23 resultados para Stomach Neoplasms


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The possible carcinogenic risk of immunosuppressive therapies is an important issue in everyday clinical practise. Carcinogenesis is a slow multi step procedure, thus a long latency period is needed before cancer develops. PUVA therapy is used for many skin diseases including psoriasis, early stage cutaneous T cell lymphoma, atopic dermatitis, palmoplantar pustulosis and chronic eczema. There has been concern about the increased melanoma risk associated to PUVA therapy, which has previously been associated with an increased risk on non-melanoma skin cancer, especially squamous cell carcinoma. The increased risk of basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is also documented but it is modest compared to squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). This thesis evaluated melanoma and noncutaneous cancer risk associated to PUVA, and the persistence of nonmelanoma cancer risk after the cessation of PUVA treatment. Also, the influence of photochemotherapy to the development of secondary cancers in cutaneous T cell lymphoma and the role of short term cyclosporine in later cancer development in inflammatory skin diseases were evaluated. The first three studies were performed on psoriasis patients. The risk of melanoma started to increase 15 years after the first treatment with PUVA. The risk was highest among persons who had received over 250 treatments compared to those under 250 treatments. In noncutaneous cancer, the overall risk was not increased (RR=1.08,95% CI=0.93-1.24), but significant increases in risk were found in thyroid cancer, breast cancer and in central nervous system neoplasms. These cancers were not associated to PUVA. The increased risk of SCC was associated to high cumulative UVA exposure in the PUVA regimen. The patients with high risk had no substantial exposure to other carcinogens. In BCC there was a similar but more modest tendency. In the two other studies, the risk of all secondary cancers (SIR) in CTCL patients was 1.4 (95% CI=1.0-1.9). In separate sites, the risk of lung cancer, Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas were increased. PUVA seemed not to contribute to any extent to the appearance of these cancers. The carcinogenity of short-term cyclosporine was evaluated in inflammatory skin diseases. No increased risk for any type of cancer including the skin cancers was detected. To conclude, our studies confirm the increased skin cancer risk related to PUVA treatment in psoriasis patients. In clinical practice, this has led to a close and permanent follow-up of patients treated with PUVA. In CTCL patients, PUVA treatment did not contribute to the development of secondary cancers. We could not detect any increase in the risk of cancer in patients treated with short term cyclosporine, unlike in organ transplant patients under such long-term therapy.


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Gastric motility disorders, including delayed gastric emptying (gastroparesis), impaired postprandial fundic relaxation, and gastric myoelectrical disorders, can occur in type 1 diabetes, chronic renal failure, and functional dyspepsia (FD). Symptoms like upper abdominal pain, early satiation, bloating, nausea and vomiting may be related to gastroparesis. Diabetic gastroparesis is related to autonomic neuropathy. Scintigraphy is the gold standard in measuring gastric emptying, but it is expensive, requires specific equipment, and exposes patients to radiation. It also gives information about the intragastric distribution of the test meal. The 13C-octanoic acid breath test (OBT) is an alternative, indirect method of measuring gastric emptying with a stable isotope. Electrogastrography (EGG) registers the slow wave originating in the pacemaker area of the stomach and regulating the peristaltic contractions of the antrum. This study compares these three methods of measuring gastric motility in patients with type 1 diabetes, functional dyspepsia, and chronic renal failure. Currently no effective drugs for treating gastric motility disorders are available. We studied the effect of nizatidine on gastric emptying, because in preliminary studies this drug has proven to have a prokinetic effect due to its cholinergic properties. Of the type 1 patients, 26% had delayed gastric emptying of solids as measured by scintigraphy. Abnormal intragastric distribution of the test meal occurred in 37% of the patients, indicating impaired fundic relaxation. The autonomic neuropathy score correlated positively with the gastric emptying rate of solids (P = 0.006), but HbA1C, plasma glucose levels, or abdominal symptoms were unrelated to gastric emptying or intragastric distribution of the test meal. Gastric emptying of both solids and liquids was normal in all FD patients but abnormal intragastric distribution occurred in 38% of the patients. Nizatidine improved symptom scores and quality of life in FD patients, but not significantly. Instead of enhancing, nizatidine slowed gastric emptying in FD patients (P < 0.05). No significant difference appeared in the frequency of the gastric slow waves measured by EGG in the patients and controls. The correlation between gastric half-emptying times of solids measured by scintigraphy and OBT was poor both in type 1 diabetes and FD patients. According to this study, dynamic dual-tracer scintigraphy is more accurate than OBT or EGG in measuring gastric emptying of solids. Additionally it provides information about gastric emptying of liquids and the intragastric distribution of the ingested test meal.


