947 resultados para weight perceptions
Résumé Les préoccupations et comportements alimentaires entourant le poids sont omniprésentes chez les jeunes adolescentes et femmes qui habitent dans les cultures occidentales où les formes corporelles sont orientées vers un idéal ultra-mince. L’objectif de cette étude est d’examiner si une plus grande exposition aux endroits faisant la promotion de la minceur est associée à des préoccupations pour le poids plus élevées chez les femmes. Cette étude fait partie d’un projet intitulé ¨Social, cultural, and economic disparities and disordered eating: Understanding the contribution of neighbourhood and individual level factors¨ (Gauvin, Steiger, & Brodeur, 2009). Un échantillon de 1288 femmes âgées entre 20 et 40 ans et résidant à Montréal depuis au moins 12 mois ont répondu à un sondage téléphonique. Des régressions logistiques ont comparé les femmes se situant dans le quintile le plus élevé des préoccupations de poids avec les femmes dans les autres quintiles en fonction de leur exposition 15 jours ou plus dans des endroits faisant la promotion de la minceur. De plus, une analyse de sensibilité a vérifié si l’association demeurait significative à d’autres niveaux d’exposition. Les facteurs confondants ont été contrôlés statistiquement. Les résultats démontrent qu’une fréquentation d’au moins 15 jours par mois d’endroits faisant la promotion de la minceur est associée à des préoccupations plus élevées pour le poids. Aussi, fréquenter ces lieux entre 15 et 20 jours/mois est aussi associé à des préoccupations de poids élevées. Des interventions de santé publique pourraient viser la diminution des pressions socioculturelles vers la minceur.
The purpose of this study was to determine the racial and ethnic differences on body image perceptions and weight concerns of fourth grade girls. A purposive sample of 182 fourth grade girls were eligible to participate, 166 were included in the data analysis. The Children's Eating Attitude Test (ChEAT) and a Dieting and Demographic Questionnaire (DDQ) were used to determine eating attitudes of fourth grade girls. A pictoral instrument that was modified from the original was used to assess body image. Anthropometric data was assessed and body mass index (BMI) values were used to classify subjects into percentiles. Results revealed that 56% of all fourth grade girls studied wanted to be thinner and 53% had tried to lose weight. Significantly more non-Hispanic white (NHW) girls reported wanting to be thinner than non-Hispanic black (NHB) and H girls (65.5% vs.32% and 47%, respectively, P=0.005) No significant racial/ethnic differences were revealed for the ChEAT scores. However, 19% of all subjects studied fell into the category indicative of anorexia nervosa. H girls who were less than the 85" %tile for BMI chose significantly smaller figures as their perceived body image (3.5±0.7) than both NHB and NHW girls (4.0±0.6 and 3.9±0.5, respectively, P<0.01). These findings demonstrated that weight concerns were prevalent among girls ages 9- 11 years. NHW and H girls may have more concerns about their body size and shape than their NHB counterparts. Implementing intervention programs at an early age may prevent eating disorders in adolescence and adulthood.
