982 resultados para After Sales


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Las practicas ancestrales de las culturas precolombinas cada día son mas validas en su aplicación actual para la medicina alternativa, orientada al bienestar y la salud, es un hecho que en los últimos años se observa un gran crecimiento de endemias de estrés que se presentan bajo determinadas circunstancias propias del sistema actual de vida urbana y actividades cotidianas, ocasionando recargas de tensión como respuesta a la supervivencia en un mundo agitado. La somatizacion del estrés se traduce en enfermedades fisiológicas, emocionales y anímicas, consideradas peligrosas y causantes de altos índices de morbilidad y mortalidad. AúA S.A.S. se crea como solución a este gran conflicto que azota a la humanidad, así se han incrementado las instalaciones de diversos Spa (Salud por agua) como establecimientos de bienestar y esparcimiento que incluyen terapias no solo físicas sino mentales y emocionales como un sistema holístico der salud. En los últimos años y gracias a las facilidades de movilidad y comunicaciones se observa un crecimiento acelerado del turismo de salud como sector de talla mundial, el cual apunta a un mayor desarrollo tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. Las visitas de turistas al país en interés de realizarse procedimientos tanto estéticos como médicos, permite identificar una gran oportunidad de negocio con visión sostenible y perdurable ante un futuro prometedor. En este sentido, se presenta la instauración de un Spa con rituales ancestrales como un establecimiento de salud (turismo de salud) que preste servicios a personas tanto colombianas como extranjeras interesadas en vivir una experiencia con tratamientos de relajación (turismo de bienestar). Si bien el gobierno ha impulsado nuevas políticas encaminadas al fomento de la competitividad en Colombia, a través de sectores de talla mundial, donde el turismo de salud se presenta con un fuerte potencial de crecimiento. El Programa de Transformación Productiva, es un ejemplo de lo anteriormente expresado como estrategia para lograr el desarrollo empresarial, crecimiento económico y la generación de más y mejores empleos en Colombia. AüA S.A.S ofrece servicios únicos con tiempos óptimos para resultados efectivos de relajación y bienestar, así como espacios adecuados, inspirados en los paisajes de la sierra nevada de Santa Marta y ecosistemas de la costa Caribe, teniendo un contacto más cercano con la naturaleza y sus elementos. Además de una atención y acompañamiento personalizado y servicios gratuitos de asesorías post-venta, creando un servicio nuevo de reeducación dentro del Spa y con material de cortesía dado, donde a través de libros, artículos, publicaciones, DVD y talleres a realizar el cliente cambiara su conciencia, como componentes diferenciadores y de valor agregado, saliendo de su estado patológico y con alto cubrimiento en la satisfacción de sus necesidades, creando fidelidad al cliente para que regrese. Así, en lo posible con esta información destacada de las encuestas, dentro de la investigación de mercados realizada, se puede determinar que la participación en el mercado es del 75%. El equipo emprendedor está conformado por Rosa Marina Lozano Socarrás, estudiante de Administración de Negocios Internacionales de la Universidad del Rosario. El proyecto arroja una rentabilidad del 58,22% promedio anual. El indicador VAN, determina que el proyecto arroja 60 Millones adicionales al invertir los recursos en este proyecto que en uno que rente el 33% anual, por lo tanto se sugiere continuar con el proyecto. Teniendo el indicador del Valor Presente Neto, para su cálculo es necesario la Tasa de descuento o Tasa de Interés de Oportunidad siendo del 33%, teniendo un valor de $ 60.278.254. La metodología empleada en el trabajo de grado se denota en la guía y lineamientos establecidos por el Centro de Emprendimiento de la Universidad del Rosario. Las fuentes primarias se destaca en la información de investigación de mercados a partir de encuestas, así como análisis del sector y competidores. La información secundaria se denota en el Plan de Negocios del subsector turismo de bienestar dado a conocer por el Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo.


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The creation of value is admittedly a critical task for marketers regardless of industry. This paper focuses on a type of value that has traditionally been perceived as irrelevant to industrial markets and argues that brand value facilitates the progression from goods and services value to relationship value. To address the limited amount of research on B2B branding from the suppliers' point of view, we complement insights gained from a literature review with ten exploratory interviews with B2B supplier managers, and develop a framework of brand value applicable to industrial markets. This identifies both the functional (i.e., quality, technology, capacity, infrastructure, after sales service, capabilities, reliability, innovation) and emotional qualities (i.e., risk reduction, reassurance, trust) important for the development of industrial brand equity. Situational (e.g. nature of the purchase) and environmental factors (e.g. the economic situation) affecting suppliers' perceptions of the importance of brand in a B2B context and the role of functional versus emotional brand qualities are discussed. The value of the brand as a driver for the development of business to business relationships is also highlighted. The framework provides a basis for B2B practitioners to build their brands in such a way as to make a functional as well as an emotional connection with buyers that is more likely to lead to a supplier–buyer relationship.