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Germ cell tumors occur both in the gonads of both sexes and in extra-gonadal sites during adoles-cence and early adulthood. Malignant ovarian germ cell tumors are rare neoplasms accounting for less than 5% of all cases of ovarian malignancy. In contrast, testicular cancer is the most common malignancy among young males. Most of patients survive the disease. Prognostic factors of gonadal germ cell tumors include histology, clinical stage, size of the primary tumor and residua, and levels of tumor markers. Germ cell tumors include heterogeneous histological subgroups. The most common subgroup includes germinomas (ovarian dysgerminoma and testicular seminoma); other subgroups are yolk sac tumors, embryonal carcinomas, immature teratomas and mixed tumors. The origin of germ cell tumors is most likely primordial germ cells. Factors behind germ cell tumor development and differentiation are still poorly known. The purpose of this study was to define novel diagnostic and prognostic factors for malignant gonadal germ cell tumors. In addition, the aim was to shed further light into the molecular mechanisms regulating gonadal germ cell tumorigenesis and differentiation by studying the roles of GATA transcription factors, pluripotent factors Oct-3/4 and AP-2γ, and estrogen receptors. This study revealed the prognostic value of CA-125 in malignant ovarian germ cell tumors. In addition advanced age and residual tumor had more adverse outcome. Several novel markers for histological diagnosis were defined. In the fetal development transcription factor GATA-4 was expressed in early fetal gonocytes and in testicular carcinoma precursor cells. In addition, GATA-4 was expressed in both gonadal germinomas, thus it may play a role in the development and differentiation of the germinoma tumor subtype. Pluripotent factors Oct-3/4 and AP-2γ were expressed in dysgerminomas, thus they could be used in the differential diagnosis of the germ cell tumors. Malignant ovarian germ cell tumors expressed estrogen receptors and their co-regulator SNURF. In addition, estrogen receptor expression was up-regulated by estradiol stimulation. Thus, gonadal steroid hormone burst in puberty may play a role in germ cell tumor development in the ovary. This study shed further light in to the molecular pathology of malignant gonadal germ cell tumors. In addition, some novel diagnostic and prognostic factors were defined. This data may be used in the differential diagnosis of germ cell tumor patients.


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Protein modification via enzymatic cross-linking is an attractive way for altering food structure so as to create products with increased quality and nutritional value. These modifications are expected to affect not only the structure and physico-chemical properties of proteins but also their physiological characteristics, such as digestibility in the GI-tract and allergenicity. Protein cross-linking enzymes such as transglutaminases are currently commercially available, but also other types of cross-linking enzymes are being explored intensively. In this study, enzymatic cross-linking of β-casein, the most abundant bovine milk protein, was studied. Enzymatic cross-linking reactions were performed by fungal Trichoderma reesei tyrosinase (TrTyr) and the performance of the enzyme was compared to that of transglutaminase from Streptoverticillium mobaraense (Tgase). Enzymatic cross-linking reactions were followed by different analytical techniques, such as size exclusion chromatography -Ultra violet/Visible multi angle light scattering (SEC-UV/Vis-MALLS), phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P-NMR), atomic force (AFM) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). The research results showed that in both cases cross-linking of β-casein resulted in the formation of high molecular mass (MM ca. 1 350 kg mol-1), disk-shaped nanoparticles when the highest enzyme dosage and longest incubation times were used. According to SEC-UV/Vis-MALLS data, commercial β-casein was cross-linked almost completely when TrTyr and Tgase were used as cross-linking enzymes. In the case of TrTyr, high degree of cross-linking was confirmed by 31P-NMR where it was shown that 91 % of the tyrosine side-chains were involved in the cross-linking. The impact of enzymatic cross-linking of β-casein on in vitro digestibility by pepsin was followed by various analytical techniques. The research results demonstrated that enzymatically cross-linked β-casein was stable under the acidic conditions present in the stomach. Furthermore, it was found that cross-linked β-casein was more resistant to pepsin digestion when compared to that of non modified β-casein. The effects of enzymatic cross-linking of β-casein on allergenicity were also studied by different biochemical test methods. On the basis of the research results, enzymatic cross-linking decreased allergenicity of native β-casein by 14 % when cross-linked by TrTyr and by 6 % after treatment by Tgase. It can be concluded that in addition to the basic understanding of the reaction mechanism of TrTyr on protein matrix, the research results obtained in this study can have high impact on various applications like food, cosmetic, medical, textile and packing sectors.


