256 resultados para Aeromonas


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Bacterial infections are an increasing problem for human health. In fact, an increasing number of infections are caused by bacteria that are resistant to most antibiotics and their combinations. Therefore, the scientific community is currently searching for new solutions to fight bacteria and infectious diseases, without promoting antimicrobial resistance. One of the most promising strategies is the disruption or attenuation of bacterial Quorum Sensing (QS), a refined system that bacteria use to communicate. In a QS event, bacteria produce and release specific small chemicals, signal molecules - autoinducers (AIs) - into the environment. At the same time that bacterial population grows, the concentration of AIs in the bacterial environment increases. When a threshold concentration of AIs is reached, bacterial cells respond to it by altering their gene expression profile. AIs regulate gene expression as a function of cell population density. Phenotypes mediated by QS (QSphenotypes) include virulence factors, toxin production, antibiotic resistance and biofilm formation. In this work, two polymeric materials (linear polymers and molecularly imprinted nanoparticles) were developed and their ability to attenuate QS was evaluated. Both types of polymers should to be able to adsorb bacterial signal molecules, limiting their availability in the extracellular environment, with expected disruption of QS. Linear polymers were composed by one of two monomers (itaconic acid and methacrylic acid), which are known to possess strong interactions with the bacterial signal molecules. Molecularly imprinted polymer nanoparticles (MIP NPs) are particles with recognition capabilities for the analyte of interest. This ability is attained by including the target analyte at the synthesis stage. Vibrio fischeri and Aeromonas hydrophila were used as model species for the study. Both the linear polymers and MIP NPs, tested free in solutions and coated to surfaces, showed ability to disrupt QS by decreasing bioluminescence of V. fischeri and biofilm formation of A. hydrophila. No significant effect on bacterial growth was detected. The cytotoxicity of the two types of polymers to a fibroblast-like cell line (Vero cells) was also tested in order to evaluate their safety. The results showed that both the linear polymers and MIP NPs were not cytotoxic in the testing conditions. In conclusion, the results reported in this thesis, show that the polymers developed are a promising strategy to disrupt QS and reduce bacterial infection and resistance. In addition, due to their low toxicity, solubility and easy integration by surface coating, the polymers have potential for applications in scenarios where bacterial infection is a problem: medicine, pharmaceutical, food industry and in agriculture or aquaculture.


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Tese de mestrado. Biologia (Microbiologia Aplicada). Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Toxicologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2016


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Carbapenemases should be accurately and rapidly detected, given their possible epidemiological spread and their impact on treatment options. Here, we developed a simple, easy and rapid matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF)-based assay to detect carbapenemases and compared this innovative test with four other diagnostic approaches on 47 clinical isolates. Tandem mass spectrometry (MS-MS) was also used to determine accurately the amount of antibiotic present in the supernatant after 1 h of incubation and both MALDI-TOF and MS-MS approaches exhibited a 100% sensitivity and a 100% specificity. By comparison, molecular genetic techniques (Check-MDR Carba PCR and Check-MDR CT103 microarray) showed a 90.5% sensitivity and a 100% specificity, as two strains of Aeromonas were not detected because their chromosomal carbapenemase is not targeted by probes used in both kits. Altogether, this innovative MALDI-TOF-based approach that uses a stable 10-μg disk of ertapenem was highly efficient in detecting carbapenemase, with a sensitivity higher than that of PCR and microarray.


