329 resultados para Bioremediation
In this study was developed a natural process using a biological system for the biosynthesis of nanoparticles (NPs) and possible removal of copper from wastewater by dead biomass of the yeast Rhodotorula mucilaginosa. Dead and live biomass of Rhodotorula mucilaginosa was used to analyze the equilibrium and kinetics of copper biosorption by the yeast in function of the initial metal concentration, contact time, pH, temperature, agitation and inoculum volume. Dead biomass exhibited the highest biosorption capacity of copper, 26.2 mg g(-1), which was achieved within 60 min of contact, at pH 5.0, temperature of 30°C, and agitation speed of 150 rpm. The equilibrium data were best described by the Langmuir isotherm and Kinetic analysis indicated a pseudo-second-order model. The average size, morphology and location of NPs biosynthesized by the yeast were determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The shape of the intracellularly synthesized NPs was mainly spherical, with an average size of 10.5 nm. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis of the copper NPs confirmed the formation of metallic copper. The dead biomass of Rhodotorula mucilaginosa may be considered an efficiently bioprocess, being fast and low-cost to production of copper nanoparticles and also a probably nano-adsorbent of this metal ion in wastewater in bioremediation process
A biological system for the biosynthesis of nanoparticles (NPs) and uptake of copper from wastewater, using dead biomass of Hypocrea lixii was analyzed and described for the first time. The equilibrium and kinetics investigation of the biosorption of copper onto dead, dried and live biomass of fungus were performed as a function of initial metal concentration, pH, temperature, agitation and inoculum volume. The high biosorption capacity was observed for dead biomass, completed within 60 min of contact, at pH 5.0, temperature of 40 °C and agitation speed of 150 rpm with a maximum copper biosorption of 19.0 mg g(-1). The equilibrium data were better described using the Langmuir isotherm and kinetic analysis indicated that copper biosorption follows a pseudo-second-order model. The average size, morphology and location of NPs biosynthesized by the fungus were determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). NPs were mainly spherical, with an average size of 24.5 nm, and were synthesized extracellularly. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis confirms the presence of metallic copper particles. Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) study revealed that the amide groups interact with the particles, which was accountable for the stability of NPs. This method further confirmed the presence of proteins as stabilizing and capping agents surrounding the copper NPs. These studies demonstrate that dead biomass of Hypocrea lixii provides an economic and technically feasible option for bioremediation of wastewater and is a potential candidate for industrial-scale production of copper NPs.
Programa de Doctorado Ecología y Gestión de los Recursos Vivos Marinos
[EN] The red seaweed Hypnea spinella (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta), was cultured at laboratory scale under three different CO2 conditions, non-enriched air (360 ppm CO2)and CO2-enriched air at two final concentrations (750 and 1,600 ppm CO2), in order to evaluate the influence of increased CO2 concentrations on growth, photosynthetic capacity, nitrogen removal efficiency, and chemical cellular composition. Average specific growth rates of H. spinella treated with 750 and 1,600 ppm CO2-enriched air increased by 85.6% and 63.2% compared with non-enriched air cultures. CO2 reduction percentages close to 12% were measured at 750 ppm CO2 with respect to 5% and 7% for cultures treated with air and 1,600 ppm CO2, respectively. Maximum photosynthetic rates were enhanced significantly for high CO2 treatments, showing Pmax values 1.5-fold higher than that for air-treated cultures. N–NH4+ consumption rates were also faster for algae growing at 750 and 1,600 ppm CO2 than that for non-enriched air cultures. As a consequence of these experimental conditions, soluble carbohydrates increased and soluble protein contents decreased in algae treated with CO2-enriched air. However, internal C and N contents remained constant at the different CO2 concentrations. No significant differences in data obtained with both elevated CO2 treatments, under the assayed conditions, indicate that H. spinella is saturated at dissolved inorganic carbon concentrations close by twice the actual atmospheric levels. The results show that increased CO2 concentrations might be considered a key factor in order to improve intensively cultured H. spinella production yields and carbon and nitrogen bioremediation efficiencies.
