930 resultados para window-dressing


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German accounting rules value assets and liabilities asymmetricallyand thus lead to grossly distorted balance sheets. In the interwardebate on a reform of disclosure regulation, financial expertsconsidered the (undisclosed) tax balance sheet, which had to bedrawn up separately for the corporate tax assessment, as a paradigmfor adequate financial disclosure. However, due to tax secrecy thaywere barred from analyzing tax documents. Using archival evidence,we analyze tax balance sheets from which the reliability of disclosedbalance sheets of the interwar period can be assessed. It emergesthat companies overstated their profits in the middand late 1920s,but grossly understated them in the Nazi economy.


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Si le dogme libéral a longtemps mis en avant la nécessité d’un interventionnisme restreint de l’autorité publique définissant post hoc le droit idéal comme un droit absent, cette idéologie semble être amenée à évoluer. Alors que le marché a longtemps été placé comme matrice de la civilisation et que ce phénomène a donné une place essentielle à la finance, différentes initiatives réglementaires françaises, européennes et mondiales remettent en cause ce paradigme et tentent d’encadrer les dérives du capitalisme contemporain axé sur un courttermisme à outrance et une irresponsabilité grandissante. La rémunération variable des opérateurs de marché (les fameux « bonus ») illustre ce phénomène de reflux du droit, un droit qui témoigne d’une collaboration entre acteurs publics et acteurs privés. Toutefois, ce nouveau paysage juridique n’est pas sans critiques. En effet, cette intervention se révèle trop limitée en l’état pour atteindre les ambitions que l’Etat français et ses homologues ne cessent de clamer : l’institution d’un pacte mondial à long terme.


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Si le dogme libéral a longtemps mis en avant la nécessité d’un interventionnisme restreint de l’autorité publique définissant post hoc le droit idéal comme un droit absent, cette idéologie semble être amenée à évoluer. Alors que le marché a longtemps été placé comme matrice de la civilisation et que ce phénomène a donné une place essentielle à la finance, différentes initiatives réglementaires françaises, européennes et mondiales remettent en cause ce paradigme et tentent d’encadrer les dérives du capitalisme contemporain axé sur un court- termisme à outrance et une irresponsabilité grandissante. La rémunération variable des opérateurs de marché (les fameux « bonus ») illustre ce phénomène de reflux du droit, un droit qui témoigne d’une collaboration entre acteurs publics et acteurs privés. Toutefois, ce nouveau paysage juridique n’est pas sans critiques. En effet, cette intervention se révèle trop limitée en l’état pour atteindre les ambitions que l’Etat français et ses homologues ne cessent de clamer : l’institution d’un pacte mondial à long terme.


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Local Agenda 21 seeks the meaningful involvement of a wide range of local groups and stakeholders in the formulation and implementation of public policy and a free flow of communication and discussion between them and their respective local authorities (and other areas and levels of decision-making). This paper explores the reality of this process using case study evidence from local planning practice in Liverpool (in the north of England) and Reading (in the south of the country). It concentrates on the interaction between LA21 groups and local planning authorities around the preparation of local land use plans and other policy initiatives and the day-to-day regulation of development permits. The paper builds on ‘New Institutionalist’ theory to explore the constraints and opportunities for significant transformations in social, political and economic ‘structures’ or ‘ways of doing things’ through the LA21 process. It concludes that the two cases provide evidence of mixed success in achieving such changes in established planning practices.


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The 2014 Graham proposals aimed at reducing recidivism are unlikely to achieve the desired goals. It is argued that due consideration must be had for the future of the rescued entity. Further, both the viability review and the proposed capital structure of the rescued entity must be carefully assessed.


