970 resultados para protein purification


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For the first time, a novel prefractionation method used in proteomic analysis was developed, which is performed by a novel aqueous two-phase system (NATPS) composed of n-butanol, (NH4)(2)SO4, and water. It can separate proteomic proteins into multigroups by one-step extraction. The phase-separation conditions of n-butanol solutions were studied in the presence of commonly used inorganic salts. The NATPS was subsequently developed. Using human serum albumin, zein, and gamma-globulin as model proteins, the separation effectiveness of the NATPS for protein was studied under affection factors, i.e., pH, n-butanol volume, protein, or salt concentration. The model and actual protein samples were separated by the NATPS and then directly used for gel electrophoresis without separating the target proteins from phase-forming reagents. It revealed that the NATPS could separate proteomic proteins into multigroups by one-step extraction. The NATPS has the advantages of rapidity, simplicity, low cost, biocompability, and high efficiency. It need not separate target proteins from the phase-forming reagents. The NATPS has great significance in separation and extraction of proteomic proteins, as well as in methodology.


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The proton-translocating NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) has been purified from Aquifex aeolicus, a hyperthermophilic eubacterium of known genome sequence. The purified detergent solubilized enzyme is highly active above 50 degreesC. The specific activity for electron transfer from NADH to decylubiquinone is 29 U/mg at 80 degreesC. The A. aeolicus complex I is completely sensitive to rotenone and 2-n-decyl-quinazoline-4-yl-amine. SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis shows that it may contain up to 14 subunits. N-terminal amino acid sequencing of the bands indicates the presence of a stable subcomplex, which is composed of subunits E, F, and G. The isolated complex is highly stable and active in a temperature range from 50 to 90 degreesC, with a half-life of about 10 h at 80 degreesC. The activity shows a linear Arrhenius plot at 50-85 degreesC with an activation energy at 31.92 J/mol K. Single particle electron microscopy shows that the A. aeolicus complex I has the typical L-shape. However, visual inspection of averaged images reveals many more details in the external arm of the complex than has been observed for complex I from other sources. In addition, the angle (90degrees) between the cytoplasmic peripheral arm and the membrane intrinsic arm of the complex appears to be invariant.


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Size-exclusion or gel filtration chromatography is one of the most popular methods for determining the sizes of proteins. Proteins in solution, or other macromolecules, are applied to a column with a defined support medium. The behavior of the protein depends on its size and that of the pores in the medium. If the protein is small relative to the pore size, it will partition into the medium and emerge from the column after larger proteins. Besides a protein's size, this technique can also be used for protein purification, analysis of purity, and study of interactions between proteins. In this unit protocols are provided for size-exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography (SE-HPLC) and for conventional gel filtration, including calibration of columns (in terms of the Stokes radius) using protein standards.


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Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Bioquímica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2014


