14 resultados para Recidiva

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) is the most incident histotype of thyroid cancer. A certain fraction of PTC cases (5%) are irresponsive to conventional treatment, and refractory to radioiodine therapy. The current prognostic factors for aggressiveness are mainly based on tumor size, the presence of lymph node metastasis, extrathyroidal invasion and, more recently, the presence of the BRAFT(1799A) mutation. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been described as promising molecular markers for cancer as their deregulation is observed in a wide range of tumors. Recent studies indicate that the over-expression of miR-146b-5p is associated with aggressiveness and BRAFT(1799A) mutation. Furthermore, down-regulation of let-7f is observed in several types of tumors, including PTC. In this study, we evaluated the miR146b-5p and let-7f status in a young male patient with aggressive, BRAFT(1799A)-positive papillary thyroid carcinoma, with extensive lymph node metastases and short-time recurrence. The analysis of miR-146b-5p and let-7f expression revealed a distinct pattern from a cohort of PTC patients, suggesting caution in evaluating miRNA expression data as molecular markers of PTC diagnosis and prognosis. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(8):552-7


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A 19-year-old female with type 1 diabetes for four years, and a 73-year-old female with type 2 diabetes for twenty years developed sudden-onset nephrotic syndrome. Examination by light microscopy, immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy (in one case) identified minimal change disease (MCD) in both cases. There was a potential causative drug (meloxicam) for the 73-year-old patient. Both patients were treated with prednisone and responded with complete remission. The patient with type 1 diabetes showed complete remission without relapse, and the patient with type 2 diabetes had two relapses; complete remission was sustained after associated treatment with cyclophosphamide and prednisone. Both patients had two years of follow-up evaluation after remission. We discuss the outcomes of both patients and emphasize the role of kidney biopsy in diabetic patients with an atypical proteinuric clinical course, because patients with MCD clearly respond to corticotherapy alone or in conjunction with other immunosuppressive agents. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(5):331-5


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Tegumentary leishmaniases are caused by approximately 15 species of protozoa of the genus Leishmania. They prevail in tropical and subtropical areas of the Old and New World but human mobility also makes them a medical problem in nonendemic areas. Clinical manifestations may comprise cutaneous and mucocutaneous forms that may be localized, disseminated, or diffuse in distribution and may differ in Old and New World leishmaniases. Diagnosis and treatment vary according to the clinical manifestations, geographic area, and Leishmania species involved. This article highlights the diversity and complexity of tegumentary leishmaniases, which are worsened by human immunodeficiency virus/Leishmania coinfection.


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Objectives: To evaluate the effects of folic acid supplementation on isolated oral cleft recurrence and fetal growth. Patients and Methods: The study included 2,508 women who were at-risk for oral cleft recurrence and randomized into two folic acid supplementation groups: 0.4 and 4 mg per day before pregnancy and throughout the first trimester. The infant outcome data were based on 234 live births. In addition to oral cleft recurrence, several secondary outcomes were compared between the two folic acid groups. Cleft recurrence rates were also compared to historic recurrence rates. Results: The oral cleft recurrence rates were 2.9% and 2.5% in the 0.4 and 4 mg groups, respectively. The recurrence rates in the two folic acid groups both separately and combined were significantly different from the 6.3% historic recurrence rate post the folic acid fortification program for this population (p = 0.0009 when combining the two folic acid groups). The rate of cleft lip with palate recurrence was 2.9% in the 0.4 mg group and 0.8% in the 4 mg group. There were no elevated fetal growth complications in the 4 mg group compared to the 0.4 mg group. Conclusions: The study is the first double-blinded randomized clinical trial (RCT) to study the effect of high dosage folic acid supplementation on isolated oral cleft recurrence. The recurrence rates were similar between the two folic acid groups. However, the results are suggestive of a decrease in oral cleft recurrence compared to the historic recurrence rate. A RCT is still needed to identify the effect of folic acid on oral cleft recurrence given these suggestive results and the supportive results from previous interventional and observational studies, and the study offers suggestions for such future studies. The results also suggest that high dosage folic acid does not compromise fetal growth


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Os autores relatam um caso de nevo de Reed, lesão que apresenta aspecto histológico de malignidade, mas tem evolução benigna. Paciente de 48 anos, masculino, cor parda, apresentava pterígio nasal no olho direito, associado a uma lesão pequena e pouco pigmentada localizada na cabeça do mesmo. Realizou-se exérese de ambos, sem intercorrências, sem sinais de recidiva. O exame histopatológico revelou lesão com bordas definidas, restrita ao epitélio, constituída por células fusiformes perpendiculares à superfície, com pigmentação melânica esparsa. O diagnóstico inicial foi nevo de Spitz, mas, posteriormente, chegou-se à conclusão que se tratava do nevo de células fusiformes de Reed. O presente relato é o segundo na literatura mundial e o primeiro no Brasil.


