842 resultados para yeast transformation
Genetic engineering of baker's and wine yeasts using formaldehyde hyperresistance-mediating plasmids
Yeast multi-copy vectors carrying the formaldehyde-resistance marker gene SFA have proved to be a valuable tool for research on industrially used strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The genetics of these strains is often poorly understood, and for various reasons it is not possible to simply subject these strains to protocols of genetic engineering that have been established for laboratory strains of S. cerevisiae. We tested our vectors and protocols using 10 randomly picked baker's and wine yeasts all of which could be transformed by a simple protocol with vectors conferring hyperresistance to formaldehyde. The application of formaldehyde as a selecting agent also offers the advantage of its biodegradation to CO2 during fermentation, i.e., the selecting agent will be consumed and therefore its removal during down-stream processing is not necessary. Thus, this vector provides an expression system which is simple to apply and inexpensive to use
Différentes translocations génomiques sont fréquemment associées à l'apparition de leucémies myéloïdes aiguës (LMA). Ces translocations génomiques résultent de l’assemblage de deux gènes conduisant à la production d'une protéine de fusion. C'est le cas de la translocation t (3; 5) (q25.1; q34) impliquant le suppresseur tumoral NPM et l'oncogène MLF1 donnant naissance à la protéine de fusion NPM-MLF1. Généralement, les gènes impliqués dans ces translocations contrôlent la croissance cellulaire, la différenciation ou la survie cellulaire. Cependant, pour NPM-MLF1 les causes du gain ou de la perte de fonction associée à la translocation demeurent inconnues car nous ne savons pas comment cette translocation peut favoriser ou participer à l'avènement de la LMA. Le but de ce travail est d’analyser le rôle de NPM-MLF1 dans le cancer et d’examiner comment son activité contribue à la leucémie en faisant des études d’interactions protéine/protéine. En effet, l’étude de la fonction d’une protéine implique souvent de connaître ses partenaires d’interactions. Pour ce faire, la technique de double hybride dans la souche de levure AH109 a été utilisée. Tout d’abord, les ADN complémentaires (ADNc) de MLF1, NPM1 et de NPM-MLF1, MLF1-Like (une partie de MLF1 de l’acide aminé 94 à 157) normaux et mutés du domaine MTG8-Like constitué des acides aminés (a.a.) 151 à 164 de MLF1 (excepté NPM) ont été clonés dans un vecteur d'expression de levure pGBKT7. Les ADNc de GFI-1, mSin3A, PLZF, HDAC1 et HDAC3 ont été clonés dans le plasmide pGADT7 de façon à créer des protéines de fusion synthétiques avec le domaine de liaison à l'ADN et de trans-activation de la protéine GAL4. Le plasmide pGBKT7 possède un gène TRP1 et pGADT7 un gène LEU2 qui permettent la sélection des clones insérés dans la levure. Aussi, le pGBKT7 a un épitope c-myc et pGADT7 un épitope HA qui permet de voir l’expression des protéines par buvardage de type Western. Après la transformation des levures les interactions protéine/protéine ont été observées en vérifiant l’expression des gènes rapporteurs HIS3, LacZ, MEL1, ADE2 de la levure en utilisant des milieux de sélection YPD/-Leu/-Trp, YPD/-Leu/-Trp/-His, YPD/-Leu/-Trp/-His/-Ade, YPD/-Leu/-Trp/+ X-Gal, YPD/-Leu/-Trp/ + X-α-Gal. Ensuite, les interactions trouvées par double-hybride ont été vérifiées dans les cellules érythroleucémiques K562 par immuno-précipitation (IP) de protéines suivies de buvardages Westerns avec les anticorps appropriés. NPM-MLF1, MLF1, MTG8, MLF1-Like surexprimés dans les cellules K562 ont été clonés dans le plasmide pOZ-FH-N. pOZ-FH-N possède un récepteur IL-2 qui permet de sélectionner les cellules qui l’expriment ainsi qu’un tag Flag-HA qui permet de voir l’expression des protéines par buvardage-Western. Les résultats du double-hybride suggèrent une interaction faible de NPM-MLF1 avec HDAC1, HDAC3 et mSin3A ainsi qu’une interaction qui semble plus évidente entre NPM-MLF1 et PLZF, GFI-1. NPM interagit avec GFI-1 et mSin3A. Aussi, MLF1 et MLF1-Like interagissent avec HDAC1, HDAC3, GFI-1, PLZF mais pas avec mSin3A. Les IP suggèrent que NPM-MLF1 interagit avec HDAC1, HDAC3, mSin3A et PLZF. MLF1 et MLF1-Like interagissent avec HDAC1, HDAC3 et mSin3A. L’interaction de NPM-MLF1 avec GFI-1, MLF1 et MLF1-Like avec PLZF et GFI-1 n’a pas encore été vérifiée par IP. Ainsi, nos observations permettent de suggérer que NPM-MF1, MLF1 et NPM pourraient jouer un rôle dans la transcription et la régulation de l’expression de certains gènes importants dans l’hématopoïèse et une variété de processus cellulaires parce qu’ils interagissent avec différents corépresseurs. En déterminant les partenaires protéiques de MLF1, NPM et NPM-MLF1, leurs fonctions et comment NPM-MLF1 influence et modifie le fonctionnement cellulaire normal; il sera possible de renverser le processus de LMA favorisé par la t (3; 5) NPM-MLF1 par la technologie d’interférence à l’ARN.
