997 resultados para zeolite synthesis


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Zeolite N was produced from a variety of kaolinites and montmorillonites at low temperature (b100 °C) in a constantly stirred reactor using potassic and potassic+sodic mother liquors with chloride or hydroxyl anions. Reactions were complete (N95% product) in less than 20 h depending on initial batch composition and type of clay minerals. Zeolite N with 1.0bSi/Alb2.2 was produced under these conditions using KOH in the presence of KCl, NaCl, KCl+NaCl and KCl+NaOH. Zeolite N was also formed under high potassium molarities in the absence of KCl. Zeolite synthesis was more sensitive to water content and temperature when sodium was used in initial batch compositions. Syntheses of zeolite N by these methods were undertaken at bench, pilot and industrial scales.


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The synthesis of zeolite X is characterized by UV Raman spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction. UV Raman spectra of the liquid phase of the synthesis system indicate that AI(OH); species are incorporated into silicate species, and the polymeric silicate species are depolymerized into monomeric silicate species during the early stage of zeolite formation. An. intermediate species possessing Raman bands at 307, 503, 858 and 1020 cm(-1) is detected during the crystallization ill the solid phase transformation. The intermediate species is attributed to the beta cage, the secondary building unit of zeolite X. A model for the formation of zeolite X is proposed, which involves four-membered rings connecting to each other via six-membered ring to form beta cages, then the beta cages interconnect via double six-membered rings to form the framework of zeolite X. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A process for making aluminosilicates of zeolite N structure comprising the steps of: (i) combining a water soluble monovalent cation, a solution of hydroxyl anions and an aluminosilicate to form a resultant mixture having a pH greater than 10 and a H.sub.2O/Al.sub.2O.sub.3 ratio in the range 30 to 220; (ii) heating the resultant mixture to a temperature of between 50.degree. C. and boiling point of the mixture for a time between 1 minute and 100 hours until a crystalline product of zeolite N structure is formed as determined by X-ray diffraction or other suitable characteristic; and (iii) separating the zeolite N product as a solid from the mixture.


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The central theme of this thesis is the use of imidazolium-based organic structure directing agents (OSDAs) in microporous materials synthesis. Imidazoliums are advantageous OSDAs as they are relatively inexpensive and simple to prepare, show robust stability under microporous material synthesis conditions, have led to a wide range of products, and have many permutations in structure that can be explored. The work I present involves the use of mono-, di-, and triquaternary imidazolium-based OSDAs in a wide variety of microporous material syntheses. Much of this work was motivated by successful computational predictions (Chapter 2) that led me to continue to explore these types of OSDAs. Some of the important discoveries with these OSDAs include the following: 1) Experimental evaluation and confirmation of a computational method that predicted a new OSDA for pure-silica STW, a desired framework containing helical pores that was previously very difficult to synthesize. 2) Discovery of a number of new imidazolium OSDAs to synthesize zeolite RTH, a zeolite desired for both the methanol-to-olefins reaction as well as NOX reduction in exhaust gases. This discovery enables the use of RTH for many additional investigations as the previous OSDA used to make this framework was difficult to synthesize, such that no large scale preparations would be practical. 3) The synthesis of pure-silica RTH by topotactic condensation from a layered precursor (denoted CIT-10), that can also be pillared to make a new framework material with an expanded pore system, denoted CIT-11, that can be calcined to form a new microporous material, denoted CIT-12. CIT-10 is also interesting since it is the first layered material to contain 8 membered rings through the layers, making it potentially useful in separations if delamination methods can be developed. 4) The synthesis of a new microporous material, denoted CIT-7 (framework code CSV) that contains a 2-dimensional system of 8 and 10 membered rings with a large cage at channel intersections. This material is especially important since it can be synthesized as a pure-silica framework under low-water, fluoride-mediated synthesis conditions, and as an aluminosilicate material under hydroxide mediated conditions. 5) The synthesis of high-silica heulandite (HEU) by topotactic condensation as well as direct synthesis, demonstrating new, more hydrothermally stable compositions of a previously known framework. 6) The synthesis of germanosilicate and aluminophosphate LTA using a triquaternary OSDA. All of these materials show the diverse range of products that can be formed from OSDAs that can be prepared by straightforward syntheses and have made many of these materials accessible for the first time under facile zeolite synthesis conditions.


