170 resultados para TP53


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Li- Fraumeni Syndrome (LFS) is a rare autosomal dominant hereditary cancer syndrome caused by mutations in the TP53 gene that predisposes individuals to a wide variety of cancers, including breast cancer, soft tissue sarcomas, osteosarcomas, brain tumors, and adrenocortical carcinomas. Individuals found to carry germline mutations in TP53 have a 90% lifetime cancer risk, with a 20% chance to develop cancer under the age of 20. Despite the significant risk of childhood cancer, predictive testing for unaffected minors at risk for LFS historically has not been recommended, largely due to the lack of available and effective screening for the types of cancers involved. A recently developed screening protocol suggests an advantage to identifying and screening children at risk for LFS and we therefore hypothesized that this alongside with the availability of new screening modalities may substantiate a shift in recommendations for predictive genetic testing in minors at risk for LFS. We aimed to describe current screening recommendations that genetic counselors provide to this population as well as explore factors that may have influenced genetic counselors attitude and practice in regards to this issue. An online survey was emailed to members of the National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC) and the Canadian Association of Genetic Counsellors (CAGC). Of an estimated 1000 eligible participants, 172 completed surveys that were analyzed. Genetic counselors in this study were more likely to support predictive genetic testing for this population as the minor aged (p


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Mutations in the TP53 gene are very common in human cancers, and are associated with poor clinical outcome. Transgenic mouse models lacking the Trp53 gene or that express mutant Trp53 transgenes produce tumours with malignant features in many organs. We previously showed the transcriptome of a p53-deficient mouse skin carcinoma model to be similar to those of human cancers with TP53 mutations and associated with poor clinical outcomes. This report shows that much of the 682-gene signature of this murine skin carcinoma transcriptome is also present in breast and lung cancer mouse models in which p53 is inhibited. Further, we report validated gene-expression-based tests for predicting the clinical outcome of human breast and lung adenocarcinoma. It was found that human patients with cancer could be stratified based on the similarity of their transcriptome with the mouse skin carcinoma 682-gene signature. The results also provide new targets for the treatment of p53-defective tumours.


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The Ink4a/Arf locus encodes p16Ink4a and p19Arf and is among the most frequently mutated tumor suppressor loci in human cancer. In mice, many of these effects appear to be mediated by interactions between p19Arf and the p53 tumor-suppressor protein. Because Tp53 mutations are a common feature of the multistep pre-B cell transformation process mediated by Abelson murine leukemia virus (Ab-MLV), we examined the possibility that proteins encoded by the Ink4a/Arf locus also play a role in Abelson virus transformation. Analyses of primary transformants revealed that both p16Ink4a and p19Arf are expressed in many of the cells as they emerge from the apoptotic crisis that characterizes the transformation process. Analyses of primary transformants from Ink4a/Arf null mice revealed that these cells bypassed crisis. Because expression of p19Arf but not p16 Ink4a induced apoptosis in Ab-MLV-transformed pre-B cells, p19Arf appears to be responsible for these events. Consistent with the link between p19Arf and p53, Ink4a/Arf expression correlates with or precedes the emergence of cells expressing mutant p53. These data demonstrate that p19Arf is an important part of the cellular defense mounted against transforming signals from the Abl oncoprotein and provide direct evidence that the p19Arf–p53 regulatory loop plays an important role in lymphoma induction.


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Nineteen benign [World Health Organization (WHO) grade I; MI], 21 atypical (WHO grade II; MII), and 19 anaplastic (WHO grade III; MIII) sporadic meningiomas were screened for chromosomal imbalances by comparative genomic hybridization (CGH). These data were supplemented by molecular genetic analyses of selected chromosomal regions and genes. With increasing malignancy grade, a marked accumulation of genomic aberrations was observed; i.e., the numbers (mean ± SEM) of total alterations detected per tumor were 2.9 ± 0.7 for MI, 9.2 ± 1.2 for MII, and 13.3 ± 1.9 for MIII. The most frequent alteration detected in MI was loss on 22q (58%). In MII, aberrations most commonly identified were losses on 1p (76%), 22q (71%), 14q (43%), 18q (43%), 10 (38%), and 6q (33%), as well as gains on 20q (48%), 12q (43%), 15q (43%), 1q (33%), 9q (33%), and 17q (33%). In MIII, most of these alterations were found at similar frequencies. However, an increase in losses on 6q (53%), 10 (68%), and 14q (63%) was observed. In addition, 32% of MIII demonstrated loss on 9p. Homozygous deletions in the CDKN2A gene at 9p21 were found in 4 of 16 MIII (25%). Highly amplified DNA sequences were mapped to 12q13–q15 by CGH in 1 MII. Southern blot analysis of this tumor revealed amplification of CDK4 and MDM2. By CGH, DNA sequences from 17q were found to be amplified in 1 MII and 8 MIII, involving 17q23 in all cases. Despite the high frequency of chromosomal aberrations in the MII and MIII investigated, none of these tumors showed mutations in exons 5–8 of the TP53 gene. On the basis of the most common aberrations identified in the various malignancy grades, a model for the genomic alterations associated with meningioma progression is proposed.