In this thesis the application of biotechnological processes based on microbial metabolic degradation of halogenated compound has been investigated. Several studies showed that most of these pollutants can be biodegraded by single bacterial strains or mixed microbial population via aerobic direct metabolism or cometabolism using as a growth substrates aromatic or aliphatic hydrocarbons. The enhancement of two specific processes has been here object of study in relation with its own respective scenario described as follow: 1st) the bioremediation via aerobic cometabolism of soil contaminated by a high chlorinated compound using a mixed microbial population and the selection and isolation of consortium specific for the compound. 2nd) the implementation of a treatment technology based on direct metabolism of two pure strains at the exact point source of emission, preventing dilution and contamination of large volumes of waste fluids polluted by several halogenated compound minimizing the environmental impact. In order to verify the effect of these two new biotechnological application to remove halogenated compound and purpose them as a more efficient alternative continuous and batch tests have been set up in the experimental part of this thesis. Results obtained from the continuous tests in the second scenario have been supported by microbial analysis via Fluorescence in situ Hybridisation (FISH) and by a mathematical model of the system. The results showed that both process in its own respective scenario offer an effective solutions for the biological treatment of chlorinate compound pollution.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are chemicals produced by both human activities and natural sources and they have been present in the biosphere since millions of years. For this reason microorganisms should have developed, during the world history, the capacity of metabolized them under different electron acceptors and redox conditions. The deep understanding of these natural attenuation processes and of microbial degradation pathways has a main importance in the cleanup of contaminated areas. Anaerobic degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons is often presumed to be slow and of a minor ecological significance compared with the aerobic processes; however anaerobic bioremediation may play a key role in the transformation of organic pollutants when oxygen demand exceeds supply in natural environments. Under such conditions, anoxic and anaerobic degradation mediated by denitrifying or sulphate-reducing bacteria can become a key pathway for the contaminated lands clean up. Actually not much is known about anaerobic bioremediation processes. Anaerobic biodegrading techniques may be really interesting for the future, because they give the possibility of treating contaminated soil directly in their natural status, decreasing the costs concerning the oxygen supply, which usually are the highest ones, and about soil excavations and transports in appropriate sites for a further disposal. The aim of this dissertation work is to characterize the conditions favouring the anaerobic degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Special focus will be given to the assessment of the various AEA efficiency, the characterization of degradation performance and rates under different redox conditions as well as toxicity monitoring. A comparison with aerobic and anaerobic degradation concerning the same contaminated material is also made to estimate the different biodegradation times.
This study fits into the context of activities aim at waste bioremediation and valorization through the production of energy according to principles of environmental sustainability. The experimental work was carried out at the laboratories of the Department of Civil Engineering, Environmental and Materials (DICAM) of the Faculty of Engineering. The main objective was to enhance the treatment of high organic loading waste, such as manure and cheese whey, through advanced anaerobic digestion systems in order to obtain biogas rich in methane. On the basis of the premise that the environmental conditions pertaining in most anaerobic wastewater digesters are not optimal for both fermentative and methanogenic microorganisms, the research was particularly focused on the implementation of two-phase anaerobic digesters. In fact a two-phase process permits selection and enrichment of different bacteria in each digester by independently controlling the digester operating conditions. Thus, the first phase (acidogenesis) can be operated to optimize acidogenic growth and the second phase (methanogenesis) to optimize methanogenic growth. (Ince O. , 1998). Before reactors’ set up, , some lab scale experiments were carried out to identify the best manure and whey ratio and the best conditions of temperature, pH, hydraulic retention time of acidogenesis an methanogenic phases.
