internalize bLf which upregulates NIS expression. These findings highlight an important step that could be taken towards the development of less harmful approaches for the treatment of RB by employing natural supplement bLf (with its clinically proven safe profile), and warrants further studies in future, focussing on enhancing NIS expression in RB cells and NIS functional assays in these cells.


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 The increasing complexities of prostate cancer disease progression necessitates more stable and less toxic therapeutic strategies. The current study demonstrated for the first time, the survivin targeted anti-cancer therapeutic activity of the bio-molecular drugs such as SurR9-C84A and bovine lactoferrin in inducing prostate cancer specific apoptosis. Moreover, improved therapeutic efficacy was conferred to these bio-molecules either by their encapsulation in stem cell targeted bio-compatible nanoparticles, or by the synthesis of protein-cytotoxic drug conjugates. This study also highlighted the role played by miRNAs in the regulation of iron metabolism and apoptosis, mediated by the selective activation of p53 and PTEN pathways.


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Due to its severity and increasing epidemiology, arthritis needs no description. There are various forms of arthritis most of which are disabling, very painful, and common. In spite of breakthroughs in the field of drug discovery, there is no cure for arthritis that can eliminate the disease permanently and ease the pain. The present review focuses on some of the most successful drugs in arthritis therapy and their side effects. Potential new targets in arthritis therapy such as interleukin-1β, interleukin-17A, tumor necrosis factor alpha, osteopontin, and several others have been discussed here, which can lead to refinement of current therapeutic modalities. Mechanisms for different forms of arthritis have been discussed along with the molecules that act as potential biomarkers for arthritis. Due to the difficulty in monitoring the disease progression to detect the advanced manifestations of the diseases, drug-induced cytotoxicity, and problems with drug delivery; nanoparticle therapy has gained the attention of the researchers. The unique properties of nanoparticles make them highly attractive for the design of novel therapeutics or diagnostic agents for arthritis. The review also focuses on the recent trends in nanoformulation development used for arthritis therapy. This review is, therefore, important because it describes the relevance and need for more arthritis research, it brings forth a critical discussion of successful drugs in arthritis and analyses the key molecular targets. The review also identifies several knowledge gaps in the published research so far along with the proposal of new ideas and future directions in arthritis therapy.


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Aim : To determine the internalization and protective effects of potential ophthalmic formulations and nanoformulated natural proteins in ex-vivo bovine corneal alkali burn model.

Methods : The bovine cornea obtained were subjected to the 0.5 N NaOH insult that induced alkali burn and inflammation as observed in the in vivo situation. The toxic effects of the nanoformulation were evaluated in the normal and insult induced cornea using histological analysis. Internalization studies were carried out using in vivo imaging and analysis (IVIS, PerkinElmer, USA).

Results : The nanoformulations employed in this study showed no obvious changes in the integrity of the cornea. Further, improvements in the light transmittance and reduced inflammation were observed. The IVIS showed a dose dependant increase in the uptake of the nanoformulations with time.

Conclusion : The nanoformulated bovine lactoferrin and SurR9-C84A (SR9) proteins evaluated in the ex vivo bovine corneal irritation model is the first of its kind, and we report here the non-toxic and therapeutic potential of these formulations for topical applications.


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Expanded Bed Adsorption plays an important role in the downstream processing mainly for reducing costs as well as steps besides could handling cells homogenates or fermentation broth. In this work Expanded Bed Adsorption was used to recover and purify whey proteins from coalho cheese manufacture using Streamline DEAE and Streamline SP both ionic resins as well as a hydrophobic resin Streamline Phenyl. A column of 2.6 cm inner diameter with 30 cm in height was coupled to a peristaltic pump. Hydrodynamics study was carried out with the three resins using Tris-HCl buffer in concentration of 30, 50 and 70 mM, with pH ranging from 7.0 to 8.0. In this case, assays of the expansion degree as well as Residence Time Distribution (RTD) were carried out. For the recovery and purification steps, a whey sample of 200 mL, was submitted to a column with 25mL of resin previously equilibrated with Tris/HCl (50 mM, pH 7.0) using a expanded bed. After washing, elution was carried out according the technique used. For ionic adsorption elution was carried out using 100 mL of Tris/HCl (50 mM, pH 7.0 in 1M NaCl). For Hydrophobyc interaction elution was carried out using Tris/HCl (50 mM, pH 7.0). Adsorption runs were carried out using the three resins as well as theirs combination. Results showed that for hydrodynamics studies a linear fit was observed for the three resins with a correlation coefficient (R2) about 0.9. In this case, Streamline Phenyl showed highest expansion degree reaching an expansion degree (H0/H) of 2.2. Bed porosity was of 0.7 when both resins Streamline DEAE and Streamline SP were used with StremLine Phenyl showing the highest bed porosity about 0.75. The number of theorical plates were 109, 41.5 and 17.8 and the axial dipersion coefficient (Daxial) were 0.5, 1.4 and 3.7 x 10-6 m2/s, for Streamline DEAE, Streamline SP and Streamline Phenyl, respectively. Whey proteins were adsorved fastly for the three resins with equilibrium reached in 10 minutes. Breakthrough curves showed that most of proteins stays in flowthrough as well as washing steps with 84, 77 and 96%, for Streamline DEAE, Streamline SP and Streamline Phenyl, respectively. It was observed protein peaks during elution for the three resins used. According to these peaks were identified 6 protein bands that could probably be albumin (69 KDa), lactoferrin (76 KDa), lactoperoxidase (89 KDa), β-lactoglobulin (18,3 KDa) e α-lactoalbumin (14 KDa), as well as the dimer of beta-lactoglobulin. The combined system compound for the elution of Streamline DEAE applied to the Streamline SP showed the best purification of whey proteins, mainly of the α-lactoalbumina