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Grape (Vitis spp.) is a culturally and economically important crop plant that has been cultivated for thousands of years, primarily for the production of wine. Grape berries accumulate a myriad of phenylpropanoid secondary metabolites, many of which are glucosylated in plantae More than 90 O-glucosyltransferases have been cloned and biochemically characterized from plants, only two of which have been isolated from Vitis spp. The world-wide economic importance of grapes as a crop plant, the human health benefits associated with increased consumption of grape-derived metabolites, the biological relevance of glucosylation, and the lack of information about Vitis glucosyltransferases has inspired the identification, cloning and biochemical characterization of five novel "family 1" O-glucosyltransferases from Concord grape (Vitis labrusca cv. Concord). Protein purification and associated protein sequencIng led to the molecular cloning of UDP-glucose: resveratrollhydroxycinnamic acid O-glucosyltransferase (VLRSGT) from Vitis labrusca berry mesocarp tissue. In addition to being the first glucosyltransferase which accepts trans-resveratrol as a substrate to be characterized in vitro, the recombinant VLRSGT preferentially produces the glucose esters of hydroxycinnamic acids at pH 6.0, and the glucosides of trans-resveratrol and flavonols at 'pH 9.0; the first demonstration of pH-dependent bifunctional glucosylation for this class of enzymes. Gene expression and metabolite profiling support a role for this enzyme in the bifuncitonal glucosylation ofstilbenes and hydroxycinnamic acids in plantae A homology-based approach to cloning was used to identify three enzymes from the Vitis vinifera TIGR grape gene index which had high levels of protein sequence iii identity to previously characterized UDP-glucose: anthocyanin 5-0-glucosyltransferases. Molecular cloning and biochemical characterization demonstrated that these enzymes (rVLOGTl, rVLOGT2, rVLOGT3) glucosylate the 7-0-position of flavonols and the xenobiotic 2,4,5-trichlorophenol (TCP), but not anthocyanins. Variable gene expression throughout grape berry development and enzyme assays with native grape berry protein are consistent with a role for these enzymes in the glucosylation of flavonols; while the broad substrate specificity, the ability of these enzymes to glucosylate TCP and expression of these genes in tissues which are subject to pathogen attack (berry, flower, bud) is consistent with a role for these genes in the plant defense response. Additionally, the Vitis labrusca UDP-glucose: flavonoid 3-0-glucosyltransferase (VL3GT) was identified, cloned and characterized. VL3GT has 96 % protein sequence identity to the previously characterized Vitis vinifera flavonoid 3-0-glucosyltransferase (VV3GT); and glucosylates the 3-0-position of anthocyanidins and flavonols in vitro. Despite high levels of protein sequence identity, VL3GT has distinct biochemical characteristics (as compared to VV3GT), including a preference for B-ring methylated flavonoids and the inability to use UDP-galactose as a donor substrate. RT-PCR analysis of VL3GT gene expression and enzyme assays with native grape protein is consistent with an in planta role for this enzyme in the glucosylation of anthocyanidins,but not flavonols. These studies reveal the power of combining several biochemistry- and molecular biology-based tools to identify, clone, biochemically characterize and elucidate the in planta function of several biologically relevant O-glucosyltransferases from Vitis spp.


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Salmonella enterica sérovar Typhi (Typhi) est une bactérie pathogène spécifique à l’homme. Typhi est l’agent étiologique de la fièvre typhoïde chez l’humain, causant plus de 16 millions de nouveaux cas par année et plus de 600 000 morts. Il a été démontré que pour causer une infection systémique, Salmonella doit nécessairement survivre dans les macrophages de l'hôte. Paradoxalement, S. enterica sérovar Typhimurium, très apparenté à Typhi (près de 90 % d’homologie), n’a pas la capacité de se disséminer dans l’organisme humain et peut infecter plusieurs espèces animales. Nous avons antérieurement identifié 36 gènes uniques à Typhi (absents chez Typhimurium) situés sur 15 régions différentes et exprimés sélectivement lors de l’infection de macrophages humains. Ainsi, l’une de ces régions a suscité notre attention, soit la région sty4217-4222 et plus particulièrement le produit du gène sty4221, une aminotransférase hypothétique. Ce dernier gène est d’intérêt dû à l’homologie qu’il détient avec une hémolysine connue (Hly) produite par Treponema denticola, possédant elle-même une activité d’aminotransférase. Chez T. denticola, Hly dégrade la cystéine et produit du H2S qui est toxique pour l’hôte. Notre hypothèse est que la spécificité d’hôte et la capacité de produire une infection systémique de Typhi sont dues à l’expression de gènes qui ne se retrouvent pas chez d’autres salmonelles. Le but de cette étude était donc de caractériser le gène sty4221 quant à son activité hémolytique, cytotoxique et tenter de déterminer son rôle dans la virulence de cette bactérie. Le gène sty4221 a été cloné sous le contrôle d’un promoteur inductible à l’arabinose et exprimé par E. coli. L’activité hémolytique du clone a été déterminée par simple observation sur gélose sang. Ce clone a également permis d’observer l’effet cytotoxique du surnageant de culture sur différentes lignées cellulaires, par quantification de la relâche de LDH. Le gène sty4221 a été muté chez la souche sauvage de Typhi, ISP1820, l’implication pathogénique du gène a ainsi pu être étudiée. Des tests de phagocytose, d’invasion et de survie dans des macrophages humains ont été effectués, ainsi que des tests d’adhésion et d’invasion sur des cellules HeLa. Par ailleurs, une première tentative de purification de la protéine a été entreprise. En somme, nous savons maintenant que STY4221 a des propriétés hémolytiques, augmentées par la présence de cystéine. De plus, STY4221 a un effet cytotoxique sur les macrophages THP-I, mais aucun effet sur les HeLa. Or, sty4221 ne semble pas impliqué dans les étapes d’adhésion, d’invasion, de phagocytose ou de survie. La caractérisation de sty4221 permettra sans doute d’approfondir nos connaissances sur les toxines trouvées uniquement chez Typhi.


