391 resultados para Postexercise hypotension


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Previous work has shown that irrespective of the route of exposure methyl isocyanate (MIC) caused acute lactic acidosis in rats (Jeevaratnam et al., Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 19, 314�319, 1990) and the hypoxia was of stagnant type due to tissue hypoperfusion resulting from hypovolemic hypotension in rabbits administered MIC subcutaneously (Jeevarathinam et al., Toxicology 51, 223�240, 1988). The present study was designed to investigate whether MIC could induce histotoxic hypoxia through its effects on mitochondrial respiration. Male Wistar rats were used for liver mitochondrial and submitochondrial particle (SMP) preparation. Addition of MIC to tightly coupled mitochondria in vitro resulted in stimulation of state 4 respiration, abolition of respiratory control, decrease in ADP/O ratio, and inhibition of state 3 oxidation. The oxidation of NAD+-linked substrates (glutamate + malate) was more sensitive (fiveto sixfold) to the inhibitory action of MIC than succinate while cytochrome oxidase remained unaffected. MIC induced twofold delay in the onset of anerobiosis, and cytochrome b reduction in SMP with NADH in vitro confirms inhibition of electron transport at complex I region. MIC also stimulated the ATPase activity in tightly coupled mitochondria while lipid peroxidation remained unaffected. As its hydrolysis products, methylamine and N,N?-dimethylurea failed to elicit any change in vitro; these effects reveal that MIC per se acts as an inhibitor of electron transport and a weak uncoupler. Administration of MIC sc at lethal dose caused a similar change only with NAD+-linked substrates, reflecting impairment of mitochondrial respiration at complex I region and thereby induction of histotoxic hypoxia in vivo.


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It is well known that hyperprolactinaemia in the human leads to infertility. The therapy of choice in India has been the administration of bromocriptine (BCR) as tablets, This mode of administration is generally accompanied by undesirable side-effects such as giddiness, nausea, vomiting and postural hypotension, We demonstrate here the efficacy of microdoses of BCR administered intranasally (IN) to hyperprolactinaemic patients (n = 6) in reducing significantly the elevated serum prolactin levels and maintain them within the normal range, The IN mode of BCR administration, in addition to reducing the effective dose of the drug by 4-20-fold, results in little or no side-effects otherwise associated with oral therapy.


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O objeto de estudo são os eventos cardíacos resultantes da infusão contínua de cloridrato de amiodarona em pacientes que evoluíram com fibrilação atrial em pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca. Os objetivos foram descrever as características dos pacientes que receberam infusão contínua de cloridrato de amidoarona, apresentar a prevalência de bradicardia e hipotensão encontrada nos pacientes que receberam infusão contínua de cloridrato de amiodarona e discutir as implicações dos achados para a prática dos enfermeiros a partir da prevalência encontrada de bradicardia e hipotensão decorrente da infusão contínua desta substância. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, retrospectivo, documental, por meio de análise de prontuários e avaliação quantitativa dos mesmos. Desenvolvida em uma unidade de pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca em um hospital universitário pertencente à rede sentinela no município do Rio de Janeiro. Foi considerado hipotensão em presença de PAS menor que 90 mmHg e bradicardia em presença de frequência cardíaca menor que 60 bpm. As variáveis que caracterizavam a população do estudo e as aferições de pressão arterial e frequência cardíaca foram transcritas para um instrumento de coleta de dados dos anos de 2010 e 2011, gerando 1782 horas de infusão contínua de cloridrato de amiodarona em 27 pacientes cirúrgicos (10,50%). Tratou-se de uma população predominantemente feminina, com idade a cima de 60 anos, período de internação superior a uma semana, apresentava hipertensão arterial prévia (59,26%), era portadora de fibrilação atrial (55,56%) e o diagnóstico cirúrgico de revascularização do miocárdio com circulação extracorpórea foi predominante (70,37%). Os dados mostram que 85,19% dos pacientes eram portadores de pelo menos um fator de risco, 70,37% apresentavam dois fatores de risco e 55,55% apresentavam três fatores de risco para desenvolver fibrilação atrial no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca. Foi encontrada uma prevalência de 85,19% pacientes que apresentaram bradicardia, 66,67% apresentaram hipotensão e 59,26% apresentaram tanto bradicardia como hipotensão. Foram 160 episódios de bradicardia com 6,40 episódios por paciente e 77 episódios de hipotensão com 4,2 por paciente. A bradicardia ocorreu principalmente entre 48 e 72 horas do inicio da infusão. Já a hipotensão aumentou progressivamente nas primeiras 48 horas de infusão. Na presença de bradicardia a intervenção mais frequente foi redução da vazão de amiodarona já na presença de hipotensão, a manutenção de infusão de noradrenalina foi a conduta mais regular. Como estratégia de melhoria para segurança do paciente, foram elaboradas condutas como método de barreira para prevenção de eventos adversos como a bradicardia e hipotensão. Os principais cuidados de enfermagem a serem implementados pelo enfermeiro foram o levantamento de fatores de risco para a fibrilação atrial, a detecção da fibrilação atrial, a manutenção de monitorização cardíaca contínua, aferição horária do ritmo cardíaco e o controle da frequência cardíaca e pressão arterial, objetivando intervir precocemente em presença de hipotensão ou bradicardia.


