347 resultados para Chlamydia muridarum


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One of the most widely accepted noncontraceptive benefits of oral contraceptive use is the reduction in the development of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and its sequelae in users. While much of the research over the past forty years has found an association between oral contraceptive use and reduced rates of PID [Senanayake, 1980], more recent studies have qualified and even challenged this widely held belief. [Henry-Suchet, 1997; Ness 1997; Ness, 2001] PID, an infection in the upper genital tract causing infertility and ectopic pregnancy, affects over one million women in the United States each year, exacting an enormous toll on women's reproductive and emotional health, as well as our economy. [CDC Factsheet, 2007] This thesis examines the public health implications of pelvic inflammatory disease and the use of oral contraceptives. Sixteen original studies are reviewed and analyzed, thirteen of which found a protective benefit with oral contraceptive use against PID and three more recent studies which found no protective benefit or association between oral contraceptive use and PID. Analysis of the research findings suggests a need for additional research, provider and patient education, and an increased government role in addressing the ongoing and significant public health concerns raised by current rates of Chlamydia- and gonorrheal-PID. ^


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A large library of phage-displayed human single-chain Fv antibodies (scFv), containing 6.7 × 109 members, was generated by improving the steps of library construction. Fourteen different protein antigens were used to affinity select antibodies from this library. A panel of specific antibodies was isolated with each antigen, and each panel contained an average of 8.7 different scFv. Measurements of antibody–antigen interactions revealed several affinities below 1 nM, comparable to affinities observed during the secondary murine immune response. In particular, four different scFv recognizing the ErbB2 protein had affinities ranging from 220 pM to 4 nM. Antibodies derived from the library proved to be useful reagents for immunoassays. For example, antibodies generated to the Chlamydia trachomatis elementary bodies stained Chlamydia-infected cells, but not uninfected cells. These results demonstrate that phage antibody libraries are ideally suited for the rapid production of panels of high-affinity mAbs to a wide variety of protein antigens. Such libraries should prove especially useful for generating reagents to study the function of gene products identified by genome projects.


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Il lavoro presentato in questa tesi di Dottorato è incentrato sullo sviluppo di strategie analitiche innovative basate sulla sensoristica e su tecniche di spettrometria di massa in ambito biologico e della sicurezza alimentare. Il primo capitolo tratta lo studio di aspetti metodologici ed applicativi di procedure sensoristiche per l’identificazione e la determinazione di biomarkers associati alla malattia celiaca. In tale ambito, sono stati sviluppati due immunosensori, uno a trasduzione piezoelettrica e uno a trasduzione amperometrica, per la rivelazione di anticorpi anti-transglutaminasi tissutale associati a questa malattia. L’innovazione di questi dispositivi riguarda l’immobilizzazione dell’enzima tTG nella conformazione aperta (Open-tTG), che è stato dimostrato essere quella principalmente coinvolta nella patogenesi. Sulla base dei risultati ottenuti, entrambi i sistemi sviluppati si sono dimostrati una valida alternativa ai test di screening attualmente in uso per la diagnosi della celiachia. Rimanendo sempre nel contesto della malattia celiaca, ulteriore ricerca oggetto di questa tesi di Dottorato, ha riguardato lo sviluppo di metodi affidabili per il controllo di prodotti “gluten-free”. Il secondo capitolo tratta lo sviluppo di un metodo di spettrometria di massa e di un immunosensore competitivo per la rivelazione di prolammine in alimenti “gluten-free”. E’ stato sviluppato un metodo LC-ESI-MS/MS basato su un’analisi target con modalità di acquisizione del segnale selected reaction monitoring per l’identificazione di glutine in diversi cereali potenzialmente tossici per i celiaci. Inoltre ci si è focalizzati su un immunosensore competitivo per la rivelazione di gliadina, come metodo di screening rapido di farine. Entrambi i sistemi sono stati ottimizzati impiegando miscele di farina di riso addizionata di gliadina, avenine, ordeine e secaline nel caso del sistema LC-MS/MS e con sola gliadina nel caso del sensore. Infine i sistemi analitici sono stati validati analizzando sia materie prime (farine) che alimenti (biscotti, pasta, pane, etc.). L’approccio sviluppato in spettrometria di massa apre la strada alla possibilità di sviluppare un test di screening multiplo per la valutazione della sicurezza di prodotti dichiarati “gluten-free”, mentre ulteriori studi dovranno essere svolti per ricercare condizioni di estrazione compatibili con l’immunosaggio competitivo, per ora applicabile solo all’analisi di farine estratte con etanolo. Terzo capitolo di questa tesi riguarda lo sviluppo di nuovi metodi per la rivelazione di HPV, Chlamydia e Gonorrhoeae in fluidi biologici. Si è scelto un substrato costituito da strips di carta in quanto possono costituire una valida piattaforma di rivelazione, offrendo vantaggi grazie al basso costo, alla possibilità di generare dispositivi portatili e di poter visualizzare il risultato visivamente senza la necessità di strumentazioni. La metodologia sviluppata è molto semplice, non prevede l’uso di strumentazione complessa e si basa sull’uso della isothermal rolling-circle amplification per l’amplificazione del target. Inoltre, di fondamentale importanza, è l’utilizzo di nanoparticelle colorate che, essendo state funzionalizzate con una sequenza di DNA complementare al target amplificato derivante dalla RCA, ne permettono la rivelazione a occhio nudo mediante l’uso di filtri di carta. Queste strips sono state testate su campioni reali permettendo una discriminazione tra campioni positivi e negativi in tempi rapidi (10-15 minuti), aprendo una nuova via verso nuovi test altamente competitivi con quelli attualmente sul mercato.


