809 resultados para Material didático Ensino Fundamental


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The relationship between humans and non-human animals dates back to the Prehistoric Era, when groups of humans migrated from the nomadic and extractive stage to sedentariness, starting to develop agriculture and animal husbandry. Ancient Greek philosophy, notably the Aristotelian school of philosophy, posited that nature has not done anything for nothing, and all things have a purpose: plants were created for the sake of animals, and these for the good of men, while the Bible preaches the view that the world was created for the good of men and other species were subordinated to their wants and needs. During the Renaissance, centuries XIV to XVI, anthropocentrism was established as the main philosophical concept. However, in relation to the treatment of animals, Renaissance did not differ substantially from medieval scholasticism, considering animals like machines, devoid of pain and immortal soul. In this context, scientific knowledge about plants, non-human animals and nature in general, is built on anthropocentric values, thus influencing the construction of school education in the disciplines of Science and Biology. Nowadays, at So Paulo state schools, specifically in the Ensino Fundamental II (6th to 9th grade), the program of the discipline Cincias da Natureza e suas Tecnologias is set by the Currculo Oficial do Estado de So Paulo, via the So Paulo Faz Escola Program, implemented by the Secretaria Estadual de Educao in 2010. This documentary research used the methodology of Content Analysis and aimed to analyze the presentation of non-human animals in Caderno do Professor and Caderno do Aluno, from 6th to 9th grades of the discipline Cincias da Natureza e suas Tecnologias. The analysis of the courseware revealed that its contents were influenced by the anthropocentric view, in both implicitly and explicitly ways, conveying anthropomorphic, utilitarian, stereotyped and derogatory statements towards...


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This work is part of a study that focused on analyzing the contributions of didactic activities related to scientific language rhetoric characteristics aimed at developing students' abilities to identify such characteristics in chemistry scientific texts and critical reading of those texts. In this study, we present the theoretical basis adopted to determine the scientific discourse characteristics and for the production of the didactic material used in those activities. Latour, Coracini and Campanario studies on persuasive rhetorical strategies present in scientific articles aided the production of such material.


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This investigation aims at identifying, describing, analyzing and interpreting how textbooks on Portuguese Language approach, beginning with the linguistic material, the effects of sense in texts that predominately employ injunctives. The corpus of this study is comprised of six collections of textbooks on Portuguese Language, which are part of the National Program Guide for Textbooks (PNLD) from 2010, adopted by the public schools in the city of Natal and the object of study for the Read/Tell Project of the Educational Observatory of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Textbooks from the 4th and 5th grades, Elementary School, were analyzed 12 copies total. For the analysis, we selected 16 writing proposals of injunctive texts. Our study is based on theoretical discussions by Adam (2001a, 2001b) with regard to the genre of: inciting to action. In addition, we consider the work of Koch and Fvero (1987), Koch and Elias (2009), Marcuschi (2003, 2008) Pery-Woodly (2001), Rodrigues (2013), Travaglia (1992, 2007) and Rosa (2007). With respect to discussions on textbooks, we refer to Choppin (2004, 2009), Batista (2003, 2009), Rojo e Batista (2005), and with regard to Portuguese Language textbooks specifically, we consider Soares (1998, 2001, 2004) and Bunzen and Rojo (2005). The proposals for writing in injunctive texts, in the collections analyzed, are tips/recommendations, instructions on making toys and/or games, travel itineraries and cooking recipes, such that 69% of them appear in the 4 th grade textbooks and only 31% appear in the 5th grade textbooks. With respect to the linguistic elements responsible for the construction of directive speech acts and the effects on sense produced by them, the data shows that 50% of the writing proposals do not exploit linguistic categories that implicate the effects on sense using injunctives, or rather, there is no work done dealing with linguistic analysis, while 33% mention the imperative mode and 17% investigate infinitive verbs. In this dissertation, the textual plans of incitation to act genres were studied and in them the linguistic materiality that vehicles injunction. This study might contribute to the improvement of Portuguese language teaching in what concerns the articulation of grammatical studies to textual sequences/types, mainly in the case of Portuguese language textbooks for the 4th and 5th grades of Elementary School.


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Acompanha: Material de apoio para os professores das escolas municipais de Curitiba: propostas de prticas de ensino por investigao nas aulas de cincias dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental.


