163 resultados para TRIATOMA-INFESTANS


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The Malpighian tubule cell nuclei of male Panstrongylus megistus, a vector of Chagas disease, contain one chromocenter, which is composed solely of the Y chromosome. Considering that different chromosomes contribute to the composition of chromocenters in different triatomini species, the aim of this study was to determine the contribution of AT-, GC-, and methylated cytidine-rich DNA in the chromocenter as well as in euchromatin of Malpighian tubule cell nuclei of P. megistus in comparison with published data for Triatoma infestans. Staining with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole/actinomycin D and chromomycin A(3)/distamycin, immunodetection of 5-methylcytidine and AgNOR test were used. The results revealed AT-rich/GC-poor DNA in the male chromocenter, but equally distributed AT and GC DNA sequences in male and female euchromatin, like in T. infestans. Accumulation of argyrophilic proteins encircling the chromocenter did not always correlate with that of GC-rich DNA. Methylated DNA identified by immunodetection was found sparsely distributed in the euchromatin of both sexes and at some points around the chromocenter edge, but it could not be considered responsible for chromatin condensation in the chromocenter, like in T. infestans. However, unlike in T. infestans, no correlation between the chromocenter AT-rich DNA and nucleolus organizing region (NOR) DNA was found in P. megistus. (c) 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Metarhizium anisopliae is one of the most studied agents of biological control of several arthropod plagues, including the cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. Studies have been conducted to assess the fungal complex infection process towards its hosts. To accomplish that, mutant strains overexpressing or lacking assumed determinant genes for the process were constructed over the years. A fundamental experiment to demonstrate a particular gene or set of genes participation is the bioassay. The comparison of bioassays using wild and engineered strains is an essential tool to affirm a given gene is crucial in the process. Therefore, the in vitro bioassays should mimic the results obtained in tests under field conditions. In this study, tests under laboratory and filed conditions were done and a correlation analysis was performed in order to statistically validate in vitro bioassays. Tick egg laying, larvae hatching and host mortality were recorded in each experiment through 21 days, both under laboratory and field conditions. In all cases, M. anisopliae treatments were statistically different from the control treatments. A linear regression analysis was performed between the cases. Laboratory results showed a statistically significant correlation with the field conditions using the Pearson's Correlation Test (P < 0.01 host mortality - 0.969, tick egg laying - 0.977 and larvae hatching - 0.956). These results legitimize the in vitro bioassays and, therefore, constitute them as a valid tool for studying this fungus behavior, so they can be used to infer M. anisopliae response towards R. (Boophilus) microplus.


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How can a chronic disease determine the life of a group of people diagnosed as seropositive away from their home country? And how do we account for that lived experience. Some diseases contemplated a few decades ago as strictly rural or of poor countries, are an urban reality now and are part of the epidemiological setting in wealthy developed countries. That is the case of Chagas disease in Spain. A disease linked for a long time to rural poverty, until migratory movements occurred nationwide from the country side to the city, and recently with international migration have turned pathology into a global public health issue. Chagas disease is a chronic parasitic infection, endemic in all Latin America and can be transmitted by triatomine or “kissing bug” (Triatoma Infestans), which lives and reproduces in straw houses of rural regions. According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO, 2006), the disease affects approximately eight million people. It is recognized by the WHO as a “neglected tropical disease”...


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Background: Chagas disease is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, and humans acquire the parasite by exposure to contaminated feces from hematophagous insect vectors known as triatomines. Triatoma virus (TrV) is the sole viral pathogen of triatomines, and is transmitted among insects through the fecal-oral route and, as it happens with T. cruzi, the infected insects release the virus when defecating during or after blood uptake. Methods: In this work, we analysed the occurrence of anti-TrV antibodies in human sera from Chagas disease endemic and non-endemic countries, and developed a mathematical model to estimate the transmission probability of TrV from insects to man, which ranged between 0.00053 and 0.0015. Results: Our results confirm that people with Chagas disease living in Bolivia, Argentina and Mexico have been exposed to TrV, and that TrV is unable to replicate in human hosts. Conclusions: We presented the first experimental evidence of antibodies against TrV structural proteins in human sera.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the external morphology of the scutellum through optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in male specimens of Triatoma costalimai, T. delpontei, T. eratyrusiformis, T. matogrossensis, T. infestans melanosoma, T. sherlocki, T. tibiamaculata, and T. vandae. A total of 30 photographs of the scutellum were made. Magnification varied from 50X to 750X. Regarding depth and forms of the central depression, the heart-shaped form was predominant, with some exceptions, so that this shape appears to be a common characteristic for species of genus Triatoma Laporte, 1832. In T. eratyrusiformis, a kind of sensillum with important taxonomic value was observed. The different sizes and shapes of the designs found on the posterior process of the scutellum were also of important taxonomic interest. The study of the scutellum based on SEM showed valuable characteristics, allowing the use of this structure to aid the diagnosis of triatomine species. Thus, more specimens in subsequent studies and analyses of morphometric parameters should contribute to agreement on phylogenetic aspects in this genus. A Key to eight species of Triatoma based on male scutellar morphology is presented.


