965 resultados para evolutionary analysis


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A manutenção e evolução de sistemas de software tornou-se uma tarefa bastante crítica ao longo dos últimos anos devido à diversidade e alta demanda de funcionalidades, dispositivos e usuários. Entender e analisar como novas mudanças impactam os atributos de qualidade da arquitetura de tais sistemas é um pré-requisito essencial para evitar a deterioração de sua qualidade durante sua evolução. Esta tese propõe uma abordagem automatizada para a análise de variação do atributo de qualidade de desempenho em termos de tempo de execução (tempo de resposta). Ela é implementada por um framework que adota técnicas de análise dinâmica e mineração de repositório de software para fornecer uma forma automatizada de revelar fontes potenciais – commits e issues – de variação de desempenho em cenários durante a evolução de sistemas de software. A abordagem define quatro fases: (i) preparação – escolher os cenários e preparar os releases alvos; (ii) análise dinâmica – determinar o desempenho de cenários e métodos calculando seus tempos de execução; (iii) análise de variação – processar e comparar os resultados da análise dinâmica para releases diferentes; e (iv) mineração de repositório – identificar issues e commits associados com a variação de desempenho detectada. Estudos empíricos foram realizados para avaliar a abordagem de diferentes perspectivas. Um estudo exploratório analisou a viabilidade de se aplicar a abordagem em sistemas de diferentes domínios para identificar automaticamente elementos de código fonte com variação de desempenho e as mudanças que afetaram tais elementos durante uma evolução. Esse estudo analisou três sistemas: (i) SIGAA – um sistema web para gerência acadêmica; (ii) ArgoUML – uma ferramenta de modelagem UML; e (iii) Netty – um framework para aplicações de rede. Outro estudo realizou uma análise evolucionária ao aplicar a abordagem em múltiplos releases do Netty, e dos frameworks web Wicket e Jetty. Nesse estudo foram analisados 21 releases (sete de cada sistema), totalizando 57 cenários. Em resumo, foram encontrados 14 cenários com variação significante de desempenho para Netty, 13 para Wicket e 9 para Jetty. Adicionalmente, foi obtido feedback de oito desenvolvedores desses sistemas através de um formulário online. Finalmente, no último estudo, um modelo de regressão para desempenho foi desenvolvido visando indicar propriedades de commits que são mais prováveis a causar degradação de desempenho. No geral, 997 commits foram minerados, sendo 103 recuperados de elementos de código fonte degradados e 19 de otimizados, enquanto 875 não tiveram impacto no tempo de execução. O número de dias antes de disponibilizar o release e o dia da semana se mostraram como as variáveis mais relevantes dos commits que degradam desempenho no nosso modelo. A área de característica de operação do receptor (ROC – Receiver Operating Characteristic) do modelo de regressão é 60%, o que significa que usar o modelo para decidir se um commit causará degradação ou não é 10% melhor do que uma decisão aleatória.


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A manutenção e evolução de sistemas de software tornou-se uma tarefa bastante crítica ao longo dos últimos anos devido à diversidade e alta demanda de funcionalidades, dispositivos e usuários. Entender e analisar como novas mudanças impactam os atributos de qualidade da arquitetura de tais sistemas é um pré-requisito essencial para evitar a deterioração de sua qualidade durante sua evolução. Esta tese propõe uma abordagem automatizada para a análise de variação do atributo de qualidade de desempenho em termos de tempo de execução (tempo de resposta). Ela é implementada por um framework que adota técnicas de análise dinâmica e mineração de repositório de software para fornecer uma forma automatizada de revelar fontes potenciais – commits e issues – de variação de desempenho em cenários durante a evolução de sistemas de software. A abordagem define quatro fases: (i) preparação – escolher os cenários e preparar os releases alvos; (ii) análise dinâmica – determinar o desempenho de cenários e métodos calculando seus tempos de execução; (iii) análise de variação – processar e comparar os resultados da análise dinâmica para releases diferentes; e (iv) mineração de repositório – identificar issues e commits associados com a variação de desempenho detectada. Estudos empíricos foram realizados para avaliar a abordagem de diferentes perspectivas. Um estudo exploratório analisou a viabilidade de se aplicar a abordagem em sistemas de diferentes domínios para identificar automaticamente elementos de código fonte com variação de desempenho e as mudanças que afetaram tais elementos durante uma evolução. Esse estudo analisou três sistemas: (i) SIGAA – um sistema web para gerência acadêmica; (ii) ArgoUML – uma ferramenta de modelagem UML; e (iii) Netty – um framework para aplicações de rede. Outro estudo realizou uma análise evolucionária ao aplicar a abordagem em múltiplos releases do Netty, e dos frameworks web Wicket e Jetty. Nesse estudo foram analisados 21 releases (sete de cada sistema), totalizando 57 cenários. Em resumo, foram encontrados 14 cenários com variação significante de desempenho para Netty, 13 para Wicket e 9 para Jetty. Adicionalmente, foi obtido feedback de oito desenvolvedores desses sistemas através de um formulário online. Finalmente, no último estudo, um modelo de regressão para desempenho foi desenvolvido visando indicar propriedades de commits que são mais prováveis a causar degradação de desempenho. No geral, 997 commits foram minerados, sendo 103 recuperados de elementos de código fonte degradados e 19 de otimizados, enquanto 875 não tiveram impacto no tempo de execução. O número de dias antes de disponibilizar o release e o dia da semana se mostraram como as variáveis mais relevantes dos commits que degradam desempenho no nosso modelo. A área de característica de operação do receptor (ROC – Receiver Operating Characteristic) do modelo de regressão é 60%, o que significa que usar o modelo para decidir se um commit causará degradação ou não é 10% melhor do que uma decisão aleatória.