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Esta dissertao se prope a analisar e a dimensionar a relevncia que as propostas de produo de texto oral recebem nos livros didáticos do 6 ao 9 ano do Ensino Fundamental selecionados e indicados pelo Ministrio da Educao, em seu Guia do Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD), em contraste com as de produo escrita. Tambm analisa a adequao dos gneros textuais trabalhados em tais propostas, tendo em vista a preparao do aluno para o exerccio da cidadania e a participao no mercado de trabalho por meio do domnio da linguagem oral, conforme orientao dos Parmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN). Na impossibilidade de se analisarem todas as colees indicadas no referido documento, optou-se por selecionar as duas mais frequentemente adotadas nas escolas pblicas em todo o territrio nacional. Cumpre ressaltar que os PCN, documento oficial que apresenta um conjunto de orientaes tericas e metodolgicas para o ensino de Lngua Portuguesa, colocam em evidncia o estudo dos gneros textuais como um dos eixos do trabalho com a lngua materna e tm abrangncia nacional naquilo que recomendam. O PNLD, por seu turno, garante a quase trinta milhes de alunos brasileiros do 6 ao 9 anos do Ensino Fundamental o acesso a livros didáticos de seis componentes curriculares, incluindo a Lngua Portuguesa, da a relevncia da pesquisa. Os resultados da investigao apontam para uma menor relevncia atribuda oralidade nas colees analisadas, apesar da consonncia das obras com as orientaes dos PCN, as quais recomendam que sejam priorizados os gneros textuais da comunicao pblica. O presente trabalho ainda sugere linhas de ao no ensino da lngua materna, de modo a reforar, no aluno, o uso de variedades lingusticas orais publicamente adequadas, visando participao social mais ampla e legtima, s exigncias do mercado de trabalho e realizao plena do indivduo que pensa e tem necessidade prtica de exprimir seus anseios


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Dissertao apresentada ao Programa de Ps-graduao em Comunicao - Mestrado da Universidade Municipal de So Caetano do Sul.


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sabido que crianas e adolescentes podem ser acometidas de dor nas costas de forma aguda ou at mesmo crnica (SALMINEN, PENTTI E TERHO, 1992; KRISTJNDTTIR, 1996; WEDDERKOPP et al. 2001). Essa ocorrncia muitas vezes est associada s atividades escolares que fazem parte do cotidiano desta populao (SOUZA, VILA E MORO, 1999; GRIMMER E WILLIAMS, 2000). Os programas de preveno, baseados nos princpios da Escola Postural (SOUZA, 1996), podem ser uma alternativa para minimizar os efeitos provocados pela repetio excessiva dos movimentos, na medida em que os discute e pratica de forma biomecanicamente adaptada a sua realidade (MNDEZ E GMEZ-CONESA, 2001; CARDON, DE CLERCQ E BOURDEAUDHUIJ, 2002). Este trabalho situa-se nessa perspectiva. Seu objetivo foi verificar a influncia do Programa Postural para Escolares do Ensino Fundamental na (1) execuo e (2) aplicao das Atividades de Vida Diria (AVDS) dos escolares, na (3) forma como percebem e justificam suas posturas frente a algumas tarefas escolares cotidianas e na (4) Amplitude de Movimento Articular do tornozelo, quadril e coluna lombar. A amostra foi composta de um grupo controle (n=29; idade mdia=15,38 anos 0,97) e um grupo experimental (n=32; idade mdia=14 anos 0,93), selecionados intencionalmente. O Programa postural consistiu em vinte encontros de 50 minutos cada, duas vezes por semana. Os encontros eram terico-prticos e abordavam as atividades de vida diria relacionadas ao cotidiano escolar: sentar, permanecer sentado, permanecer sentado para escrever em sala de aula, transportar o material escolar e pegar objetos leves e pesados do cho Foram seis os instrumentos utilizados para avaliar o programa: (1) Observao das Atividades de Vida Diria atravs de Vdeo (ROCHA e SOUZA, 1999); (2) Questionrio sobre as Atividades de Vida Diria Verso para os Escolares; (3) Observao da Postura Sentada para Escrever em Sala de Aula; (4) Questionrio sobre as Atividades de Vida Diria Verso para os Pais; (5) Entrevista sobre as respostas dos escolares ao seus questionrios sobre as AVDS e (6) mensurao da Amplitude de Movimento Articular do tornozelo, quadril e coluna lombar. Os grupos realizaram todas as avaliaes tanto no pr-teste quanto no ps-teste mas apenas o grupo experimental participou do programa postural. Os resultados mostraram que o Programa Postural influenciou significativamente o grupo experimental nas Atividades de Vida Diria (Instrumento 1; p0,004), nas tarefas de sentar e sentar para escrever (Instrumento 2; p0,02) e na postura sentada para escrever em sala de aula (Instrumento 3; p=0,001). Alm disso, as respostas dos alunos s entrevistas mostraram que houve modificao qualitativa na forma de analisar as posies assumidas no ambiente escolar. No foi observada influncia estatisticamente significativa do Programa no questionrio sobre as atividades de vida diria verso para os pais (Instrumento 4) e na avaliao das amplitudes de movimento articular (Instrumento 6). Concluiu-se com este estudo que o Programa Postural para Escolares do Ensino Fundamental foi eficiente na melhoria da execuo das AVDs dos participantes, especialmente nos atos de sentar e permanecer sentado para escrever, assim como, na aplicao da postura sentada para escrever em sala de aula.