A viewpoint of host-parasite relationships in paracoccidioidomycosis is presented. The characteristics of the fungus which are important to the host-parasite interaction are discussed. Aspects of inhibition of mycelium-to-yeast transformation by estrogens acting at receptors on the fungal wall and in the cytoplasm, and the role of polysaccharide components of the cell wall in virulence are reviewed. The natural mechanisms of host defense are also examined, including phagocytosis, complement system, natural-killer cells and genetic control of resistance and susceptibility. Finally, a discussion of granuloma morphogenesis and its relationship to the humoral and cellular anti-P. brasiliensis immune response is presented.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Mutant forms of the BRCA2 gene contribute significantly to hereditary breast cancer. Isolation of the normal and mutant forms of the BRCA2 gene with its natural promoter would greatly facilitate analysis of the gene and its contribution to breast cancer. We have accomplished the direct isolation of the 90-kb gene from total human DNA by transformation-associated recombination in yeast using a small amount of 5′ and 3′ BRCA2 sequence information. Because the entire isolation procedure of a single chromosomal gene could be accomplished in approximately 2 weeks, the transformation-associated recombination cloning approach is readily applicable to studies of chromosome alterations and human genetic diseases.
Agrobacterium tumefaciens transfers a piece of its Ti plasmid DNA (transferred DNA or T-DNA) into plant cells during crown gall tumorigenesis. A. tumefaciens can transfer its T-DNA to a wide variety of hosts, including both dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants. We show that the host range of A. tumefaciens can be extended to include Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Additionally, we demonstrate that while T-DNA transfer into S. cerevisiae is very similar to T-DNA transfer into plants, the requirements are not entirely conserved. The Ti plasmid-encoded vir genes of A. tumefaciens that are required for T-DNA transfer into plants are also required for T-DNA transfer into S. cerevisiae, as is vir gene induction. However, mutations in the chromosomal virulence genes of A. tumefaciens involved in attachment to plant cells have no effect on the efficiency of T-DNA transfer into S. cerevisiae. We also demonstrate that transformation efficiency is improved 500-fold by the addition of yeast telomeric sequences within the T-DNA sequence.
DNA molecules undergoing transformation into yeast are highly recombinogenic, even when diverged. We reasoned that transformation-associated recombination (TAR) could be employed to clone large DNAs containing repeat sequences, thereby eliminating the need for in vitro enzymatic reactions such as restriction and ligation and reducing the amount of DNA handling. Gently isolated human DNA was transformed directly into yeast spheroplasts along with two genetically marked (M1 and M2) linearized vectors that contained a human Alu sequence at one end and a telomere sequence at the other end (Alu-CEN-M1-TEL and Alu-M2-TEL). Nearly all the M1-selected transformants had yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) containing human DNA inserts that varied in size from 70 kb to > 600 kb. Approximately half of these had also acquired the unselected M2 marker. The mitotic segregational stability of YACs generated from one (M1) or two (M1 and M2) vector(s) was comparable, suggesting de novo generation of telomeric ends. Since no YACs were isolated when rodent DNAs or a vector lacking an Alu sequence was used, the YACs were most likely the consequence of TAR between the repeat elements on the vector(s) and the human DNA. Using the BLUR13 Alu-containing vector, we demonstrated that human DNA could be efficiently cloned from mouse cells that contained a single human chromosome 16. The distribution of cloned DNAs on chromosome 16 was determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization. We propose that TAR cloning can provide an efficient means for generating YACs from specific chromosomes and subchromosome fragments and that TAR cloning may be useful for isolating families of genes and specific genes from total genome DNA.
