898 resultados para Genoma viral


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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O presente trabalho caracteriza a região 3'-terminal do genoma de um isolado do Southern bean mosaic virus encontrado no Estado de São Paulo (SBMV-SP). O RNA foi extraído de partículas virais purificadas e submetido a RT-PCR usando oligonucleotídeos desenhados para amplificar 972 nt da região 3'-terminal do RNA viral. Foi obtido fragmento de tamanho esperado que inclui o gene da proteína capsidial e a região 3'-terminal não codificadora. O gene da proteína capsidial (ORF4) contém 801 nucleotídeos, incluindo-se o códon de terminação UGA, com seqüência deduzida de 266 aminoácidos e massa molecular estimada de 28.800 Da. Sessenta e um aminoácidos terminais da ORF2 estão sobrepostos na ORF4. O sinal de localização nuclear, encontrado dentro do Domínio R na região 5'-terminal da ORF4 de alguns sobemovírus, não foi identificado no SBMV-SP. Esse dado pode explicar a ausência de partículas virais do SBMV-SP no núcleo celular. A seqüência do SBMV-SP apresentou identidade de nucleotídeos e aminoácidos de, respectivamente, 91% e 93% com o isolado Arkansas (SBMV-ARK) descrito nos EUA. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o SBMV-SP e o SBMV-ARK são isolados muito proximamente relacionados.


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Os flavivírus são conhecidos por seu complexo ciclo biológico e importância na saúde pública e na economia mundial. Os aspectos ecológicos e quadros clínicos estão estreitamente relacionados à filogenia e evolução dos flavivírus. Este trabalho objetiva a caracterização molecular dos genomas dos flavivírus Bussuquara (VBSQ), Iguape (VIGU), Ilhéus (VILH) e Rocio (VROC), determinando relações filogenéticas com os demais integrantes do gênero Flavivirus. Foi realizado o seqüenciamento completo da região codificadora (ORF) e regiões não codificantes (RNC) 5’ e 3’; análise da estrutura secundária do RNA viral e das sequências conservadas da 3’RNC; determinação dos sítios de clivagem, glicosilação, resíduos Cis e motivos conservados na poliproteína; e as análises de similaridade e filogenética. Os genomas dos VBSQ, VIGU, VILH e VROC apresentaram a mesma organização que os demais flavivírus, medindo 10.815 nt, 10.922 nt, 10.775 nt, 10.794 nt, respectivamente. O padrão das sequências conservadas da 3’RNC do VBSQ foi RCS2-CS2-CS1, enquanto que para os VIGU, VILH e VROC foram CS3-RCS2-CS2-CS1. As características das estruturas secundárias do RNAs dos flavivírus em estudo foram similares aos demais flavivírus. O número dos sítios de glicosilação das proteínas PrM, E e NS1 foi distinto entre os flavivírus brasileiros, porém o padrão 6,12,12 dos resíduos de Cis e do sítios de clivagem permaneceram conservados. Na proteína E, alterações aminoacídicas pontuais foram observadas no peptídeo de fusão dos VBSQ, VIGU e VROC, e a sequência do tripepídeo RGD foi distinta para os quatro vírus em estudo. Os motivos determinantes das atividades de MTase-SAM da NS5, bem como da helicase e protease da NS3, permanecem conservados. Dentre os oito motivos da polimerase viral (NS5), somente os motivos V, VI e VII possuem alguma substituição nucleotídica para o VILH e VROC. As análises de similaridade mostram que VBSQ apresenta maior relação com VIGU enquanto que o VILH e VROC são mais relacionados entre si, porém sendo consideradas espécies virais distintas. Com base nas análises filogenéticas, características moleculares do genoma e biológicas, propõem-se a formação de três grupos genéticos: o grupo Rocio, que agrupa VROC e VILH; o grupo Bussuquara formado pelos VBSQ e Vírus naranjal e o grupo Aroa que inclui o Vírus Aroa e VIGU.