I policlorobifenili (PCB) sono inquinanti tossici e fortemente recalcitranti che contaminano suoli e sedimenti di acqua dolce e marini. Le tecnologie attualmente impiegate per la loro rimozione (dragaggio e trattamento chimoco-fisico o conferimento in discarica) sono molto costose, poco efficaci o ad alto impatto ambientale. L’individuazione di strategie alternative, di natura biologica, consentirebbe lo sviluppo di un processo alternativo più sostenibile. Nel processo di declorurazione riduttiva i congeneri di PCB a più alto grado di clorurazione, che sono i più tossici, recalcitranti e maggiormente tendenti al bioaccumulo, vengono utilizzati da alcuni microrganismi anaerobici come accettori finali di elettroni nella catena respiratoria e bioconvertiti in congeneri a minor grado di clorurazione, meno pericolosi, che possono essere mineralizzati da parte di batteri aerobi. La declorurazione riduttiva dei PCB è stata spesso studiata in colture anaerobiche di arricchimento in terreno minerale ottenute a partire da sedimenti di acqua dolce; questi studi hanno permesso di dimostrare che batteri del phylum dei Chloroflexi e appartenenti al genere Dehalococcoides o filogeneticamente facenti parte del gruppo dei Dehalococcoides-like sono i decloruranti. Sono tuttavia scarse le informazioni riguardanti l'occorrenza della declorurazione dei PCB in ambienti marini, nei quali l'alta salinità e concentrazione di solfati influenzano diversamente l'evoluzione delle popolazioni microbiche. In sedimenti contaminati della laguna di Venezia è stata osservata declorurazione sia dei PCB preesistenti che di congeneri esogeni; questi studi hanno permesso l'ottenimento di colture di arricchimento fortemente attive nei confronti di 5 congeneri di PCB coplanari. In questa tesi, a partire dalle colture capaci di declorurare i PCB coplanari, sono stati allestiti nuovi passaggi di arricchimento su Aroclor®1254, una miscela di PCB più complessa e che meglio rappresenta la contaminazione ambientale. Le colture sono state allestite come microcosmi anaerobici in fase slurry, preparati risospendendo il sedimento nell'acqua superficiale, ricreando in tal modo in laboratorio le stesse condizioni biogeochimiche presenti in situ; gli slurry sterili sono stati inoculati per avviare le colture. Per favorire la crescita dei microrganismi decloruranti e stimolare così la decloruraazione dei PCB sono stati aggiunti inibitori selettivi di metanogeni (Bromoetansulfonato o BES) e solfato-riduttori (molibdato), sono state fornite fonti di carbonio ed energia (eD), quali acidi grassi a corta catena e idrogeno, utilizzate di batteri decloruranti noti, e per semplificare la comunità microbica sono stati aggiunti antibiotici cui batteri decloruranti del genere Dehalococcoides sono resistenti. Con questo approccio sono stati allestiti passaggi di arricchimento successivi e le popolazioni microbiche delle colture sono state caratterizzate con analisi molecolari di fingerprinting (DGGE). Fin dal primo passaggio di arricchimento nei microcosmi non ammendati ha avuto luogo un'estesa declorurazione dell'Aroclor®1254; nei successivi passaggi si è notato un incremento della velocità del processo e la scomparsa della fase di latenza, mentre la stessa stereoselettività è stata mantenuta a riprova dell’arricchimento degli stessi microrganismi decloruranti. Le velocità di declorurazione ottenute sono molto alte se confrontate con quelle osservate in colture anaerobiche addizionate della stessa miscela descritte in letteratura. L'aggiunta di BES o molibdato ha bloccato la declorurazione dei PCB ma in presenza di BES è stata riscontrata attività dealogenante nei confronti di questa molecola. La supplementazione di fonti di energia e di carbonio ha stimolato la metanogenesi e i processi fermentativi ma non ha avuto effetti sulla