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Pituitary adenomas are common benign neoplasms. Although most of them are sporadic, a minority occurs in familial settings. Heterozygous germline mutations in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein (AIP) gene were found to underlie familial pituitary adenomas, a condition designated as pituitary adenoma predisposition (PAP). PAP confers incomplete penetrance of mostly growth hormone (GH) secreting adenomas in young patients, who often lack a family history of pituitary adenomas. This thesis work aimed to clarify the molecular and clinical characteristics of PAP. Applying the multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification assay (MLPA), we found large genomic AIP deletions to account for a subset of PAP. Therefore, MLPA could be considered in PAP suspected patients with no AIP mutations found with conventional sequencing. We generated an Aip mouse model to examine pituitary tumorigenesis in vivo. The heterozygous Aip mutation conferred complete penetrance of pituitary adenomas that were mostly GH-secreting, rendering the phenotype of the Aip mouse similar to that of PAP patients. We suggest that AIP may function as a candidate gatekeeper gene in somatotrophs. To clarify molecular mechanisms of tumorigenesis, we elucidated the expression of AIP-related molecules in human and mouse pituitary tumors. The expression of aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator (ARNT) was reduced in mouse Aip-deficient adenomas, and similar ARNT reduction was also evident in human AIP mutation positive adenomas. This suggests that in addition to participating in the hypoxia pathway, estrogen receptor signaling and xenobiotic response pathways, ARNT may play a role in AIP-related tumorigenesis. We also studied the characteristics and the response to therapy of PAP patients and found them to have an aggressive disease phenotype with young age at onset. Therefore, improvement in treatment outcomes of PAP patients would require their efficient identification and earlier diagnosis of the pituitary adenomas. The possible role of the RET proto-oncogene in tumorigenesis of familial AIP mutation negative pituitary adenomas was evaluated, but none of the found RET germline variants were considered pathogenic. Surprisingly, RET immunohistochemistry suggested possible underexpression of RET in AIP mutation positive pituitary adenomas an observation that merits further investigation.


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Ihmisille ympäri maailmaa on tyypillistä valita tiettyjä ruokia suuremmasta valikoimasta syömäkelpoista ruokaa ja luoda mieltymyksiä sekä kieltoja joitakin ruokia kohtaan. Näitä ilmiöitä kutsutaan ruokauskomuksiksi ja ne ovat tärkeä osa kulttuuria. Niiden taustalla on usein terveydelliset perustelut tai sosiaalinen arvostus yhteisössä. Afrikassa on todettu olevan paljon erilaisia ruokauskomuksia, jotka kohdistuvat usein raskaana oleviin ja imettäviin naisiin sekä lapsiin, ryhmään, joka on fysiologisesti erityisen herkässä elämänvaiheessa. Ravitsemustilan tai ruokaturvan ollessa heikko, mahdollisilla ruokauskomuksilla voi olla merkittävät seuraukset erityisesti tämän väestönosan terveydentilaan. Aliravitsemus ja virheravitsemus ovat edelleen suuria ongelmia Afrikassa ja muissa kehittyvissä maissa. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli tutkia laadullisin menetelmin, onko erityisesti raskaana olevilla ja imettävillä naisilla Keski-Mosambikin maaseudulla, Zambézian maakunnassa, ruokauskomuksia, mitä ne mahdollisesti ovat, sekä arvioida voiko ruokauskomuksilla olla ravitsemuksellista merkitystä. Menetelminä oli 5 ryhmähaastattelua kolmessa kylässä ja 10 yksilöhaastattelua kahdessa kylässä. Tutkittavat olivat 12–78-vuotiaita naisia ja heitä oli yhteensä 27. Tulkkaus, tutkimusaiheen sensitiivisyys ja haastattelijan kokemattomuus aiheuttivat haasteita haastatteluiden toteutukseen. Tämän vuoksi menetelmää muokattiin ja se vaihdettiin ryhmähaastattelusta yksilöhaastatteluun tutkimuksen aikana. Ruokauskomukset vaihtelivat sekä kylien välillä että kylien sisällä, joskin niistä löytyi samantyyppisiä pääpiirteitä. Työssä todettiin, että raskaana oleviin ja imettäviin naisiin kohdistui tutkimusalueella ruokauskomuksia. Raskauden aikana tuli välttää pääasiassa proteiinipitoisia ruokia, kuten lihaa ja kalaa ja puolestaan suosia kasvisten, hedelmien ja viljatuotteiden käyttöä. Linnun munien syöntiä sekä suositeltiin että kehotettiin välttämään raskauden aikana. Raskauden aikana ilmeni lisäksi tietoinen tapa vähentää kassavapuuron tai ruuan syömistä kokonaisuudessaan. Imetyksen aikana ei vältetty juuri mitään ruokia, vaan suositeltiin kookosta ja kasviksia. Suurin osa perusteluista liittyi äidin ja lapsen terveyteen. Perustelut voitiin jakaa seuraaviin ryhmiin: lisää äidinmaidon tuotantoa; aiheuttaa vatsakipua äidillä; pitää yllä kuntoa ja estää vatsan kasvua; äidistä tulee vahva, terve ja hän saa vitamiineja; lapsen ulkonäkö muuttuu; lapsesta tulee terve ja vahva; lapsen käyttäytyminen muuttuu; aiheuttaa keskenmenon; aiheuttaa vaikean tai helpon synnytyksen. Ruokauskomukset ja terveysviranomaisilta tullut valistus oli osittain sekoittunut keskenään. Lähes kaikki naiset kertoivat noudattavansa näitä ruokauskomuksia. Muutamat naiset kertoivat suositeltavien ruokien kohdalla, että ruokien saatavuus tekee noudattamisen joskus vaikeaksi. Proteiinipitoisten ruokien välttäminen voi lisätä proteiinialiravitsemuksen riskiä ja syömisen vähentäminen saattaa lisätä riskiä saada riittämättömästi energiaa raskauden aikana. Suositeltavat ruuat todennäköisesti edistävät terveyttä. Tutkielman perusteella voitiin todeta, että vieraassa kulttuurissa tutkiminen vaatii tutkimusmenetelmältä paljon. Tärkeää on menetelmän joustavuus, jotta sitä voi muuttaa tutkimuskentällä toimivampaan ja luotettavampaan muotoon. Johtopäätöksenä todettiin, että suositeltavin menetelmä tutkittaessa ruokauskomuksia tällä tutkimusalueella olisi ollut yksilöhaastattelut, jossa olisi ollut mahdollisimman vähän osallistujia ja osallistujat olisivat olleet samaa sukupuolta ja saman ikäisiä. Terveyden ja ravitsemuksen kannalta on tärkeää, että ruokauskomuksista ollaan tietoisia ja väestön ruokauskomuksia tutkitaan alueittain, koska ne voivat vaihdella merkittävästi jopa kylien tai ihmisryhmien sisällä.


