931 resultados para Non-small cell lung cancer


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Biomarkers have been described as characteristics, most often molecular, that provide information about biological states, whether normal, pathological, or therapeutically modified. They hold great potential to assist diagnosis and prognosis, monitor disease, and assess therapeutic effectiveness. While a few biomarkers are routinely utilised clinically, these only reflect a very small percentage of all biomarkers discovered. Numerous factors contribute to the slow uptake of these new biomarkers, with challenges faced throughout the biomarker development pipeline. Microfluidics offers two important opportunities to the field of biomarkers: firstly, it can address some of these developmental obstacles, and secondly, it can provide the precise and complex platform required to bridge the gap between biomarker research and the biomarker-based analytical device market. Indeed, adoption of microfluidics has provided a new avenue for advancement, promoting clinical utilisation of both biomarkers and their analytical platforms. This review will discuss biomarkers and outline microfluidic platforms developed for biomarker analysis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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RACIONAL: O carcinoma de pequenas células primário do esôfago é tumor raro, agressivo, morfologicamente indistinguível de seu correspondente no pulmão. OBJETIVO: Apresentar os aspectos clínico-patológicos de dois pacientes com carcinoma de pequenas células do esôfago. RELATO DE CASOS: Paciente 1: masculino, 56 anos com disfagia progressiva há seis meses e emagrecimento, com antecedentes de tabagismo e etilismo. A endoscopia mostrou lesão vegetante dos 30 aos 40 cm da arcada dentária superior e o exame anatomopatológico, diagnosticou neoplasia maligna indiferenciada de pequenas células com marcadores imunoistoquímicos positivos para cromogranina e sinaptofisina, caracterizando a linhagem neuroendócrina da neoplasia. Após dois ciclos de quimioterapia (cisplatina e etoposide) associada à radioterapia ele apresentou remissão da disfagia. Paciente 2: masculino, 55 anos, com queixas de pirose, disfagia, rouquidão há seis meses, com emagrecimento de 10 kg no período. A endoscopia mostrou lesão vegetante à 30 cm da arcada dentária superior, obstrutiva. O exame anatomopatológico revelou carcinoma de pequenas células, com os mesmos marcadores imunoistoquímicos positivos para linhagem neuroendócrina. Tomografia computadorizada mostrou metástases hepáticas. Frente ao estadio avançado da doença optou-se pela indicação de gastrostomia. O paciente desenvolveu pneumonia e faleceu dois meses após o diagnóstico. CONCLUSÃO: A evolução dos portadores de carcinoma de pequenas células do esôfago depende do estadiamento da doença e apesar da alta agressividade biológica, este tumor apresenta boa resposta à quimioterapia associada à radioterapia.


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O objetivo é relatar manifestação incomum de linfoma não-Hodgkin de órbita. Paciente masculino, de 75 anos, se apresentou com queixa de lacrimejamento crônico bilateral. Havia feito dacriocistorrinostomia endonasal à direita e à esquerda por duas vezes, sem sucesso. Ao exame, massas de consistência fibroelástica, em topografia das bolsas de gordura das pálpebras inferiores e proptose axial. O paciente negava outros sintomas ou sinais sistêmicos. Hemograma sem alteração, hormônios tireoidianos normais. A tomografia computadorizada mostrava infiltrado difuso na órbita e proptose axial. Biópsia de gordura orbitária e de medula óssea diagnosticaram linfoma não-Hodgkin. O paciente foi tratado com quimioterapia, sendo em seguida submetido à cirurgia da via lacrimal bilateral, com resolução do quadro. A doença sistêmica que exigia diagnóstico e tratamento adequados para que se tivesse bom prognóstico estava mascarada pelo quadro de epífora bilateral.