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El objetivo del presente trabajo consistió en la evaluación de la adaptabilidad de 12 variedad es de papa (Solanum tuberosum L) y su tolerancia a Tizón Tardío (Phytophthora infestans Mont. De Bary). El ensayo se estableció el 8 de Febrero en la comunidad Santa Rosa Departamento de Jinotega, utilizándose un diseño de bloques completo al azar (BCA),con cuatro repeticiones a las que se les dio un seguimiento continuo para la recopilación de los datos a evaluar posteriormente. Los datos obtenidos en campo fueron analizados con el programa estadístico SAS. Las variedades evaluados fueron: Picasso, Amorosa, Sante, Fontane, Kuroda, Provento, Kónsul, Arnova, Arinda, Sinora, Roko y Papanica como testigo. Las variables evaluadas fueron: Incidencia a Tizón tardío en donde las variedades Papanica presento 67.5, Provento 75, Konsul 77.5, Roko 82, y Sante 82.5 porciento a los 55 DDS con respecto a las demás variedades; porcentaje de incidencia con respecto a las demás variedades; Porcentaje de severidad del área foliar infestada las variedades anteriormente mencionadas mostraron a los 82DDS 90.5, 79.5, 66.5, 94, 96 porciento. Lesión al tallo las variedades Provento, Sinora y Papanica tuvieron a los 80 DDS el grado 1 con respecto a la escala utilizada. Dentro de las plagas foliares las variedades Fontane, y kuroda obtuvieron como promedio 14 afidos por planta a los 37 DDS y las variedades Amorosa, Sante y Fontane obtuvieron como promedio 2 moscas por plantas a los 63 y 78 DDS. En cuanto a la Incidencia de virus no se encontró significancia estadística en los tratamientos evaluados en las diferentes fechas. Una vez realizado el análisis de varianza se encontró que la variedad Provento ocupa el mayor rendimiento en la categoría rendimiento de primera y segunda con 5.75 y 2.04 t ha-1. En la tercera categoría las variedades Papanica y Arinda mostraron alto rendimiento con 1.04 y 0.96 t ha-1. El análisis económico refleja que las variedades Provento, Sante y Papanica obtuvieron un beneficio neto de 4,069; 12,429 y 8201 C$/ha.


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El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo la evaluación del efecto de alternativas químicas y biológicas para el manejo del tizón tardío [Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) De Bary]. El ensayo se estableció en Aranjuez, Matagalpa en los meses de Octubre 2006 a Enero 2007, utilizando el diseño de bloques completo al azar (BCA) con ocho tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones donde se evaluaron fungicidas de contacto y sistémicos, incluyendo también un fungicida biológico como preventivo. Las aplicaciones se hicieron antes que aparecieran los primeros síntomas con fungicidas de contacto, después de los primeros síntomas las aplicaciones con sistémicos, no más de tres aplicaciones, excepto en el tratamiento 3 que fue a criterio del productor. Los tratamientos utilizados fueron: un testigo al cual no se le aplico ningún fungicida, T1 (Mancozeb + Alliete), T2 (Bravonil + Equation), T3 (Hachero + Curzate), T4 (Mancozeb + Amistar), T5 (Serenade + Flint), T6 (Mancozeb + Curzate) y T7 (Serenade + Curzate). La variedad utilizada fue Calwhite variedad susceptible a esta enfermedad, posteriormente los datos registrados durante el ensayo fueron analizados con el programa estadístico SAS v ersión 9.1.3. Las variable evaluadas fueron: severidad, área bajo la curva de progreso de la enfermedad (ABCPE) y de acuerdo a esto se diagramó la curva de progreso de la enfermedad (CPE), donde los resultados muestran que el tratamiento 5 no tuvo ningún efecto en el control de la enfermedad, al igual que el testigo mostrando siempre una fase exponencial a partir de la segunda semana después de haber emergido el total de las plantas, hasta alcanzar su máximo porcentaje de severidad. El tratamiento 3 mantuvo su fase logarítmica hasta los 43 días después de la emergencia (dde) con un porcentaje de severidad menor al 25% y los tratamientos 1, 2, 4 y 7 mostraron su fase exponencial después de los 43 dde, en cambio el tratamiento 6 mostró una sola fase logarítmica, siendo este el mas efectivo para el manejo de la enfermedad.