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A imunidade na glândula mamária pode ser classificada, assim como em outros sistemas, em inata ou inespecífica e adaptativa ou específica. A imunidade inata é a defesa predominante durante os estágios iniciais da infecção. As respostas inespecíficas estão presentes no local da infecção ou são ativadas rapidamente por numerosos estímulos e não aumentam pela exposição repetida ao mesmo agente etiológico. O primeiro obstáculo enfrentado por um patógeno para adentrar o úbere é composto pela barreira formada pelo esfíncter do teto e pelo tampão de queratina formado pelo epitélio queratinizado. Uma vez que o microrganismo tenha atravessado o canal do teto e alcançado a cisterna mamária, passam a atuar diversos fatores solúveis e celulares. Dentre os fatores solúveis, estão presentes: lactoperoxidase, sistema complemento, citocinas, lactoferrina, lisozima e NAGase. As defesas celulares inespecíficas na glândula mamária são representadas pelos neutrófilos, pelos macrófagos e pelas células natural killer. Na medida em que esses mecanismos funcionam adequadamente, a maioria dos patógenos será rapidamente eliminada antes que o sistema imune específico seja ativado, sem resultar em alterações na quantidade ou qualidade do leite produzido. Uma melhor compreensão sobre os mecanismos de defesa da glândula mamária e suas alterações durante os períodos críticos da infecção é imprescindível para o desenvolvimento de métodos mais eficazes de profilaxia e controle da mastite, a principal doença dos ruminantes leiteiros. O presente estudo revisou os principais aspectos responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento da imunidade inata na glândula mamária bovina.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Vampire bats are notorious for being the sole mammals that strictly feed on fresh blood for their survival. While their saliva has been historically associated with anticoagulants, only one antihemostatic (plasminogen activator) has been molecularly and functionally characterized. Here, RNAs from both principal and accessory submaxillary (submandibular) salivary glands of Desmodus rotundus were extracted, and ~. 200. million reads were sequenced by Illumina. The principal gland was enriched with plasminogen activators with fibrinolytic properties, members of lipocalin and secretoglobin families, which bind prohemostatic prostaglandins, and endonucleases, which cleave neutrophil-derived procoagulant NETs. Anticoagulant (tissue factor pathway inhibitor, TFPI), vasodilators (PACAP and C-natriuretic peptide), and metalloproteases (ADAMTS-1) were also abundantly expressed. Members of the TSG-6 (anti-inflammatory), antigen 5/CRISP, and CCL28-like (antimicrobial) protein families were also sequenced. Apyrases (which remove platelet agonist ADP), phosphatases (which degrade procoagulant polyphosphates), and sphingomyelinase were found at lower transcriptional levels. Accessory glands were enriched with antimicrobials (lysozyme, defensin, lactotransferrin) and protease inhibitors (TIL-domain, cystatin, Kazal). Mucins, heme-oxygenase, and IgG chains were present in both glands. Proteome analysis by nano LC-MS/MS confirmed that several transcripts are expressed in the glands. The database presented herein is accessible online at http://exon.niaid.nih.gov/transcriptome/D_rotundus/Supplemental-web.xlsx. These results reveal that bat saliva emerges as a novel source of modulators of vascular biology. Biological significance: Vampire bat saliva emerges as a novel source of antihemostatics which modulate several aspects of vascular biology. © 2013.


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The Candida genus expresses virulence factors that, when combined with immunosuppression and other risk factors, can cause different manifestations of oral candidiasis. The treatment of mucosal infections caused by Candida and the elucidation of the disease process have proven challenging. Therefore, the study of experimentally induced oral candidiasis in rats and mice is useful to clarify the etiopathology of this condition, improve diagnosis, and search for new therapeutic options because the disease process in these animals is similar to that of human candidiasis lesions. Here, we describe and discuss new studies involving rat and mouse models of oral candidiasis with respect to methods for inducing experimental infection, methods for evaluating the development of experimental candidiasis, and new treatment strategies for oral candidiasis. © 2013 Landes Bioscience.