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Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de atividades desenvolvidas na oitava srie do Ensino Fundamental, explorando o tema Luz e Cores, a partir de uma abordagem essencialmente conceitual. Considerando as especificidades dessa srie quanto ao nvel de desenvolvimento cognitivo do aluno e quanto ao que encontrado sobre a referida srie nos Parmetros Curriculares Nacionais, abordamos o tema escolhido de forma interdisciplinar, possibilitando uma viso integradora das cincias por meio de relaes com assuntos, tais como Fotografia e Arte. A possibilidade de adaptao da proposta a outros nveis de ensino, conforme relatamos nas atividades desenvolvidas com alunos da Educao Infantil, da segunda srie do Ensino Fundamental e da segunda srie do Ensino Mdio, alm de pblicos diversos, como mostramos nas oficinas com profissionais de diferentes reas de atuao, so fatores relevantes no trabalho. Buscando facilitar a aplicao da proposta no sentido de garantir material vivel, de custo baixo, acessvel a todas as escolas e com bons resultados experimentais, apresentamos medidas que realizamos sobre espectros de transmisso de filtros de cor, confeccionados em papel celofane ou impressos em transparncias para impressoras jato de tinta, comparando sua qualidade a de filtros obtidos em indstrias especializadas.


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PASSEGGI,Luis lvaro Sgadari. O discurso expositivo escrito no ensino fundamental: um enfoque cognitivista e seus desdobramentos didáticos. Revista do GELNE, Fortaleza, v.4, n.1, p. 122-124, 2002.


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This work is located at the shield of research that defends the use of Mathematics History, based on the utilization of historical artifacts at teaching activities, at Mathematics classrooms, and at graduation courses for teachers of Elementary School and of the first grades of High School. The general objective is to examine the possibility of the use of historical artifacts, at teaching activities, at graduation courses for teachers of Elementary School and of the first grades of High School. Artifact, at this work, is comprehended as objects, documents, monuments, images and other kinds of materials that make sense to the Human actions at the past and that represent what have been said and done at the Human history. At the construction of the theoretical-methodological way of the research we have based ourselves upon the ideas of the authors that are engaged at the teachers formation; at researchers adherents to the use of Mathematics History (MH) as a methodological resource, and at studies accomplished that elucidate the role of the artifacts at the history and as a mediatory element of learning. We defend the thesis that the utilization of historical artifacts at teaching activities enables the increasing of the knowledge, the development of competencies and essential abilities to the teacher acting, as well as interact at different areas of the knowledge, that provides a conception of formation where the teacher improves his learning, learning-doing and learning-being. We have adopted a qualitative research approach with a theoretical and pratic study disposition about the elements that contribute to the teachers works at the classroom, emphasizing the role of the Mathematics history at the teacher s formation and as a pedagogical resource at the mathematics classroom; the knowledge, the competencies and abilities of the historical artifacts as an integrative link between the different areas of the knowledge. As result, we emphasize that the proposition of using the MH, through learning activities, at the course of teacher graduation is relevant, because it allows the investigation of ideas that originate the knowledge generated at every social context, considering the contribution of the social and cultural, political and economical aspects at this construction, making easy the dialog among the areas and inside of each one The historical artifact represents a research source that can be deciphered, comprehended, questioned, extracting from it information about knowledge of the past, trace and vestiges of the culture when it was created, consisting of a testimony of a period. These aspects grant to it consideration to be explored as a mediatory element of the learning. The artifacts incorporated at teaching activities of the graduation courses for teachers promote changes on the view about the Mathematics teaching, in view of to privilege the active participation of the student at the construction of his knowledge, at the reflection about the action that has been accomplished, promoting stimulus so the teachers can create their own artifacts, and offer, either, traces linking the Mathematics with others knowledge areas.


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior


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This work suggests a discussion about methodologies and didactic-pedagogical activities for the teaching of Astronomy in first and second cycles of the primary school, in a perspective of literacy and inclusion. The presented proposals have been developed in a group of the Public School Alceu Amoroso Lima, North of Natal city, with children since six years old, amongst which two considered as being with special needs . This research aims to demonstrate that it is possible to develop with those children the contents of Astronomy, while they participate of the process of literacy and inclusion. From this, we are searching a theoretical-practical contribution so that the Parmetros Curriculares Nacionais (Brazilian Nacional Curricular Guideness) include the referred contents in first cycle of primary school. For the accomplishment of this research, Experiential Astronomy was initially proposed. Later on, many workshops had been carried through (clay, ripping , crepon paper, plasticine, cardboard and gastro-lunar ). All the proposed activities were based on the conjunction of contents, which characterized the interdisciplinarity. Through the approach we adopted and the practices we proposed, we could evidence that not only children considered as being normal , but also that ones who carries special needs could appropriate themselves of our writing code, develop and incorporate a daily relationship close to the stuffs of the sky, learn many information about all of this, besides constructing attitudinal, procedural and conceptual contents