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A cinetose tem elevada prevalência mundial, sendo mais frequente na infância e no sexo feminino, mas também pode acometer adultos. Resulta de um conflito vestíbulo-visual que incide durante a locomoção em diversos meios de transporte, como carro, ônibus, avião e barco. A forma mais dramática ocorre no transporte marítimo. Ocasiona náusea, vômito, sudorese, aumento da salivação, redução do apetite, hipotensão e mal-estar. Geralmente é produzida por estímulo vestibular, mas também pode ser induzida por estímulo visual. Tanto as acelerações lineares quanto angulares geram cinetose se persistirem por longo período em indivíduos susceptíveis. Recentemente ocorre maior interesse nessa afecção devido ao crescente uso de tecnologia de simulação de vôo e direção automobilística. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar as alterações vestibulares nos indivíduos adultos com cinetose. Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo, tipo série de casos. Os pacientes do ambulatório do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto-UERJ foram avaliados através de anamnese geral e dirigida e exame fisico geral e otorrinolaringológico. Aqueles com histórico de doença otológica foram excluídos. Posteriormente realizaram audiometria e testes vestibulares com o registro gráfico dos nistagmos através da vectoeletronistagmografia. Nos resultados das provas calóricas encontramos 3,33% de pacientes com alteração de predomínio direcional, 6,67% com alteração de predomínio labiríntico, 3,33% com hiperreflexia esquerda, 3,33% com hiporreflexia direita e 3,33% com hiporreflexia esquerda. Encontrados algumas variações na análise dos movimentos sacádicos, nistagmo optocinético e rastreio pendular. Os resultados foram de encontro aos achados da literatura. Diante dos achados, foi observado que o exame otoneurológico com registro gráfico da cinetose mostrou-se muito importante para a avaliação dos pacientes com essa afecção. O estudo traz benefícios por contribuir para o melhor entendimento da cinetose e estimular novas pesquisas na área.