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This study aimed to evaluate the influence of lactation phases on the proteinogram of whey protein in Santa Inês ewes. Ewes were accompanied in a semi-intensive system using the same sanitary and nutritional management evaluated at 15, 30, 60 and 90 days postpartum (end of weaning and lactation). Clinical examination of the mammary gland was carried out through and bacteriological culture. The screening of the material resulted in 44 milk samples of healthy glands concurrent negative by CMT and bacteriological culture exam. For obtaining the whey protein renin solution was used. The whey was fractionated into aliquots and kept in the -80C freezer to later separation of protein fractions. For determination of total protein of whey protein was employed the biuret, observing the linearity of the test. Separation of protein fractions was performed, using polyacrylamide gel containing sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS-PAGE). Eigth protein were observed including lactoferrin, serum albumin, IgA, IgG (heavy chain IgG (IgG CP), light chain IgG (IgG CL), ß-lactoglobulin, a-lactalbumin and proteins identified as PM 15000 and PM 29000. No significant difference was observed at different stages of lactation in the following protein: IgA (P>0.3895), lactoferrin (P>0.1611), PM 29000 (P>0.4879), α-lactalbumin (P>0.0799) and PM15000 (P>0.4494). In total protein (P<0.0022), albumin protein (P<0.0377) and IgG (P<0.0354) it was observed a significant variation in the first moments of observations, in the ß-lactoglobulin protein (P<0.0005) there was significant variation with reduction of 15 to 30 days postpartum with progressive elevation until the last stage of lactation (90 days postpartum). The SDS-PAGE technique allowed the quantification of eigth whey proteins in health ewes. The protein fractions identified reflect the profile of whey to ovine species, with influence of stages of lactation in albumin, IgG and ß-lactoglobulin.


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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To evaluate the biochemical profile and protein concentration of whey from milk samples of healthy Murrah primiparous and pluriparous buffaloes, 30 female buffaloes were analyzed during a complete lactation. The animals were divided into three groups: G1 = 10 primiparous buffaloes, G2 = 10 pluriparous buffaloes with 2-3 lactations and G3 = 10 pluriparous buffaloes with > 3 lactations. The lactation period was divided into: early stage (I: 1-3 months of lactation), intermediate stage (T: 4-6 months of lactation) and final stage (F: 7-9 months of lactation). Before milk sampling, physical examination of the mammary gland, strip cup test and California Mastitis Test (CMT) were performed. After mammary quarters asepsis, 20mL of milk were collected monthly from each mammary quarter, during a complete lactation, in sterilized plastic bottles without preservative, in order to perform microbiological isolation, biochemical profile and protein electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), and 30mL of milk from each mammary quarter were collect, in sterilized plastic bottles containing preservative bronopol to perform the somatic cell count (SCC). A total of 1,042 milk samples were collected from the experimental groups during lactation, of which 923 samples showed negative reaction to CMT and negative microbiological isolation and were selected to biochemical profile analysis and protein electrophoresis in SDS-PAGE. There were influence of parity order and stage of lactation in biochemical profile and protein concentration of healthy Murrah buffaloes'whey. Primiparous buffaloes (G1) showed higher gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT: 2,346 U/L), alkaline phosphatase (ALP: 181 U/L), phosphorus (P; 56.6mg/dL), potassium (K; 32.0mg/dL) and alpha-lactalbumin (458mg/dL). Buffaloes with 2-3 lactations (G2) showed higher SCC (70,700 cells/mL) and higher concentrations of total protein (1.55g/dL), albumin (100mg/dL), magnesium (Mg; 8.80mg/dL), chlorides (Cl; 176mg/dL), iron (Fe; 10.7 mu g/dL), sodium (Na; 178mMol/L) and lactoferrin (59.5mg/dL). Bufalloes with > 3 lactations (G3) showed higher concentrations of total calcium (Ca; 41.8mg/dL), ionized calcium (iCa; 2.92mMol/L), immunoglobulin A (IgA; 1.32mg/dL), serum albumin (99.1mg/dL), immunoglobulin G (IgG; 49.7mg/dL) and beta-lactoglobulin (1,068mg/dL). During lactation it was observed increase in SCC, GGT, ALP, total protein, albumin, P, Mg, Cl, Na, lactoferrin, serum albumin, IgG and alpha-lactalbumin, as well as decrease in concentrations of Ca, Fe, iCa, K, IgA and beta-lactoglobulin in buffaloes'whey. The results may be used as reference for buffaloes and to support diagnosis and prognosis of diseases common to lactation periods.