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Provides statistics and trends of reported sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in Illinois for 1993-2003 and consists of five sections: Illinois 2003 epidemiologic summary; Illinois statewide statistics tables; and chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis cases, rates and county demographics statistics tables. Laboratory data on viral STDs (herpes and hepatits C) testing at STD clinic and outreach sites are also included in the summary section.


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Individuals with periodontitis have been reported to have a significantly increased risk of developing coronary heart disease. Several studies have demonstrated that the immune response to heat shock protein 60 (HSP60) may be involved in the pathogenesis of both atherosclerosis and chronic periodontitis. To investigate this possible link between these diseases, cellular and humoral immune responses to HSP60 in atherosclerosis patients were compared with those in periodontitis patients and healthy subjects using human and Porphyromonas gingivalis HSP60 (GroEL) as antigens. Antibody levels to both human and P. gingivalis HSP60s were the highest in atherosclerosis patients, followed by periodontitis patients and healthy subjects. Clonal analysis of the T cells clearly demonstrated the presence of not only human HSP60- but also P. gingivalis GroEL-reactive T-cell populations in the peripheral circulation of atherosclerosis patients. Furthermore, these HSP60-reactive T cells seemed to be present in atherosclerotic lesions in some patients. These results suggest that T-cell clones with the same specificity may be involved in the pathogenesis of the different diseases.


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Rates of cardiovascular and renal disease in Australian Aboriginal communities are high, but we do not know the contribution of inflammation to these diseases in this setting. In the present study, we sought to examine the distribution of C-reactive protein (CRP) and other markers of inflammation and their relationships with cardiovascular risk markers and renal disease in a remote Australian Aboriginal community. The study included 237 adults (58% of the adult population) in a remote Aboriginal community in the Northern Territory of Australia. Main outcome measures were CRP, fibrinogen and lgG concentrations, blood pressure (BP), presence of diabetes, lipids, albuminuria, seropositivity to three common micro-organisms, as well as carotid intima-media thickness (IMT). Serum concentrations of CRP [7 (5-13) mg/l; median (inter-quartile range)] were markedly increased and were significantly correlated with fibrinogen and lgG concentrations and inversely correlated with serum albumin concentration. Higher CRP concentrations were associated with lgG seropositivity to Helicobacter pylori and Chlamydia pneumoniae and higher lgG titre for cytomegalovirus. Higher CRP concentrations were associated with the following: the 45-54-year age group, female subjects, the presence of skin sores, higher body mass index, waist circumference, BP, glycated haemoglobin and greater albuminuria. CRP concentrations increased with the number of cardiovascular risk factors, carotid IMT and albuminuria independently of other risk factors. These CRP concentrations were markedly higher than described in other community settings and are probably related, in a large part, to chronic and repeated infections. Their association with markers of cardiovascular risk and renal disease are compatible with the high rates of cardiovascular and renal disease in this community, and provide more evidence of strong links between these conditions, through a shared background of infection/inflammation. This suggests that a strong focus on prevention and management of infections will be important in reducing these conditions, in addition to interventions directed at more traditional risk factors.


