999 resultados para wet attritor milling


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Fibroin protein derived from silk fibres has been extensively studied with exciting outcomes for a number of potential advanced biomaterial applications. However, one of the major challenges in applications lies in engineering fibroin into a  desired form using a convenient production technology. In this paper, fabrication of ultrafine powder from eri silk is reported. The silk cocoons were degummed and the extracted silk fibres were then chopped into snippets prior to attritor and air jet milling. Effects of process control agents, material load and material to water ratio during attritor milling were studied. Compared to dry and dry–wet attritor milling, wet process emerged as the preferred option as it caused less colour change and facilitated easy handling. Ultrafine silk powder with a volume based particle size d(0.5) of around 700 nm could be prepared following the sequence of chopping ➔ wet attritor milling ➔ spray drying ➔ air jet milling. Unlike most reported powder production methods, this method could fabricate silk particles in a short time without any pre-treatment on degummed fibre. Moreover, the size range obtained is much smaller than that previously produced using standard milling devices. Reduction in fibre tenacity either shortened the milling time even further or helped bypassing media milling to produce fine powder directly through jet milling. However, such reduction in fibre strength did not help in increasing the ultimate particle fineness. The study also revealed that particle density and particle morphology could be manipulated through appropriate changes in the degumming process.

Graphical Abstract:  Fabrication of eri silk powder using attritor and jet milling is reported. Volume based particle size d(0.5) of around 700 nm could be prepared following the sequence chopping ➔ wet attritor milling ➔ spray drying ➔ air jet milling. No pre-treatments were used and the particle size range obtained is much smaller than that previously produced using standard milling devices. Particle density morphology could be manipulated through appropriate changes of cocoon degumming conditions.


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Structural changes in intercalated kaolinite after wet ball-milling were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), specific surface area (SSA) and Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The X-ray diffraction pattern at room temperature indicated that the intercalation of potassium acetate into kaolinite causes an increase of the basal spacing from 0.718 to 1.42 nm, and with the particle size reduction, the surface area increased sharply with the intercalation and delamination by ball-milling. The wet ball-milling kaolinite after intercalation did not change the structural order, and the particulates have high aspect ratio according SEM images.


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The present study reports the fabrication of ultra-fine powders from animal protein fibres such as cashmere guard hair, merino wool and eri silk along with their free volume aspects. The respectively mechanically cleaned, scoured and degummed cashmere guard hair, wool and silk fibres were converted into dry powders by a process sequence: Chopping, Attritor Milling, and Spray Drying. The fabricated protein fibre powders were characterised by scanning electron microscope, particle size distribution and positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS). The PALS results indicated that the average free volume size in protein fibres increased on their wet mechanical milling with a decrease in the corresponding intensities leading to a resultant decrease in their fractional free volumes.


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Although tailored wet ball milling can be an efficient method to produce a large quantity of two-dimensional nanomaterials, such as boron nitride (BN) nanosheets, milling parameters including milling speed, ball-to-powder ratio, milling ball size and milling agent, are important for optimization of exfoliation efficiency and production yield. In this report, we systematically investigate the effects of different milling parameters on the production of BN nanosheets with benzyl benzoate being used as the milling agent. It is found that small balls of 0.1-0.2 mm in diameter are much more effective in exfoliating BN particles to BN nanosheets. Under the optimum condition, the production yield can be as high as 13.8% and the BN nanosheets are 0.5-1.5 μm in diameter and a few nanometers thick and of relative high crystallinity and chemical purity. The lubrication properties of the BN nanosheets in base oil have also been studied. The tribological tests show that the BN nanosheets can greatly reduce the friction coefficient and wear scar diameter of the base oil.


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Corn steep liquor is a liquid by-product containing condensed steep water and condensed distillers solubles from a wet corn milling plant. Finishing steers weighing nine hundred and seventy-five pounds were fed cornbased finishing diets containing 0%, 6%, or 12% corn steep liquor for 84 days. Feeding corn steep liquor did not affect performance of the steers or carcass characteristics. Based on value of feeds replaced in the diet, steep liquor had a value of $55 to $60/ton (50% dry matter) when used to replace corn and supplemental protein in a corn-based finishing diet.