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This paper explores Critical Success Factors (CSFs) in the transfer
of after-sales support-oriented knowledge from Information Technology (IT)
support organisations to enterprise customers, using Web-based self-service Systems (WSS). As it appears that best-in-class companies are ahead of the academic work in this area, we approached the topic through an exploratory CSF study of a best-in-class multinational IT services firm and identified 26 CSFs. Key findings from the study indicate that best-in-class IT service organisations may be cognisant of a range of factors relating to supporting customers, but are less aware of what is needed to support their own frontline support agents. Such organisations also lack an understanding of what is needed to provide enterprise support in the later stages of knowledge transfer, where enterprise customers can experience problems attempting to integrate resolutions. The study further showed that many aspects that might be characterised as encompassing socio-technical issues relating to the provision of web-based self-service are still poorly understood.


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An understanding by support organisations of the key factors enabling successful enterprise after-sales customer support provision when using Web-based Selfservice Systems (WSSs) is essential to making  improvements in such systems. This paper reports key stakeholder-oriented findings from an interpretive study of critical success factors (CSFs) for the transfer of after-sales support-oriented knowledge from an information technology (IT) service provider to enterprise customers when a WSS is used. The findings suggest that researchers and practitioners should consider WSSs within a complex network of service providers, business partners and customer firms. The paper also clearly points to a need for support organisations to engage in greater collaboration and integration of WSSs with enterprise customers and business partners.


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In managed information technology (IT) support environments, transferring solution-oriented knowledge from an IT service provider to an enterprise customer offers benefits to both firms. However, the process of inter-organisational knowledge transfer is not well understood in such complex settings where Web-based Self-service Systems (WSSs) are increasingly employed. This paper draws on findings from an interpretive study of six large multinational IT service providers to provide a staged model of after-sales knowledge transfer from an IT service provider to an enterprise customer when a WSS is used. The paper also identifies and discusses the key challenges involved at each stage.


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This chapter explores the provision of after-sales information technology (IT) support services using Web-based self-service systems (WSSs) in a business-to-business (B2B) context. A recent study conducted at six large multi-national IT support organisations revealed a number of critical success factors (CSFs) and stakeholder-based issues. To better identify and understand these important enablers and barriers, we explain how WSSs should be considered within a complex network of service providers, business partners and customer firms. The CSFs and stakeholder-based issues are discussed. The chapter highlights that for more successful service provision using WSSs, IT service providers should collaborate more effectively with enterprise customers and business partners and should better integrate their WSSs.


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Web-based self-service systems (WSSs) are increasingly leveraged for the delivery of after-sales information technology (IT) support services. Such services are offered by IT service providers to customer firms and increasingly involve business partners. However little is known of the challenges faced by IT service providers as a result of the involvement of the other firms and their employees (end-users). This paper reports related findings from an interpretive study of IT service provider perceptions in six multinational IT service provider firms (Cooper, 2007). The findings highlight that, for IT service providers, (1) it is important to consider and resolve the needs and concerns of other key stakeholders, and (2) significant challenges exist in doing so. The main contribution of the paper is the identification of the key challenges involved. Important implications for theory and practice are discussed.


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This research identified critical success factors and a staged model of knowledge transfer in the provision of after-sales information technology support to enterprise customers when Web-based Self-service systems are used. The research highlights the need for a relational, stakeholder-oriented approach that considers stakeholder interactions, knowledge flows, needs and capabilities.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance and complexities of the knowledge transfer process in the provision of effective managed after-sales IT support, when the web is used for service delivery.

Design/methodology/approach – The paper features an interpretive case study of a multinational Managed Service Provider (MSP) and a focus group of representatives from five comparable MSPs.

Findings – The paper finds that MSPs that use web-based channels for the provision of after-sales IT support services need to address a range of important social and organisational issues in order to realise cost and efficiency-based benefits.

Research limitations/implications – The paper provides a four stage processual model of knowledge transfer in the provision of web-based managed after-sales IT support services. The barriers and enablers of knowledge transfer at each stage are identified. The paper adopts a MSP perspective and suggests that further research from the customer perspective is required.

Practical implications – The paper highlights some important social and organisational enablers and barriers, which will guide MSPs when providing managed after-sales IT support using webbased channels.

Originality/value – The paper provides the first staged model of inter-organisational knowledge transfer in a complex multi-organisational and multi-channel web-based context.