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Carbonic anhydrases are enzymes that are ubiquitously found in all organisms that are engaged in catalyzing the hydration of carbon dioxide to form bicarbonate and proton and vice versa. They are crucial in the process of respiration, bone resorption, pH regulation, ion transport, and photosynthesis in plants. Out of the five classes of carbonic anhydrase α, β, γ, δ, ζ this study focused in the α carbonic anhydrases. This class of CAs constitute of 16 subfamilies in mammals that include 3 non-active enzymes known as Carbonic Anhydrase Related Proteins. The inactiveness of these enzymes is due to the loss of one or more Histidine residues in the active site. This thesis was conducted based on the aim of studying evolutionary analysis of carbonic anhydrase sequences from organisms spanning from the Cambrian age. It was carried out in two phases. The first phase was the sequence collection, which involved many biological sequence databases as a source. The scope of this segment included sequence alignments and analysis of the sequence manually and in an automated form incorporating few analysis tools. The second Phase was phylogenetic analysis and exploring the subcellular location of the proteins, which was key for the evolutionary analysis. Through the medium of the methods conducted with respect to the phases mentioned above, it was possible to accomplish the desired result. Certain thought-provoking sequences were come across and analyzed thoroughly. Whereas, Phylogenetics showed interesting results to bolster previous findings and new findings as well which lay bedrock for future intensified studies.


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Purpose – This paper aims to go beyond a bookkeeping approach to evolutionary analysis whereby surviving firms are better adapted and extinct firms were less adapted. From discussion of the preliminary findings of research into the Hobart pizza industry, evidence is presented of the need to adopt a more traditional approach to applying evolutionary theories with organizational research. Design/methodology/approach – After a brief review of the relevant literature, the preliminary findings of research into the Hobart pizza industry are presented. Then, several evolutionary concepts that are commonplace in ecological research are introduced to help explain the emergent findings. The paper concludes with consideration given to advancing a more consistent approach to employing evolutionary theories within organizational research. Findings – The paper finds that the process of selection cannot be assumed to occur evenly across time and/or space. Within geographically small markets different forms of selection operate in different ways and degrees requiring the use of more traditional evolutionary theories to highlight the causal process associated with population change. Research limitations/implications – The paper concludes by highlighting Geoffrey Hodgson’s Principle of Consistency. It is demonstrated that a failure to truly understand how and why theory is used in one domain will likely result in its misuse in another domain. That, at present, too few evolutionary concepts are employed in organisational research to ensure an appreciation of any underlying causal processes through which social change occurs. Originality/value – The concepts introduced throughout this paper, whilst not new, provide new entry points for organizational researchers intent on employing an evolutionary approach to understand the process of social change.


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A limited number of plant rhabdovirus genomes have been fully sequenced, making taxonomic classification, evolutionary analysis and molecular characterization of this virus group difficult. We have for the first time determined the complete genome sequence of 13,188 nucleotides of Datura yellow vein nucleorhabdovirus (DYVV). DYVV genome organization resembles that of its closest relative, Sonchus yellow net virus (SYNV), with six ORFs in antigenomic orientation, separated by highly conserved intergenic regions and flanked by complementary 3′ leader and 5′ trailer sequences. As is typical for nucleorhabdoviruses, all viral proteins, except the glycoprotein, which is targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum, are localized to the nucleus. Nucleocapsid (N) protein, matrix (M) protein and polymerase, as components of nuclear viroplasms during replication, have predicted strong canonical nuclear localization signals, and N and M proteins exclusively localize to the nucleus when transiently expressed as GFP fusions. As in all nucleorhabdoviruses studied so far, N and phosphoprotein P interact when co-expressed, significantly increasing P nuclear localization in the presence of N protein. This research adds to the list of complete genomes of plant-infecting rhabdoviruses, provides molecular tools for further characterization and supports classification of DYVV as a nucleorhabdovirus closely related to but with some distinct differences from SYNV.