Thesis (French) including 3 main articles (English)
Sustaining soil fertility is essential to the prosperity of many households in the mid-hills of Nepal, but there are concerns that the breakdown of the traditional linkages between forest, livestock, and cropping systems is adversely affecting fertility. This study used triangulated data from surveys of households, discussion groups, and key informants in 16 wards in eastern and western Nepal to determine the existing practices for soil fertility management, the extent of such practices, and the perception of the direction of changes in soil fertility. The two principal practices for maintaining soil fertility were the application of farmyard manure (FYM) and of chemical fertilizer (mainly urea and diammonium phosphate). Green manuring, in-situ manuring, slicing terrace risers, and burning plant residues are rarely practiced. FYM usage was variable with more generally applied to khet land (average 6053 kg fresh weight manure ha(-1)) than to bari land (average 4185 kg fresh weight manure ha-1) with manure from goats and poultry preferred above that from cows and buffaloes. Almost all households (98%) apply urea to khet land and 87% to bari land, with 45% applying diammonium phosphate to both types of land. Application rates and timings of applications varied considerably both within and between wards suggesting poor knowledge transfer between the research and farming communities. The benefits of chemical fertilizers in terms of ease of application and transportation in comparison with FYM, were perceived to outweigh the widely reported detrimental hardening of soil associated with their continued usage. Among key informants, FYM applied in conjunction with chemical fertilizer was the most popular amendment, with FYM alone preferred more than chemical fertilizer alone - probably because of the latter's long-term detrimental effects. Key informant and householder surveys differed in their perception of fertility changes in the last decade probably because of differences in age and site-specific knowledge. All key informants felt that fertility had declined but among households, only about 40% perceived a decline with the remainder about evenly divided between no change and an increase. Householders with small landholdings (< 0.5 ha) were more likely to perceive increasing soil fertility while those with larger landholdings (> 2 ha) were more likely to perceive declining fertility. Perceived changes in soil fertility were not related to food self-sufficiency. The reasons for the slow spread of new technologies within wards and the poor understanding of optimal use of chemical fertilizers in conjunction with improved quality FYM may repay further investigation in terms of sustaining soil fertility in this region.
In this analysis we connect structural neighborhood conditions to birth outcomes through their intermediate effects on mothers’ perceptions of neighborhood danger and their tendency to abuse substances during pregnancy. We hypothesize that neighborhood poverty and racial/ethnic concentration combine to produce environments that mothers perceive as unsafe, thereby increasing the likelihood of negative coping behaviors (substance abuse). We expect these behaviors, in turn, to produce lower birth weights. Using data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study, a survey of a cohort mothers and children born between 1998 and 2000 in large cities in the United States, we find little evidence to suggest that neighborhood circumstances have strong, direct effects on birth weight. Living in a neighborhood with more foreigners had a positive effect on birth weight. To the extent that neighborhood conditions influence birth weight, the effect mainly occurs through an association with perceived neighborhood danger and subsequent negative coping behaviors. Poverty and racial/ethnic concentration increase a mother’s sense that her neighborhood is unsafe. The perception of an unsafe neighborhood, in turn, associates with a greater likelihood of smoking cigarettes and using illegal drugs, and these behaviors have strong and significant effects in reducing birth weight. However, demographic characteristics, rather than perceived danger or substance abuse, mediate the influence of neighborhood characteristics on birth weight.
Intentional weight loss among overweight and obese adults (body mass index ≥ 25 kg/m2) is associated with numerous health benefits, but weight loss maintenance (WLM) following participation in weight management programming has proven to be elusive. Many individuals attempting to lose weight join formal programs, especially women, but these programs vary widely in focus, as do postprogram weight regain results. We surveyed 2,106 former participants in a community-based, insurance-sponsored weight management program in the United States to identify the pre, during, and post-intervention behavioral and psychosocial factors that lead to successful WLM. Of 835 survey respondents (39.6% response rate), 450 met criteria for inclusion in this study. Logistic regression analyses suggest that interventionists should assess and discuss weight loss and behavior change perceptions early in a program. However, in developing maintenance plans later in a program, attention should shift to behaviors, such as weekly weighing, limiting snacking in the evening, limiting portion sizes, and being physically active every day.
Subjective intergroup beliefs and authoritarianism were assessed in a field study (N=255) of White Australians' anti-Asian stereotyping and prejudice. A social identity analysis of intergroup prejudice was adopted, such that perceptions of the intergroup structure (instability, permeability, legitimacy and higher ingroup status) were proposed as predictors of higher prejudice (blatant and covert) and less favorable stereotyping. Consistent with the social identity approach, both independent and interacting roles for sociostructural predictors of Anti-Asian bias were observed, even after demographic and personality variables were controlled. For example, perceived legitimacy was associated with higher prejudice when White Australians' status position relative to Asian Australians was valued. Moreover, when participants evaluated Whites' position as unstable and high status or legitimate, perceptions of permeable intergroup boundaries were associated with anti-Asian bias. The present findings demonstrate status protection responses in advantaged group members in a field setting, lending weight to the contention that perceptions of sociostructural threat interact to predict outgroup derogation. Implications for theories of intergroup relations are discussed.