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El maíz es uno de los principales cereales, ubicándose tercero en el ranking de producción mundial. Las enfermedades virales en el cultivo de maíz son factores importantes de pérdidas en la producción, en el mundo. Se ha citado mundialmente la presencia de varios rhabdovirus en maíz, aunque ninguno en Argentina. Maize mosaic virus (MMV) es el más importante debido a las pérdidas que ocasiona. Durante 2006/07 se detectó en trigo Argentina, un Cytorhabdovirus denominado Cereal Rhabdovirus caracterizado serológicamente como Barley yellow striate mosaic virus (BYSMV). Desde 2000/01 hasta la actualidad, se observan plantas de maíz con achaparramiento, esterilidad y estriado amarillo en hojas, en localidades de Córdoba y Santa Fe. Se observaron al microscopio electrónico partículas de rhabdovirus en el citoplasma de las células. Pruebas serológicas para MMV resultaron negativas. Esta virosis fue transmitida a plantas de maíz sanas por el delfácido Peregrinus maidis. Se amplificó un segmento del gen de la polimerasa L de rhabdovirus, mediante RT-PCR con iniciadores degenerados y se obtuvieron las relaciones filogenéticas con otros rhabdovirus, confirmando que se trata de un miembro del género Cytorhabdovirus. Se trataría de un virus nuevo, de la familia Rhabdoviridae presente en diversas localidades del área maicera argentina. El objetivo de este proyecto es estudiar la epidemiología de este virus, mediante la reconstrucción de su historia demográfica y patrones espacio-temporales, utilizando análisis de coalescencia y filogeografía. Se busca: Determinar la secuencia genómica completa del virus en estudio; Obtener iniciadores específicos para el gen de la nucleocápside; Obtener las secuencias nucleotídicas del gen de la nucleocápside viral de aislamientos de diferentes localidades del área maicera argentina; Analizar los patrones filogeográficos de dichos aislamientos. Materiales y métodos. Recolección de material enfermo. Se colectarán plantas de maíz con sintomatología de estriado amarillo, en distintas localidades de Córdoba y Santa Fe. Secuenciación del genoma completo viral. Se purificará el virus en estudio a partir de tejido enfermo (Creamer, 1992). Se extraerá ARN total y se lo enviará al servicio de pirosecuenciación (INDEAR, Argentina). Las secuencias obtenidas serán analizadas utilizando software específico (Lasergene 10, DNASTAR, entre otros). Diseño de iniciadores específicos para el gen de la proteína N viral. Serán diseñados a partir de la secuencia del genoma completo del virus. Determinación de patrones filogeográficos. Se extraerá ARN total de plantas sintomáticas de distintas localidades argentinas. Se amplificará el gen N de cada uno de los aislamientos, se clonarán y secuenciarán estos fragmentos y se alinearán las secuencias obtenidas. Se reconstruirá la filogenia mediante metodología Bayesiana y se realizará un análisis de coalescencia. Finalmente se analizará el patrón filogeográfico del rhabdovirus en estudio. Con el presente trabajo se espera avanzar en el conocimiento de este nuevo virus que afecta cultivos de maíz en Argentina. Se pretende obtener la secuencia genómica completa viral, lo que significará un avance en la caracterización e identificación del mismo. Se busca conocer sus patrones de dispersión espacio-temporales, para comprender los orígenes y posible evolución hacia otras regiones del país. El análisis de secuencias genómicas, brinda una herramienta rápida y de menor esfuerzo de muestreo en el estudio epidemiológico de las poblaciones. El conocimiento de la distribución actual e histórica de este nuevo virus sería crucial para futuros planes de manejo de la enfermedad. El tema de investigación se lleva a cabo en el marco de una tesis doctoral con el apoyo de una beca de formación de CONICET. La transferencia es constante a traves del contacto con productores y asesores agrícolas y mediante la realización de jornadas, charlas, cursos y publicaciones periódicas en medios de difusión.


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Numerosos estudios mencionan que la sobreexpresión de la proteína p16, un marcador biológico que permite identificar lesiones preneoplásicas del epitelio exocervical, tendría una alta asociación con el Papiloma Virus Humano (HPV) de alto riesgo oncogénico. Es un estudio descriptivo correlacional cuyo objetivo fue establecer asociación de las Neoplasias Intraepiteliales Cervicales grado I (NIC I), HPV positivos, con la expresión del p16. Materiales, métodos y resultados: Es un estudio correlacional que se realizó en el período de noviembre de 2009 a noviembre de 2010; se presentaron 256 casos de NIC I de los cuales, 72 fueron HPV positivos; se practicó técnica de p16. La edad promedio de las mujeres fue de 41 años. Se encontró positividad para el p16 en 40 casos (55.6%) y fueron negativos 32 (44.4%). De los casos positivos para p16, los tipos virales más frecuentes fueron los de alto riesgo: 33 (82.5%). El p16 fue valorado en cuantía, distribución e intensidad, estableciéndose relación entre la intensidad del p16 con los virus de alto riesgo (p=0.038). Cuando se analizó la edad y el tipo viral, pacientes entre 20 y 40 años (36 casos, 90%) presentaron genoma de HPV de alto riesgo. Conclusiones: Existió correlación entre la intensidad del p16 con la presencia de HPV de alto riesgo, ayudando a seleccionar grupos con tendencia a la progresión de la enfermedad.


