976 resultados para Melão


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Microbiología) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Acentuación en Microbiología) UANL, 2012.


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Breve biografía sobre el poeta barroco Francisco Manuel de Melo, con análisis estilístico y de contenido de uno de sus primeros poemas, titulado 'Silva fúnebre primera en la muerte de D. Manuel de Meneses'.


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Se pone en com??n una experiencia de proyecto de mejora desarrollado en el CEIP Puerto del Rosario de Fuerteventura con alumnado de 6.?? de primaria con problemas de disciplina. Las fuentes del proyecto fueron desde la biblioteca del centro, Internet o b??squedas en el entorno pr??ximo del alumnado. El proyecto cont?? con una peque??a subvenci??n y se posibilit?? el que las aulas fueran peque??os talleres de redacci??n o investigaci??n conect??ndolas con la diversidad de necesidades e intereses del alumnado teniendo en cuenta la realidad pluricultural en la que el centro estaba inmerso.


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The aroma volatiles of four cultivars of muskmelon were examined using solid phase microextraction, followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The melons studied were Galia, from the reticulatus group, cantaloupe, from the cantaloupensis group, and honeydew and Piel de Sapo, from the inodorus group. Quantitative and qualitative differences existed between all four cultivars. Possible pathways for the formation of volatile compounds in melons are discussed.


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Novel acidic varieties of muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) are emerging onto the UK market. These melons contain almost twice the amount of citric acid compared to standard melons and are described as ‘zesty and fresh’. This study compared the flavour components of three acidic varieties with a standard Galia-type melon. The volatile and semivolatile compounds were extracted using dynamic headspace extraction (DHE) or solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and solid phase extraction (SPE) respectively, followed by gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and gas chromatography – olfactometry (GC-O). More than 50 volatile and 50 semivolatile compounds were identified in the headspace and the SPE extracts respectively. GC-O revealed 15 odour-active components in the headspace, with esters being consistently higher in acidic variety. This study showed quantitative and qualitative differences between all four varieties and key differences between acidic varieties and standard melons.


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Background: Phosphorus (P) is a major limiting nutrient for plant growth in many soils. Studies in model species have identified genes involved in plant adaptations to low soil P availability. However, little information is available on the genetic bases of these adaptations in vegetable crops. In this respect, sequence data for melon now makes it possible to identify melon orthologues of candidate P responsive genes, and the expression of these genes can be used to explain the diversity in the root system adaptation to low P availability, recently observed in this species. Methodology and Findings: Transcriptional responses to P starvation were studied in nine diverse melon accessions by comparing the expression of eight candidate genes (Cm-PAP10.1, Cm-PAP10.2, Cm-RNS1, Cm-PPCK1, Cm-transferase, Cm-SQD1, Cm-DGD1 and Cm-SPX2) under P replete and P starved conditions. Differences among melon accessions were observed in response to P starvation, including differences in plant morphology, P uptake, P use efficiency (PUE) and gene expression. All studied genes were up regulated under P starvation conditions. Differences in the expression of genes involved in P mobilization and remobilization (Cm-PAP10.1, Cm-PAP10.2 and Cm-RNS1) under P starvation conditions explained part of the differences in P uptake and PUE among melon accessions. The levels of expression of the other studied genes were diverse among melon accessions, but contributed less to the phenotypical response of the accessions. Conclusions: This is the first time that these genes have been described in the context of P starvation responses in melon. There exists significant diversity in gene expression levels and P use efficiency among melon accessions as well as significant correlations between gene expression levels and phenotypical measurements.


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The flavour profiles of two genotypes of Charentais cantaloupe melons (medium shelf-life and long shelf-life), harvested at two distinct maturities (immature and mature fruit), were investigated. Dynamic headspace extraction (DHE), solid-phase extraction (SPE), gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and gas chromatography–olfactometry/mass spectrometry (GC-O/MS) were used to determine volatile and semi-volatile compounds. Qualitative descriptive analysis (QDA) was used to assess the organoleptic impact of the different melons and the sensory data were correlated with the chemical analysis. There were significant, consistent and substantial differences between the mature and immature fruit for the medium shelf-life genotype, the less mature giving a green, cucumber character and lacking the sweet, fruity character of the mature fruit. However, maturity at harvest had a much smaller impact on the long shelf-life melons and fewer differences were detected. These long shelf-life melons tasted sweet, but lacked fruity flavours, instead exhibiting a musty, earthy character.


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Este trabalho, a partir da análise da obra completa de João Cabral de Melo Neto, busca mostrar como o poeta pernambucano venceu o silêncio que o ameaçava desde os primeiros versos. A conquista de sua voz se dá quando o autor empreende uma volta ao passado, às origens de línguas e literaturas ibéricas num movimento diacrônico. É nesta viagem no tempo que ele encontra formas que sejam capazes de resistir à contemporânea crise da linguagem e que também lidem com a própria questão da linguagem enquanto forma de expressão humana. A tese ainda questiona a posição de Cabral quanto à tradição poética nacional.


