994 resultados para world mission


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George Cran was the son of a farmer in the parish of Forgue in Aberdeen Shire, Scotland. He became a member of the church at Huntley, Scotland where his devotion to God inspired him to become a Sunday school teacher. He subsequently became a member of the London Missionary Society. In 1801 he was sent to study at the seminary in Gosport, England where he spent two to three years. His desire was to preach Christ to the “heathens”. Messrs. Ringeltaube, Des Granges and Cran were designated to work in India. No ships for the East India Company would grant passage to missionaries due to the open hostility of the government therefore they set sail from Copenhagen on April 20, 1804 and reached Tranquebar on December 5th, 1805. Cran and Des Granges were designated to supervise the churches in Tinnevelly and they were to begin a mission among the northern Circars. This would have meant that they would have to work in two different places which would have separated them by over 500 miles. The society didn’t seem to be aware of the vast hindrances that the missionaries had to face. Cran and Des Granges decided instead to work in Vizagapatam where they were welcomed by many of the European residents. They conducted English services for which they were paid a monthly salary by the governor. They also conducted services for the natives and opened a school for native children. By November of 1806 a mission house had been built and a “charity” school for Eurasian children was opened. Cran and Des Granges were also diligently studying the native language and they began to translate the Bible into Telugu (spoken by the Hindus who live along the lower basins of the Kistna and Godaveri Rivers). In November of 1808 Cran was almost killed by a fever which left him severely weakened. He was only partially recovered, but accepted an invitation by the general who commanded the local district to accompany him on a journey around the province. The journey proved to be too much for Cran and he died on January 6th, 1809. He is buried at Chicacole, India. He is remembered for his successful work at Vizagapatam and his translation of the Bible. The fact that it was 27 years after the arrival of Cran before a single native was converted attests to the fact that this was a very difficult undertaking. The London Missionary Society was formed in 1795 in England by evangelical Anglicans and nonconformists. It is a non-denominational society and now forms part of the Council for World Mission. with information from The Voice of God to the Churches a Sermon on the Death of George Cran, Augustus Des Granges and Jonathan Brain by David Bogue and The History of the London Missionary Society 1795-1895 by Richard Lovett


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No presente estudo sobre o tema Conceito de Missão em John R. W. Stott e C. René Padilla procurei analisar a relação entre proclamação da palavra e ação social contextualizada no Evangelho. Esta dissertação desenvolvida no Programa da Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Religião, pertence à linha de pesquisa Religião, Sociedade e Cultura . A metodologia adotada na coleta de dados foi de uma revisão bibliográfica. O questionamento que norteou a pesquisa foi: qual o conceito de missão mundial em J. Stott e de missão integral em R. Padilla? Com as respostas obtidas, foi realizado um comparativo entre a teologia de ambos. No primeiro capítulo foi apresentado o conceito de missão mundial na teologia de J. Stott. No segundo capítulo, foi apresentado o conceito de missão integral na teologia de R. Padilla. Já no capítulo três, foi realizado um comparativo no qual ficou demonstrado que J. Stott em sua teologia da missão mundial prioriza a proclamação da palavra pela igreja, deixando o serviço de ação social para segundo plano, ao priorizar a necessidade da salvação da alma do pecador que se arrepende, mediante a aceitação Jesus Cristo como seu salvador. Em contrapartida, R. Padilla em sua teologia da missão integral coloca a proclamação da palavra e a prestação de serviço mediante a ação social de forma conjunta e indissociável para concretizar o anúncio do Reino de Deus na sociedade.