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The density functional theory has been used to study the isomorphously substituted MCM-22 zeolite for the first time. The effect of the basis sets on the calculation results is discussed in details. Data of several index properties for characterizing the relative acidity of T-MCM-22 (T = B, Al, Ga, and Fe), including proton affinity, bond length and bond angle, OH stretching frequency, and charge on the acidic proton, show that the acidity of T-MCM-22 increases in the sequence of B-MCM-22 < Fe-MCM-22 < Ga-MCM-22 < Al-MCM-22. After making a correction, the calculated OH stretching frequencies for Al-MCM-22 and Fe-MCM-22 show a reasonable agreement with the experimental data. On the basis of an equilibrium structure of the B-MCM-22 zeolite, the effect of the B element in the synthesis of the Ti-MCM-22 is also discussed. The adding of the B element during the synthesis of the Ti-MCM-22 can decrease greatly the Ti substitution energy because of the forming of a structure quite similar to the terminal silanol group. The results can provide some constructively information for zeolite synthesis.


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ZSM-5 zeolites with similar SUM ratio were synthesized successfully using various templates (n-butylamine (BTA), ethylamine (ETA), isopropylamine (IPA), ethylenediamine (EDA), ethanol (ETL), ethanol-ammonium (ETL-AM) and no template (NT)) under hydrothermal conditions. The samples were characterized by XRD, SEM, XRF, NH3-TPD and BET surface area measurements in order to understand the template effects and the differences of the ZSM-5 samples. The synthesis of ZSM-5 with organic templates was relatively easier than those with inorganic templates and without template. SEM results revealed that ZSM-5 synthesized with different templates had different morphology and particle size. The Si/Al ratio and BET specific surface area of the sample with ethanol as template was the lowest. NH3-TPD results showed that the sample synthesized without template had fewer strong acid sites than others. n-Hexane cracking reaction was carried out over the samples to evaluate the catalytic properties. All ZSM-5 zeolites were effective in n-hexane cracking reaction, especially for the sample synthesized without template. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Three studies were performed using tailings kaolin for the synthesis of zeolite A. The first synthesis of zeolite A was performed using a kaolin waste generated from the beneficiation of kaolin for paper production process was studied. The kaolin waste was thermally activated at a temperature range of 550-800°C. For comparison was performed a synthesis pattern of Zeolite A(procedure IZA). The prepared materials were characterized by 27Al MAS NMR, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy with microprobe rays. The pre-tramento proved to be the most appropriate and suitable temperatures are between 600 and 700°C. Observed the formation of zeolite A in all materials, reaching 52% crystallinity, and the presence of phase sodalite and amorphous material. The second study was the use of a highly reactive metakaolin originating from the Jari region in the synthesis of zeolite A by a new method of hydrothermal synthesis. The zeolite is obtained pure and highly crystalline employing the Jari kaolin calcined at 600 ° C for 2h when the transformation to metakaolin occurs. Get to zeolite phase A at 4pm. The best crystallization time was of 24 h afforded a crystallinity of 67.9%. The third study was the evaluation of the NaOH / metakaolin and crystallization time on the synthesis of zeolite NaA from a sample of kaolin waste, named Kaolin Coverage. The experiments were performed using statistical design (axial points) and rejoinder the center point. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning microscopic analysis and chemical analysis using an EPMA microprobe. The results showed that a relationship exists between the amount of NaOH added and the crystallization time. The experiment performed using the lowest ratio NaOH / metakaolin (0.5) and shorter (4 h) produced an amorphous material. The increase ratio of NaOH / metakaolin and crystallization time leads to formation of a more crystalline NaA phase, but the presence of phase with sodalite as impurities


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Ultramarine pigments were successful synthesized from zeolite A obtained from kaolin waste. This waste has been used as an excellent source of silicon and aluminum for zeolite synthesis because of its high kaolinite concentrations and low contents of other accessory minerals. The cost is naturally less than the industrialized product. Color additives (Sulfur and Sodium Carbonate) were mixed with different proportions of zeolite A and further calcined for 5 h at 500 °C. They were characterized by XRD and XRF in addition to visual classification by color and shade. These products show colors from blue to green at different shades, both influenced by the amount of additives and cooling rate after calcination. Thus, a different quantity of the same additives in the same zeolitic matrix provides an increase in the color intensity. Cooling rate after calcination induces the color change which is substantially important in the pigments production.