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O tomateiro (Solanum lycopersicum L. = Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) é uma das plantas oleráceas mais cultivadas no Brasil e o seu fruto, o tomate, é uma das olerícolas mais consumidas na mesa do brasileiro e muito usado pela agroindústria. Uma das doenças do tomateiro mais temidas pelos produtores é a requeima, causada pelo fungo Phytophtora infestans, que provoca grande destruição na cultura em pouco tempo. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de caracterizar isolados de P. infestans, coletados de tomateiros, quanto ao grupo de compatibilidade, à virulência e à resistência ao fungicida mefenoxan. Vinte e seis isolados foram caracterizados quanto ao grupo de compatibilidade; 24 foram caracterizados quanto à resistência ao mefenoxan; e determinou-se o espectro de virulência de 14 isolados. Todos os 26 isolados testados foram classificados como do grupo A1 de compatibilidade. Em relação à virulência, todos os isolados foram virulentos à cultivar de tomate 'IPA-5'. A maioria foi virulenta em plantas de tomate com os genes Ph1 (92,86%) ou Ph2 (78,57%) e uma pequena parte dos isolados foram virulentos em plantas com o gene Ph3 (21,43%). Quanto à resistência ao mefenoxan, a freqüência de isolados sensíveis, intermediários e resistentes foram de 16,67%, 16,67% e 66,66%, respectivamente. Há evidências da não-reprodução sexuada e formação de oósporos nos campos de tomate do país, retardando o aparecimento da doença. Devido a um maior número de isolados resistentes ao mefenoxan, o controle da requeima com este fungicida pode ser ineficiente em campo. Uma vez que o patógeno apresentou um amplo espectro de virulência, a utilização de cultivares com resistência vertical a requeima não é recomendada. O manejo integrado da requeima é a forma mais eficaz de se controlar a doença.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Entomología Médica) U.A.N.L.


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Many plant strengtheners are promoted for their supposed effects on nutrient uptake and/or resistance induction (IR). In addition, many organic fertilizers are supposed to enhance plant health and several studies have shown that tomatoes grown organically are more resistant to late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans to tomatoes grown conventionally. Much is known about the mechanisms underlying IR. In contrast, there is no systematic knowledge about genetic variation for IR. Therefore, the following questions were addressed in the presented dissertation: (i) Is there genetic variation among tomato genotypes for inducibility of resistance to P. infestans? (ii) How do different PS compare with the chemical inducer BABA in their ability to IR? (iii) Does IR interact with the inducer used and different organic fertilizers? A varietal screening showed that contrary to the commonly held belief IR in tomatoes is genotype and isolate specific. These results indicate that it should be possible to select for inducibility of resistance in tomato breeding. However, isolate specificity also suggests that there could be pathogen adaptation. The three tested PS as well as two of the three tested organic fertilisers all induced resistance in the tomatoes. Depending on PS or BABA variety and isolate effects varied. In contrast, there were no variety and isolate specific effects of the fertilisers and no interactions with the PS and fertilisers. This suggests that the different PS should work independent of the soil substrate used. In contrast the results were markedly different when isolate mixtures were used for challenge inoculations. Plants were generally less susceptible to isolate mixtures than to single isolates. In addition, the effectiveness of the PS was greater and more similar to BABA when isolate mixtures were used. The fact that the different PS and BABA differed in their ability to induce resistance in different host genotype -pathogen isolate combinations puts the usefulness of IR as a breeding goal in question. This would result in varieties depending on specific inducers. The results with the isolate mixtures are highly relevant. On the one hand they increase the effectiveness of the resistance inducers. On the other hand, measures that increase the pathogen diversity such as the use of diversified host populations will also increase the overall resistance of the hosts. For organic tomato production the results indicate that it is possible to enhance the tomato growing system with respect to plant health management by using optimal fertilisers, plant strengtheners and any measures that increase system diversity.