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Ce congrès était organisé conjointement par les deux grandes associations de développement de l'aquaculture dans le monde: la World Aquaculture Society (WAS, 2300 membres) et la European Aquaculture Society (EAS, 550 membres). Le précédent s'était tenu à Nice, en mai 2000. Il a rassemblé pendant 5 jours plus de 3000 chercheurs et responsables institutionnels de 95 nationalités. Environ 600 communications orales étaient réparties sur 67 sessions suivant un système de 11 salles en parallèle. Entre les salles de conférence étaient présentés les panneaux des 460 posters. Sur le site, l'exposition commerciale accueillait 135 entreprises et organismes; elle a reçu la visite d'environ 2000 visiteurs dont la moitié d'Italiens (source: EAS). Le thème général du congrès était le lien entre la tradition et la technologie. L'objectif était de montrer que les technologies, dont l'image est ambivalente, constituent un outil remarquable de développement de l'aquaculture, y compris en tenant compte des contraintes de durabilité. En effet, les attentes du citoyen, comme du consommateur, restent centrées autour des notions de qualité, sécurité alimentaire, bien-être et santé animale. Les travaux portaient sur les disciplines classiques de l'aquaculture (nutrition, physiologie, génétique, etc) et leur relation avec les biotechnologies. Il faut souligner l'émergence de thèmes de plus en plus liés la démonstration que l'aquaculture peut s'intégrer dans détruire (capacité de charge d'un écosystème, animaux échappés, etc) et à la perception de la société (perception du consommateur, aquaculture et société, position des ONG écologistes, etc). L'U.E. était très présente avec 5 représentants et une implication marquée dans de plusieurs sessions. Sous différentes formes, ses représentants ont rappelé la volonté de l'UE de continuer à soutenir l'aquaculture, avec l'objectif de poursuivre le développement de ce secteur (4 % de croissance moyenne par an). L'aquaculture devrait générer 8 à 10 000 emplois nouveaux sur les 15 prochaines années, notamment dans la conchyliculture et la pisciculture marine au large avec comme mot clef l'intégration dans l'environnement, dans le tissu socio-économique côtier et dans l'imaginaire des gens, touristes, consommateurs, élus, etc. Ce congrès à vocation mondiale a attiré des représentants de régions habituellement peu représentées comme le Moyen Orient et la Chine, présente à de nombreuses sessions. Il a été aussi le lieu de multiples réunions satellites impliquant presque toujours des chercheurs français: grands programmes européens en cours comme SeaFood+, ASEM (coop. Europe - Asie) ou Consensus, assemblée générale de l'EAS, groupe de travail de l'UICN, etc. Ce type de réunion confirme l'importance des contacts personnels directs pour 1. Evaluer les grandes tendances mondiales du secteur 2. Etablir des contacts directs avec des chercheurs seniors des grandes équipes de recherche et des décideurs au niveau européen et extra-européen 3. Tester des idées et des projets de collaboration et de partenariat Il constitue un forum exceptionnel de diffusion de connaissances, d'informations et de messages. Il offre un espace de perception et de reconnaissance d'Ifremer par de nombreux acteurs de la communauté de recherche en aquaculture. Grâce à la variété thématique des sessions où des chercheurs d'Ifremer sont actifs, l'institut renforce sa notoriété notamment dans la dimension pluridisciplinaire. Cette capacité d'ensemblier est la qualité la plus demandée dans les conclusions d'ateliers et la plus rare dans les instituts présents. Le congrès révèle bien l'évolution de l'aquaculture mondiale: il y a 10 ans, la production de masse était au Sud et la technologie et les marchés au Nord (USA, Europe, Japon). Aujourd'hui, la progression économique et scientifique rapide des pays du Sud, surtout en Asie, crée des marchés locaux .solvables pour l'aquaculture (Chine, Inde) et fait émerger une capacité de recherche « de masse». Cette situation exige que la recherche occidentale évolue pour rester compétitive. Pour préserver un secteur important, qui concourt à la sécurité alimentaire en protéines de manière croissante (4% par an, record de toutes les productions alimentaires), la recherche européenne en aquaculture doit maintenir son effort afin de garder une longueur d'avance, surtout dans les secteurs qui seront vitaux dans la décennie: relations avec l'environnement naturel (durabilité dont la maîtrise des coûts énergétiques), qualité des produits, sécurité alimentaire, intégration socio-économique dans des espaces de plus en plus convoités, maîtrise de l'image de l'espèce « cultivée» (industrielle mais contrôlée) par rapport à l'image de l'espèce « sauvage» (naturelle mais polluée et surexploitée). En conséquence, l'UE conserve tout son potentiel de développement car l'essentiel de la valeur ajoutée sera de moins en moins dans la production en quantité mais dans sa maîtrise de la qualité. Cette évolution donne toute sa valeur à la recherche menée par Ifremer et ce d'autant plus que l'institut sera capable d'anticiper les besoins et les attentes des entreprises, des consommateurs, des associations comme des organisations internationales. Dans cette vision, réactivité, capacité d'ensemblier et réflexion prospective sont les qualités à développer pour que l'lfremer puisse donner toute sa mesure notamment dans la recherche en aquaculture. Ces enjeux sont à l'échelle internationale et Ifremer fait partie du petit nombre d'instituts capables de les traiter en large partenariat, en accord complet avec la politique souhaitée par l'UE