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La réduction de la taille des particules jusqu’à l’obtention de nanocristaux est l’une des approches utilisées afin d’améliorer la pénétration cutanée des médicaments à usage topique. Nous proposons que la fabrication d’une formulation semi solide (hydrogel) à base de nanosuspension de docosanol, aboutira à une diffusion du principe actif supérieure à celle du produit commercial Abreva®, à travers des membranes synthétiques de polycarbonates. Le broyage humide est la technique proposée pour la production des nanoparticules de docosanol. Nous proposons aussi la préparation d’une formulation semi-solide (hydrogel) à usage topique à partir de la nanosuspension de docosanol. La nanosuspension de docosanol est obtenue par dispersion du docosanol en solution aqueuse en présence du polymère stabilisant hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC) et du surfactant laurylsulfate de sodium (SDS) suivi d’un broyage humide à faible ou à haute énergie. L’hydrogel de docosanol nanoformulé est préparé à l’aide de la nanosuspension de docosanol qui subit une gélification par le carbopol Ultrez 21 sous agitation mécanique suivie d’une neutralisation au triéthanolamine TEA. La taille des particules de la nanosuspension et de l’hydrogel a été déterminée par diffusion dynamique de la lumière (DLS). Une méthode analytique de chromatographie liquide à haute performance (HPLC) munie d’un détecteur évaporatif (ELSD) a été développée et validée pour évaluer la teneur de docosanol dans les préparations liquides, dans les différentes nanosuspensions et dans les hydrogels de docosanol. L’état de cristallinité des nanocristaux dans la nanosuspension et dans l’hydrogel a été étudié par calorimétrie différentielle à balayage. La morphologie de la nanosuspension et de l’hydrogel de docosanol a été examinée par microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB). Les propriétés rhéologiques et de stabilité physique à différentes températures ont été aussi étudiées pour la formulation semi-solide (hydrogel). De même, la libération in vitro du docosanol contenu dans l’hydrogel et dans le produit commercial Abreva® a été étudiée à travers deux membranes de polycarbonates de taille de pores 400 et 800 nm. Dans le cas de nanosuspensions, des cristaux de docosanol de taille nanométrique ont été produits avec succès par broyage humide. Les nanoparticules de tailles variant de 197 nm à 312 nm ont été produites pour des pourcentages différents en docosanol, en polymère HPC et en surfactant SDS. Après lyophilisation, une augmentation de la taille dépendant de la composition de la formulation a été observée tout en restant dans la gamme nanométrique pour la totalité presque des formulations étudiées. Dans le cas des hydrogels examinés, la taille moyenne des particules de docosanol est maintenue dans la gamme nanométrique avant et après lyophilisation. L’analyse thermique des mélanges physiques, des nanosuspensions et des hydrogels de docosanol a révélé la conservation de l’état de cristallinité des nanocristaux de docosanol après broyage et aussi après gélification. L’examen par microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB) a montré que la nanosuspension et l’hydrogel ont tous deux une morphologie régulière et les nanoparticules ont une forme sphérique. De plus les nanoparticules de la nanosuspension ont presque la même taille inférieure à 300 nm en accord avec le résultat obtenu par diffusion dynamique de la lumière (DLS). Les nanoparticules de l’hydrogel ont une légère augmentation de taille par rapport à celle de la nanosuspension, ce qui est en accord avec les mesures de DLS. D’après les mesures rhéologiques, l’hydrogel de docosanol a un comportement pseudoplastique et un faible degré de thixotropie. L’étude de stabilité physique a montré que les formulations d’hydrogel sont stables à basse température (5°C) et à température ambiante (21°C) pendant une période d’incubation de 13 semaines et instable au-delà de 30°C après deux semaines. La méthode HPLC-ELSD a révélé des teneurs en docosanol comprises entre 90% et 110% dans le cas des nanosuspensions et aux alentours de 100% dans le cas de l’hydrogel. L’essai de diffusion in vitro a montré qu’il y a diffusion de docosanol de l’hydrogel à travers les membranes de polycarbonates, qui est plus marquée pour celle de pore 800 nm, tandis que celui du produit commercial Abreva® ne diffuse pas. Le broyage humide est une technique bien adaptée pour la préparation des nanosuspensions docosanol. Ces nanosuspensions peuvent être utilisée comme base pour la préparation de l’hydrogel de docosanol nanoformulé.


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Hypothèse : Le nanobroyage d'une suspension de nystatine augmentera son efficacité antifongique in vitro et in vivo. Méthode : Une nanosupension de nystatine a été obtenue en utilisant le broyage humide. Elle a été caractérisée pour sa distribution de taille des particules et pour sa teneur en principe actif. L'activité in vitro a été évaluée contre les souches de C. albicans SC5314 et LAM-1 aux concentrations 12.5 μg/mL jusqu'à 5000 μg/mL. L'efficacité in vivo a été évaluée en utilisant un modèle murin de candidose oropharyngée. Résultats : La taille médiane des particules de la nanosuspension de nystatine a été réduite de 6577 nm à 137 nm. L'analyse CLHP a demontré une teneur de 98.7 ± 0.8%. L'activité in vitro de la nanosuspension était supérieure à la suspension aux concentrations 100 μg/mL à 5000 μg/mL. La charge fongique orale était inférieure dans le groupe traité par la nanosuspension comparativement aux autres groupes. La survie des souris était aussi supérieure.