declorurazione. Ampicillina e vancomicina hanno incrementato la velocità di declorurazione quando aggiunte singolarmente, insieme o in combinazione con eD. E' stato però anche dimostrato che la declorurazione dei PCB è indipendente sia dalla metanogenesi che dalla solfato-riduzione. Queste attività respiratorie hanno avuto velocità ed estensioni diverse in presenza della medesima attività declorurante; in particolare la metanogenesi è stata rilevata solo in dipendenza dall’aggiunta di eD alle colture e la solfato-riduzione è stata inibita dall’ampicillina in microcosmi nei quali un’estesa declorurazione dei PCB è stata osservata. La caratterizzazione delle popolazioni microbiche, condotte mediante analisi molecolari di fingerprinting (DGGE) hanno permesso di descrivere le popolazioni batteriche delle diverse colture come complesse comunità microbiche e di rilevare in tutte le colture decloruranti la presenza di una banda che l’analisi filogenetica ha ascritto al batterio m-1, un noto batterio declorurante in grado di dealogenare un congenere di PCB in colture di arricchimento ottenute da sedimenti marini appartenente al gruppo dei Dehalococcoides-like. Per verificare se la crescita di questo microrganismo sia legata alla presenza dei PCB, l'ultimo passaggio di arricchimento ha previsto l’allestimento di microcosmi addizionati di Aroclor®1254 e altri analoghi privi di PCB. Il batterio m-1 è stato rilevato in tutti i microcosmi addizionati di PCB ma non è mai stato rilevato in quelli in cui i PCB non erano presenti; la presenza di nessun altro batterio né alcun archebatterio è subordinata all’aggiunta dei PCB. E in questo modo stato dimostrato che la presenza di m-1 è dipendente dai PCB e si ritiene quindi che m-1 sia il declorurante in grado di crescere utilizzando i PCB come accettori di elettroni nella catena respiratoria anche in condizioni biogeochimiche tipiche degli habitat marini. In tutte le colture dell'ultimo passaggio di arricchimento è stata anche condotta una reazione di PCR mirata alla rilevazione di geni per dealogenasi riduttive, l’enzima chiave coinvolto nei processi di dealogenazione. E’ stato ottenuto un amplicone di lughezza analoga a quelle di tutte le dealogenasi note in tutte le colture decloruranti ma un tale amplificato non è mai stato ottenuto da colture non addizionate di PCB. La dealogenasi ha lo stesso comportamento di m-1, essendo stata trovata come questo sempre e solo in presenza di PCB e di declorurazione riduttiva. La sequenza di questa dealogenasi è diversa da tutte quelle note sia in termini di sequenza nucleotidica che aminoacidica, pur presentando due ORF con le stesse caratteristiche e domini presenti nelle dealogenasi note. Poiché la presenza della dealogenasi rilevata nelle colture dipende esclusivamente dall’aggiunta di PCB e dall’osservazione della declorurazione riduttiva e considerato che gran parte delle differenze genetiche è concentrata nella parte di sequenza che si pensa determini la specificità di substrato, si ritiene che la dealogenasi identificata sia specifica per i PCB. La ricerca è stata condotta in microcosmi che hanno ricreato fedelmente le condizioni biogeochimiche presenti in situ e ha quindi permesso di rendere conto del reale potenziale declorurante della microflora indigena dei sedimenti della laguna di Venezia. Le analisi molecolari condotte hanno permesso di identificare per la prima volta un batterio responsabile della declorurazione dei PCB in sedimenti marini (il batterio m-1) e una nuova dealogenasi specifica per PCB. L'identificazione del microrganismo declorurante permette di aprire la strada allo sviluppo di tecnologie di bioremediation mirata e il gene della dealogenasi potrà essere utilizzato come marker molecolare per determinare il reale potenziale di declorurazione di miscele complesse di PCB in sedimenti marini.
