4 resultados para winegrapes
Mestrado Vinifera Euromaster - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL
. The influence of vine water status was studied in commercial vineyard blocks of Vilis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Franc in Niagara Peninsula, Ontario from 2005 to 2007. Vine performance, fruit composition and vine size of non-irrigated grapevines were compared within ten vineyard blocks containing different soil and vine water status. Results showed that within each vineyard block water status zones could be identified on GIS-generated maps using leaf water potential and soil moisture measurements. Some yield and fruit composition variables correlated with the intensity of vine water status. Chemical and descriptive sensory analysis was performed on nine (2005) and eight (2006) pairs of experimental wines to illustrate differences between wines made from high and low water status winegrapes at each vineyard block. Twelve trained judges evaluated six aroma and flavor (red fruit, black cherry, black current, black pepper, bell pepper, and green bean), thr~e mouthfeel (astringency, bitterness and acidity) sensory attributes as well as color intensity. Each pair of high and low water status wine was compared using t-test. In 2005, low water status (L WS) wines from Buis, Harbour Estate, Henry of Pelham (HOP), and Vieni had higher color intensity; those form Chateau des Charmes (CDC) had high black cherry flavor; those at RiefEstates were high in red fruit flavor and at those from George site was high in red fruit aroma. In 2006, low water status (L WS) wines from George, Cave Spring and Morrison sites were high in color intensity. L WS wines from CDC, George and Morrison were more intense in black cherry aroma; LWS wines from Hernder site were high in red fruit aroma and flavor. No significant differences were found from one year to the next between the wines produced from the same vineyard, indicating that the attributes of these wines were maintained almost constant despite markedly different conditions in 2005 and 2006 vintages. Partial ii Least Square (PLS) analysis showed that leaf \}' was associated with red fruit aroma and flavor, berry and wine color intensity, total phenols, Brix and anthocyanins while soil moisture was explained with acidity, green bean aroma and flavor as well as bell pepper aroma and flavor. In another study chemical and descriptive sensory analysis was conducted on nine (2005) and eight (2006) medium water status (MWS) experimental wines to illustrate differences that might support the sub-appellation system in Niagara. The judges evaluated the same aroma, flavor, and mouthfeel sensory attributes as well as color intensity. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA), principal component analysis (PCA) and discriminate analysis (DA). ANOV A of sensory data showed regional differences for all sensory attributes. In 2005, wines from CDC, HOP, and Hemder sites showed highest. r ed fruit aroma and flavor. Lakeshore and Niagara River sites (Harbour, Reif, George, and Buis) wines showed higher bell pepper and green bean aroma and flavor due to proximity to the large bodies of water and less heat unit accumulation. In 2006, all sensory attributes except black pepper aroma were different. PCA revealed that wines from HOP and CDC sites were higher in red fruit, black currant and black cherry aroma and flavor as well as black pepper flavor, while wines from Hemder, Morrison and George sites were high in green bean aroma and flavor. ANOV A of chemical data in 2005 indicated that hue, color intensity, and titratable acidity (TA) were different across the sites, while in 2006, hue, color intensity and ethanol were different across the sites. These data indicate that there is the likelihood of substantial chemical and sensory differences between clusters of sub-appellations within the Niagara Peninsula iii