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The diagnosis and treatment for paediatric and congenital cardiac disease has undergone remarkable progress over the last 60 years. Unfortunately, this progress has been largely limited to the developed world. Yet every year approximately 90% of the more than 1,000,000 children who are born with congenital cardiac disease across the world receive either suboptimal care or are totally denied care. While in the developed world the focus has changed from an effort to decrease post-operative mortality to now improving quality of life and decreasing morbidity, which the focus of this Supplement, the rest of the world still needs to develop basic access to congenital cardiac care. The World Society for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery [http://www.wspchs.org/] was established in 2006. The Vision of the World Society is that every child born anywhere in the world with a congenital heart defect should have access to appropriate medical and surgical care. The Mission of the World Society is to promote the highest quality comprehensive care to all patients with pediatric and/or congenital heart disease, from the fetus to the adult, regardless of the patient`s economic means, with emphasis on excellence in education, research and community service. We present in this article an overview of the epidemiology of congenital cardiac disease, the current and future challenges to improve care in the developed and developing world, the impact of the globalization of cardiac surgery, and the role that the World Society should play. The World Society for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery is in a unique position to influence and truly improve the global care of children and adults with congenital cardiac disease throughout the world [http://www.wspchs.org/].


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The creation, reform and/or restructuring of the police in post-conflict societies remains one of the key challenges for practitioners and scholars in the contemporary fields of peace and security, particularly due to the changing nature of conflicts. Since the 1990s the world has witnessed a proliferation of international police missions, with regional organisations gradually acquiring a prominent role. This paper analyses the 2003-2005 period of the European Union Police Mission (EUPM) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Much is at stake in this mission, both in terms of the development of the EU´s external identity but also for Bosnia and Herzegovina’s road to EU membership and sustainable peace. This paper will argue that by 2005 the balance sheet was mixed. EUPM fell short of fulfilling its overall goal of ‘Europeanising’ Bosnian police services, and of its desire to be seen as providing that additional ingredient in police matters that would set it apart from the earlier UN mission. Nevertheless, despite its shortcomings, the Mission did not merit the harsh criticisms it was faced with. Its lack of success was not entirely the Mission’s doing. The paper focuses on three aspects: political and economic viability and sustainability, security levels in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and institution and capacity building. The explanatory framework used in this paper is based on the democratic policing discourse. In doing so the argument developed here will also shed light on the nature of so-called “best European practices” in police matters.


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La Fédération des scouts catholiques de la province de Québec fut fondée en 1935. Elle possédait un objectif exigeant : former des hommes, des chrétiens et des citoyens. Plus encore, elle se proposait de former des chefs aptes à influencer la société canadienne-française. Bien que chapeauté par l’Église catholique, le mouvement scout laissait aux laïcs une place prépondérante. Le scoutmestre (SM) et le chef de patrouille (CP) étaient les deux principaux chefs laïcs de la troupe scoute. Ils étaient respectivement en charge de la troupe (24 à 32 jeunes) et de la patrouille (6 à 8 jeunes). Le CP était lui-même un jeune scout. Par eux transitaient les idéaux et les systèmes de représentation inculqués aux jeunes. Ils devaient être formés adéquatement pour leur charge. Plus que de simples compétences de meneur, leur formation visait à leur transmettre un véritable rapport au monde : l’idéal du chef scout. Ce mémoire examine la méthode scoute prônée par la Fédération, tout en la nuançant avec le vécu de chefs et de jeunes scouts dans quatre troupes outremontaises. L’effet de la Révolution tranquille sur la représentation traditionnelle du chef scoute sera aussi abordé.