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Com base em populações hospitalares, foram entrevistados 316 casos e 536 controles para obtenção de informações sobre histórias de trabalho, tabagismo, tabagismo passivo, ocorrência de outros cânceres na família, migração e situação socioeconômica. Os entrevistadores utilizaram um questionário padronizado. Casos e controles foram emparelhados por hospital, sexo e idade. O estudo foi desenvolvido entre 1º de julho de 1990 e 31 de janeiro de 1991 em 14 hospitais da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, SP (Brasil). Foi elaborada uma classificação por escores como forma de ordenar os indivíduos estudados segundo suas histórias de exposições ocupacionais a cancerígenos, conhecidos para o pulmão, acumulando informações sobre a exposição nos locais de trabalho durante a vida, considerando o tipo de atividade, setor de trabalho e tempo em cada emprego. A análise de regressão logística não-condicional mostrou odds ratio: 1,97 (95% IC: 1,52 a 2,55) para os trabalhadores com maiores escores de exposição. Os resultados permitiram inferir que trabalhadores ligados aos setores de produção de diferentes ramos industriais têm duas vezes o risco de desenvolverem neoplasia pulmonar quando comparados aos trabalhadores envolvidos em atividades não-industriais.


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The occurrence of malignant lymphoma is an increasingly important cause of morbidity and mortality in AIDS patients. The incidence of AIDS-related lymphoma in some developing countries such as Brazil is increasing as the survival of HIV infection has improved. Although there is a clear association between several types of immunodeficiency related lymphomas and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), the association of EBV infection in AIDS-related lymphoma in Brazil, where the incidence of AIDS is high, is unknown. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue from 24 cases of AIDS-related lymphoma in Brazil were analyzed for morphologic classification, immunophenotype, and EBV association using in situ hybridization studies with an EBV-EBER1 biotinylated probe. Twenty cases of AIDS-related lymphoma were classified as non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and four cases were Hodgkin's disease. Eleven non-Hodgkin's lymphomas were classified as diffuse large cell type, five cases were small non-cleaved cell, Burkitt-type, and four cases were large cell immunoblastic non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Eighteen cases were of B-cell phenotype; one was a T-cell lymphoma, and one was classified as null. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) was demonstrated in the majority of tumor cells of 11 of 20 (55%) of the cases non-Hodgkin's lymphomas and in 3 of 4 (75%) cases of Hodgkin's disease. AIDS-related lymphomas in Brazil are usually of large cell/immunoblastic type, but Hodgkin's disease is also seen. Both non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and Hodgkin's disease are often associated with EBV infection. The non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is predominantly of B-cell phenotype.


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Purpose: To elaborate an experimental model of pulmonary carcinogenesis in Wistar rats. Methods: Male Rattus norvegicus albinus, Wistar lineage was carried through an intra-pulmonary instillation of the Benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) dilution in alcohol 70%, a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon widely known by its power of tumoral induction. Three experimental groups had been formed with 08 animals each: Control Group (Alcohol 70%); B[a]P Group 10 mg/kg; e B[a]P Group 20mg/ kg, submitted to euthanasia 08, 10, 12 and 14 weeks after the experimental procedure. The pulmonary sections had been colored by hematoxilin-eosin (HE) and submitted to the morphometrical analysis to describe the tissue alterations. Results: The presence of diffuse inflammatory alterations was observed in all groups, however, at the analysis of the pulmonary tissue of the experimental groups, it had been observed hyperplasic alterations (BALT hyperplasia), and in one of the animals of the experimental group 20mg/kg (12 weeks), it was noticed the presence of cellular epithelial tracheal pleomorphism, suggesting the adenocarcinoma formation in situ. Conclusion: The main secondary alterations to the intra-pulmonary instillation of B[a]P in Wistar rats were: cellular proliferation, inflammatory alterations of several degrees and nodular lymphoid hyperplasias. The association of an activator agent of the pulmonary metabolic reply is necessary to establish the ideal reply-dose to the development of the lung cancer.