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This study examines consumers' emotional responses to receiving viral mobile marketing communications in comparison to receiving mobile marketing communications where permission has not been given. The study also examines the relationship between these experienced emotions and what action tendencies consumers might consider as a result of these emotions, as well as how they attribute causality for their emotions. Using scenarios in an experimental design, the findings show that there are differences in consumer emotions as a result of the two marketing approaches. The findings also identify relationships between consumers' causal attributions and action tendencies in relation to themselves, the friend sending the viral m-marketing communication and the company involved.


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While much of the genetic variation in RNA viruses arises because of the error-prone nature of their RNA-dependent RNA polymerases, much larger changes may occur as a result of recombination. An extreme example of genetic change is found in defective interfering (DI) viral particles, where large sections of the genome of a parental virus have been deleted and the residual sub-genome fragment is replicated by complementation by co-infecting functional viruses. While most reports of DI particles have referred to studies in vitro, there is some evidence for the presence of DI particles in chronic viral infections in vivo. In this study, short fragments of dengue virus (DENV) RNA containing only key regulatory elements at the 3' and 5' ends of the genome were recovered from the sera of patients infected with any of the four DENV serotypes. Identical RNA fragments were detected in the supernatant from cultures of Aedes mosquito cells that were infected by the addition of sera from dengue patients, suggesting that the sub-genomic RNA might be transmitted between human and mosquito hosts in defective interfering (DI) viral particles. In vitro transcribed sub-genomic RNA corresponding to that detected in vivo could be packaged in virus like particles in the presence of wild type virus and transmitted for at least three passages in cell culture. DENV preparations enriched for these putative DI particles reduced the yield of wild type dengue virus following co-infections of C6-36 cells. This is the first report of DI particles in an acute arboviral infection in nature. The internal genomic deletions described here are the most extensive defects observed in DENV and may be part of a much broader disease attenuating process that is mediated by defective viruses.


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An assay for the bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) replicase was developed using extracts from BVDV-infected cells. The replicase activity was maximal approximately 8 h post-infection as measured by the generation of a genomic length radiolabelled RNA. Using a semi-denaturing gel system, three virus-specific in vitro radiolabelled nascent RNA species were identified. A fast-migrating RNA was demonstrated to be the double-stranded replicative form (RF). A second form was shown to be a partially single-stranded/partially doublestranded RNA, characteristic of the replicative intermediate (RI). A third form, which was often undetectable, migrated between the RF and RI and was probably genomic viral RNA. The optimal replicase activity was dependent on 5–10mM Mg2+ and although it was also active in 1–2mM Mn2+ it was inhibited at higher concentrations. The optimum KCl concentration for labelling of the RI and RF were different, suggestive of at least two distinct replicase activities. These results are supportive of a semi-conservative model of BVDV RNA replication.


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Circoviruses lack an autonomous DNA polymerase and are dependent on the replication machinery of the host cell for de novo DNA synthesis. Accordingly, the viral DNA needs to cross both the plasma membrane and the nuclear envelope before replication can occur. Here we report on the subcellular distribution of the beak and feather disease virus (BFDV) capsid protein (CP) and replication-associated protein (Rep) expressed via recombinant baculoviruses in an insect cell system and test the hypothesis that the CP is responsible for transporting the viral genome, as well as Rep, across the nuclear envelope. The intracellular localization of the BFDV CP was found to be directed by three partially overlapping bipartite nuclear localization signals (NLSs) situated between residues 16 and 56 at the N terminus of the protein. Moreover, a DNA binding region was also mapped to the N terminus of the protein and falls within the region containing the three putative NLSs. The ability of CP to bind DNA, coupled with the karyophilic nature of this protein, strongly suggests that it may be responsible for nuclear targeting of the viral genome. Interestingly, whereas Rep expressed on its own in insect cells is restricted to the cytoplasm, coexpression with CP alters the subcellular localization of Rep to the nucleus, strongly suggesting that an interaction with CP facilitates movement of Rep into the nucleus. Copyright © 2006, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.