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L’athérosclérose est une maladie vasculaire inflammatoire chronique qui se développe progressivement au cours de la vie. Les mécanismes impliqués sont complexes et la recherche de nouveaux candidats impliqués dans l'athérogénèse est toujours d'actualité. L’Angiopoietine-like 2 (Angptl2) est une protéine relativement peu connue, aux propriétés pro-angiogéniques et pro-inflammatoires, qui appartient par homologie à la grande famille des angiopoietines, mais dont le récepteur n'est pas encore clairement identifié. Les situations pathologiques dans lesquelles l’Angptl2 jouerait un rôle crucial sont diverses, mais sa contribution moléculaire dans le développement de l’athérosclérose est inconnue. Par differential display, nous avons initialement identifié l'Angptl2 comme étant surexprimée dans des cellules endothéliales sénescentes, isolées et cultivées à partir d'artères mammaires internes de patients athérosclérotiques ayant subi un pontage coronarien. Cette découverte a été la à base de mon projet, et mes objectifs ont été 1) de déterminer l'implication de l’Angptl2 vasculaire en présence de facteurs de risques tels que le tabagisme et la dyslipidémie, 2) de produire et de purifier une protéine recombinante fonctionnelle de l’Angptl2 afin d'identifier in vitro de nouvelles propriétés cellulaires de l'Angptl2 et 3) d'étudier in vivo le potentiel pro-athérogénique de l'Angptl2 recombinante dans un modèle murin de dyslipidémie sévère. Nous avons montré que l’Angptl2 est sécrétée préférentiellement dans des conditions pro-oxydantes et pro-inflammatoires, avec une augmentation de son expression endothéliale de l’ordre de 6 fois chez des patients coronariens fumeurs atteints de maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique. Suite à ces résultats, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que l’Angptl2, en plus de ses fonctions pro-inflammatoires connues, possède des propriétés pro-oxydantes. Nous avons démontré que l’Angptl2 recombinante stimule en effet la production de radicaux libres dans des HUVEC en culture, via l’inhibition partielle de la voie cytoprotectrice antioxydante Nrf2/HO-1 et potentiellement via l'activation de kinase intracellulaire de type p38. A l'aide de souris dyslipidémiques LDLr-/-; hApoB-100+/+, nous avons démontré que le niveau d’Angptl2 plasmatique, vasculaire et dans les plaques athéromateuses, augmente parallèlement avec le développement de l’athérosclérose. De plus, une stimulation avec l’Angptl2 recombinante engendre chez ces souris une réponse inflammatoire évaluée par l’expression endothéliale de cytokines et de molécules d'adhésion et par l’infiltration de leucocytes sur l’endothélium vasculaire. Finalement, l’administration intraveineuse de la protéine recombinante d’Angptl2 pendant quatre semaines à des souris LDLr-/-; hApoB-100+/+ augmente de 10 fois l'expansion de la plaque athérosclérotique et double leur taux de cholestérol circulant. Nous avons aussi montré que chez des patients athérosclérotiques, l'Angptl2 plasmatique est 6 fois plus élevée que chez des sujets sains du même âge. Nos études semblent donc définir l’Angptl2 comme un facteur contribuant directement au développement de l'athérosclérose en favorisant la sénescence, l’inflammation et l’oxydation des cellules endothéliales. Ces propriétés pourraient globalement définir l'Angptl2, non seulement comme un nouveau biomarqueur circulant de l’athérosclérose, mais également comme l'un de ses promoteurs.


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Using two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-D SDS-PAGE) of 32P-labeled cytosolic and membrane extracts, we identified a 21.5 kDa phosphoprotein with an isoelectric point of 6.0 in NFS-60 cells that was phosphorylated maximally at 15 min by treatment with granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) but not with interlevkin-3 (IL-3) or colony-stimulating factor-1 (macrophage-colony stimulating factor (CSF-1 (M-CSF)). The phosphorylation of this protein, designated 21.5/6.0, was unaffected by a series of antiproliferative agents [32]. These findings suggested that the 21.5/6.0 phosphoprotein may be involved in specific G-CSF-mediated biological responses such as activation and/or differentiation. We sought to characterize this 21.5/6.0 by a novel combination of 2-D SDS-PAGE and hydroxyapatite (HTP)-chromatography. Amino acid sequence determination of 21.5/6.0 revealed it to share a high level of homology with copper/zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn-SOD), indicating that a Cu/Zn-SOD is phosphorylated following treatment with G-CSF. This is the first report of the phosphorylation and possible involvement of Cu/Zn-SOD protein in granulocyte activation/differentiation events. In addition, Cu/Zn-SOD levels and activity were diminished by G-CSF but not IL-3 treatment. This new protocol combining 2-D SDS-PAGE and HTP-chromatography allows the characterization of low abundance phosphoproteins involved in the cellular responses to G-CSF and presumably to other cytokines/growth factors.