Bioremediation implies the use of living organisms, primarily microorganisms, to convert environmental contaminants into less toxic forms. The impact of the consequences of hydrocarbon release in the environment maintain a high research interest in the study of microbial metabolisms associated with the biodegradation of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons but also in the analysis of microbial enzymes that can convert petroleum substrates to value-added products. The studies described in this Thesis fall within the research field that directs the efforts into identifying gene/proteins involved in the catabolism of n-alkanes and into studying the regulatory mechanisms leading to their oxidation. In particular the studies were aimed at investigating the molecular aspects of the ability of Rhodococcus sp. BCP1 to grow on aliphatic hydrocarbons as sole carbon and energy sources. We studied the ability of Rhodococcus sp. BCP1 to grow on gaseous (C2-C4), liquid (C5-C16) and solid (C17-C28) n-alkanes that resulted to be biochemically correlated with the activity of one or more monooxygenases. In order to identify the alkane monooxygenase that is involved in the n-alkanes degradation pathway in Rhodococcus sp. BCP1, PCR-based methodology was applied by using degenerate primers targeting AlkB monooxygenase family members. As result, a chromosomal region, including the alkB gene cluster, was cloned from Rhodococcus sp. BCP1 genome. We characterized the products of this alkB gene cluster and the products of the orfs included in the flanking regions by comparative analysis with the homologues in the database. alkB gene expression studies were carried out by RT-PCR and by the construction of a promoter probe vector containing the lacZ gene downstream of the alkB promoter. B-galactosidase assays revealed the alkB promoter activity induced by n-alkanes and by n-alkanes metabolic products. Furthermore, the transcriptional start of alkB gene was determined by primer extension procedure. A proteomic approach was subsequently applied to compare the protein patterns expressed by BCP1 growing on n-butane, n-hexane, n-hexadecane or n-eicosane with the protein pattern expressed by BCP1 growing on succinate. The accumulation of enzymes specifically induced on n-alkanes was determined. These enzymes were identified by tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). Finally, a prm gene, homologue to the gene family coding for soluble di-iron monooxygenases (SDIMOs), has been isolated from Rhodococcus sp. BCP1 genome. This gene product could be involved in the degradation of gaseous n-alkanes in this Rhodococcus strain. The versatility in utilizing hydrocarbons and the discovery of new remarkable metabolic activities outline the potential applications of this microorganism in environmental and industrial biotechnologies.
Pharmaceuticals are useful tools to prevent and treat human and animal diseases. Following administration, a significant fraction of pharmaceuticals is excreted unaltered into faeces and urine and may enter the aquatic ecosystem and agricultural soil through irrigation with recycled water, constituting a significant source of emerging contaminants into the environment. Understanding major factors influencing their environmental fate is consequently needed to value the risk, reduce contamination, and set up bioremediation technologies. The antiviral drug Tamiflu (oseltamivir carboxylate, OC) has received recent attention due to the potential use as a first line defence against H5N1 and H1N1 influenza viruses. Research has shown that OC is not removed during conventional wastewater treatments, thus having the potential to enter surface water bodies. A series of laboratory experiments investigated the fate and the removal of OC in surface water systems in Italy and Japan and in a municipal wastewater treatment plant. A preliminary laboratory study investigated the persistence of the active antiviral drug in water samples from an irrigation canal in northern Italy (Canale Emiliano Romagnolo). After an initial rapid decrease, OC concentration slowly decreased during the remaining incubation period. Approximately 65% of the initial OC amount remained in water at the end of the 36-day incubation period. A negligible amount of OC was lost both from sterilized water and from sterilized water/sediment samples, suggesting a significant role of microbial degradation. Stimulating microbial processes by the addition of sediments resulted in reduced OC persistence. Presence of OC (1.5 μg mL-1) did not significantly affect the metabolic potential of the water microbial population, that was estimated by glyphosate and metolachlor mineralization. In contrast, OC caused an initial transient decrease in the size of the indigenous microbial population of water samples. A second laboratory study focused on basic processes governing the environmental fate of OC in surface water from two contrasting aquatic ecosystems of northern Italy, the River Po and the Venice Lagoon. Results of this study confirmed the potential of OC to persist in surface water. However, the addition of 5% of sediments