El presente trabajo realiza un análisis de la vulnerabilidad de la viticultura en España ante el Cambio Climático que contribuya a la mejora de la capacidad de respuesta del sector vitivinícola a la hora de afrontar los retos de la globalización. Para ello se analiza el impacto que puede tener el Cambio Climático en primer lugar sobre determinados riesgos ocasionados por eventos climáticos adversos relacionados con extremos climáticos y en segundo lugar, sobre los principales índices agro-climáticos definidos en el Sistema de Clasificación Climática Multicriterio Geoviticultura (MCGG), que permiten clasificar las zonas desde un punto de vista de su potencial climático. Para el estudio de las condiciones climáticas se han utilizado los escenarios de Cambio Climático regionalizados del proyecto ESCENA, desarrollados dentro del Plan Nacional de Adaptación al Cambio Climático (PNACC) con el fin de promover iniciativas de anticipación y respuesta al Cambio Climático hasta el año 2050. Como parte clave del estudio de la vulnerabilidad, en segundo lugar se miden las necesidades de adaptación para 56 Denominaciones de Origen Protegidas, definidas por los impactos y de acuerdo con un análisis de sensibilidad desarrollado en este trabajo. De este análisis se desprende que los esfuerzos de adaptación se deberían centrar en el mantenimiento de la calidad sobre todo para mejorar las condiciones en la época de maduración en los viñedos de la mitad norte, mientras que en las zonas de la mitad sur y del arco mediterráneo, además deberían buscar mantener la productividad en la viticultura. Los esfuerzos deberían ser más intensos en esta zona sur y también estarían sujetos a más limitaciones, ya que por ejemplo el riego, que podría llegar a ser casi obligatorio para mantener el cultivo, se enfrentaría a un contexto de mayor competencia y escasez de recursos hídricos. La capacidad de afrontar estas necesidades de adaptación determinará la vulnerabilidad del viñedo en cada zona en el futuro. Esta capacidad está definida por las propias necesidades y una serie de condicionantes sociales y de limitaciones legales, como las impuestas por las propias Denominaciones de Origen, o medioambientales, como la limitación del uso de agua. El desarrollo de estrategias que aseguren una utilización sostenible de los recursos hídricos, así como el apoyo de las Administraciones dentro de la nueva Política Agraria Común (PAC) pueden mejorar esta capacidad de adaptación y con ello disminuir la vulnerabilidad. ABSTRACT This paper analyzes the vulnerability of viticulture in Spain on Climate Change in order to improve the adaptive capacity of the wine sector to meet the diverse challenges of globalization. The risks to quality and quantity are explored by considering bioclimatic indices with specific emphasis on the Protected Designation of Origin areas that produce the premium winegrapes. The Indices selected represents risks caused by adverse climatic events related to climate extremes, and requirements of varieties and vintage quality in the case of those used in the Multicriteria Climatic Classification System. (MCCS). To study the climatic conditions, an ensemble of Regional Climate Models (RCMs) of ESCENA project, developed in the framework of the Spanish Plan for Regional Climate Change Scenarios (PNACC-2012) have been used As a key part of the study of vulnerability risks and opportunities are linked to adaptation needs across the Spanish territory. Adaptation efforts are calculated as proportional to the magnitude of change and according to a sensitivity analysis for 56 protected designations of origin. This analysis shows that adaptation efforts should focus on improving conditions in the ripening period to maintain quality in the vineyards of the northern half of Iberian Peninsula, while in areas of the southern half and in the Mediterranean basin, also should seek to maintain productivity of viticulture. Therefore, efforts should be more intense in the Southern and Eastern part, and may also be subject to other limitations, such as irrigation, which could become almost mandatory to keep growing, would face a context of increased competition and lack of resources water. The ability to meet these needs will determine the vulnerability of the vineyard in each region in the future. This capability is defined also by a number of social factors and legal limitations such as environmental regulations, limited water resources or those imposed by their own Designation of Origin. The development of strategies to ensure sustainable use of water resources and the support schemes in the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) can improve the resilience and thus reduce vulnerability.