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Distant repeats between a pair of protein sequences can be exploited to study the various aspects of proteins such as structure-function relationship, disorders due to protein malfunction, evolutionary analysis, etc. An in-depth analysis of the distant repeats would facilitate to establish a stable evolutionary relation of the repeats with respect to their three-dimensional structure. To this effect, an algorithm has been devised to identify the distant repeats in a pair of protein sequences by essentially using the scores of PAM (Percent Accepted Mutation) matrices. The proposed algorithm will be of much use to researchers involved in the comparative study of various organisms based on the amino-acid repeats in protein sequences. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The role of life-history theory in population and evolutionary analyses is outlined. In both cases general life histories can be analysed, but simpler life histories need fewer parameters for their description. The simplest case, of semelparous (breed-once-then-die) organisms, needs only three parameters: somatic growth rate, mortality rate and fecundity. This case is analysed in detail. If fecundity is fixed, population growth rate can be calculated direct from mortality rate and somatic growth rate, and isoclines on which population growth rate is constant can be drawn in a ”state space” with axes for mortality rate and somatic growth rate. In this space density-dependence is likely to result in a population trajectory from low density, when mortality rate is low and somatic growth rate is high and the population increases (positive population growth rate) to high density, after which the process reverses to return to low density. Possible effects of pollution on this system are discussed. The state-space approach allows direct population analysis of the twin effects of pollution and density on population growth rate. Evolutionary analysis uses related methods to identify likely evolutionary outcomes when an organism's genetic options are subject to trade-offs. The trade-off considered here is between somatic growth rate and mortality rate. Such a trade-off could arise because of an energy allocation trade-off if resources spent on personal defence (reducing mortality rate) are not available for somatic growth rate. The evolutionary implications of pollution acting on such a trade-off are outlined.


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Recent studies showed that nonhuman primate TRIM5 alpha can efficiently block HIV-1 infection in human cell lines. It can also restrict other retroviruses, therefore, suggested as a general defender against retrovirus infection. Here, we present an evolutionary analysis of TRIM5 alpha in primates. Our results demonstrated that TRIM5a has been evolving rapidly in primates, which is likely caused by Darwinian positive selection. The SPRY domain of TRM5 alpha, which may be responsible for recognition of incoming viral capsids showed higher nonsynonymous/synonymous substitution ratios than the non-SPRY domain, indicating that the adaptive evolution of TRIM5a ill primates might be an innate strategy developed in defending retrovirus infection during primate evolution. In addition, the comparative protein sequence analysis suggested that the amino acid substitution pattern at a single site (344R/Q/P) located in the SPRY domain may explain the differences in Susceptibilities of HIV-1 infection in diverse primate species. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Physiological functions of human genes may be studied by gene-knockout experiments in model organisms such as the mouse. This strategy relies on the existence of one-to-one gene orthology between the human and mouse. When lineage-specific gene duplication occurs and paralogous genes share a certain degree of functional redundancy, knockout mice may not provide accurate functional information on human genes. Angiogenin is a small protein that stimulates blood-vessel growth and promotes tumor development. Humans and related primates only have one angiogenin gene, while mice have three paralogous genes. This makes it difficult to generate angiogenin-knockout mice and even more difficult to interpret the genotype-phenotype relation from such animals should they be generated. We here show that in the douc langur (Pygathrix nemaeus), an Asian leaf-eating colobine monkey, the single-copy angiogenin gene has a one-nucleotide deletion in the sixth codon of the mature peptide, generating a premature stop codon. This nucleotide deletion is found in five unrelated individuals sequenced, and therefore is likely to have been fixed in the species. Five colobine species that are closely related to the douc langur have intact angiogenin genes, suggesting that the pseudogenization event was recent and unique to the douc langur lineage. This natural knockout experiment suggests that primate angiogenin is dispensable even in the wild. Further physiological studies of douc largurs may offer additional information on the role of this cancer-related gene in normal physiology of primates, including humans. Our findings also provide a strong case for the importance of evolutionary analysis in biomedical studies of gene functions. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The primary mutation m.3460G > A occurs with a very low frequency (similar to 1%) in Chinese patients with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON). Up to now, there is no comprehensive study of Chinese patients harboring this mutation. We characterized six unrelated probands with m.3460G > A in this study, which were identified from 1,626 patients with LHON or suspected with LHON. The overall penetrance of LHON (25.6% [10/39]) in four pedigrees with m.3460G > A was substantially lower than those families with m.11778G > A (33.3% [619/1859]) as reported in our previous study. Intriguingly, family Le688 with a heteroplasmic m.3460G > A presented a lower penetrance (12.5%) than the other three families with a homoplasmic mutation. There is an elevated gender bias (affected male to affected female = 4:1) in the four families with m.3460G > A compared to those LHON families with m.11778G > A (2.4:1). Complete mtDNA sequencing indicated that the six matrilines belonged to haplogroups B4d1, F2, A5b, M12a, D4b2b, and D4b2, respectively. We did not identify any potential secondary mutation(s) that will affect or be associated with the penetrance of LHON in the six probands by using an evolutionary analysis and protein secondary-structure prediction. Taken together, our results suggested that the m.3460G > A mutation occurred multiple times in Chinese LHON patients. The heteroplasmic status of mutation m.3460G > A might influence the penetrance of LHON in family Le688.