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A lot sizing and scheduling problem prevalent in small market-driven foundries is studied. There are two related decision levels: (1) the furnace scheduling of metal alloy production, and (2) moulding machine planning which specifies the type and size of production lots. A mixed integer programming (MIP) formulation of the problem is proposed, but is impractical to solve in reasonable computing time for non-small instances. As a result, a faster relax-and-fix (RF) approach is developed that can also be used on a rolling horizon basis where only immediate-term schedules are implemented. As well as a MIP method to solve the basic RF approach, three variants of a local search method are also developed and tested using instances based on the literature. Finally, foundry-based tests with a real-order book resulted in a very substantial reduction of delivery delays and finished inventory, better use of capacity, and much faster schedule definition compared to the foundry's own practice. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The excision repair cross-complementation 1 (ERCC1) enzyme plays an essential role in the nucleotide excision repair pathway and is associated with resistance to platinum-based chemotherapy in different types of cancer. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the clinicopathological significance of ERCC1 expression in breast cancer patients. We analyzed the immunohistochemical expression of ERCC1 in a tissue microarray from 135 primary breast carcinomas and correlated the immunohistochemical findings with clinicopathological factors and outcome data. ERCC1 expression analysis was available for 109 cases. In this group, 58 (53.2%) were positive for ERCC1. ERCC1-positive expression was correlated with smaller tumor size (P=0.007) and with positivity for estrogen receptor (P=0.040), but no correlation was found with other clinicopathological features. Although not statistically significant, triple negative breast cancers were more frequently negative for ERCC1 (61.5% of the cases) compared to the non-triple negative breast cancer cases (41.5%). In conclusion, ERCC1 expression correlated significantly with favorable prognostic factors, such as smaller tumor size and ER-positivity, suggesting a possible role for ERCC1 as a predictive and/or prognostic marker in breast cancer. © 2013 Elsevier GmbH.


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The use of prognostic markers for breast cancer allows therapeutic strategies to be defined more efficiently. The expression of glutathione (GSH) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) in tumor cells has been evaluated as a predictor of prognosis and response to cytotoxic treatments. Its immunoexpression was assessed in 63 women diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma in a retrospective study. The results showed that high GSH expression was associated with tumors negative for the estrogen receptor (ER) (P<0.05), and GPX expression was associated with tumors negative for the progesterone receptor (PR) and patient mortality. Focusing on the 37 patients who received adjuvant chemotherapy/radiotherapy (Group I), high expression of GPX was associated with a high rate of patient mortality (P<0.05). The 19 patients who received only adjuvant chemotherapy (Group II) showed high expression of GSH in relation to metastasis (P<0.05). In addition, high levels of GPX expression were significantly associated with a shorter overall survival (P<0.05). To confirm this, the expression of precursor genes of GSH [glutamate cysteine ligase (GCLC) and glutathione synthetase (GSS)] and the GPX gene was analyzed using quantitative PCR in cultured neoplastic mammary cells treated with doxorubicin. Doxorubicin treatment was able to eliminate tumor cells without alterations in the gene expression of GSS, but led to underexpression of the GCLC and GPX genes. Our results suggest that high levels of GPX may be related to the development of resistance to chemotherapy in these tumors, response to treatment and the clinical course of the breast cancer patients.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: Cancer pain severely limits function and significantly reduces quality of life. Subtypes of sensory neurons involved in cancer pain and proliferation are not clear.Methods: We produced a cancer model by inoculating human oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) cells into the hind paw of athymic mice. We quantified mechanical and thermal nociception using the paw withdrawal assays. Neurotoxins isolectin B4-saporin (IB4-SAP), or capsaicin was injected intrathecally to selectively ablate IB4(+) neurons or TRPV1(+) neurons, respectively. JNJ-17203212, a TRPV1 antagonist, was also injected intrathecally. TRPV1 protein expression in the spinal cord was quantified with western blot. Paw volume was measured by a plethysmometer and was used as an index for tumor size. Ki-67 immunostaining in mouse paw sections was performed to evaluate cancer proliferation in situ.Results: We showed that mice with SCC exhibited both mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity. Selective ablation of IB4(+) neurons by IB4-SAP decreased mechanical allodynia in mice with SCC. Selective ablation of TRPV1(+) neurons by intrathecal capsaicin injection, or TRPV1 antagonism by JNJ-17203212 in the IB4-SAP treated mice completely reversed SCC-induced thermal hyperalgesia, without affecting mechanical allodynia. Furthermore, TRPV1 protein expression was increased in the spinal cord of SCC mice compared to normal mice. Neither removal of IB4(+) or TRPV1(+) neurons affected SCC proliferation.Conclusions: We show in a mouse model that IB4(+) neurons play an important role in cancer-induced mechanical allodynia, while TRPV1 mediates cancer-induced thermal hyperalgesia. Characterization of the sensory fiber subtypes responsible for cancer pain could lead to the development of targeted therapeutics.