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The sparse historical and anthropological research on romantic love in Africa south of the Sahara gives the impression that the phenomenon may merely be of marginal importance. Instead, the reasons for the apparent impossibility to write about love in Africa are largely rooted in its epistemology: Western stereotypes of a continent inhabited by tribal, atavistic people, barely modernised by colonialism or touched by globalisation which introduced romantic love to the world region have been in part responsible for this dearth of academic knowledge, as have recent identity politics and practical concerns that focused research in the area on sexuality. Here, the main argument is that the almost complete silence about love in Africa may be addressed by applying a more inclusive concept of love that embraces ideologies and practices hitherto neglected, such as polygyny, and that expands the one which has been developed by historians of the medieval and early modern periods. This, in turn, enriches the research on the history of love in Western societies.


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Aims. We construct a theoretical model to predict the number of orphan afterglows (OA) from gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) triggered by primordial metal-free (Pop III) stars expected to be observed by the Gaia mission. In particular, we consider primordial metal-free stars that were affected by radiation from other stars (Pop III. 2) as a possible target. Methods. We use a semi-analytical approach that includes all relevant feedback effects to construct cosmic star formation history and its connection with the cumulative number of GRBs. The OA events are generated using the Monte Carlo method, and realistic simulations of Gaia's scanning law are performed to derive the observation probability expectation. Results. We show that Gaia can observe up to 2.28 +/- 0.88 off-axis afterglows and 2.78 +/- 1.41 on-axis during the five-year nominal mission. This implies that a nonnegligible percentage of afterglows that may be observed by Gaia (similar to 10%) could have Pop III stars as progenitors.


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Navigation of deep space probes is most commonly operated using the spacecraft Doppler tracking technique. Orbital parameters are determined from a series of repeated measurements of the frequency shift of a microwave carrier over a given integration time. Currently, both ESA and NASA operate antennas at several sites around the world to ensure the tracking of deep space probes. Just a small number of software packages are nowadays used to process Doppler observations. The Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern (AIUB) has recently started the development of Doppler data processing capabilities within the Bernese GNSS Software. This software has been extensively used for Precise Orbit Determination of Earth orbiting satellites using GPS data collected by on-board receivers and for subsequent determination of the Earth gravity field. In this paper, we present the currently achieved status of the Doppler data modeling and orbit determination capabilities in the Bernese GNSS Software using GRAIL data. In particular we will focus on the implemented orbit determination procedure used for the combined analysis of Doppler and intersatellite Ka-band data. We show that even at this earlier stage of the development we can achieve an accuracy of few mHz on two-way S-band Doppler observation and of 2 µm/s on KBRR data from the GRAIL primary mission phase.


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The EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and its accompanying Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) missions can be tools used to increase the international profile of the European Union. Nevertheless, CSDP missions garner little news coverage. This article argues that the very nature of the missions themselves makes them poor vehicles for EU promotion for political, institutional, and logistical reasons. By definition, they are conducted in the middle of crises, making news coverage politically sensitive. The very act of reporting could undermine the mission. Institutionally, all CSDP missions are intergovernmental, making press statements slow, overly bureaucratic, and of little interest to journalists. Logistically, the missions are often located in remote, undeveloped parts of the world, making it difficult and expensive for European and international journalists to cover. Moreover, these regions in crisis seldom have a thriving, local free press. Using the Aceh Monitoring Mission (AMM) as a case study, the author concludes that although a mission may do good, CSDP missions cannot fulfil the political function of raising the profile of the EU.


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In his mission letter to Arias Cañete, Jean-Claude Juncker asked the designated Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy to focus on further developing EU policy for renewables in order to “be a world leader in this sector” and on promoting the EU Emissions Trading System “to ensure that we reach our climate goals in a cost-effective way”. Furthermore, he would like Alenka Bratušek, the designated Vice-President for Energy Union, to focus on “completing the internal energy market” and on “increasing competition”. In assessing the feasibility and desirability of this remit, this commentary finds these objectives to be very ambitious but more importantly, partially conflicting, given the state of play in EU energy markets.