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Les molécules classiques du complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité de classe II (CMHII) sont des glycoprotéines de surface spécialisées dans la présentation de peptides, principalement dérivés de pathogènes extracellulaires, aux récepteurs des lymphocytes T CD4+ afin d’initier la réponse immunitaire adaptative. Elles sont encodées, avec celles du CMH de classe I, par les gènes les plus polymorphiques identifiés jusqu’à maintenant, avec plusieurs loci et une grande diversité allélique à chacun d’eux. De plus, le polymorphisme des gènes du CMHII n’est pas limité qu’aux séquences codantes. Il est également observé dans les promoteurs où on a démontré ses effets sur le niveau d’expression des gènes. La variation de la régulation d’un gène est considérée comme un facteur important et pour laquelle des modifications morphologiques, physiologiques et comportementales sont observées chez tous les organismes. Des séquences d’ADN répétées impliquées dans cette régulation ont été identifiées dans les régions non-codantes des génomes. D’un autre côté, la sélection par les pathogènes permettrait l’évolution et le maintien du polymorphisme des gènes du CMH chez les vertébrés. À ce sujet, plusieurs études ont montré l’implication de différents allèles du CMH dans la résistance ou la susceptibilité aux maladies. Cette étude avait pour objectifs de caractériser le polymorphisme du gène MHIIb chez l’omble de fontaine (Salvelinus fontinalis) et de documenter ses effets au niveau de la survie conférée par des allèles et/ou génotypes particuliers lors d’une infection, ainsi que sur la variation du niveau d’expression du gène dans différentes conditions. Dans une première partie, nous avons identifié un total de 6 allèles du gène MHIIb, désignés Safo-DAB*0101 à Safo-DAB*0601, qui montrent une grande similarité avec les séquences codantes provenant de poissons téléostéens et de l’humain. L’analyse des séquences du domaine b1 a permis de détecter l’effet d’une pression sélective positive pour maintenir le polymorphisme dans cette région de la molécule. Quatre de ces allèles ont été testés lors d’une expérience d’infection avec le pathogène Aeromonas salmonicida afin d’évaluer l’effet qu’ils pouvaient avoir sur la survie des poissons. Nous avons trouvé que l’allèle DAB*0101 était significativement associé à la résistance à la furonculose. En plus d’avoir été identifié chez les individus homozygotes pour cet allèle, l’effet a également été remarqué au niveau de la survie les poissons de génotype DAB*0101/*0201. À l’opposé, les facteurs de risque élevé obtenus pour les génotypes DAB*0201/*0301 et DAB*0301/*0401 suggèrent plutôt une association à la susceptibilité. Étant donné la faible fréquence à laquelle l’allèle DAB*0101 a été retrouvé dans la population, le modèle de la sélection dépendante de la fréquence pourrait expliquer l’avantage conféré par ce dernier et souligne l’importance de ce mécanisme pour le maintien du polymorphisme du gène MHIIb chez l’omble de fontaine. Dans une seconde partie, nous avons rapporté la présence d’un minisatellite polymorphique formé d’un motif de 32 nucléotides dans le second intron du gène MHIIb, et pour lequel un nombre exclusif de répétitions du motif a été associé à chaque allèle (69, 27, 20, 40, 19 et 25 répétitions pour les allèles DAB*0101 à DAB*0601 respectivement). L’expression relative de quatre allèles a été évaluée dans des poissons hétérozygotes aux températures de 6 ºC et 18 ºC. Les résultats indiquent que les allèles possédant un long minisatellite montrent une réduction de l’expression du gène d’un facteur 1,67 à 2,56 par rapport aux allèles qui en contiennent un court. De même, des allèles qui incluent des minisatellites de tailles similaires n’affichent pas de différence significative au niveau de l’abondance du transcrit aux deux températures. De plus, l’effet répressif associé aux longs minisatellites est amplifié à la température de 18 ºC dans des poissons de trois génotypes différents. Nous avons finalement observé une augmentation significative par un facteur 2,08 de l’expression totale du gène MHIIb à la température de 6 ºC. Ces résultats appuient l’implication des séquences d’ADN répétées dans la régulation de l’activité transcriptionnelle d’un gène et suggèrent qu’un minisatellite sensible aux différences de températures pourrait être soumis aux forces sélectives et jouer un rôle important dans l’expression de gènes et l’évolution des organismes poïkilothermes.