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O propofol é uma droga hipnótico-sedativa, amplamente utilizada em anestesiologia, devido à sua elevada eficácia hipnótica e ao seu despertar rápido e praticamente isento de efeitos residuais. A depressão cardiovascular, que é o efeito adverso mais importante e indesejável do propofol, parece estar intimamente relacionada à dose administrada, à velocidade de injeção do medicamento, à idade e ao estado físico dos pacientes, assim como, às condições de volemia e de reserva cardiovascular dos mesmos, podendo ser intensificada, ainda, pela associação de uma droga opioide ao propofol. A hipotensão arterial induzida pelo propofol parece possuir uma origem multifatorial, pois já foi evidenciada a participação de diversos sistemas nos efeitos produzidos pelo propofol, inclusive, a participação da via opioide no efeito antinociceptivo da droga. Portanto, o objetivo desse estudo foi investigar a participação dos receptores opioides no efeito hipotensor arterial do propofol. A pesquisa foi do tipo randomizada, transversal, aberta e comparativa. Foram estudados 40 pacientes estado físico ASA 1, submetidos a anestesia geral para cirurgias eletivas. Os desfechos avaliados neste estudo foram as pressões arteriais sistólica (PAS), diastólica (PAD) e média (PAM), a pressão venosa central (PVC) e a frequência cardíaca (FC). Portanto, após a monitorização contínua dos pacientes com cardioscopia com análise de ST, pressão arterial invasiva, pressão venosa central, oxicapnometria, análise eletroencefalográfica bispectral (BIS) e gasimetrias arteriais e venosas, estes foram divididos aleatoriamente através de programa de distribuição aleatória gerada por computador, de acordo com os 5 grupos existentes (n = 8 para todos os grupos). Foram 3 grupos de pacientes pré-medicados intravenosamente (iv) com naloxona 1 μg/Kg (PN1) ou 3 μg/Kg (PN3), ou com salina para controle (CP), 2 minutos antes da administração iv de propofol (2,5 mg/Kg). Outros 2 grupos controle da naloxona foram pré-medicados com naloxona 1 μg/Kg (CN1) ou 3 μg/Kg (CN3), mas não receberam propofol. Os resultados demonstraram que há mais de um mecanismo envolvido no efeito hipotensor arterial do propofol, que é composto por uma rápida redução inicial da PAM opioide-independente e uma lenta redução final da PAM, que foi dependente, ao menos parcialmente, de ação opioide. O propofol, na dose de 2,5 mg/Kg, reduziu a PAS, PAD e PAM de forma significativa e independente do efeito hipnótico do anestésico, dos valores iniciais de PVC e de modificações na FC dos pacientes, apesar de ter sido evidenciada a inibição do baroreflexo induzida pelo anestésico. A hipotensão induzida pelo propofol pôde ser parcialmente reduzida, de forma significativa e dose-dependente, pela prévia administração iv de naloxona de 3 μg/Kg, menor dose efetiva. Este efeito da naloxona ocorreu, principalmente, através de um aumento significativo da PAD, sem importar em modificações significativas da PAS, FC, PVC, BIS ou do ECG. Foi concluído que a hipotensão arterial induzida pelo propofol possui uma origem multifatorial, sendo produzida parcialmente por um mecanismo que é opioide-dependente e sensível ao pré-tratamento dos pacientes com a naloxona. Nosso estudo não recebeu nenhum financiamento externo.


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Previous in vivo study demonstrated that beta gamma-CAT, a newly identified non-lens beta gamma-crystallin and trefoil factor complex from frog Bombina maxima skin secretions, possessed potent lethal toxicity on mammals resulted from hypotension and cardi


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Davison, Glen, et al., 'Antioxidant supplementation and immunoendocrine responses to prolonged exercise', Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, (2007) 39(4) pp.645-652 RAE2008


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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BACKGROUND: Adenosine-induced transient flow arrest has been used to facilitate clip ligation of intracranial aneurysms. However, the starting dose that is most likely to produce an adequate duration of profound hypotension remains unclear. We reviewed our experience to determine the dose-response relationship and apparent perioperative safety profile of adenosine in intracranial aneurysm patients. METHODS: This case series describes 24 aneurysm clip ligation procedures performed under an anesthetic consisting of remifentanil, low-dose volatile anesthetic, and propofol in which adenosine was used. The report focuses on the doses administered; duration of systolic blood pressure <60 mm Hg (SBP(<60 mm Hg)); and any cardiovascular, neurologic, or pulmonary complications observed in the perioperative period. RESULTS: A median dose of 0.34 mg/kg ideal body weight (range: 0.29-0.44 mg/kg) resulted in a SBP(<60 mm Hg) for a median of 57 seconds (range: 26-105 seconds). There was a linear relationship between the log-transformed dose of adenosine and the duration of a SBP(<60 mm Hg) (R(2) = 0.38). Two patients developed transient, hemodynamically stable atrial fibrillation, 2 had postoperative troponin levels >0.03 ng/mL without any evidence of cardiac dysfunction, and 3 had postoperative neurologic changes. CONCLUSIONS: For intracranial aneurysms in which temporary occlusion is impractical or difficult, adenosine is capable of providing brief periods of profound systemic hypotension with low perioperative morbidity. On the basis of these data, a dose of 0.3 to 0.4 mg/kg ideal body weight may be the recommended starting dose to achieve approximately 45 seconds of profound systemic hypotension during a remifentanil/low-dose volatile anesthetic with propofol induced burst suppression.