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Currently, diagnostic tests for mesenteric ischaemia and infarction are inadequate due to poor sensitivity and specificity. In addition, many potential markers appear too late to be clinically useful. At present, definitive diagnosis can only be made at the time of surgery, which is not ideal as surgery is often to be avoided in critically ill and elderly patients. A clinically useful, minimally invasive test is likely to decrease the currently very high mortality rate and allow monitoring of 'at risk' patients during their hospital stay. A two-dimensional electrophoresis based proteomic approach was undertaken to assess plasma protein differences between patients with surgically confirmed bowel infarction and control Intensive Care patients. The major protein differences were found to be members or variants of acute phase proteins. Serum amyloid A showed the largest difference between the two patient groups, and this protein was investigated in greater depth. An analysis was performed to compare the diagnostic ability of several commonly used indicators of critical illness and bowel infarction with serum amyloid A and phospholipase A2. Although none of the variables were ideal for clinical use, plasma phospholipase A2 activity showed the best discriminatory power, as determined by Receiver Operating Characteristic curves. From a review of the literature, phospholipase AI (PLA2) appeared to be increased in the bowel as a result of ischaemia and infarction. In one patient, matched tissues were obtained, and PLA2 activity was found to be significantly higher in infarcted bowel tissue compared to ischaemic bowel tissue. PLA2 activity was significantly greater in bowel lumen than tissue, suggesting that the protein was being released, and may enter the circulation. PLA2 activity was increased in the plasma of bowel infarction patients compared with control patients, though the difference was not significant. The phospholipase activity exhibited a number of similarities to typical phospholipase A2 proteins, but also showed a number of inconsistent characteristics. For this reason, we wished to identify the protein responsible for the increased phospholipase activity in infarcted human bowel. The PLA2 activity in human bowel could not be abolished by immunoprecipitation of the PLA2 isoforms IIA (well described in bowel) and V (a closely related isoform). To investigate these proteins, a native urea protein gel devised for snake venom phospholipase A2 was modified for use with mammalian phospholipase AI. The modified gel was used to show that the protein with phospholipase activity from infarcted gut was different from normal gut PLA2 and type IIA PLA2. A number of extensions were devised for these native gels and were found to be useful both in this investigation and for venom investigations. Protein purification was undertaken to identify the protein responsible for the increased phospholipase activity in infarcted bowel. Protein was purified from infarcted human bowel using a number of techniques that exploited unusual characteristics of the protein. The purification techniques each retained the native activity of the protein and the purification could therefore be monitored with a phospholipid hydrolysis assay at each stage. The protein identified by mass spectrometry was an excellent match for cyclophilin B, an inflammatory protein that had previously been identified in rat bowel at the mRNA level (Hasel et al, 1991, Kainer & Doris, 2000). As the purification progress had been monitored throughout with a phospholipid hydrolysis assay, cyclophilin B was an unexpected identification, as it is not known to have phospholipase activity. Cyclophilin B was removed from the highly purified samples via immunoprecipitation and this process abolished all phospholipase activity. The addition of cyclosporin A, (the pharmaceutical ligand of cyclophilin B), did not effect the phospholipase activity. Cyclophilin B protein was found in normal and infarcted human bowel using Western blotting. Cyclophilin B protein also appeared to be present in the bowel lumen and plasma of several patients with bowel infarction, but not in control patients. Immunohistochemistry confirmed the ubiquitous nature of cyclophilin B that had been reported by other groups. This project has investigated the use of two dimensional gel electrophoresis based proteomics to identify proteins present in the plasma of patients with confirmed bowel infarction and control intensive care patients. The major protein classes observed were members of the acute phase proteins, which highlights the need for pre-fractionation of plasma to identify lower abundance, disease associated proteins. A series of potential plasma markers were compared using Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves. Although no ideal marker was clear from this analysis, phospholipase activity appeared to warrant further investigation. Phospholipase activity was investigated in human infarcted bowel. Protein purification identified cyclophilin B as a bowel protein that showed unusual phospholipid hydrolysing activity. Cyclophilin B is a ubiquitous protein in intestinal cell types in both normal and infarcted tissue. There appears to be release of cyclophilin B into bowel lumen and plasma under conditions of mesenteric ischaemia and infarction.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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2,2,7-trimethylguanosine (TMG) binding proteins from human cells were purified through TMG-affinity columns. TMG synthesis was improved and the TMG obtained was shown to be similar to the TMG in the 5' cap of the UsnRNAs. The eluates obtained with TMG-affinity chromatographies were very different from those isolated with m7G-affinity columns, thus suggesting that specific TMG- binding proteins were obtained. The fraction may be enriched with factors associated with import and/or hypermethylation of UsnRNPs.