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Corporate social responsibility or CSR is today a widely recognized concept which is receiving in- creasing popularity extremely rapidly, especially in the business world. The pressure on companies to carry out their business practices in ethical manners, which promote the wellbeing of the environment and society, is coming from all directions and all stakeholders. Alstom, a French multinational conglomerate operating in the rail transport and energy industry, is no exception to this norm. This company, which will be used as the case example in this thesis, is being brought to bay in terms of engaging in CSR practices and practicing business with high ethics. It is surely not a negatively conceived phenomenon that CSR is being put on a pedestal – quite the opposite. Instead of corporations practicing CSR only to meet their stakeholder requirements through practicing window dressing, many corporations actually strive to benefit from the practice of corporate social business. In addition to bringing benefit to externals a corporation such as Alstom itself can benefit from being involved in CSR. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the current strategic values and the future perspectives of CSR at Alstom and moreover the added value which the practice of CSR could bring Alstom as a business. A set of perspectives from a futures studies viewpoint is looked at, with critical examination of the company’s current corporate practices as well as the CSR related studies and theories written for corporations. Through this, some solutions and practices will be suggested to Alstom in order for it to fully utilize the potential of corporate social business and the value it can bring in the most probable futures that the company is expected to face. By utilizing the Soft Systems Methodology (SSM), a method mainly used in organizations to solve problematic issues in management and policy contexts, a process is developed to see what improvements could be of help in improving Alstom and its way towards involving CSR in its business practices even more than it currently does. Alstom is already deeply involved in the practicing of CSR and its vision has a strong emphasis on this popular concept of today. In order to stay in the game and to use CSR as a competitive advantage to the company, Alstom ought to embed corporate social practices even deeper in its organizational culture by using them as a tool to reduce risk and costs, increasing employee commitment and customer loyalty and to attract socially responsible investors, just to name a few. CSR as a concept is seen to have great potential in the future, an opportunity Alstom will not miss.


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Please consult the paper edition of this thesis to read. It is available on the 5th Floor of the Library at Call Number: Z 9999 C65 F86 2005


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O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a mudança do desempenho operacional de empresas brasileiras que abriram capital no período de 2004 a 2008, utilizando uma metodologia ainda não usada em estudos que englobem uma amostra ampla de empresas brasileiras. A maioria dos trabalhos pesquisados, tanto brasileiros quanto internacionais, indicam queda do desempenho operacional das empresas após a abertura de capital. Na literatura, vários fatores e teorias são explicam a queda de desempenho operacional das empresas, tais como ampliação dos conflitos de agência, assimetria de informações, market timing, window dressing dos números do balanço pré-IPO, dentre outros. Neste estudo analisamos a performance de 69 empresas que abriram capital no período de 2004 a 2008. Os resultados encontrados permitem inferir que as empresas que abriram capital eram mais eficientes antes do IPO, comparadas a empresas de capital aberto do mesmo setor e tamanho semelhante não sendo possível identificar se houve mudança de desempenho operacional pós-IPO, controlando-se pelo desempenho de empresas similares.


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In the 1970s, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) was discussed by Nobel laureate Milton Friedman in his article “The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits.” (Friedman, 1970). His view on CSR was contemptuous as he referred to it as “hypocritical window-dressing” a reflection of the view of Corporate America on CSR back then. For a long time short-term maximization of shareholder value was the only maxim for top management across industries and companies. Over the last decade, CSR has become a more important and relevant factor of a company’s reputation, shifting the discussion from whether CSR is necessary to how best CSR commitments should be done (Smith, 2003). Inevitably, companies do have an environmental, social and economic impact, thereby imposing social costs on current and future generations. In 2013, 50 of the world biggest companies have been responsible for 73 percent of the total carbon dioxide (CO2) emission (Global 500 Climate Change Report 2013). Post et al. (2002) refer to these social costs as a company’s need to retain its “license to operate”. In the late 1990s, CSR reporting was nearly unknown, which drastically changed during the last decade. Allen White, co-founder of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), said that CSR reporting”… has evolved from the extraordinary to the exceptional to the expected” (Confino, 2013). In confirmation of this, virtually all of the world’s largest 250 companies report on CSR (93%) and reporting by now appears to be business standard (KPMG, 2013). CSR reports are a medium for transparency which may lead to an improved company reputation (Noked, 2013; Thorne et al, 2008; Wilburn and Wilburn, 2013). In addition, it may be used as part of an ongoing shareholder relations campaign, which may prevent shareholders from submitting Environmental and Social (E&S)1 proposals (Noked, 2013), based on an Ernst & Young report 1 The top five E&S proposal topic areas in 2013 were: 1. Political spending/ lobbying; 2. Environmental sustainability; 3. Corporate diversity/ EEO; 4.Labor/ human rights and 5. Animal testing/ animal welfare. Three groups of environmental sustainability proposal topics of sub-category number two (environmental sustainability) 6 2013, representing the largest category of shareholder proposals submitted. PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) even goes as far as to claim that CSR reports are “…becoming critical to a company’s credibility, transparency and endurance.” (PwC, 2013).