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Gliomas are the most frequent primary brain tumours. The cardinal features of gliomas are infiltrative growth pattern and progression from low-grade tumours to a more malignant phenotype. These features of gliomas generally prevent their complete surgical excision and cause their inherent tendency to recur after initial treatment and lead to poor long-term prognosis. Increasing knowledge about the molecular biology of gliomas has produced new markers that supplement histopathological diagnostics. Molecular markers are also used to evaluate the prognosis and predict therapeutic response. The purpose of this thesis is to study molecular events involved in the malignant progression of gliomas. Gliomas are highly vascularised tumours. Contrast enhancement in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) reflects a disrupted blood-brain barrier and is often seen in malignant gliomas. In this thesis, 62 astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas and oligoastrocytomas were studied by MRI and immunohistochemistry. Contrast enhancement in preoperative MRI was associated with angiogenesis, tumour cell proliferation and histological grade of gliomas. Activation of oncogenes by gene amplification is a common genetic aberration in gliomas. EGFR amplification on chromosome 7p12 occurs in 30-40% of glioblastomas. PDGFRA, KIT and VEGFR2 are receptor tyrosine kinase genes located on chromosome 4q12. Amplification of these genes was studied using in situ hybridisation in the primary and recurrent astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas and oligoastrocytomas of 87 patients. PDGFRA, KIT or VEGFR2 amplification was found in 22% of primary tumours and 36% of recurrent tumours including low-grade and malignant gliomas. The most frequent aberration was KIT amplification, which occurred in 10% of primary tumours and in 27% of recurrent tumours. The expression of ezrin, cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) and HuR was studied immunohistochemically in a series of primary and recurrent gliomas of 113 patients. Ezrin is a cell membrane-cytoskeleton linking-protein involved in the migration of glioma cells. The COX-2 enzyme is implicated in the carcinogenesis of epithelial neoplasms and is overexpressed in gliomas. HuR is an RNA-stabilising protein, which regulates the expression of several proteins including COX-2. Ezrin, COX-2 and HuR were associated with histological grade and the overall survival of glioma patients. However, in multivariate analysis they were not independent prognostic factors. In conclusion, these results suggest that contrast enhancement in MRI can be used as a surrogate marker for the proliferative and angiogenic potential of gliomas. Aberrations of PDGFRA, KIT and VEGFR2 genes, as well as the dysregulated expression of ezrin, COX-2 and HuR proteins, are linked to the progression of gliomas.