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Background Cervical cancer and infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are both important public health problems in South Africa (SA). The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions (SILs), high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV), HPV viral load and HPV genotypes in HIV positive women initiating anti-retroviral (ARV) therapy. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted at an anti-retroviral (ARV) treatment clinic in Cape Town, SA in 2007. Cervical specimens were taken for cytological analysis and HPV testing. The Digene Hybrid Capture 2 (HC2) test was used to detect HR-HPV. Relative light units (RLU) were used as a measure of HPV viral load. HPV types were determined using the Roche Linear Array HPV Genotyping test. Crude associations with abnormal cytology were tested and multiple logistic regression was used to determine independent risk factors for abnormal cytology. Results The median age of the 109 participants was 31 years, the median CD4 count was 125/mm3, 66.3% had an abnormal Pap smear, the HR-HPV prevalence was 78.9% (Digene), the median HPV viral load was 181.1 RLU (HC2 positive samples only) and 78.4% had multiple genotypes. Among women with abnormal smears the most prevalent HR-HPV types were HPV types 16, 58 and 51, all with a prevalence of 28.5%. On univariate analysis HR-HPV, multiple HPV types and HPV viral load were significantly associated with the presence of low and high-grade SILs (LSIL/HSIL). The multivariate logistic regression showed that HPV viral load was associated with an increased odds of LSIL/HSIL, odds ratio of 10.7 (95% CI 2.0 – 57.7) for those that were HC2 positive and had a viral load of ≤ 181.1 RLU (the median HPV viral load), and 33.8 (95% CI 6.4 – 178.9) for those that were HC2 positive with a HPV viral load > 181.1 RLU. Conclusion Women initiating ARVs have a high prevalence of abnormal Pap smears and HR-HPV. Our results underscore the need for locally relevant, rigorous screening protocols for the increasing numbers of women accessing ARV therapy so that the benefits of ARVs are not partially offset by an excess risk in cervical cancer.


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Introduction: Dengue poses a problem for safe transfusion of blood components with confirmed reports of transfusion-transmission in Hong Kong and Singapore. The largest outbreak in 50 years occurred in North Queensland during 2008/2009 with more than 1,000 confirmed cases in Cairns and Townsville. During this outbreak, supplementary questioning for all donors was implemented, and fresh components were not manufactured from at risk donors. We aim to determine the seroprevalence of dengue exposure in this population during this epidemic. Methods: Samples were collected from blood donors during the 2008/2009 epidemic and 3 months after the last confirmed case. These samples were tested for anti-Dengue IgM, IgG and NS1 antigen with commercially available ELISA based assay kits from PanBio. Results: Initial analyses revealed 2.7% of samples from deferred donors were IgM repeat reactive. Of these, 16% were also positive for anti-dengue IgG, while none of these were positive for the NS1 viral antigen. However, two NS1 positives were found in samples collected from deferred donors. Conclusions: This initial analysis represents recent and cumulative past exposure in a presumed asymptomatic population, and will provide documentation of the rate of asymptomatic dengue infection during the epidemic. This data can also be used to assess the risk of dengue becoming endemic in North Queensland given that the mosquito vector is established in this region.


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Using a multidisciplinary approach, Human Respiratory Viral Infections is set at the level between the definitive reference work and an essential clinical manual. Exploring recent advances in human respiratory viral research, the text builds on the basic sciences of epidemiology, virology, molecular biology, and immunology to cover clinical diagnosis, mechanism of pathogenesis, manifestations of disease, impact, treatment, and management strategies.


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The transient leaf assay in Nicotiana benthamiana is widely used in plant sciences, with one application being the rapid assembly of complex multigene pathways that produce new fatty acid profiles. This rapid and facile assay would be further improved if it were possible to simultaneously overexpress transgenes while accurately silencing endogenes. Here, we report a draft genome resource for N. benthamiana spanning over 75% of the 3.1 Gb haploid genome. This resource revealed a two-member NbFAD2 family, NbFAD2.1 and NbFAD2.2, and quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) confirmed their expression in leaves. FAD2 activities were silenced using hairpin RNAi as monitored by qRT-PCR and biochemical assays. Silencing of endogenous FAD2 activities was combined with overexpression of transgenes via the use of the alternative viral silencing-suppressor protein, V2, from Tomato yellow leaf curl virus. We show that V2 permits maximal overexpression of transgenes but, crucially, also allows hairpin RNAi to operate unimpeded. To illustrate the efficacy of the V2-based leaf assay system, endogenous lipids were shunted from the desaturation of 18:1 to elongation reactions beginning with 18:1 as substrate. These V2-based leaf assays produced ~50% more elongated fatty acid products than p19-based assays. Analyses of small RNA populations generated from hairpin RNAi against NbFAD2 confirm that the siRNA population is dominated by 21 and 22 nt species derived from the hairpin. Collectively, these new tools expand the range of uses and possibilities for metabolic engineering in transient leaf assays. © 2012 Naim et al.