The genes involved in the biosynthesis of biotin were identified in the hyphal fungus Aspergillus nidulans through homology searches and complementation of Escherichia coli biotin-auxotrophic mutants. Whereas the 7,8-diaminopelargonic acid synthase and dethiobiotin synthetase are encoded by distinct genes in bacteria and the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, both activities are performed in A. nidulans by a single enzyme, encoded by the bifunctional gene bioDA. Such a bifunctional bioDA gene is a genetic feature common to numerous members of the ascomycete filamentous fungi and basidiomycetes, as well as in plants and oömycota. However, unlike in other eukaryota, the three bio genes contributing to the four enzymatic steps from pimeloyl-CoA to biotin are organized in a gene cluster in pezizomycotina. The A. nidulans auxotrophic mutants biA1, biA2 and biA3 were all found to have mutations in the 7,8-diaminopelargonic acid synthase domain of the bioDA gene. Although biotin auxotrophy is an inconvenient marker in classical genetic manipulations due to cross-feeding of biotin, transformation of the biA1 mutant with the bioDA gene from either A. nidulans or Aspergillus fumigatus led to the recovery of well-defined biotin-prototrophic colonies. The usefulness of bioDA gene as a novel and robust transformation marker was demonstrated in co-transformation experiments with a green fluorescent protein reporter, and in the efficient deletion of the laccase (yA) gene via homologous recombination in a mutant lacking non-homologous end-joining activity.
The mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae assigned to complementation group G199 are deficient in mitochondrial respiration and lack a functional cytochrome oxidase complex. Recombinant plasmids capable of restoring respiration were cloned by transformation of mutants of this group with a yeast genomic library. Sequencing indicated that a 2.1-kb subclone encompasses the very end (last 11 amino acids) of the PET111 gene, the COX7 gene and a new gene (YMR255W) of unknown function that potentially codes for a polypeptide of 188 amino acids (about 21.5 kDa) without significant homology to any known protein. We have shown that the respiratory defect corresponding to group G199 is complemented by plasmids carrying only the COX7 gene. The gene YMR255W was inactivated by one-step gene replacement and the disrupted strain was viable and unaffected in its ability to grow in a variety of different test media such as minimal or complete media using eight distinct carbon sources at three pH values and temperatures. Inactivation of this gene also did not affect mating or sporulation
Agrobacterium tumefaciens is widely used for plant DNA transformation and more recently, has also been used to transform yeast, filamentous fungi and even human cells. Using this technique, we developed the first transformation protocol for the saprobic aquatic fungus Blastocladiella emersonii, a Blastocladiomycete localized at the base of fungal phylogenetic tree, which has been shown as a promising and interesting model of study of cellular function and differentiation. We constructed binary T-DNA vectors containing hygromycin phosphotransferase (hph) or enhanced green fluorescent protein (egfp) genes, under the control of Aspergillus nidulans trpC promoter and terminator sequences. 24 h of co-cultivation in induction medium (IM) agar plates, followed by transfer to PYG-agar plates containing cefotaxim to kill Agrobacterium tumefsciens and hygromycin to select transformants, resulted in growth and sporulation of resistant transformants. Genomic DNA from the pool o resistant zoospores were shown to contain T-DNA insertion as evidenced by PCR amplification of hph gene. Using a similar protocol we could also evidence the expression of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) in zoospores derived from transformed cells. This protocol can also open new perspectives for other non-transformable closely related fungi, like the Chytridiomycete class. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background: Cryptococcus neoformans causes meningitis and disseminated infection in healthy individuals, but more commonly in hosts with defective immune responses. Cell-mediated immunity is an important component of the immune response to a great variety of infections, including yeast infections. We aimed to evaluate a specific lymphocyte transformation assay to Cryptococcus neoformans in order to identify immunodeficiency associated to neurocryptococcosis (NCC) as primary cause of the mycosis.Methods: Healthy volunteers, poultry growers, and HIV-seronegative patients with neurocryptococcosis were tested for cellular immune response. Cryptococcal meningitis was diagnosed by India ink staining of cerebrospinal fluid and cryptococcal antigen test (Immunomycol-Inc, SP, Brazil). Isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells were stimulated with C. neoformans antigen, C. albicans antigen, and pokeweed mitogen. The amount of H-3-thymidine incorporated was assessed, and the results were expressed as stimulation index (SI) and log SI, sensitivity, specificity, and cut-off value (receiver operating characteristics curve). We applied unpaired Student t tests to compare data and considered significant differences for p<0.05.Results: The lymphotoxin alpha showed a low capacity with all the stimuli for classifying patients as responders and non-responders. Lymphotoxin alpha stimulated by heated-killed antigen from patients with neurocryptococcosis was not affected by TCD4+ cell count, and the intensity of response did not correlate with the clinical evolution of neurocryptococcosis.Conclusion: Response to lymphocyte transformation assay should be analyzed based on a normal range and using more than one stimulator. The use of a cut-off value to classify patients with neurocryptococcosis is inadequate. Statistical analysis should be based on the log transformation of SI. A more purified antigen for evaluating specific response to C. neoformans is needed.