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This study investigated the effect of a fed or fasted state on the salivary immunoglobulin A (s-IgA) response to prolonged cycling. Using a randomized, crossover design, 16 active adults (8 men and 8 women) performed 2 hr of cycling on a stationary ergometer at 65% of maximal oxygen uptake on 1 occasion after an overnight fast (FAST) and on another occasion 2 hr after consuming a 2.2-MJ high-carbohydrate meal (FED). Timed, unstimulated whole saliva samples were collected immediately before ingestion of the meal, immediately preexercise, 5 min before cessation of exercise, immediately postexercise, and 1 hr postexercise. The samples were analyzed for s-IgA concentration, osmolality, and cortisol, and saliva flow rates were determined to calculate s-IgA secretion rate. Saliva flow rate decreased by 50% during exercise (p < .05), and s-IgA concentration increased by 42% (p < .05), but s-IgA secretion rate remained unchanged. There was a 37% reduction in s-IgA:osmolality postexercise (p < .05), and salivary cortisol increased by 68% (p < .05). There was no effect of FED vs. FAST on these salivary responses. The s-IgA concentration, secretion rate, and osmolality were found to be significantly lower in women than in men throughout the exercise protocol (p < .05); however, there was no difference between genders in saliva flow rate, s-IgA:osmolality ratio, or cortisol. These data demonstrate that a fed or fasted state 2 hr before exercise does not influence resting s-IgA or the response to prolonged cycling. Furthermore, these results show lower levels of s-IgA and osmolality in women than in men at rest.


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Many degenerative diseases are associated with increased oxidative stress. Creatine has the potential to act as an indirect and direct antioxidant; however, limited data exist to evaluate the antioxidant capabdities of creatine supplementation within in vivo human systems. This study aimed to investigate the effects of oral creatine supplementation on markers of oxidative stress and antioxidant defenses following exhaustive cycling exercise. Following preliminary testing and two additional familiarization sessions, 18 active males repeated two exhaustive incremental cycling trials (T1 and T2) separated by exactly 7 days. The subjects were assigned, in a double-blind manner, to receive either 20 g of creatine (Cr) or a placebo (P) for the 5 days preceding T2. Breath-by-breath respiratory data and heart rate were continually recorded throughout the exercise protocol and blood samples were obtained at rest (preexercise), at the end of exercise (postexercise), and the day following exercise (post24 h). Serum hypdroperoxide concentrations were elevated at postexercise by 17 +/- 5% above preexercise values (p = 0.030). However, supplementation did not influence lipid peroxidation (serum hypdroperoxide concentrations), resistance of low density lipoprotein to oxidative stress (t(1/2max) LDL oxidation) and plasma concentrations of non-enzymatic antioxidants (retinol, alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, alpha-tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol, lycopene and vitamin Q. Heart rate and oxygen uptake responses to exercise were not affected by supplementation. These findings suggest that short-term creatine supplementation does not enhance non-enzymatic antioxidant defence or protect against lipid peroxidation induced by exhaustive cycling in healthy males.


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The short-term systemic and renal hemodynamic effects of two stroma-free hemoglobin (SFH) solutions, one unmodified and the other modified by cross-linking, were examined in anesthetized rats after hemorrhagic hypotension. Both forms of SFH increased mean arterial pressure (MAP) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) to baseline (prehemorrhage) values. The increase in MAP induced by unmodified SFH was greater than the increase in MAP caused by an albumin solution isoncotic to the unmodified SFH solution. Similarly, the increase in MAP caused by the modified SFH was also substantially greater than that induced by an albumin solution of comparable oncotic pressure to the modified SFH solution. Both unmodified and modified SFH increased GFR. As with MAP, the increase in GFR induced by both SFH solutions was greater than that associated with the oncotically matched albumin solutions. In separate experiments, the effects of nitric oxide (NO) inhibition with N omega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) on MAP after hemorrhagic hypotension and subsequent infusion of unmodified SFH or albumin were also examined. In the albumin-infused rats, L-NAME increased MAP. In marked contrast, NO inhibition with L-NAME had no further effect on MAP when infused after SFH. We conclude that both unmodified and modified SFH solutions acutely improve MAP and GFR by the combined effects of intravascular volume expansion resulting from the colloid effect of the protein and by inactivation of NO.


