926 resultados para women in computing


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Many intervention programmes to encourage greater female participation in computer education and careers have been conducted in the last twenty years. These intervention programmes take considerable time, effort and money to design and implement. If success were to be measured by an increase in the percentage of female students undertaking computing courses then these programmes would have to be considered a failure. This paper describes a research project which examined fourteen intervention programmes in detail. From the perspective of the programme champions each of the intervention programmes was considered successful, even when this success was restricted to specific areas or limited to small groups of individuals. Formal evaluation appeared to have been an afterthought rather than a priority of many of the programme champions. Some programmes appeared to be less effective due to the lack of targeted and clear goals or predetermined evaluation criteria. It is recommended that during the initial planning phase for intervention programmes a clear objective is to consider what a successful programme would look like and what the evaluation criteria would be. Further work is needed to understand how intervention programmes can be better designed and evaluated so that their impact and success can be expanded.


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Participation in post-compulsory computing education has declined over recent years, both in the senior years of secondary school and at university. This trend has been observed in most developed countries, despite reported and projected skills shortages in Information Technology (IT) industries. Within the computing education enrollment mix, girls and women continue to be under-represented and recent years have seen female participation fall even more rapidly than that of males. This article reports on findings of an Australian study which explored secondary school students’ beliefs about and attitudes towards computing education and careers in IT. Factors that might discourage girls in particular from pursuing post-compulsory computing education and careers are discussed, along with broader implications for school education in an era when information and communication technologies are an integral part of our daily lives. Findings include the persistence among both boys and girls of inaccurate and outdated views of the field of IT and low expectations of both school IT curricula and pedagogy in terms of their relevance and interest for students. Many of the issues identified as discouraging students in general from pursuing computing education appear to have a greater discouraging effect on girls, and this is compounded by stereotypical views of the field as male-dominated and unwelcoming to women and girls.


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The thesis examined early differences between girls and boys in their attitudes and social behaviour which might help explain why girls and women continue to reject computing. The behaviour of preschool children playing freely for three supervised sessions in either same-gender or mixed-gender pairs with a computerised robot was studied, and then their individual programming performance was measured. Conclusions were that social interaction and computer programming performance were not differentiated by gender. Mixed-gender pairs had a significant effect on both children's style of social interaction and their performance, an impact that was particularly negative for girls.


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The lack of women in the computing industry in Australia, and in many western countries, is a problem that has been recognised by academics, the industry and governments. Over the last 20 years there have been many attempts to redress this gender imbalance via intervention programs aimed at increasing female participation in computing education and ultimately the computing profession. However statistics show no improvement in the rate of participation of females in this industry and anecdotal evidence suggests that these intervention programmes have not been as successful or effective as was anticipated. Evaluation could determine the effectiveness of such programmes yet only limited evaluations appear in the literature about intervention programmes established to encourage females in computing. This research sought to investigate how these types of intervention programmes should be evaluated.


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Many intervention programmes to increase the number of women in theInformation and Communications Technology (ICT) profession have been implemented over the last twenty years. Detailed evaluations help us to determine the effectiveness of these programmes yet few comprehensive evaluations appear in the literature.The research reported here describes an investigation of the evaluation of the intervention programmes focusing on increasing the enrolment and retention of females in ICT in Australia. This paper describes an empirical study which explores how evaluation has been and might be conducted and concludes with guidelines for evaluation for those developing programmes for increasing the participation of women in ICT.The guidelines encourage evaluation to be considered early, highlight the importance of establishing objective outcomes and promote the publication of results to build knowledge for those planning programmes in the future. Further, the developed guidelines could adapted and used with other ICT intervention programs.


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The uneven distribution of women and men in IT employment is often depicted as reflecting adistinction between 'hard' and 'soft' tasks, skills and attributes. This article uses detailed occupational data on professional computing jobs in Australia to examine the extent to which patterns of gender segregation are consistent with such dichotomies. Additionally, we draw on qualitative interview data from aset oforganisational case studies for insights into the ways in which segregation patterns are reproduced and/or reshaped at"the workplace level. While perceptions ofgendered dichotomies were evident among many of our interviewees, overall our analysis shows considerably more complexity, with segregation patterns not necessarily aligned with clear-cut dichotomies and career directions often directly influenced by the organisation ofworking time in particular occupational streams.


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Sex segregation in employment is a phenomenon that can be observed and analysed at different levels, ranging from comparisons between broad classifications by industry or occupation through to finely defined jobs within such classifications. From an aggregate perspective, the contribution of information technology (IT) employment to sex segregation is clear--it remains a highly male-dominated field apparently imbued with the ongoing masculinity of science and technology. While this situation is clearly contrary to hopes of a new industry freed from traditional distinctions between 'men's' and 'women's' work, it comes as little surprise to most feminist and labour studies analysts. An extensive literature documents the persistently masculine culture of IT employment and education (see, among many, Margolis and Fisher 2002; Wajcman 1991; Webster 1996; Wright 1996, 1997), and the idea that new occupations might escape sexism by sidestepping 'old traditions' has been effectively critiqued by writers such as Adam, who notes the fallacy of assuming a spontaneous emergence of equality in new settings (2005: 140).