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Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, einen Beitrag zur Resistenzforschung bei Tomaten gegenüber P. infestans zu leisten, um erste Grundlagen für eine mögliche Züchtungsstrategie auf Basis unterschiedlicher quantitativer Resistenzen zu erarbeiten. Hierzu wurde untersucht, inwieweit unterschiedliche qualitative und quantitative Resistenzen bei Tomatenblättern und -früchten vorliegen, und ob hierfür verantwortliche Mechanismen identifiziert werden können. Zudem wurde untersucht, ob isolatspezifische quantitative Resistenzen identifiziert werden können. Zu diesem Zweck wurde mit einer erweiterten Clusteranalyse, basierend auf einer modifizierten Sanghvi-T2 Distanz, ein statistisches Verfahren entwickelt, welches die Identifikation von quantitativen, isolatspezifischen Resistenzen unter der Berücksichtigung der Variabilität ermöglicht. Des weiteren wurde geprüft, inwieweit zwischen den Resistenzausprägungen auf dem Blatt und den Resistenzausprägungen auf der Frucht ein Zusammenhang besteht und inwieweit die im Labor beobachteten Resistenzen unter Freilandbedingungen eine Rolle spielen. Im Labortest wurde die qualitative und quantitative Blattresistenz von 109 Akzessionen aus elf Lycopersicon und Solanum Arten gegenüber zwölf unterschiedlich aggressiven und teilweise auch unterschiedlich virulenten P. infestans Isolaten untersucht (Kap. 3). Die Früchte von 38 Tomatensorten wurden auf ihre Resistenz gegenüber drei P. infestans Isolaten geprüft. Zusätzlich wurde der Einfluss der Fruchtnachreife auf die Resistenzeigenschaften der Tomatenfrüchte gegenüber P. infestans analysiert (Kap. 4). Insgesamt 40 Sorten wurden auch unter Feldbedingungen auf Blatt- und Fruchtbefall untersucht (Kap. 5). Die frühen Stadien der Infektion von Tomatenblättern mit P. infestans Sporangien wurden mikroskopisch bei acht Tomatensorten mit unterschiedlichen quantitativen Reaktionsprofilen und drei Isolaten untersucht (Kap. 6). Hierzu wurden die Entwicklungsstadien von P. infestans Sporangien nach 24h, 48h und 60h nach der Inokulation auf und im Blatt mit der Calcofluor und der KOH - Anilin Blau Färbung sichtbar gemacht. Das Auftreten und die Lokalisation von H2O2 im Blatt nach 48h und 60h nach der Inokulation in Reaktion auf die Infektion wurde mithilfe einer DAB (3,3′ - Diaminobenzidine) Färbung untersucht. Es wurden einige, z.T. auch wahrscheinlich neue, qualitative Blattresistenzen gegenüber P. infestans gefunden, jedoch war keine der 109 Akzessionen vollständig resistent gegenüber allen Isolaten. Für die quantitative Resistenz von Blättern lagen in vielen Fällen isolatspezifische Unterschiede vor. Die Sorte x Isolat Interaktionen konnten mit Hilfe der erweiterten Clusteranalyse erfolgreich analysiert werden und die Akzessionen in Gruppen mit unterschiedlichen quantitativen Resistenzprofilen bzgl. der Interaktion mit den Isolaten und des Resistenzniveaus eingeteilt werden. Für die Fruchtresistenz konnten keine qualitativen Resistenzen gegenüber den drei getesteten Isolaten gefunden werden. Im Gegensatz dazu unterschieden sich die Tomatensorten in ihrer quantitativen Resistenz und Sorten und Isolate interagierten signifikant. Auch für die Fruchtresistenz konnten Gruppen mit unterschiedlichen quantitativen Reaktionsprofilen gebildet werden. Insgesamt nimmt die Anfälligkeit von Tomatenfrüchten mit zunehmender Reife kontinuierlich und signifikant ab. Unter Laborbedingungen korrelierten nur die Sporulationskapazität der Früchte und der prozentuale Blattbefall. Im Feldversuch über zwei Jahre und mit bis zu 40 Tomatensorten war der Zusammenhang hoch signifikant, jedoch asymptotisch, d.h. bereits bei sehr geringem Blattbefall war der Fruchtbefall sehr hoch. Bei den Tomatenherkünften, die sowohl im Labor als auch im Feld auf ihre Anfälligkeit getestet wurden, erschienen die Blattanfälligkeiten ähnlich, während kein klarer Zusammenhang zwischen der Fruchtanfälligkeit im Feld und im Labor bestand. Die Entwicklung von P. infestans auf der Blattoberfläche war unabhängig von der Sorte. Sowohl beim Eindringen und der Etablierung von P. infestans ins Blatt als auch bei der damit verbunden H2O2 Aktivität im Wirt wurden deutliche isolat- und sortenspezifische Effekte gefunden, die aber nur zum Teil mit den quantitativen Unterschieden der Blattresistenz korrespondierten. Sorten, die bei hoher Resistenz unterschiedliche Reaktionsprofile aufweisen, sind grundsätzlich interessante Kreuzungspartner, um die quantitative Resistenz gegenüber P. infestans zu verbessern. Hier sind vor allem Sorten, die sich auch in ihrer H2O2 Aktivität unterscheiden von Interesse.