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Background: Rates of cardiovascular disease and renal disease in Australian Aboriginal communities are high, as is the prevalence of some 'traditional' cardiovascular (CV) risk factors, such as diabetes and cigarette smoking. Recent work has highlighted the importance of markers of inflammation, such as C-reactive protein (CRP), homocysteine and albuminuria as predictors of cardiovascular risk in urban westernised settings. It is not clear how these factors relate to outcome in the setting of these remote communities, but very high CRP concentrations have been shown in this and other Aboriginal communities. Methods and results: In a cross-sectional survey including 237 adults in a remote Aboriginal community in the Northern Territory of Australia, we measured carotid intima-media thickness (IMT), together with blood pressure, diabetes, lipid levels, smoking and albuminuria, CRP and fibrinogen, serum homocysteine concentration, and IgG titres for Chlamydia pneumoniae, Helicobacter pylori and cytomegalovirus. Median carotid IMT was 0.63 [interquartile range 0.54-0.71] mm. As a categorical outcome, the prevalence of the highest IMT quartile ('increased IMT', greater than or equal to0.72 mm) was compared with the lower three quartiles. Increased IMT was associated in univariate analyses with greater waist circumference, systolic BP, fibrinogen and serum albumin concentrations, urine albumin/creatinine ratio and older age as continuous variables. Associations of increased IMT with some continuous variables were not linear; univariate associations were seen with the highest quartile (versus all other quartiles) of CRP and homocysteine concentration and CMV IgG titre. In a multivariate model age, smoking, waist circumference and the highest quartile of CRP concentrations (greater than or equal to14 mg/l) remained significant predictors of IMT greater than or equal to0.72 mm. Conclusions: Measurement of carotid IMT was possible in this remote setting. Increased IMT (greater than or equal to0.72 mm) was associated with increased CRP concentrations over a range that suggests infection/inflammation may be important determinants of cardiovascular risk in this setting. The associations of IMT with markers of renal disease seen in univariate analyses were explained in this analysis by confounding due to the associations of urine ACR with other risk factors. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.


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Background/aims: Chronic infections such as those caused by Chlamydia pneumoniae and periodontopathic bacteria such as Porphyromonas gingivalis have been associated with atherosclerosis, possibly due to cross-reactivity of the immune response to bacterial GroEL with human heat shock protein (hHSP) 60. Methods: We examined the cross-reactivity of anti-GroEL and anti-P. gingivalis antibodies with hHSP60 in atherosclerosis patients and quantified a panel of six pathogens in atheromas. Results: After absorption of plasma samples with hHSP60, there were variable reductions in the levels of anti-GroEL and anti-P. gingivalis antibodies, suggesting that these antibodies cross-reacted with hHSP60. All of the artery specimens were positive for P. gingivalis. Fusobacterium nucleatum, Tannerella forsythia, C. pneumoniae, Helicobacter pylori, and Haemophilus influenzae were found in 84%, 48%, 28%, 4%, and 4% of arteries, respectively. The prevalence of the three periodontopathic microorganisms, P. gingivalis, F. nucleatum and T. forsythia, was significantly higher than that of the remaining three microorganisms. Conclusions: These results support the hypothesis that in some patients, cross-reactivity of the immune response to bacterial HSPs including those of periodontal pathogens, with arterial endothelial cells expressing hHSP60 may be a possible mechanism for the association between atherosclerosis and periodontal infection.


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Rates of kidney disease among several indigenous groups have been shown to be substantially higher than corresponding non-indigenous groups. This excess has been clearly shown among Aboriginal Australians with respect to both end-stage kidney disease and early kidney disease. Rates of cardiovascular disease among Aboriginal Australians are also very high, as are rates of diabetes, smoking, and possibly overweight and obesity. These factors have been traditionally linked with cardiovascular and renal disease as part of a broader metabolic syndrome. However, the links and interfaces between cardiovascular and kidney disease in this environment extend beyond these traditional factors. The factors associated with atherosclerosis have expanded in recent years to include markers of inflammation, some infection, antioxidants, and other non-traditional risk factors. Given the high rates of acute infection and poor living conditions endured by many indigenous people, one might expect these non-traditional risk factors to be highly prevalent. In this review, we explore the relationships between markers of inflammation, some serological markers of infection, and other selected markers and both cardiovascular and renal disease. In doing so, we demonstrate links between kidney and cardiovascular disease at a number of levels, beyond the traditional cardiovascular/renal risk factors. Many of these factors are beyond the control of the individual or even community; addressing these issues a broader focus and biopsychosocial model. (C) 2005 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.