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Developing synthetic methods for graphene based cathode materials, with low cost and in an environmentally friendly way, is necessary for industrial production. Although the precursor of graphene is abundant on the earth, the most common precursor of graphene is graphene oxide (GO), and it needs many steps and reagents for transformation to graphite. The traditional approach for the synthesis of GO needs many chemicals, thus leading to a high cost for production and potentially great amounts of damage to the environment. In this study, we develop a simple wet ball-milling method to construct a V2O5/graphene hybrid structure in which nanometre-sized V2O5 particles/aggregates are well embedded and uniformly dispersed into the crumpled and flexible graphene sheets generated by in situ conversion of bulk graphite. The combination of V2O5 nanoparticles/aggregates and in situ graphene leads the hybrid to exhibit a markedly enhanced discharge capacity, excellent rate capability, and good cycling stability. This study suggests that nanostructured metal oxide electrodes integrated with graphene can address the poor cycling issues of electrode materials that suffer from low electronic and ionic conductivities. This simple wet ball-milling method can potentially be used to prepare various graphene based hybrid electrodes for large scale energy storage applications.


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Yields and starch pasting characteristics obtained from wet milling of maize samples with low and high levels of defect grains were compared to those from sound samples. Defect grain groups ere established taking into account the defect degree. Thus the first group consisted of fermented, molded, heated and sprouted grains and the second of insect damaged. hollow, fermented (up to 1/4) grains and those injured by other causes. The grain groups, if present at low levels in the samples, 10% for first group and 17% for second group did not affect the chemical composition of starch and its pasting properties. obtained by the rapid visco analyser. Samples with high levels of grain groups (up to 100%). affected wet milling yields and starch viscosity. Samples with 100% of grains in the first group decreased starch, germ yield and peak viscosity and increased gluten yield. Samples with 100% of grains in the second group decreased germ and fiber yield but increased starch yield. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An experiment was carried out to determine the chemical composition, metabolizable energy values, and coefficients of nutrient digestibility of corn germ meal for layers. The chemical composition of corn germ meal was determined, and then a metabolism assay was performed to determine its apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and apparent metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen (AMEn) values and its dry matter and gross energy apparent metabolizability coefficients (CAMDM and CAMGE, respectively). In the 8-day assay (four days of adaptation and four days of total excreta collection), 60 29-week-old white Lohman LSL layers were used. A completely randomized experimental design, with three treatments with five replicates of four birds each, was applied. Treatments consisted of a reference diet and two test diets, containing 20 or 30% corn germ meal. Results were submitted to analysis of variance and means were compared by the Tukey tests at 5% probability level. The chemical composition of corn germ meal was: 96.39% dry matter, 49.48% ether extract, 1.87% ashes, 7243 kcal gross energy/kg, 11.48% protein, 0.19% methionine, 0.21% cystine, 0.48% lysine, 0.40% threonine, 0.72% arginine, 0.35% isoleucine, 0.83% leucine, 0.57% valine, and 0.37% histidine, on as-fed basis. There were no statistical differences in AME, AMEn, CAMDM, and CAMGE values with the inclusion of 20 and 30% corn germ meal in the diets. On dry matter basis, AME, AMEn, CAMDM, and CAMGE values of corn germ meal were: 4,578 and 4,548 kcal/kg, 4,723 and 4,372 kcal/kg, 64.95 and 61.86%, respectively.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Grant no. 12060 DPE.


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This thesis investigates the use of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopic methods for rapid measurement of nutrient elements in mill mud and mill ash. Adoption of NIR-based analyses for carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and silicon will allow Australian sugarcane farmers to comply with recent legislative changes, and act within recommended precision farming frameworks. For these analyses, NIR spectroscopic methods surpass several facets of traditional wet chemistry techniques, dramatically reducing costs, required expertise and chemical exposure, while increasing throughput and access to data. Further, this technology can be applied in various modes, including laboratory, at-line and on-line installations, allowing targeted measurement.


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Effect of lactic acid, SO2, temperature, and their interactions were assessed on the dynamic steeping of a Brazilian dent corn (hybrid XL 606) to determine the ideal relationship among these variables to improve the wet-milling process for starch and corn by-products production. A 2x2x3 factorial experimental design was used with SO2 levels of 0.05 and 0.1% (w/v), lactic acid levels of 0 and 0.5% (v/v), and temperatures of 52, 60, and 68degreesC. Starch yield was used as deciding factor to choose the best treatment. Lactic acid added in the steep solution improved the starch yield by an average of 5.6 percentage points. SO2 was more available to break down the structural protein network at 0.1% than at the 0.05% level. Starch-gluten separation was difficult at 68degreesC. The lactic acid and SO2 concentrations and steeping temperatures for better starch recovery were 0.5, 0.1, and 52degreesC, respectively. The Intermittent Milling and Dynamic Steeping (IMDS) process produced, on average, 1.4% more starch than the conventional 36- hr steeping process. Protein in starch, oil content in germ, and germ damage were used as quality factors. Total steep time can be reduced from 36 hr for conventional wet-milling to 8 hr for the IMDS process.