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Experimental studies of complete mammalian genes and other genetic domains are impeded by the difficulty of introducing large DNA molecules into cells in culture. Previously we have shown that GST–Z2, a protein that contains three zinc fingers and a proline-rich multimerization domain from the polydactyl zinc finger protein RIP60 fused to glutathione S-transferase (GST), mediates DNA binding and looping in vitro. Atomic force microscopy showed that GST–Z2 is able to condense 130–150 kb bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) into protein–DNA complexes containing multiple DNA loops. Condensation of the DNA loops onto the Z2 protein–BAC DNA core complexes with cationic lipid resulted in particles that were readily transferred into multiple cell types in culture. Transfer of total genomic linear DNA containing amplified DHFR genes into DHFR– cells by GST–Z2 resulted in a 10-fold higher transformation rate than calcium phosphate co-precipitation. Chinese hamster ovarian cells transfected with a BAC containing the human TP53 gene locus expressed p53, showing native promoter elements are active after GST–Z2-mediated gene transfer. Because DNA condensation by GST–Z2 does not require the introduction of specific recognition sequences into the DNA substrate, condensation by the Z2 domain of RIP60 may be used in conjunction with a variety of other agents to provide a flexible and efficient non-viral platform for the delivery of large genes into mammalian cells.


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Clinically important mutant p53 proteins may be tumorigenic through a dominant-negative mechanism or due to a gain-of-function. Examples for both hypotheses have been described; however, it remains unclear to what extent they apply to TP53 mutations in general. Here it is shown that the mutational spectrum of dominant-negative p53 mutants selected in a novel yeast assay correlates tightly with p53 mutations in cancer. Two classes of dominant-negative mutations are described; the more dominant one affects codons that are essential for the stabilization of the DNA-binding surface of the p53 core domain and for the direct interaction of p53 with its DNA binding sites. These results predict that the vast majority of TP53 mutations leading to cancer do so in a dominant-negative fashion.


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The predisposition to colon cancer is multigenetically controlled in animals and probably also in humans. We have analyzed the multigenic control of susceptibility to 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced colon tumors in mice by using a set of 20 homozygous CcS/Dem recombinant congenic strains, each of which contains a different random subset of approximately 12.5% of genes from the susceptible strain STS/A and 87.5% of genes from the relatively resistant strain BALB/cHeA. Some CcS/Dem strains received the alleles from the susceptible strain STS/A at one or more of the multiple colon tumor susceptibility loci and are susceptible, whereas others are resistant. Linkage analysis shows that these susceptibility genes are different from the mouse homologs of the genes known to be somatically mutated in human colon cancer (KRAS2, TP53, DCC, MCC, APC, MSH2, and probably also MLH1). Different subsets of genes control tumor numbers and size. Two colon cancer susceptibility genes, Scc1 and Scc2, map to mouse chromosome 2. The Scc1 locus has been mapped to a narrow region of 2.4 centimorgans (90% confidence interval).


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Le cancer de l’ovaire (COv) est le cancer gynécologique le plus létal chez la femme et les traitements existants, chirurgie et chimiothérapie, ont peu évolué au cours des dernières décennies. Nous proposons que la compréhension des différents destins cellulaires tels que la sénescence que peuvent choisir les cellules du cancer de l’ovaire en réponse à la chimiothérapie pourrait conduire à de nouvelles opportunités thérapeutiques. La sénescence cellulaire a été largement associée à l’activité de la protéine TP53, qui est mutée dans plus de 90% des cas de cancer de l’ovaire séreux de haut grade (COv-SHG), la forme la plus commune de la maladie. Dans nos travaux, à partir d’échantillons dérivés de patientes, nous montrons que les cultures primaires du cancer de l’ovaire séreux de haut grade exposées au stress ou à des drogues utilisées en chimiothérapie entrent en senescence grâce à l’activité d’un isoforme du gène CDKN2A (p16INK4A). Dans ces cellules, nous avons évalué les caractéristiques fondamentales de la sénescence cellulaire tels que les altérations morphologiques, l’activité béta galactosidase associée à la sénescence, les dommages à l’ADN, l’arrêt du cycle cellulaire et le phénotype sécrétoire associé à la sénescence. En utilisant des micromatrices tissulaires construites à partir d’échantillons humains de COv-SHG pré- et post-chimiothérapie, accompagnées de leurs données cliniques, nous avons quantifié des marqueurs de sénescence incluant une diminution de la prolifération cellulaire quelques semaines après chimiothérapie. De façon intéressante, l’expression de p16INK4A dans les échantillons de COv-SHG prétraitement corrèle avec une survie prolongée des patientes suite au traitement. Ceci suggère ainsi pour la première fois un impact biologique bénéfique pour la présence de cellules cancéreuses qui sont capable d’activer la sénescence, particulièrement pour le traitement du cancer de l’ovaire. Dans le but de complémenter les thérapies actuelles avec des approches de manipulation pharmacologique de la sénescence, nos résultats suggèrent qu’il serait important de déterminer l’impact positif ou négatif de la sénescence induite par la thérapie sur la progression de la maladie et la survie, pour chaque type de cancer de façon indépendante.


