5 resultados para zygomycete


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Light is a universal signal perceived by organisms, including fungi, in which light regulates common and unique biological processes depending on the species. Previous research has established that conserved proteins, originally called White collar 1 and 2 from the ascomycete Neurospora crassa, regulate UV/blue light sensing. Homologous proteins function in distant relatives of N. crassa, including the basidiomycetes and zygomycetes, which diverged as long as a billion years ago. Here we conducted microarray experiments on the basidiomycete fungus Cryptococcus neoformans to identify light-regulated genes. Surprisingly, only a single gene was induced by light above the commonly used twofold threshold. This gene, HEM15, is predicted to encode a ferrochelatase that catalyses the final step in haem biosynthesis from highly photoreactive porphyrins. The C. neoformans gene complements a Saccharomyces cerevisiae hem15Delta strain and is essential for viability, and the Hem15 protein localizes to mitochondria, three lines of evidence that the gene encodes ferrochelatase. Regulation of HEM15 by light suggests a mechanism by which bwc1/bwc2 mutants are photosensitive and exhibit reduced virulence. We show that ferrochelatase is also light-regulated in a white collar-dependent fashion in N. crassa and the zygomycete Phycomyces blakesleeanus, indicating that ferrochelatase is an ancient target of photoregulation in the fungal kingdom.


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The Rhizopus oryzae species complex is a group of zygomycete fungi that are common, cosmopolitan saprotrophs. Some strains are used beneficially for production of Asian fermented foods but they can also act as opportunistic human pathogens. Although R. oryzae reportedly has a heterothallic (+/-) mating system, most strains have not been observed to undergo sexual reproduction and the genetic structure of its mating locus has not been characterized. Here we report on the mating behavior and genetic structure of the mating locus for 54 isolates of the R. oryzae complex. All 54 strains have a mating locus similar in overall organization to Phycomyces blakesleeanus and Mucor circinelloides (Mucoromycotina, Zygomycota). In all of these fungi, the minus (-) allele features the SexM high mobility group (HMG) gene flanked by an RNA helicase gene and a TP transporter gene (TPT). Within the R. oryzae complex, the plus (+) mating allele includes an inserted region that codes for a BTB/POZ domain gene and the SexP HMG gene. Phylogenetic analyses of multiple genes, including the mating loci (HMG, TPT, RNA helicase), ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 rDNA, RPB2, and LDH genes, identified two distinct groups of strains. These correspond to previously described sibling species R. oryzae sensu stricto and R. delemar. Within each species, discordant gene phylogenies among multiple loci suggest an outcrossing population structure. The hypothesis of random-mating is also supported by a 50:50 ratio of plus and minus mating types in both cryptic species. When crossed with tester strains of the opposite mating type, most isolates of R. delemar failed to produce zygospores, while isolates of R. oryzae produced sterile zygospores. In spite of the reluctance of most strains to mate in vitro, the conserved sex locus structure and evidence for outcrossing suggest that a normal sexual cycle occurs in both species.


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A newly-isolated thermophilic strain of the zygomycete fungus Rhizomucor pusillus 13.36 produced highly active dextrinogenic and saccharogenic enzymes. Cassava pulp was a good alternative substrate for amylase production. Dextrinogenic and saccharogenic amylases exhibited optimum activities at a pH of 4.0-4.5 and 5.0 respectively and at a temperature of 75°C. The enzymes were highly thermostable, with no detectable loss of saccharogenic or dextrinogenic activity after 1 h and 6 h at 60°C, respectively. The saccharogenic activity was inhibited by Ca2+ while the dextrinogenic was indifferent to this ion. Both activities were inhibited by Fe2+ and Cu2+ Hydrolysis of soluble starch by the crude enzyme yielded 66% glucose, 19.5% maltose, 7.7% maltotriose and 6.6% oligosaccharides. Copyright © 2005, The Microbiological Society of Korea.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Previous complementation and mapping of mutations that change the usual yellow color of the Zygomycete Phycomyces blakesleeanus to white or red led to the definition of two structural genes for carotene biosynthesis. We have cloned one of these genes, carRA, by taking advantage of its close linkage to the other, carB, responsible for phytoene dehydrogenase. The sequences of the wild type and six mutants have been established, compared with sequences in other organisms, and correlated with the mutant phenotypes. The carRA and carB coding sequences are separated by 1,381 untranslated nucleotides and are divergently transcribed. Gene carRA contains separate domains for two enzymes, lycopene cyclase and phytoene synthase, and regulates the overall activity of the pathway and its response to physical and chemical stimuli from the environment. The lycopene cyclase domain of carRA derived from a duplication of a gene from a common ancestor of fungi and Brevibacterium linens; the phytoene synthase domain is similar to the phytoene and squalene synthases of many organisms; but the regulatory functions appear to be specific to Phycomyces.