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Ao longo dos anos o desenvolvimento industrial trouxe uma crescente geração de resíduos, que são potenciais problemas ambientais. Estudos das características destes materiais, bem como o desenvolvimento de técnicas para sua utilização se tornam imprescindíveis para a preservação do meio ambiente. Assim este trabalho objetiva a caracterização e utilização de cinza volante proveniente da queima de carvão mineral em caldeiras, assim como o uso de microssílica, utilizada para alterar a relação molar Si/Al da mistura cinza/microssílica na síntese de zeólitas. Para a caracterização da cinza foram utilizados métodos de análise química, física e mineralógica como: difração de raios X, fluorescência de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, análise granulométrica, análise térmica diferencial e termogravimétrica. Os ensaios de síntese foram feitos a 60, 100, 150 e 190 °C, com razão molar de Na2O/Al2O3 igual a 5 e Si/Al variando de 2,12 a 15, e tempo de reação 24 h. Os resultados da caracterização da cinza mostram potencial utilização deste como matéria-prima para a síntese de zeólitas, pois apresenta ~ 50% de SiO2 e Al2O3, fases mineralógicas bem definidas, baixo teor de umidade, baixa granulometria (d90 < 10 µm), entre outros. Análises de difração de raios X dos produtos das sínteses mostraram a formação de alguns tipos de zeólitas, como analcima, phillipsita, sodalita, zeolita P e tobermorita. Deste modo, a mistura cinza e microssílica nestas condições reacionais mostram-se matérias-primas promissoras para a síntese de zeólitas.


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Pigmentos tipo ultramar foram sintetizados com sucesso a partir de zeólita NaA derivada de caulim e rejeito de caulim. Tal rejeito tem sido uma excelente fonte de silício e alumínio na síntese de zeólitas, por ser uma matéria-prima “natural” com alta concentração de caulinita e baixos teores de impurezas, além do menor custo em comparação àquelas matérias-primas industrializadas. A zeólita NaA derivada de tal rejeito apresenta características estruturais favoráveis a síntese de pigmentos ultramar, sua estrutura encapsula as espécies de enxofre formadas, que agem como cromóforos, e impedem que essas espécies se oxidem e seja liberado elevados teores de gases tóxicos durante a reação. Zeólita NaA foi misturada com enxofre e carbonato de sódio em diferentes proporções com o objetivo de verificar a influência dessa variação na cor e na tonalidade dos pigmentos. Após calcinação a 500 °C por 5 horas os produtos foram caracterizados por DRX, FRX e Raman, além da classificação visual por cor e tonalidade por meio de fotografias. O resultado foi produtos com coloração que variaram do azul ao verde com diferentes tonalidades, ambas influenciadas pela quantidade de aditivos, pela taxa de resfriamento após calcinação e pela granulometria. Assim, pode-se dizer que quantidades diferentes dos mesmos aditivos na mesma matriz zeolítica proporcionam aumento de intensidade da cor, que a taxa de resfriamento após calcinação e granulometria da matriz zeolítica provoca mudança da cor. A partir de DRX foi observado que a estrutura da zeólita NaA não é transformada para o tipo sodalita, como normalmente observado na literatura. Por espectroscopia Raman foram identificadas as espécies de enxofre responsáveis pela coloração no pigmento zeolítico, sendo: S6 2- o responsável pela cor amarela e o S3- pela cor azul, e que a mistura dos dois resultou na cor verde, que predominou nesse trabalho. Por fim, o aproveitamento de rejeito de caulim na produção de pigmentos zeolíticos parece ser uma boa proposta de produção sustentável.