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GYY4137 (morpholin-4-ium-4-methoxyphenyl(morpholino) phosphinodithioate) is a slow-releasing hydrogen sulfide (H2S) donor. Administration of GYY4137 (50 mg/kg, iv) to anesthetized rats 10 min after lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 4 mg/kg, iv) decreased the slowly developing hypotension. GYY4137 inhibited LPS-induced TNF-alpha production in rat blood and reduced the LPS-evoked rise in NF-kappa B;B activation, inducible nitric oxide synthase/cyclooxygenase-2 expression, and generation of PGE(2) and nitrate/nitrite in RAW 264.7 macrophages. GYY4137 (50 mg/kg, ip) administered to conscious rats 1 or 2 h after (but not 1 h before) LPS decreased the subsequent (4 h) rise in plasma proinflammatory cytokines (TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, IL-6), nitrite/nitrate, C-reactive protein, and L-selectin. GYY4137 administration also decreased the LPS-evoked increase in lung myeloperoxidase activity, increased plasma concentration of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10, and decreased tissue damage as determined histologically and by measurement of plasma creatinine and alanine aminotransferase activity. Tune-expired GYY4137 (50 mg/kg, ip) did not affect the LPS-induced rise in plasma TNF-alpha or lung myeloperoxidase activity. GYY4137 also decreased the LPS-mediated upregulation of liver transcription factors (NF-kappa B and STAT-3). These results suggest ail anti-inflammatory effect of GYY4137. The possibility that GYY4137 and other slow-releasing H2S donors exert anti-inflammatory activity in other models of inflammation and in humans warrants further study. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Aim - To evaluate the comparative efficacy and tolerance of latanoprost versus timolol through a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials (RCTs). Methods - Systematic retrieval of RCTs of latanoprost versus timolol to allow pooling of results from head to head comparison studies. Quality of trials was assessed based on randomisation, masking, and withdrawal. Sensitivity analyses were used to estimate the effects of quality of study on outcomes. The data sources were Medline, Embase, Scientific Citation Index, Merck Glaucoma, and Pharmacia and Upjohn ophthalmology databases. There were 1256 patients with open angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension reported in 11 trials of latanoprost versus timolol. The main outcome measures were (i) percentage intraocular pressure (IOP) reduction for efficacy; (ii) relative risk, risk difference, and number needed to harm for side effects such as hyperaemia, conjunctivitis, increased pigmentation, hypotension, and bradycardia expressed as dichotomous outcomes; and (iii) reduction in systemic blood pressure and heart rate as side effects. Results - Both 0.005% latanoprost once daily and 0.5% timolol twice daily reduced IOP. The percentage reductions in IOP from baseline (mean (SE)) produced by latanoprost and timolol were 30.2 (2.3) and 26.9 (3.4) at 3 months. The difference in IOP reduction between the two treatments were 5.0 (95% confidence intervals 2.8, 7.3). However, latanoprost caused iris pigmentation in more patients than timolol (relative risk = 8.01, 95% confidence intervals 1.87, 34.30). The 2 year risk with latanoprost reached 18% (51/277). Hyperaemia was also more often observed with latanoprost (relative risk = 2.20, 95% confidence intervals 1.33, 3.64). Timolol caused a significant reduction in heart rate of 4 beats/minute (95% confidence interval 2, 6). Conclusion - This meta-analysis suggests that latanoprost is more effective than timolol in lowering IOP. However, it often causes iris pigmentation. While current evidence suggests that this pigmentation is benign, careful lifetime evaluation of patients is still justified.