Background: Cryptococcus neoformans causes meningitis and disseminated infection in healthy individuals, but more commonly in hosts with defective immune responses. Cell-mediated immunity is an important component of the immune response to a great variety of infections, including yeast infections. We aimed to evaluate a specific lymphocyte transformation assay to Cryptococcus neoformans in order to identify immunodeficiency associated to neurocryptococcosis (NCC) as primary cause of the mycosis. Methods: Healthy volunteers, poultry growers, and HIV-seronegative patients with neurocryptococcosis were tested for cellular immune response. Cryptococcal meningitis was diagnosed by India ink staining of cerebrospinal fluid and cryptococcal antigen test (Immunomycol-Inc, SP, Brazil). Isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells were stimulated with C. neoformans antigen, C. albicans antigen, and pokeweed mitogen. The amount of H-3-thymidine incorporated was assessed, and the results were expressed as stimulation index (SI) and log SI, sensitivity, specificity, and cut-off value (receiver operating characteristics curve). We applied unpaired Student t tests to compare data and considered significant differences for p<0.05. Results: The lymphotoxin alpha showed a low capacity with all the stimuli for classifying patients as responders and non-responders. Lymphotoxin alpha stimulated by heated-killed antigen from patients with neurocryptococcosis was not affected by TCD4+ cell count, and the intensity of response did not correlate with the clinical evolution of neurocryptococcosis. Conclusion: Response to lymphocyte transformation assay should be analyzed based on a normal range and using more than one stimulator. The use of a cut-off value to classify patients with neurocryptococcosis is inadequate. Statistical analysis should be based on the log transformation of SI. A more purified antigen for evaluating specific response to C. neoformans is needed.
Die Bioverkapselung ist eine faszinierende Methode, um biologische Materialien einschließlich Zellen in Siliziumdioxid, Metalloxiden oder hybriden Sol-Gel-Polymeren zu immobilisieren. Bisher wurde nur die Sol-Gel-Vorläufertechnologie genutzt, um Bakterien- oder Hefezellen in Siliziumdioxid zu immobilisieren. Hierfür wurden verschiedene Reagenzien als wässrige Vorläufer getestet, um poly(Silicate) auf Biomolekülen (Bhatia et al., 2000) oder Zellen (Liu und Chen 1999; Coradin und Livage, 2007) zu bilden. Einer der erfolgreichsten bisherigen Methoden verwendet eine Mischung aus Silicaten und kolloidalem Silica. Diese initialen Vorläufer werden durch die Zugabe von Salzsäure neutralisiert, was die Gelbildung fortschreiten lässt und die Verkapselung von Bakterien in einem Silica-Netzwerk zur Folge hat (Nassif et al., 2003). Mit der Entdeckung von Silicatein, einem Enzym, das aus Demospongien isoliert wurde und die Bildung von poly(Silicat) katalysiert, wurde es möglich, poly(Silicat) unter physiologischen Bedingungen zu synthetisieren. Silicatein wurde rekombinant in E. coli hergestellt und ist in der Lage, bei Raumtemperatur, neutralem pH-Wert und in wässrigen Puffersystemen aus Siliziumalkoxiden poly(Silicat) zu bilden (Krasko et al., 2000; Müller et al., 2007b; Zhou et al., 1999). In vivo katalysiert Silicatein die Synthese der Silicathülle der Schwamm-Spiculae (Skelettelemente; Müller et al., 2005b; Müller et al., 2007a; Müller et al., 2007b; Schröder et al., 2007a). Dieses Biosilica wurde in Form von Silica-Nanospheren mit Durchmessern zwischen 100 nm und 250 nm organisiert vorgefunden (Pisera 2003; Tahir et al., 2005). Mit dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass Escherichia coli erfolgreich mit dem Silicatein-Gen transformiert werden kann. Das Level der Proteinexpression kann in Anwesenheit von Isopropyl-β-D-thiogalaktopyranosid (IPTG) effizient erhöht werden, indem man die Bakterienzellen gleichzeitig mit Kieselsäure inkubiert. Dieser Effekt konnte sowohl auf Ebene der Synthese des rekombinanten Proteins durch Western Blot als auch durch Immunfluoreszenzmikroskopie nachgewiesen werden. Das heterolog produzierte Silicatein besitzt enzymatische Aktivität und kann die Polymerisation von Kieselsäure katalysieren. Dies konnte sowohl durch Färbung mit Rhodamin123, als auch durch Reaktion der nicht polymerisierten, freien Kieselsäure mit dem ß-Silicomolybdato-Farbsystem (Silicomolybdänblau) nachgewiesen werden. Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen zeigten, dass nur die silicateinexprimierenden Bakterien während des Wachstums in Anwesenheit von Kieselsäure eine viskose Hülle um Zelle herum bilden. Ebenfalls konnte gezeigt werden, dass Silicatein-α aus Suberites domuncula nach Transformation in E. coli an die Zelloberfläche dieser Zellen transportiert wurde und dort seine enzymatische Funktion beibehielt. Die Silicathülle wurde mittels Raster-Elektronenmikroskopie (REM) analysiert. Die Bakterien, die Silicatein exprimierten und poly(Silicat) an ihrer Oberfläche synthetisierten, zeigten die gleichen Wachstumsraten wie die Bakterien, die das Gen nicht enthielten. Schlussfolgernd lässt sich sagen, dass die silicateinvermittelte Verkapselung von Bakterien mit poly(Silicat) die Bandbreite der Anwendung von Bakterien für die Produktion von rekombinanten Proteinen verbessern, erweitern und optimieren könnte.
Human heteromeric amino acid transporters (HATs) play key roles in renal and intestinal re-absorption, cell redox balance and tumor growth. These transporters are composed of a heavy and a light subunit, which are connected by a disulphide bridge. Heavy subunits are the two type II membrane N-glycoproteins rBAT and 4F2hc, while L-type amino acid transporters (LATs) are the light and catalytic subunits of HATs. We tested the expression of human 4F2hc and rBAT as well as seven light subunits in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. 4F2hc and the light subunit LAT2 showed the highest expression levels and yields after detergent solubilization. Co-transformation of both subunits in Pichia cells resulted in overexpression of the disulphide bridge-linked 4F2hc/LAT2 heterodimer. Two sequential affinity chromatography steps were applied to purify detergent-solubilized heterodimers yielding ~1mg of HAT from 2l of cell culture. Our results indicate that P. pastoris is a convenient system for the expression and purification of human 4F2hc/LAT2 for structural studies.
Unique, small sequences (sequence tag sites) have been identified at the 3′ ends of most human genes that serve as landmarks in genome mapping. We investigated whether a single copy gene could be isolated directly from total human DNA by transformation-associated recombination (TAR) cloning in yeast using a short, 3′ unique target. A TAR cloning vector was constructed that, when linearized, contained a small amount (381 bp) of 3′ hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) sequence at one end and an 189-bp Alu repeat at the other end. Transformation with this vector along with human DNA led to selective isolations of the entire HPRT gene as yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) that extended from the 3′ end sequence to various Alu positions as much as 600 kb upstream. These YACs were retrofitted with a NeoR and a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) sequence to transfer the YACs to bacteria and subsequently the BACs to mouse cells by using a Neo selection. Most of the HPRT isolates were functional, demonstrating that TAR cloning retains the functional integrity of the isolated material. Thus, this modified version of TAR cloning, which we refer to as radial TAR cloning, can be used to isolate large segments of the human genome accurately and directly with only a small amount of sequence information.