La vid silvestre se considera como el ancestro autóctono de las vides cultivadas y una enorme reserva genética en peligro de extinción. La prospección llevada a cabo entre 2003 y 2004 permitió catalogar 51 localizaciones de vides silvestres españolas, la mayoría de ellas ubicadas en riberas de ríos. Estos ejemplares se incluyeron en el Banco de Germoplasma de la Finca "El Encín" (BGVCAM - Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, España). En primer lugar, se caracterizó la cantidad y la distribución de su diversidad genética utilizando 25 loci empleando microsatélites nucleares (SSR). Hemos analizado también la posible coexistencia en el hábitat natural de vides silvestres con vides cultivadas naturalizadas y portainjertos. De este modo, los análisis fenotípicos y genéticos identificaron el 19% de las muestras recogidas como derivadas de genotipos cultivados, siendo, o bien vides cultivadas naturalizadas o genotipos híbridos derivados de cruces espontáneos entre vides silvestres y cultivadas. La diversidad genética de las poblaciones de vides silvestres fue similar a la observada en el grupo de las cultivadas. El análisis molecular mostró que el germoplasma de cultivadas y silvestres es genéticamente divergente con bajo nivel de introgresión. Se ha identificado cuatro grupos genéticos, con dos de ellos fundamentalmente representados por los genotipos de vides cultivadas y dos por las accesiones silvestres. El análisis de los vínculos genéticos entre las vides silvestres y cultivadas podría sugerir una contribución genética de las accesiones silvestres españolas a las actuales variedades occidentales. En segundo lugar, se realizó un profundo estudio morfológico "ex situ " y se contrastaron con los resultados de la caracterización realizada en 182 variedades comerciales españolas de la misma colección. Todos los individuos silvestres mostraron diferencias morfológicas con Vitis vinifera L subsp. vinifera, pero no se encontraron diferencias significativas dentro Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris, ni por localización geográfica ni por sexo. Los resultados de este estudio describen las principales características morfológicas de las vides silvestres españolas y sus rasgos diferenciales con su pariente cultivada. Por último, se analizó la composición antociánica presente en 21 accesiones de vides silvestres de la Península Ibérica conservadas en el BGVCAM de la Finca "El Encín" y seleccionadas basándose en diferencias ampelográficas y caracterización molecular. La concentración de antocianinas es similar la encontrad en vides cultivadas con destino a la vinificación. Las accesiones estudiadas mostraron una variabilidad considerable en su perfil antociánico y fue posible distinguir varios grupos. Sin embargo, la presencia de material silvestre con perfiles antociánicos poco comunes o inexistentes en variedades españolas, sugiere que la variabilidad genética relacionada con antocianinas en poblaciones españolas de vides silvestres podría ser más alta que la de variedades cultivadas comúnmente consideradas de origen español. ABSTRACT The wild grapevine is considered an autochthonous relative of cultivated vines and a huge gene pool endangered in Europe. Prospecting carried out between 2003 and 2004 enabled to inventory 51 Spanish sites with wild grapevines, most of them located near rivers. These individuals were grafted in the collection of "El Encín" (BGVCAM - Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain). Firstly, werw characterized the amount and distribution of their genetic diversity using 25 nuclear SSR loci. We have also analysed the possible coexistence in the natural habitat of wild grapevines with naturalized grapevine cultivars and rootstocks. In this way, phenotypic and genetic analyses identified 19% of the collected samples as derived from cultivated genotypes, being either naturalized cultivars or hybrid genotypes derived from spontaneous crosses between wild and cultivated grapevines. The genetic diversity of wild grapevine populations was similar than that observed in the cultivated group. The molecular analysis showed that cultivated germplasm and wild germplasm are genetically divergent with low level of introgression. We identified four genetic groups, with two of them fundamentally represented among cultivated genotypes and two among wild accessions. The analyses of genetic relationships between wild and cultivated grapevines could suggest a genetic contribution of wild accessions from Spain to current Western cultivars. Secondly, a morphological study was done "ex situ" and were compared with data from 182 Spanish commercial cultivars grown in the same collection. All wild individuals showed morphological differences with Vitis vinifera L. ssp. vinifera but no significant differences were found within Vitis vinifera L subsp. sylvestris neither by geographic origin nor by sex. A pattern with the main characteristics of Spanish wild grapevines is suggested. Ultimately, were investigated the anthocyanin composition of 21 mostly Spanish wild grapevine accessions preserved at BGVCAM "El Encín" and selected in consideration of observed ampelographic differences and molecular characterization. Total anthocyanin concentration was similar to that found in winegrape cultivars. The accessions studied showed considerable variability in their anthocyanin fingerprints and it was possible to distinguish several groups, similar to previous reports on the anthocyanin fingerprint of winegrapes. The anthocyanin composition of wild grapevine accessions was similar to that of cultivated grapes. Nevertheless, the presence of wild accessions with anthocyanin fingerprints uncommon or nonexistent in Spanish cultivated varieties suggests that the genetic variability related to anthocyanins in Spanish wild grapevine populations may be higher than that of cultivated varieties commonly considered of Spanish origin.