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The main objective of the work undertaken here was to develop an appropriate microbial technology to protect the larvae of M.rosenbergii in hatchery from vibriosis. This technology precisely is consisted of a rapid detection system of vibrios and effective antagonistic probiotics for the management of vibrios. The present work was undertaken with the realizations that to stabilize the production process of commercial hatcheries an appropriate, comprehensive and fool proof technology is required primarily for the rapid detection of Vibrio and subsequently for its management. Nine species of Vibrio have been found to be associated with larvae of M. rosenbergii in hatchery. Haemolytic assay of the Vibrio and Aeromonas on prawn blood agar showed that all isolates of V. alginolyticus and Aeromonas sp., from moribund, necrotized larve were haemolytic and the isolates of V.cholerae, V.splendidus II, V.proteolyticus and V.fluvialis from the larvae obtained from apparently healthy larval rearing systems were non-haemolytic. Hydrolytic enzymes such as lipase, chitinase and gelatinase were widespread amongst the Vibrio and Aeromonas isolates. Dominance of V.alginolyticus among the isolates from necrotic larvae and the failure in isolating them from rearing water strongly suggest that they infect larvae and multiply in the larval body and cause mortality in the hatchery. The observation suggested that the isolate V. alginolyticus was a pathogen to the larvae of M.rosenbergii. To sum up, through this work, nine species of Vibrio and genus Aeromonas associated with M.rosenbergii larval rearing systems could be isolated and segregated based on the haemolytic activity and the antibodies (PA bs) for use in diagnosis or epidemiological studies could be produced, based on a virulent culture of V.alginolyticus. This could possibly replace the conventional biochemical tests for identification. As prophylaxis to vibriosis, four isolates of Micrococcus spp. and an isolate of Pseudomonas sp. could be obtained which could possibly be used as antagonistic probiotics in the larval rearing system of M.rosenbergii.


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Heterotrophic bacterial flora of Pmonadon from an apparently healthy hatchery system as well as a pool with heavy mortality were isolated and studied. In the healthy systems comparatively higher generic diversity with Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Bacillus, Micrococcus, members of the family Enterobacteriaceae and coryneform group in the diminishing order of dominance was recorded. Meanwhile from the moribund larvae and rearing water Aeromonas and Pseudomonas could be isolated in almost equal proportions. Strikingly, Aeromonas could not be isolated from the apparently healthy larval rearing system and its exclusive occurrence in the sick culture system in comparatively higher percentage suggested its possible role in the mortality. They were found to be highly halophilic exhibiting growth at 10% NaCl. On testing their sensitivity to twenty antibiotics, four of them (Streptomycin, Gentamycin, Methamine mandelate and Cloramphenicol) were found to be effective on all the isolates of Aeromonas and Pseudomonas suggesting their possible application in the hatchery system in times of emergency. While doing so, Streptomycin would do comparatively better than the others as the minimum inhibitory dose required was comparatively lower (200ppm) within a period of 24 hours


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L-glutaminases (L—glutamine amidohydrolase EC.3.5.l.2) is proposed as a prospective candidate for enzyme therapy cnf cancer and also as zui important additive during enzymatic digestion of shoyu koji since it could enhance glutamate content of soysauce. Commercial production of glutaminase could make possible its wide application in these areas, which would demand availability of potential sources and suitable fermentation techniques. The ‘present investigation highlighted marine environment as a potential source of efficient glutaminase producing bacteria mainly species of pseudomonas, aeromonas ,vibrio,alcaligenes, acinetobacter bacillus and planococci.Among them pseudomonas fluorescens ACMR 267 and v.cholerae ACMR 347 were chosen as the ideal strains for glutaminase production.Extracellular glutaminase fraction from all strains were in higher titres than intracellular enzymes during growth in mineral media, nutrient broth and nutrient broth added with glutamine.Glutaminase from all strains were purified employing (NH4)2SO4 fractionation followed tnr dialysis and ion exchange chromatography. The purified glutaminase from all strains were observed to be active and stable over a wide range of gfii and temperature.Optimization studies cflf environmental variables that normally influence time yiehi of glutaminase indicated that the optimal requirements of these bacteria for maximal glutaminase production remained stable irrespective of the medium, they are provided with for enzyme production. However, solid state fermentation technique was observed to be the most suitable process for the production of Glutaminase.