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Background Women genetically predisposed to breast cancer often develop the disease at a young age when dense breast tissue reduces the sensitivity of X-ray mammography. Our aim was, therefore, to compare contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (CE MRI) with mammography for screening. Methods We did a prospective multicentre cohort study in 649 women aged 35-49 years with a strong family history of breast cancer or a high probability of a BRCA1, BRCA2, or TP53 mutation. We recruited participants from 22 centres in the UK, and offered the women annual screening with CE MRI and mammography for 2-7 years. Findings We diagnosed 35 cancers in the 649 women screened with both mammography and CE MRI (1881 screens): 19 by CE MRI only, six by mammography only, and eight by both, with two interval cases. Sensitivity was significantly higher for CE MRI (77%, 95% CI 60-90) than for mammography (40%, 24-58; p=0.01), and was 94% (81-99) when both methods were used. Specificity was 93% (92-95) for mammography, 81% (80-83) for CE MRI (p


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Contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (CE MRI) is the most sensitive tool for screening women who are at high familial risk of breast cancer. Our aim in this study was to assess the cost-effectiveness of X-ray mammography (XRM), CE MRI or both strategies combined. In total, 649 women were enrolled in the MARIBS study and screened with both CE MRI and mammography resulting in 1881 screens and 1-7 individual annual screening events. Women aged 35-49 years at high risk of breast cancer, either because they have a strong family history of breast cancer or are tested carriers of a BRCA1, BRCA2 or TP53 mutation or are at a 50% risk of having inherited such a mutation, were recruited from 22 centres and offered annual MRI and XRM for between 2 and 7 years. Information on the number and type of further investigations was collected and specifically calculated unit costs were used to calculate the incremental cost per cancer detected. The numbers of cancer detected was 13 for mammography, 27 for CE MRI and 33 for mammography and CE MRI combined. In the subgroup of BRCA1 (BRCA2) mutation carriers or of women having a first degree relative with a mutation in BRCA1 (BRCA2) corresponding numbers were 3 (6), 12 (7) and 12 (11), respectively. For all women, the incremental cost per cancer detected with CE MRI and mammography combined was 28 pound 284 compared to mammography. When only BRCA1 or the BRCA2 groups were considered, this cost would be reduced to 11 pound 731 (CE MRI vs mammography) and 15 pound 302 (CE MRI and mammography vs mammography). Results were most sensitive to the unit cost estimate for a CE MRI screening test. Contrast-enhanced MRI might be a cost-effective screening modality for women at high risk, particularly for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 subgroups. Further work is needed to assess the impact of screening on mortality and health-related quality of life.


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The efficacy of antioxidant supplementation in the prevention of cardiovascular disease appears equivocal, however the use of more potent antioxidant combinations than those traditionally used may exert a more positive effect. We have shown previously that supplementation of vitamin E and α-lipoic acid increases cardiac performance during post-ischemia reperfusion in older rats and increases Bcl-2 levels in endothelial cells. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of vitamin E and α-lipoic acid supplementation on myocardial gene expression with a view to determine their mechanism of action. Young male rats received either a control (n=7) or vitamin E and α-lipoic acid supplemented diet (n=8) for 14 weeks. RNA from myocardial tissue was then amplified and samples were pooled within groups and competitively hybridized to 5K oligonucleotide rat microarrays. The relative expression of each gene was then compared to the control sample. Animals that received the antioxidant-supplemented diet exhibited upregulation (>1.5×) of 13 genes in the myocardium with 2 genes downregulated.� �Upregulated genes include those involved in cell growth and maintenance (LynB, Csf1r, Akt2, Tp53), cell signaling (LynB, Csf1r) and signal transduction (Pacsin2, Csf1r). Downregulated genes encode thyroid (Thrsp) and F-actin binding proteins (Nexilin).