resulted in rapid OC degradation. The estimated half-life of OC in water/sediment of the River Po was 15 days. After three weeks of incubation at 20 °C, more than 8% of 14C-OC evolved as 14CO2 from water/sediment samples of the River Po and Venice Lagoon. OC was moderately retained onto coarse sediments from the two sites. In water/sediment samples of the River Po and Venice Lagoon treated with 14C-OC, more than 30% of the 14C-residues remained water-extractable after three weeks of incubation. The low affinity of OC to sediments suggests that the presence of sediments would not reduce its bioavailability to microbial degradation. Another series of laboratory experiments investigated the fate and the removal of OC in two surface water ecosystems of Japan and in the municipal wastewater treatment plant of the city of Bologna, in Northern Italy. The persistence of OC in surface water ranged from non-detectable degradation to a half-life of 53 days. After 40 days, less than 3% of radiolabeled OC evolved as 14CO2. The presence of sediments (5%) led to a significant increase of OC degradation and of mineralization rates. A more intense mineralization was observed in samples of the wastewater treatment plant when applying a long incubation period (40 days). More precisely, 76% and 37% of the initial radioactivity applied as 14C-OC was recovered as 14CO2 from samples of the biological tank and effluent water, respectively. Two bacterial strains growing on OC as sole carbon source were isolated and used for its removal from synthetic medium and environmental samples, including surface water and wastewater. Inoculation of water and wastewater samples with the two OC-degrading strains showed that mineralization of OC was significantly higher in both inoculated water and wastewater, than in uninoculated controls. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and quantitative PCR analysis showed that OC would not affect the microbial population of surface water and wastewater. The capacity of the ligninolytic fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium to degrade a wide variety of environmentally persistent xenobiotics has been largely reported in literature. In a series of laboratory experiments, the efficiency of a formulation using P. chrysosporium was evaluated for the removal of selected pharmaceuticals from wastewater samples. Addition of the fungus to samples of the wastewater treatment plant of Bologna significantly increased (P < 0.05) the removal of OC and three antibiotics, erythromycin, sulfamethoxazole, and ciprofloxacin. Similar effects were also observed in effluent water. OC was the most persistent of the four pharmaceuticals. After 30 days of incubation, approximately two times more OC was removed in bioremediated samples than in controls. The highest removal efficiency of the formulation was observed with the antibiotic ciprofloxacin. The studies included environmental aspects of soil contamination with two emerging veterinary contaminants, such as doramectin and oxibendazole, wich are common parasitic treatments in cattle farms.
Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons (CAHs) are widespread wastewater and groundwater contaminants and represent a real danger for human health and environment. This research is related to the biodegradation technologies to treat chlorinated hydrocarbons. In particular the study of this thesis is focused on chloroform cometabolism by a butane-grown aerobic pure culture (Rhodococcus aetherovorans BCP1) in continuous-flow biofilm reactors, which are used for in-situ and on-site treatments. The work was divided in two parts: in the first one an experimental study has been conducted in two packed-bed reactors (PBRs) for a period of 370 days; in the second one a fluid dynamics and kinetic model has been developed in order to simulate the experimental data concerning a previous study made in a 2-m continuous-flow sand-filled reactor. The goals of the first study were to obtain preliminary information on the feasibility of chloroform biodegradation by BCP1 under attached-cell conditions and to evaluate the applicability of the pulsed injection of growth substrate and oxygen to biofilm reactors. The pulsed feeding represents a tool to control the clogging and to ensure a long bioreactive zone. The operational conditions implemented in the PBRs allowed the attainment of a 4-fold increase of the ratio of chloroform degraded to substrate consumed, in comparison with the phase of continuous substrate supply. The second study was aimed at identifying guidelines for optimizing the oxygen/substrate supply schedule, developing a reliable model of chloroform cometabolism in porous media. The tested model led to a suitable interpretation of the experimental data as long as the ratio of CF degraded to butane consumed was ≤ 0.27 mgchloroform /mgbutane. A long-term simulation of the best-performing schedule of pulsed oxygen/substrate supply indicated the attainment of a steady state condition characterized by unsatisfactory bioremediation performances, evidencing the need for a further optimization of the pulsed injection technique.