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Fly ash was modified by hydrothermal treatment using NaOH solutions under various conditions for zeolite synthesis. The XRD patterns are presented. The results indicated that the samples obtained after treatment are much different. The XRD profiles revealed a number of new reflexes, suggesting a phase transformation probably occurred. Both heat treatment and chemical treatment increased the surface area and pore volume. It was found that zeolite P would be formed at the conditions of higher NaOH concentration and temperature. The treated fly ash was tested for adsorption of heavy metal ions and dyes in aqueous solution. It was shown that fly ash and the modified forms could effectively absorb heavy metals and methylene blue but not effectively adsorb rhodamine B. Modifying fly ash with NaOH solution would significantly enhance the adsorption capacity depending on the treatment temperature, time, and base concentration. The adsorption capacity of methylene blue would increases with pH of the dye solution and the sorption capacity of FA-NaOH could reach 5 x 10(-5) mol/g. The adsorption isotherm could be described by the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm equations. Removal of copper and nickel ions could also be achieved on those treated fly ash. The removal efficiency for copper and nickel ions could be from 30% to 90% depending on the initial concentrations. The increase in adsorption temperature will enhance the adsorption efficiency for both heavy metals. The pseudo second-order kinetics would be better for fitting the dynamic adsorption of Cu and Ni ions. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Meso-/microporous zeolites combine the charactersitics of well-defined micropores of zeolite with efficient mass transfer consequences of mesopores to increase the efficiency of the catalysts in reactions involving bulky molecules. Different methods such as demetallation and templating have been explored for the synthesis of meso-/microporous zeolites. However, they all have limitations in production of meso-/microporous zeolites with tunable textural and catalytic properties using few synthesis steps. To address this challenge, a simple one-step dual template synthesis approach has been developed in this work to engineer lamellar meso-/microporous zeolites structures with tunable textural and catalytic properties. First, one-step dual template synthesis of meso-/microporous mordenite framework inverted (MFI) zeolite structures was investigated. Tetrapropyl ammonium hydroxide (TPAOH) and diquaternary ammonium surfactant ([C22H45-N+(CH3)2-C6H12-N+(CH3)2-C6H13]Br2, C22-6-6) were used as templates to produce micropores and mesopores, respectively. The variation in concentration ratios of dual templates and hydrothermal synthesis conditions resulted in production of multi-lamellar MFI and the hybrid lamellar-bulk MFI (HLBM) zeolite structures. The relationship between the morphology, porosity, acidity, and catalytic properties of these catalysts was systematically studied. Then, the validity of the proposed synthesis approach for production of other types of zeolites composites was examined by creating a meso-/microporous bulk polymorph A (BEA)-lamellar MFI (BBLM) composite. The resulted composite samples showed higher catalytic stability compared to their single component zeolites. The studies demonstrated the high potential of the one-step dual template synthesis procedure for engineering the textural and catalytic properties of the synthesized zeolites.


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The optimum parameters for synthesis of zeolite NaA based on metakaolin were investigated according to results of cation exchange capacity and static water adsorption of all synthesis products and selected X-ray diffraction (XRD). Magnetic zeolite NaA was synthesized by adding Fe3O4 in the precursor of zeolite. Zeolite NaA and magnetic zeolite NaA were characterized with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and XRD. Magnetic zeolite NaA with different Fe3O4 loadings was prepared and used for removal of heavy metals (Cu2+, Pb2+). The results show the optimum parameters for synthesis zeolite NaA are SiO2/Al2O3 = 2.3, Na2O/SiO2 = 1.4, H2O/Na2O = 50, crystallization time 8 h, crystallization temperature 95 �C. The addition of Fe3O4 makes the NaA zeolite with good magnetic susceptibility and good magnetic stability regardless of the Fe3O4 loading, confirming the considerable separation efficiency. Additionally, Fe3O4 loading had a little effect on removal of heavy metal by magnetic zeolite, however, the adsorption capacity still reaches 2.3 mmol g�1 for Cu2+, Pb2+ with a removal efficiency of over 95% in spite of 4.7% Fe3O4 loading. This indicates magnetic zeolite can be used to remove metal heavy at least Cu2+, Pb2+ from water with metallic contaminants and can be separated easily after a magnetic process.


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NaA zeolite membrane was successfully synthesized on a ceramic hollow fiber with an outer diameter of 400 mum, a thickness of 100 mum and an average pore radius of 0.1 mum. The as-synthesized membranes were characterized by XRD, SEM as well as gas permeation. A continuous C NaA zeolite membrane formed after a three-stage synthesis. The membrane thickness was similar to5 mum. Gas permeation data indicated that a relatively high quality NaA zeolite membrane formed on the ceramic hollow fiber support. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.