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Background. Genital ulcer disease (GUD) is commonly caused by pathogens for which suitable therapies exist, but clinical and laboratory diagnoses may be problematic. This collaborative project was undertaken to address the need for a rapid, economical, and sensitive approach to the detection and diagnosis of GUD using noninvasive techniques to sample genital ulcers. Methods. The genital ulcer disease multiplex polymerase chain reaction (GUMP) was developed as an inhouse nucleic acid amplification technique targeting serious causes of GUD, namely, herpes simplex viruses (HSVs), Haemophilus ducreyi, Treponema pallidum, and Klebsiella species. In addition, the GUMP assay included an endogenous internal control. Amplification products from GUMP were detected by enzyme linked amplicon hybridization assay (ELAHA). Results. GUMP-ELAHA was sensitive and specific in detecting a target microbe in 34.3% of specimens, including 1 detection of HSV-1, three detections of HSV-2, and 18 detections of T. pallidum. No H. ducreyi has been detected in Australia since 1998, and none was detected here. No Calymmatobacterium ( Klebsiella) granulomatis was detected in the study, but there were 3 detections during ongoing diagnostic use of GUMP-ELAHA in 2004 and 2005. The presence of C. granulomatis was confirmed by restriction enzyme digestion and nucleotide sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene for phylogenetic analysis. Conclusions. GUMP-ELAHA permitted comprehensive detection of common and rare causes of GUD and incorporated noninvasive sampling techniques. Data obtained by using GUMP-ELAHA will aid specific treatment of GUD and better define the prevalence of each microbe among at-risk populations with a view to the eradication of chancroid and donovanosis in Australia.


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Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) for the detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae became available in the early 1990s. Although offering several advantages over traditional detection methods, N. gonorrhoeae NAATs do have some limitations. These include cost, risk of carryover contamination, inhibition, and inability to provide antibiotic resistance data. In addition, there are sequence-related limitations that are unique to N. gonorrhoeae NAATs. In particular, false-positive results are a major consideration. These primarily stem from the frequent horizontal genetic exchange occurring within the Neisseria genus, leading to commensal Neisseria species acquiring N. gonorrhoeae genes. Furthermore, some N. gonorrhoeae subtypes may lack specific sequences targeted by a particular NAAT. Therefore, NAAT false-negative results because of sequence variation may occur in some gonococcal populations. Overall, the N. gonorrhoeae species continues to present a considerable challenge for molecular diagnostics. The need to evaluate N. gonorrhoeae NAATs before their use in any new patient population and to educate physicians on the limitations of these tests is emphasized in this review.


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Fast Classification (FC) networks were inspired by a biologically plausible mechanism for short term memory where learning occurs instantaneously. Both weights and the topology for an FC network are mapped directly from the training samples by using a prescriptive training scheme. Only two presentations of the training data are required to train an FC network. Compared with iterative learning algorithms such as Back-propagation (which may require many hundreds of presentations of the training data), the training of FC networks is extremely fast and learning convergence is always guaranteed. Thus FC networks may be suitable for applications where real-time classification is needed. In this paper, the FC networks are applied for the real-time extraction of gene expressions for Chlamydia microarray data. Both the classification performance and learning time of the FC networks are compared with the Multi-Layer Proceptron (MLP) networks and support-vector-machines (SVM) in the same classification task. The FC networks are shown to have extremely fast learning time and comparable classification accuracy.


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As infeções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST) constituem um problema persistente de saúde pública, sendo os adolescentes e adultos jovens os que apresentam as taxas de prevalência mais elevadas para algumas IST. As IST não víricas nos países desenvolvidos incluem a Chlamydia Trachomatis, a Neisseria gonorrhoeae, o Treponema pallidume a Trichomonas vaginalis. A deteção precoce das IST não víricas tem impacto positivo a nível individual e na saúde pública: permite instituição atem- pada de tratamento adequado, a redução de transmissão entre parceiros, bem como reduzir as complicações a longo prazo, nomeadamente doença inflamatória pélvica, dor pélvica crónica, gravidez ectópica e infertilidade. Várias sociedades médicas internacionais publicaram recomendações para o rastreio de algumas IST não víricas em de- terminados grupos. Em Portugal, a Direção Geral de Saúde (DGS) atualizou em 2014 a norma sobre a notificação obrigatória de doenças transmissíveis, que inclui a gonorreia, a sífilis e a infeção por Chlamydia Trachomatis. Não obstante, os estudos sobre a epidemiologia de IST são parcos em Portugal e apenas recentemente foi contemplado o rastreio oportunístico de infeção genital por Chlamydia Trachomatis no Plano Nacional de Saúde 2011-2016. O médico de família através da sua abordagem holística centrada na pessoa, no seu contexto familiar e social (focando antecedentes pessoais / comportamentos de risco) tem necessariamente um papel determinante na prevenção primária e no rastreio das IST.