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O papel estratégico do departamento de pós-venda de uma corretora de benefícios, assim como qualquer outro segmento, torna-se cada vez mais importante e, consequentemente, a priorização dos seus serviços é fundamental para o relacionamento, retenção e fidelização dos clientes. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal construir uma estrutura de indicadores (temas estratégicos) em serviços de pós-venda de uma corretora de benefícios, no segmento de seguro saúde, permitindo identificar as prioridades estratégicas e favorecer a alocação de recursos, visando obter vantagem competitiva em relação aos seus concorrentes. A metodologia compreendeu, inicialmente, uma pesquisa qualitativa com especialistas no segmento de seguro saúde, de onde se originou uma estrutura de quatro indicadores (temas estratégicos) e dezoito fatores de competição. A estrutura foi testada através da aplicação de questionário quantitativo respondido pelos colaboradores (clientes internos) da corretora, que foram convocados a responderem sobre o grau de importância com relação aos indicadores e os respectivos fatores de competição da estrutura. Após a execução da pesquisa, verificou-se que o indicador ‘Gestão de Saúde’ apresentou o melhor resultado, enquanto que ‘o envio de fatura no prazo’ foi o fator de competição que mereceu maior importância entre os entrevistados. Pretende-se que os resultados obtidos sirvam de base para formulação de estratégias de marketing de relacionamento mais próximas da realidade da corretora, respeitando seus recursos e limitações.


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This paper aims to conduct a study to evaluate and measure the possible impact that the unavailability of spare parts can have on customer satisfaction for car dealerships in the post-sales. A theoretical-conceptual review on the subject of satisfaction and loyalty, on the backdrop of the reality of the automobile market, allowed the construction of a research tool dedicated to collect opinions of car owners, to allow an analysis empirical relationship between the availability of parts, repairs or scheduled service possible, and change or stay on the mark on the occasion of change of vehicle. 236 forms were applied to car owners in the city of Natal / RN. The results obtained in this survey allowed the identification of the unavailability of parts as a significant factor, among others, the motivation for the customer to switch brands. Collaterally, we could also conclude that the dynamics of change in marks, whatever its motivation, is reflected in the perceived positions of the different brands as the market share both in strictly quantitative terms and in terms of relative positioning, with significant changes in the ranking of consumer preferences for different brands available


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Includes bibliography


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The present study aims to investigate the interrelationship between the Relationship Marketing and Public Relations areas, high lighting its strategic value. The main goal is to discuss how the public relations professional can manage the customer loyalty by improving the after-sales services provided, applying it to a specific market such as business a viation. To establish the foundation to support the hypotheses, a revision of the subject literature was made, seeking to break down the barriers between marketing-mainly of relationship and public relations knowledge fields. A consult of the relevant literature was a continuous activity throughout the work. Divided into three chapters, the two first ones of fundamentals concepts, presents an after-sales services scenario, emphasizing the importance of the relationship and the definition of audiences in this area, in addition to a detailed description of the luxury market, a business aviation reality. The third chapter ends the discussion with a relationship proposal for Embraer Executive Jets, through actions based on the studied concepts. By gathering ideas and reflecting about the subject, using them to develop the proposal, a conclusion was resulted: the public relations professional is prepared and essential to build an effective after-sales relationship, since it's concerned about the communication excellence and knows the audiences significance in this process


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Even though RFID technology is currently gaining importance mainly in logistics, usage areas, such as shopping or after-sales enhancements beyond the supply chain are envisioned. Yet, while RFID hits the street it is questioned if it may undermine one’s privacy while providing few customer benefits. Meeting this criticism this paper investigates RFID-enabled information services and the drivers of their usefulness for consumers. The article claims that the more risk one associates with a product the more benefit from RFID-enabled information services is perceived. We show empirically that the nature of product risk provides a useful framework to decide on the types of RFID information services a marketer should offer to create RFID usefulness perceptions and increase technology acceptance.


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Estudo sobre as práticas comunicacionais da área de pós-vendas nas redes sociais on-line, com relação ao atendimento das empresas e os canais por elas disponibilizados para interação com o consumidor. Dentre as etapas, realizou-se uma análise sobre os hábitos dos consumidores de realizar buscas nas redes socais on-line; com o intuito de chamar a atenção das empresas sobre problemas de pós-venda nestes canais (reclamações, dúvidas técnicas, sugestões etc.). O objetivo principal foi elaborar de forma cronológica e estruturada a práticas de comunicação no pós-venda por meio dos diversos canais do SAC; resgatando as fases evolutivas do SAC, a lei de proteção do consumidor, desde a era analógica (sem acesso à internet e espontânea), até a chegada das redes sociais on-line. Para tal estudo foram realizados: levantamento bibliográfico, exploratório e documental sobre a área de pós-venda, marketing de relacionamento e de resultados de pesquisas sobre os hábitos dos consumidores conectados à internet; apresentação de casos que exemplificam as práticas comunicacionais do mercado; entrevista aplicada com oito especialistas do mercado; e formulário eletrônico aplicado com gestores das centrais de atendimento. Com todas essas análises, foi possível traçar um diagnóstico sobre a realidade atual da área de atendimento ao cliente das empresas selecionadas, nas redes sociais on-line, além de reforçar sensivelmente a ideia do consumidor produtor de conteúdo (prosumer) e a mudança no fluxo comunicacional consumidor versus empresa.