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O achado de ossificação heterotópica (OH) sobre cicatriz cirúrgica abdominal é um evento raro, mas que soma morbidade ao paciente. Manifesta-se por dor, endurecimento ou desconforto na cicatriz, levando a novas abordagens cirúrgicas. Relatamos um caso de OH no saco herniário incisional com o objetivo precípuo de chamar a atenção para o potencial "totipotente" do fibroblasto, já que sua íntima relação com a OH é inegável. A partir dessa prerrogativa, qualquer forma de tratamento das hérnias incisionais deveria associar o reparo tecidual ao uso de prótese (tela), para enriquecê-lo com os fibroblastos e seus fatores de crescimento celular do próprio paciente, todos autólogos e prontos para uso. A tática é oferecer uma abordagem combinada ou mista, com menores chances de recidiva na correção dessas afecções.


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OBJETIVOS: Analisar a reincidência de violência infantil no Município de Curitiba - Paraná e compreender o fenômeno com base na perspectiva de gênero. MÉTODOS: Estudo de abordagem quantitativa do tipo descritivo exploratório. Dentre as 338 notificações de violência contra crianças de zero a 9 anos de idade junto à Rede de Proteção à Criança e ao Adolescente dessa cidade com última notificação em 2009 foram analisados 300 casos por serem reincidentes. RESULTADOS: A totalidade dos casos foi de violência intrafamiliar e a reincidência mais frequente foi a negligência, tendo com principal agressora a mãe. A violência sexual apareceu mais entre as meninas, com casos reincidentes no mesmo tipo ou com a negligência antecedendo. A manifestação da violência reincidente contra crianças apresentou-se sobreposta, recorrente, com tendência a agravar-se com a evolução dos casos. CONCLUSÃO: A violência contra as crianças é determinada por relações de poder determinadas pelas categorias gênero e geração, que produzem iniquidades potencializadoras da vulnerabilidade familiar em relação à violência. O olhar crítico sobre essa questão pode indicar medidas de superação no tocante à assistência e à prevenção de sua ocorrência e reincidência tanto do setor saúde como de outros setores.


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OBJETIVOS: Relatamos os resultados de um estudo de coorte retrospectivo envolvendo 139 pacientes com dermatomiosite, conduzido de 1991 a 2011. MÉTODOS: Todos os pacientes preenchiam pelo menos quatro dos cinco critérios de Bohan and Peter (1975). RESULTADOS: A média de idade dos pacientes no início da doença foi de 41,7 ± 14,1 anos, e a duração da doença foi de 7,2 ± 5,2 anos. A amostragem constitui-se de 90,2% de indivíduos brancos, 79,9% do gênero feminino. Sintomas constitucionais foram detectados em menos da metade dos casos. Envolvimentos cutâneo e articular ocorreram em 95,7% e 41,7% dos pacientes, respectivamente. Em 48,2% dos pacientes foram apresentadas pneumopatia incipiente, opacidades em "vidro fosco" e/ou fibrose pulmonar. Todos os pacientes receberam prednisona (1 mg/kg/dia) e 51,1% receberam também metilprednisolona intravenosa (1 g/dia por três dias). Vários imunossupressores foram usados como poupadores de corticosteroide de acordo com tolerância, efeitos colaterais e/ou refratariedade. Houve recidiva de doença (clínica e/ou laboratorial) em 53,2% dos casos; 76,3% permaneceram em remissão no momento do estudo. A taxa de infecção grave foi de 35,3%, com o predomínio de herpes zoster. Houve 15 (10,8%) casos de câncer, dos quais 12 foram confirmados em um período de um ano após o diagnóstico da doença. Houve ainda 16 óbitos (11,5%) cujas causas principais foram sepse/choque séptico (27,5%), pneumopatia atribuída à doença (31,3%), neoplasias (31,3%) e eventos cardiovasculares (12,5%). CONCLUSÕES: No presente trabalho, os dados clínico-laboratoriais foram semelhantes aos de outros grupos populacionais descritos na literatura, com diferenças mínimas quanto à frequência e às características das manifestações extramusculares.