Although bacteria represent the simplest form of life on Earth, they have a great impact on all living beings. For example the degrader bacterium Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes KF707 is used in bioremediation procedures for the recovery of polluted sites. Indeed, KF707 strain is know for its ability to degrade biphenyl and polychlorinated biphenyls - to which is chemotactically attracted - and to tolerate the oxydative stress due to toxic metal oxyanions such as tellurite and selenite. Moreover, in bioremediation processes, target compounds can be easily accessible to KF707 through biofilm formation. All these considerations suggest that KF707 is such a unique microorganism and this Thesis work has been focused on determining the molecular nature of some of the peculiar physiological traits of this strain. The genome project provided a large set of informations: putative genes involved in the degradation of aromatic and toxic compounds and associated to stress response were identified. Notably, multiple chemotactic operons and cheA genes were also found. Deleted mutants in the cheA genes were constructed and their role in motility, chemotaxis and biofilm formation were assessed and compared to those previously attributed to a cheA1 gene in a KF707 mutant constructed by a mini-Tn5 transposon insertion and which was impaired in motility and biofilm development. The results of this present Thesis work, taken together, were interpreted to suggest that in Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes KF707 strain, multiple factors are involved in these networks and they might play different roles depending on the environmental conditions. The ability of KF707 strain to produce signal molecules possibly involved in cell-to-cell communication, was also investigated: lack of a lux-like QS system - which is conversely widely present in Gram negative bacteria – keeps open the question about the actual molecular nature of KF707 quorum sensing mechanism.
La bonifica di acquiferi contaminati è una pratica che oggi dispone di diverse soluzioni a livello tecnologico, caratterizzate tuttavia da costi (ambientali ed economici) e problematiche tecniche di entità tale da rendere in alcuni casi poco conveniente la realizzazione dell’intervento stesso. Per questo motivo sempre maggiore interesse viene rivolto nell’ambito della ricerca alle tecnologie di bioremediation, ovvero sistemi in cui la degradazione degli inquinanti avviene ad opera di microorganismi e batteri opportunamente selezionati e coltivati. L’impiego di queste tecniche consente un minor utilizzo di risorse ed apparati tecnologici per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi di bonifica rispetto ai sistemi tradizionali. Il lavoro di ricerca presentato in questa tesi ha l’obiettivo di fornire, tramite l’utilizzo della metodologia LCA, una valutazione della performance ambientale di una tecnologia di bonifica innovativa (BEARD) e due tecnologie largamente usate nel settore, una di tipo passivo (Permeable Reactive Barrier) ed una di tipo attivo (Pump and Treat con Carboni Attivi).
Questo elaborato ha come obiettivo quello di analizzare, inquadrandolo anche da un punto di vista tecnologico, un trattamento innovativo di bioremediation in situ realizzato in una ex-area di cava, nella quale, in seguito al ripristino ambientale mediante fanghi di cartiera, si è verificato un fenomeno di degradazione anaerobica del materiale tombato che ha portato alla produzione di una ingente quantità di biogas e alla sua successiva migrazione verso abitazioni limitrofe.
The physicochemical interactions between water, sediment and soil deeply influence the formation and development of the ecosystem. In this research, different freshwater, brackish and saline subaqueous environments of Northern Italy were chosen as study area to investigate the physicochemical processes which occur at the interface between water and sediments, as well as the effects of soil submergence on ecosystem development. In the freshwater system of the Reno river basin, the main purpose was to define the heavy metals hazard in water and sediments of natural and artificial water courses. Heavy metals partitioning and speciation allowed to assess the environmental risk linked to the critical action of dredging canal sediments, for the maintenance of the hydraulic safety of plain lands. In addition, some bioremediation techniques were experimented for protecting sediments from heavy metals contamination, and for giving an answer to the problem of sediments management. In the brackish system of S. Vitale park, the development of hydromorphic and subaqueous soils was investigated. The study of soil profiles highlighted the presence of a soil continuum among pedons subjected to different saturation degrees. This investigation allowed to the identification of both morphological and physicochemical indicators, which characterize the formation of subaqueous soils and describe the soil hydromorphism in transitional soil systems. In the saline system of Grado lagoon, an ecosystem approach was used to define the role of water oscillation in soil characterization and plants colonization. This study highlighted the close relationship and the mutual influence of soil submergence and aeration, tide oscillation and vegetation cover, on the soil development. In view of climate change, this study contribute to understand and suppose how soil and landscape could evolve. However, a complete evaluation of hydromorphic soil functionality will be achieved only involving physiological and biochemical expertise in these kind of studies.