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The objective of the present study was to assess the prevalence of various motile aeromonads in freshwater ornamental fishes and to elucidate the antibiogram and beta hemolytic activity among the isolates. A total of 120 ornamental fish samples were screened and analyzed for Aeromonas spp. Motile aeromonads were isolated from 37.5% of the ornamental fish samples. Various species of motile aeromonads such as Aeromonas caviae, Aeromonas hydrophila, Aeromonas jandaei, Aeromonas schubertii, Aeromonas sobria, Aeromonas trota and Aeromonas veronii were detected. All the isolates were sensitive to ceftazidime, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin and gentamicin. Multiple antibiotic resistance was observed in 58% of the isolates.


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During last decades there has been a continuous growth of aquaculture industries all over the world and taking into consideration the spurt in freshwater ornamental fish aquaculture and trade in Kerala, the present study was aimed to assess the prevalence of various motile Aeromonas spp. in fresh water ornamental fishes and associated carriage water. The extracellular virulence factors and the antibiogram of the isolates were also elucidated. Various species of motile aeromonads such as Aeromonas caviae, A. hydrophila, A. jandaei, A. schubertii, A. sobria, A. trota and A. veronii were detected. Aeromonas sobria predominated both fish and water samples. Extracellular enzymes and toxins produced by motile aeromonds are important elements of bacterial virulence. The production of extracellular virulence factors - proteases, lipase, DNase and haemolysin by the isolates were studied. All the isolates from both fish and water samples produced gelatinase and nuclease but the ability to produce lipase, caseinase and haemolysins was found to vary among isolates from different sources. Among the 15 antibiotics to which the isolates were tested, all the isolates were found to be sensitive to chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin and gentamicin and resistant to amoxycillin. Local aquarists maintain the fish in crowded stressful conditions, which could trigger infections by the obligate/ opportunistic pathogenic members among motile aeromonads


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Motile aeromonads isolated from the intestines of farm-raised freshwater fish such as Catla catla, Labeo rohita and Ctenopharyngodon idella have been characterized to species level. Morphological and physiological grouping revealed 61% Aeromonas hydrophila, 30% Aeromonas caviae, 7% Aeromonas sobria and 2% which remained unidentified. Hemolytic activity was detected mostly in A. hydrophila, while only half of the A. sobria and A. caviae showed this activity. Antibiotic resistance patterns of the strains revealed that they had acquired a relatively higher resistance to oxytetracycline, amoxycillin, ampicillin, novobiocin and polymixin-B, implicating possible use of these antibiotics in the aquaculture systems.


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A Pseudomonas sp PS-102 recovered from Muttukkadu brackish water lagoon, situated south of Chennai, showed significant activity against a number of shrimp pathogenic vibrios. Out of the 112 isolates of bacterial pathogens comprising Vibrio harveyi, V. vulnificus, V. parahaemolyticus, V. alginolyticus, V. fluvialis, and Aeromonas spp, 73% were inhibited in vitro by the cell-free culture supernatant of Pseudomonas sp PS-102 isolate. The organism produced yellowish fluorescent pigment on King's B medium, hydrolysed starch and protein, and produced 36.4% siderophore units by CAS assay and 32 μM of catechol siderophores as estimated by Arnow's assay. The PS-102 isolate showed wide ranging environmental tolerance with, temperatures from 25 to 40 °C, pH from 6 to 8, salinity from 0 to 36 ppt, while the antagonistic activity peaked in cultures grown at 30 °C, pH 8.0 and at 5 ppt saline conditions. The antagonistic activity of the culture supernatant was evident even at 30% v / v dilution against V. harveyi. The preliminary studies on the nature of the antibacterial action indicated that the antagonistic principle as heat stable and resistant to proteolytic, lipolytic and amylolytic enzymes. Pseudomonas sp PS 102 was found to be safe to shrimp when PL-9 stage were challenged at 107 CFU ml−1 and by intramuscular injection into of ∼5 g sub-adults shrimp at 105 to 108 CFU. Further, its safety in a mammalian system, tested by its pathogenicity to mice, was also determined and its LD50 to BALB/c mice was found to be 109 CFU. The results of this study indicated that the organism Pseudomonas sp PS 102 could be employed as a potential probiont in shrimp and prawn aquaculture systems for management and control of bacterial infections