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INTRODUÇÃO: O BAHA (Bone Ancored Hearing Aid) é um dispositivo auditivo de condução óssea que propaga o som diretamente à orelha interna, utilizado principalmente em pacientes com perda auditiva condutiva associada a atresia aural, mas atualmente também em perdas mistas e neurossensoriais. OBJETIVO: Revisar as principais indicações do BAHA, analisar os resultados audiométricos e os benefícios proporcionados aos pacientes, e compará-los com outras modalidades de tratamento além de comparar os dados da literatura com nossa casuística de 13 pacientes. MÉTODO: A pesquisa foi realizada em bases de dados abrangendo trabalhos em inglês, espanhol e português, sem limites de intervalos de anos, comparando com os resultados dos nossos 13 pacientes submetidos a esse procedimento, no período de 2000 a 2009. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos trabalhos mostrou vantagens do BAHA em comparação à cirurgia reconstrutiva, tanto pelos resultados audiológicos quanto em relação a complicações e recidiva. Os resultados pós-operatórios nos 13 pacientes operados por nossa equipe foi satisfatório e compatível com os da literatura, com fechamento do gap aéreo-ósseo em 7 pacientes e gap aéreo-ósseo de até 10 dB em 6 pacientes. Não houve complicações pós-operatórias. CONCLUSÃO: O BAHA é uma ótima opção de tratamento para pacientes com surdez condutiva bilateral, fato demonstrado pelos bons resultados audiológicos e por se tratar de um procedimento cirúrgico relativamente simples e com baixa taxa de complicações. Os estudos mais recentes vêm abordando seu uso para surdez condutiva e neurossensorial unilateral.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the stability and the relapse of maxillary anterior crowding treatment on cases with premolar extraction and evaluate the tendency of the teeth to return to their pretreatment position. METHODS: The experimental sample consisted of 70 patients of both sex with an initial Class I and Class II maloclusion and treated with first premolar extractions. The initial mean age was 13,08 years. Dental casts' measurements were obtained at three stages (pretreatment, posttreatment and posttreatment of 9 years on average) and the variables assessed were Little Irregularity Index, maxillary arch length and intercanine. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to know if some studied variable would have influence on the crowding in the three stages (LII1, LII2, LII3) and in each linear displacement of the Little irregularity index (A, B, C, D, E) in the initial and post-retention phases. RESULTS: The maxillary crowding relapse ( LII3-2) is influenced by the initial ( LII1), and the teeth tend to return to their pretreatment position. CONCLUSION: The results underline the attention that the orthodontist should be given to the maxillary anterior relapse, primarily on those teeth that are crowded before the treatment.


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OBJECTIVE: The aims of this study were to describe the patterns of maxillary incisor angulation in patients with upper interincisive diastemas, to evaluate angulation changes with treatment and posttreatment period, and to assess whether there are association between incisor angulation and interincisive diastema relapse. METHODS: The sample comprised 30 Class I or Class II patients with at least one pretreatment anterior diastema of 0.77 mm or greater after eruption of maxillary permanent canines. Data were obtained from panoramic radiographs at pretreatment, posttreatment and at least 2 years post-retention. RESULTS: Incisors presented a mesial tipping tendency after treatment, but only lateral incisors showed significant changes between pre and posttreatment stages. CONCLUSION: Regarding post-retention period, no changes were found. Finally, no relation was found between diastema relapse and maxillary incisor axial angulation.


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The treatment of hemorrhoidal disease (HD) by conventional hemorrhoidectomy is associated with significant morbidity, mainly represented by the postoperative pain and the late return to daily activities. Doppler-guided hemorrhoid artery ligation (DGHAL) is a minimal-invasive surgical treatment for HD that has been used as an alternative method in order to reduce these inconveniences. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the initial results of the DGHAL technique associated with rectal mucopexy in the treatment of HD. METHODS:Forty-two patients with stage I, III and IV hemorrhoids who were submitted to DGHAL were analyzed from December 2010 to August 2011. Eleven patients (26%) were stage II; 21 (50%), stage III; and 10 (24%), stage IV HD. All patients were operated by the same surgeon under spinal anesthesia and using the same equipment and technique to perform the procedure. The 42 patients underwent ligation of six arterial branches followed by rectal mucopexia by uninterrupted suture. Nine patients needed concomitant removal of perianal skin tag. In the postoperative, the following parameters were evaluated: pain, tenesmus, bleeding, itching, prolapse, mucus discharge and recurrence. The mean postoperative follow-up lasted four months (one to nine months). RESULTS: Tenesmus was the most common postoperative complaint for 85.7% of patients followed by pain, in 28.6%, perianal burning, in 12.3%, mucus discharge and perianal hematoma in 4.7%. Two patients had severe postoperative bleeding and required surgical haemostasis, one of which needed blood transfusion. Ninety-five percent of the patients declared to be satisfied with the method. CONCLUSION: Even though DGHAL has complications similar to those of other surgical methods, its results present less postoperative pain, allowing faster recovery and return to work. Studies with more cases and a longer follow-up are still necessary to assess the late recurrence.


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Background – Hair follicle tumours generally present as benign, solitary masses and have a good prognosis following surgical resection. Hypothesis/Objectives – This report describes a case of multiple trichoblastomas in a dog. Animal – A 2-year-old crossbred dog presented with multiple soft cutaneous periocular, perilabial, submandibular and nasal nodules, between 2 and 9 cm in diameter, located on the right side of the face. New nodules were observed on the same side of the face at a second consultation 3 weeks later. Methods – Surgical resection of all nodules was performed in two procedures. Three nodules were initially resected and submitted for histolopathology and immunohistochemistry. The diagnosis was trichoblastoma for all three. At the time of the second consultation, new and remaining nodules were biopsied and the diagnosis of trichoblastoma confirmed. The dog was treated with doxorubicin and piroxicam for 30 days prior to the second surgical procedure in an attempt to reduce new tumour growth and the size of present tumours. All nodules were resected and the defects closed using rotation flaps. Results – No recurrence of the neoplasm was noted within 10 months after surgery. Conclusions and clinical importance – Trichoblastomas are generally benign but can present as multiple neoplasms that may require surgical resection and may respond to chemotherapy. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first report of multiple trichoblastomas in a dog.