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A presente dissertação se propõe a resgatar a participação de Augusto Meyer nas primeiras iniciativas de proteção ao patrimônio cultural do Rio Grande do Sul, entre os anos de 1937 e 1938, por meio da análise da correspondência a ele enviada pelo então diretor do Serviço do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional - SPHAN, Rodrigo Melo Franco de Andrade. A referida correspondência integra o arquivo privado pessoal de Augusto Meyer que se encontra sob a guarda do Arquivo-Museu de Literatura Brasileira - AMLB, da Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa-FCRB. O trabalho em questão parte do pressuposto de que os arquivos privados pessoais se constituem em importante fonte documental para a pesquisa histórica. Como produto final apresentamos a edição anotada das cartas e telegramas dirigidas a Meyer, acompanhados de um índice geral.


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Este estudo objetivou avaliar o ‘estado da arte’ das sementes ‘crioulas’ no Rio Grande do Sul, possibilitando uma discussão sobre a biodiversidade de plantas cultivadas mantidas por agricultores que ainda utilizam sementes próprias, o diagnóstico sobre as causas da preferência por tais sementes, as dificuldades para sua manutenção e as estratégias desenvolvidas nas diferentes realidades locais para promoção do uso de tais recursos. Para levantar subsídios sobre tecnologia de sementes usadas pelos agricultores, avaliou-se sementes de seis acessos de melões crioulos (Cucumis melo L.) comparados a uma cultivar comercial (T), utilizando-se parâmetros oficiais de tecnologia de sementes. Para o delineamento do “estado da arte” realizou-se um estudo etnográfico baseado em amostragem não probabilística. Entre maio de 2004 e dezembro de 2005 foram contatadas instituições que desenvolvem trabalhos de pesquisa e promoção do uso de sementes tradicionais. A partir da indicação de algumas das instituições, localizou-se agricultores de diferentes regiões como informantes-chave. Como resultados, o estudo diagnosticou 39 espécies vegetais mantidas através de sementes próprias e muitas variedades de plantas consideradas ‘crioulas’, em 13 propriedades amostradas de oito municípios do estado (Porto Alegre, Ipê, Antônio Prado, Palmares do Sul, Santo Antônio do Palma, Bom Retiro, Arroio do Meio e Canguçu), trazendo evidências concretas da agrobiodiversidade mantida pelos ‘agricultores-sementeiros’. As principais vantagens na utilização de sementes próprias, segundo os agricultores, são a adaptabilidade, o sabor e a qualidade das variedades tradicionais, bem como o baixo custo de produção. O desinteresse das novas gerações e a dificuldade em trocar e obter sementes foram registrados como as principais dificuldades enfrentadas. As estratégias locais encontradas para garantir a promoção do uso das sementes crioulas sinalizam criatividade e também a carência de apoio governamental. O estudo com sementes de melão crioulo evidenciou a boa qualidade das sementes amostradas de todos os acessos. As sementes apresentaram em média germinabilidade superior a 80%, além de bons resultados quanto ao vigor. Os testes fitossanitários não indicaram a presença de vírus ou bactérias, mas dois acessos apresentaram contaminação por fungos.


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Esta dissertação promove uma investigação literária do romance O homem suspenso do português João de Melo, tendo como horizonte teórico a obra Tempo e narrativa do filósofo francês Paul Ricoeur. A investigação proposta gira em torno da apreciação do homem como ser político, poeticamente construído. Nesta perspectiva, tornou-se relevante a questão da “referência” debatida a partir do conceito ricoeuriano de mimese tripartida.


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Some sectors in Brazil are earning notoriety in the international market, configuring itself in dynamic areas for the Country. The most typical case is the agribusiness. Rio Grande do Norte state has important role, because 90% of the output of the melon exported by Brazil is produced at Assu/Mossoró. The present work planned to verify the evolution of the culture of the melon produced at Assu/Mossoró area, from 1990 to 2003. Through descriptive research, utilizing the case study and documentary analysis of secondary data this work showed the evolution of the area reaped of melon in the pole Assu/Mossoró, the quantity produced of melon and of the value of the output of the melon between 1990 and 2003. The research verified that all of the factors studied show growth during the analyzed period, showing up the importance of the agribusiness for the region. However the analysis shows the vulnerability of the sector concerning external macroeconomics factors, such as the exchange rates. Showing the importance and/or dependence of the producers for public actions to development of the culture, that might be on areas like infrastructure, economics or taxes


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the quality of yellow melon inodorus Valenciano Amarelo (CAC) fresh cut submitted to two cut types and with application postharvest of calcium chloride. After preparation cubes and slices melon were immersed in solution with different calcium chloride (CaCl2) concentrations for two minutes, afterwards they were conditioned in trays of expanded polystyrene (EPS), covered by plastic film of low density polyethylene (PEBD), stored in cold camera to 5 degrees C +/- 1 and analyzed for 8 days. They were evaluated pH, firmness, tritable acidity (AT), soluble solids (SS) sugar reducer and ratio. The pH values varied from 5.27 to 5.68. The sugars reducers content and the ratio were superior in the slices compared to the cubes. The melon slices maintained larger firmness values compared to the cubes and in general there was reduction in the values of this parameter along the storage period for all treatments. Concentrations of 1.0 and 1.5% of CaCl2, result in larger values of firmness. The storage temperature and modified passive atmosphere they contributed to quality maintenance of MP melon. Concentrations of up to 1.0% of CaCl2 they could be recommended to maintain the melon quality MP melon yellow inodorus (CAC).