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Giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man), is an important commercial species with considerable export value, ideal for cultivation under low saline conditions and in freshwater zones (Kurup 1994). However, despite more than a decade of research on its larval production systems, vibriosis still hampers seed production resulting in high mortality rates. Among the different species of vibrios, Vibrio alginolyticus has been isolated frequently from diseased shrimp as the aetiological agent of vibriosis and has been described as a principal pathogen of both penaeids and nonpenaeids (Lightner 1988; Baticados, Cruz-Lacierda, de la Cruz, Duremdez-Fernandez, Gacutan, Lavilla- Pitogo & Lio-Po 1990; Mohney, Lightner & Bell 1994; Lee, Yu, Chen, Yang & Liu 1996). Vibrio fluvialis, V. alginolyticus, V. cholerae non-O1 (Fujioka & Greco 1984), Aeromonas liquifaciens and V. anguillarum (Colorni 1985) have been isolated from the larvae of M. rosenbergii. A profound relationship between the abundance of members of the family Vibrionaceae and larval mortality (Singh 1990) and the predominance of Vibrio in eggs, larvae and post-larvae of M. rosenbergii (Hameed, Rahaman, Alagan & Yoganandhan 2003) was reported. The present paper reports the isolation, characterization, pathogenicity and antibiotic sensitivity of V. alginolyticus associated with M. rosenbergii larvae during an occurrence of severe mass mortality at the ninth larval stage.


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marine bacterium, Micrococcus MCCB 104, isolated from hatchery water, demonstrated extracellular antagonistic properties against Vibrio alginolyticus, V. parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus, V. fluviallis, V. nereis, V. proteolyticus, V. mediterranei, V. cholerae and Aeromonas sp., bacteria associated with Macrobrachium rosenbergii larval rearing systems. The isolate inhibited the growth of V. alginolyticus during co-culture. The antagonistic component of the extracellular product was heat-stable and insensitive to proteases, lipase, catalase and α-amylase. Micrococcus MCCB 104 was demonstrated to be non-pathogenic to M. rosenbergii larvae


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Aeromonas spp. are ubiquitous aquatic organisms, associated with multitude of diseases in several species of animals, including fishes and humans. In the present study, water samples from two ornamental fish culture systems were analyzed for the presence of Aeromonas. Nutrient agar was used for Aeromonas isolation, and colonies (60 No) were identified through biochemical characterization. Seven clusters could be generated based on phenotypic characters, analyzed by the programme NTSYSpc, Version 2.02i, and identified as: Aeromonas caviae (33.3%), A. jandaei (38.3%) and A. veronii biovar sobria (28.3%). The strains isolated produced highly active hydrolytic enzymes, haemolytic activity and slime formation in varying proportions. The isolates were also tested for the enterotoxin genes (act, alt and ast), haemolytic toxins (hlyA and aerA), involved in type 3 secretion system (TTSS: ascV, aexT, aopP, aopO, ascF–ascG, and aopH), and glycerophospholipid-cholesterol acyltransferase (gcat). All isolates were found to be associated with at least one virulent gene. Moreover, they were resistant to frequently used antibiotics for human infections. The study demonstrates the pathogenic potential of Aeromonas, associated with ornamental fish culture systems suggesting the emerging threat to public health