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Many prokaryotic nucleoid proteins bend DNA and form extended helical protein-DNA fibers rather than condensed structures. On the other hand, it is known that such proteins (such as bacterial HU) strongly promote DNA condensation by macromolecular crowding. Using theoretical arguments, we show that this synergy is a simple consequence of the larger diameter and lower net charge density of the protein-DNA filaments as compared to naked DNA, and hence, should be quite general. To illustrate this generality, we use light-scattering to show that the 7kDa basic archaeal nucleoid protein Sso7d from Sulfolobus solfataricus (known to sharply bend DNA) likewise does not significantly condense DNA by itself. However, the resulting protein-DNA fibers are again highly susceptible to crowding-induced condensation. Clearly, if DNA-bending nucleoid proteins fail to condense DNA in dilute solution, this does not mean that they do not contribute to DNA condensation in the context of the crowded living cell. © 2007 World Scientific Publishing Company.


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Background. The emergence of multi- and extensively-drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains has created an urgent need for new agents to treat tuberculosis (TB). The enzymes of shikimate pathway are attractive targets to the development of antitubercular agents because it is essential for M. tuberculosis and is absent from humans. Chorismate synthase (CS) is the seventh enzyme of this route and catalyzes the NADH- and FMN-dependent synthesis of chorismate, a precursor of aromatic amino acids, naphthoquinones, menaquinones, and mycobactins. Although the M. tuberculosis Rv2540c (aroF) sequence has been annotated to encode a chorismate synthase, there has been no report on its correct assignment and functional characterization of its protein product. Results. In the present work, we describe DNA amplification of aroF-encoded CS from M. tuberculosis (MtCS), molecular cloning, protein expression, and purification to homogeneity. N-terminal amino acid sequencing, mass spectrometry and gel filtration chromatography were employed to determine identity, subunit molecular weight and oligomeric state in solution of homogeneous recombinant MtCS. The bifunctionality of MtCS was determined by measurements of both chorismate synthase and NADH:FMN oxidoreductase activities. The flavin reductase activity was characterized, showing the existence of a complex between FMN ox and MtCS. FMNox and NADH equilibrium binding was measured. Primary deuterium, solvent and multiple kinetic isotope effects are described and suggest distinct steps for hydride and proton transfers, with the former being more rate-limiting. Conclusion. This is the first report showing that a bacterial CS is bifunctional. Primary deuterium kinetic isotope effects show that C4-proS hydrogen is being transferred during the reduction of FMNox by NADH and that hydride transfer contributes significantly to the rate-limiting step of FMN reduction reaction. Solvent kinetic isotope effects and proton inventory results indicate that proton transfer from solvent partially limits the rate of FMN reduction and that a single proton transfer gives rise to the observed solvent isotope effect. Multiple isotope effects suggest a stepwise mechanism for the reduction of FMNox. The results on enzyme kinetics described here provide evidence for the mode of action of MtCS and should thus pave the way for the rational design of antitubercular agents. © 2008 Ely et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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The Mycobacterium tuberculosis cmk gene, predicted to encode a CMP kinase (CMK), was cloned and expressed, and its product was purified to homogeneity. Steady-state kinetics confirmed that M. tuberculosis CMK is a monomer that preferentially phosphorylates CMP and dCMP by a sequential mechanism. A plausible role for CMK is discussed. Copyright © 2009, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.