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Background: Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases play key roles in the metabolism of a wide variety of substrates and they are closely associated with endocellular physiological processes or detoxification metabolism under environmental exposure. To date, however, none has been systematically characterized in the phylum Ciliophora. T. thermophila possess many advantages as a eukaryotic model organism and it exhibits rapid and sensitive responses to xenobiotics, making it an ideal model system to study the evolutionary and functional diversity of the P450 monooxygenase gene family. Results: A total of 44 putative functional cytochrome P450 genes were identified and could be classified into 13 families and 21 sub-families according to standard nomenclature. The characteristics of both the conserved intron-exon organization and scaffold localization of tandem repeats within each P450 family clade suggested that the enlargement of T. thermophila P450 families probably resulted from recent separate small duplication events. Gene expression patterns of all T. thermophila P450s during three important cell physiological stages (vegetative growth, starvation and conjugation) were analyzed based on EST and microarray data, and three main categories of expression patterns were postulated. Evolutionary analysis including codon usage preference, sit-especific selection and gene-expression evolution patterns were investigated and the results indicated remarkable divergences among the T. thermophila P450 genes. Conclusion: The characterization, expression and evolutionary analysis of T. thermophila P450 monooxygenase genes in the current study provides useful information for understanding the characteristics and diversities of the P450 genes in the Ciliophora, and provides the baseline for functional analyses of individual P450 isoforms in this model ciliate species.


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We previously described a Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST) scheme based on eight genes that facilitates population genetic and evolutionary analysis of P. acnes. While MLST is a portable method for unambiguous typing of bacteria, it is expensive and labour intensive. Against this background, we now describe a refined version of this scheme based on two housekeeping (aroE; guaA) and two putative virulence (tly; camp2) genes (MLST) that correctly predicted the phylogroup (IA, IA, IB, IC, II, III), clonal complex (CC) and sequence type (ST) (novel or described) status for 91% isolates (n = 372) via cross-referencing of the four gene allelic profiles to the full eight gene versions available in the MLST database (http://pubmlst.org/pacnes/). Even in the small number of cases where specific STs were not completely resolved, the MLST method still correctly determined phylogroup and CC membership. Examination of nucleotide changes within all the MLST loci provides evidence that point mutations generate new alleles approximately 1.5 times as frequently as recombination; although the latter still plays an important role in the bacterium's evolution. The secreted/cell-associated 'virulence' factors tly and camp2 show no clear evidence of episodic or pervasive positive selection and have diversified at a rate similar to housekeeping loci. The co-evolution of these genes with the core genome might also indicate a role in commensal/normal existence constraining their diversity and preventing their loss from the P. acnes population. The possibility that members of the expanded CAMP factor protein family, including camp2, may have been lost from other propionibacteria, but not P. acnes, would further argue for a possible role in niche/host adaption leading to their retention within the genome. These evolutionary insights may prove important for discussions surrounding camp2 as an immunotherapy target for acne, and the effect such treatments may have on commensal lineages. © 2013 McDowell et al.


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The cupin superfamily of proteins is among the most functionally diverse of any described to date. It was named on the basis of the conserved beta-barrel fold ('cupa' is the Latin term for a small barrel), and comprises both enzymatic and non-enzymatic members, which have either one or two cupin domains. Within the conserved tertiary structure, the variety of biochemical function is provided by minor variation of the residues in the active site and the identity of the bound metal ion. This review discusses the advantages of this particular scaffold and provides an evolutionary analysis of 18 different subclasses within the cupin superfamily.


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Ikaros-related transcription factors are essential for adaptive immunity. Evolutionary analysis suggested derivation from a precursor similar to the 'atypical' Pegasus protein, and possibly related to invertebrate Hunchback. Pegasus was shown to regulate neural, gut and blood cell development in zebrafish, with Ikaros identified as one of several potential gene targets.


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A presente dissertação tem por objetivo articular os conceitos de estratégia e políticas públicas, orientadas para o papel do BNDES no contexto brasileiro. A expressividade da atuação do BNDES, a origem de seus recursos e a relevância de seus desembolsos ratificam a importância dos financiamentos da instituição para a economia doméstica.