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PURPOSE: The objective of this paper is to report the clinical case of a patient who presented a chronic apical periodontitis, arising from internal inflammatory resorption followed by pulp necrosis, and a long-term success of a root canal therapy using calcium hydroxide as root canal dressing. CASE DESCRIPTION: A 20-year-old male patient presented for routine dental treatment. By radiographic examination we noted an extensive radioluscent area, laterally to the permanent maxillary right lateral incisor, with possibility of communication with the lateral periodontium, suggestive of a chronic apical periodontitis. Due to external root resorption detection, we used a calcium hydroxide root canal dressing, changed every 15 days, for a period of 2 months. Root canal filling was performed using gutta-percha cones by lateral condensation technique Radiographic follow up held after 19 years of treatment indicated a periodontium in conditions of normality, with the presence of lamina dura. CONCLUSION: Calcium hydroxide is a suitable material to be used as root canal dressing in teeth with apical periodontitis. Long-term evaluation demonstrated the satisfactory clinical outcome following root canal treatment.


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Objectives: To analyze the effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT), 670 nm, with doses of 4 and 7 J/cm(2), on the repair of surgical wounds covered by occlusive dressings. Background Data: The effect of LLLT on the healing process of covered wounds is not well defined. Materials and Methods: For the histologic analysis with HE staining, 50 male Wistar rats were submitted to surgical incisions and divided into 10 groups (n=5): control; stimulated with 4 and 7 J/cm(2) daily, for 7 and 14 days, with or without occlusion. Reepithelization and the number of leukocytes, fibroblasts, and fibrocytes were obtained with an image processor. For the biomechanical analysis, 25 rats were submitted to a surgical incision and divided into five groups (n=5): treated for 14 days with and without occlusive dressing, and the sham group. Samples of the lesions were collected and submitted to the tensile test. One-way analysis of variance was performed, followed by post hoc analysis. A Tukey test was used on the biomechanical data, and the Tamhane test on the histologic data. A significance level of 5% was chosen (p <= 0.05). Results: The 4 and 7J/cm(2) laser with and without occlusive dressing did not alter significantly the reepithelization rate of the wounds. The 7 J/cm(2) laser reduced the number of leukocytes significantly. The number of fibroblasts was higher in the groups treated with laser for 7 days, and was significant in the covered 4 J/cm(2) laser group. Conclusions: Greater interference of the laser-treatment procedure was noted with 7 days of stimulation, and the occlusive dressing did not alter its biostimulatory effects.


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The existence of a special periodic window in the two-dimensional parameter space of an experimental Chua's circuit is reported. One of the main reasons that makes such a window special is that the observation of one implies that other similar periodic windows must exist for other parameter values. However, such a window has never been experimentally observed, since its size in parameter space decreases exponentially with the period of the periodic attractor. This property imposes clear limitations for its experimental detection.


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We use the recent results on dark matter searches of the 22-string IceCube detector to probe the remaining allowed window for strongly interacting dark matter in the mass range 10(4) < m(X) < 10(15) GeV. We calculate the expected signal in the 22-string IceCube detector from the annihilation of such particles captured in the Sun and compare it to the detected background. As a result, the remaining allowed region in the mass versus cross section parameter space is ruled out. We also show the expected sensitivity of the complete IceCube detector with 86 strings.


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Secondary neurodegeneration takes place in the surrounding tissue of spinal cord trauma and modifies substantially the prognosis, considering the small diameter of its transversal axis. We analyzed neuronal and glial responses in rat spinal cord after different degree of contusion promoted by the NYU Impactor. Rats were submitted to vertebrae laminectomy and received moderate or severe contusions. Control animals were sham operated. After 7 and 30 days post surgery, stereological analysis of Nissl staining cellular profiles showed a time progression of the lesion volume after moderate injury, but not after severe injury. The number of neurons was not altered cranial to injury. However, same degree of diminution was seen in the caudal cord 30 days after both severe and moderate injuries. Microdensitometric image analysis demonstrated a microglial reaction in the white matter 30 days after a moderate contusion and showed a widespread astroglial reaction in the white and gray matters 7 days after both severities. Astroglial activation lasted close to lesion and in areas related to Wallerian degeneration. Data showed a more protracted secondary degeneration in rat spinal cord after mild contusion, which offered an opportunity for neuroprotective approaches. Temporal and regional glial responses corroborated to diverse glial cell function in lesioned spinal cord. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work presents a novel dressing technique that allows the inscription of pre-configurable patterns, or textures, on the grinding wheel surface. An electro-mechanical exciter connected to the dressing tool receives synchronized signal from a control software engraving patterns on the grinding wheel. The dressing and grinding operations were evaluated using the AE mapping technique. The presented applications show the use of textured grinding wheels for better grinding process performance in conventional applications and also for the production of patterned surfaces in order to change its functional performance. The results and analysis allow a better understanding of the grinding mechanism with patterned wheels. With the application of the proposed method it was possible to inscribe different patterns on workpieces and also to increase the grinding performance in conventional applications. (C) 2010 CIRP.