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Previous studies have associated the overexpression of histone deacetylase 2 (HDAC2) and the presence of TP53 mutations with the progression to advanced stage drug resistant colorectal cancer (CRC). However, the mechanistic link between HDAC2 expression and the TP53 mutational status has remained unexplored. Here, we investigated the function of HDAC2 in drug resistance by assessing the synergistic effects of DNA-targeted chemotherapeutic agents and HDAC inhibitors (HDACis) on two TP53-mutated colorectal adenocarcinoma CRC cell lines (SW480 and HT-29) and on the TP53-wild type carcinoma cell line (HCT116 p53+/+) and its TP53 deficient sub-line (HCT116 p53-/-). We showed that in the untreated SW480 and HT-29 cells the steady-state level of HDAC2 was low compared to a TP53-wild type carcinoma cell line (HCT116 p53+/+). Increased expression of HDAC2 correlated with drug resistance, and depletion by shRNA sensitised the multi-drug resistance cell line HT-29 to CRC chemotherapeutic drugs such as 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and oxaliplatin (Oxa). Combined treatment with the HDACi suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid plus 5-FU or Oxa reduced the level of HDAC2 expression, modified chromatin structure and induced mitotic cell death in HT-29 cells. Non-invasive bioluminescence imaging revealed significant reductions in xenograft tumour growth with HDAC2 expression level reduced to <50% in treated animals. Elevated levels of histone acetylation on residues H3K9, H4K12 and H4K16 were also found to be associated with resistance to VPA/Dox or SAHA/Dox treatment. Our results suggest that HDAC2 expression rather than the p53 mutation status influences the outcome of combined treatment with a HDACi and DNA-damaging agents in CRC.


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Purpose: Mounting evidence supports the clinical significance of gene mutations and immunogenetic features in common mature B-cell malignancies.

Experimental Design: We undertook a detailed characterization of the genetic background of splenic marginal zone lymphoma (SMZL), using targeted resequencing and explored potential clinical implications in a multinational cohort of 175 patients with SMZL.

Results: We identified recurrent mutations in TP53 (16%), KLF2 (12%), NOTCH2 (10%), TNFAIP3 (7%), MLL2 (11%), MYD88 (7%), and ARID1A (6%), all genes known to be targeted by somatic mutation in SMZL. KLF2 mutations were early, clonal events, enriched in patients with del(7q) and IGHV1-2*04 B-cell receptor immunoglobulins, and were associated with a short median time to first treatment (0.12 vs. 1.11 years; P = 0.01). In multivariate analysis, mutations in NOTCH2 [HR, 2.12; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.02–4.4; P = 0.044] and 100% germline IGHV gene identity (HR, 2.19; 95% CI, 1.05–4.55; P = 0.036) were independent markers of short time to first treatment, whereas TP53 mutations were an independent marker of short overall survival (HR, 2.36; 95 % CI, 1.08–5.2; P = 0.03).

Conclusions: We identify key associations between gene mutations and clinical outcome, demonstrating for the first time that NOTCH2 and TP53 gene mutations are independent markers of reduced treatment-free and overall survival, respectively.


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PURPOSE: The prognostic significance of ATM mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is unclear. We assessed their impact in the context of a prospective randomized trial. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We analyzed the ATM gene in 224 patients treated on the Leukemia Research Fund Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia 4 (LRF-CLL4) trial with chlorambucil or fludarabine with and without cyclophosphamide. ATM status was analyzed by denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography and was related to treatment response, survival, and the impact of TP53 alterations for the same patient cohort. RESULTS: We identified 36 ATM mutations in 33 tumors, 16 with and 17 without 11q deletion. Mutations were associated with advanced disease stage and involvement of multiple lymphoid sites. Patients with both ATM mutation and 11q deletion showed significantly reduced progression-free survival (median, 7.4 months) compared with those with ATM wild type (28.6 months), 11q deletion alone (17.1 months), or ATM mutation alone (30.8 months), but survival was similar to that in patients with monoallelic (6.7 months) or biallelic (3.4 months) TP53 alterations. This effect was independent of treatment, immunoglobulin heavy chain variable gene (IGHV) status, age, sex, or disease stage. Overall survival for patients with biallelic ATM alterations was also significantly reduced compared with those with ATM wild type or ATM mutation alone (median, 42.2 v 85.5 v 77.6 months, respectively). CONCLUSION: The combination of 11q deletion and ATM mutation in CLL is associated with significantly shorter progression-free and overall survival following first-line treatment with alkylating agents and purine analogs. Assessment of ATM mutation status in patients with 11q deletion may influence the choice of subsequent therapy.