This study explored the reasons why young women from low income areas are among those least likely to breastfeed. Focus groups were conducted with 15 health professionals and 11 young, first time mothers were interviewed. Health professionals participating believed that white communities endorsed bottle feeding while Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities, although they accepted breastfeeding more readily, were likely to give prelacteal feeds of non-breast milk and to delay weaning. The interviews with mothers revealed a belief that 'breast is best' but factors intervened in a detrimental way resulting in the decision not to breastfeed or in early cessation. Participating mothers expected breastfeeding to be painful and were preoccupied with feeding and weight gain. The desire to have 'fat bonnie babies' demonstrated the mothers' moral attempts to be perceived as 'good mothers' although their actions went against the knowledge that 'breast is best'. Recommendations include educating health professionals about subcultures in their communities and reversing the misconception that breast milk is insufficient for a baby's healthy development. Promoting breastfeeding must include the crucial message that breast milk contains all the nourishment a baby needs.
Objective: Discrimination can have a negative impact on psychological well-being, attitudes and behaviour. This research evaluates the impact of experiences of weight-based discrimination upon emotional eating and body dissatisfaction, and also explores whether people's beliefs about an ingroup's social consensus concerning how favourably overweight people are regarded can moderate the relationship between experiences of discrimination and negative eating and weight-related cognitions and behaviours. Research methods and procedures: 197 undergraduate students completed measures about their experiences of weight-based discrimination, emotional eating and body dissatisfaction. Participants also reported their beliefs concerning an ingroup's attitude towards overweight people. Results: Recollections of weight-based discrimination significantly contributed to emotional eating and body dissatisfaction. However, the relationships between experiencing discrimination and body dissatisfaction and emotional eating were weakest amongst participants who believed that the ingroup held a positive attitude towards overweight people. Discussion: Beliefs about ingroup social consensus concerning overweight people can influence the relationships between weight-based discrimination and emotional eating and body dissatisfaction. Changing group perceptions to perceive it to be unacceptable to discriminate against overweight people may help to protect victims of discrimination against the negative consequences of weight-based stigma.
The primary purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a single bout of moderate-intensity exercise on acute (ad libitum lunch) post-exercise energy intake (PE-EI) and 12-hour energy intake in normal-weight and overweight sedentary males. Accuracy in estimating energy intake (EI) and energy expenditure (EE), solid vs. liquid carbohydrate intake, mood, and perceived hunger were also assessed. The study consisted of two conditions, exercise and rest, with each subject participating in each condition, in a counterbalanced-crossover design on two days. The participants were randomly assigned to either the exercise or resting (seated) control condition on the first day of the experiment, and then the condition was reversed on the second day. Exercise consisted of walking on a treadmill at moderate-intensity for 60 minutes. Eighty males, mean age 30+8 years were categorized into five groups according to weight status (overweight/normal-weight), dietary restraint status (high/low), and dieting status (yes/no). The main effects of condition and group, and the interaction were not significant for acute (lunch) or 12-hour PE-EI. Overall, participants estimated EE for exercise at 46% higher than actual exercise EE, and they estimated EE for rest by 45% lower than actual resting EE. Participants significantly underestimated EI at lunch on both the exercise and rest days by 43% and 44%, respectively. Participants with high restraint were significantly better at estimating EE on the exercise day, and better at estimating EI on the rest day. Mood, perceived hunger, and solid vs. liquid carbohydrate intake were not influenced by dietary restraint, weight, or dieting status. In conclusion, a single bout of moderate-intensity exercise did not influence PE-EI in sedentary males in reference to dietary restraint, weight, and dieting status. Results also suggested that among sedentary males, there is a general inability to accurately estimate calories for moderate-intensity physical activity and EI. Inaccurate estimates of EE and EI have the potential to influence how males manage their weight.
To analyze the effects of treatment approach on the outcomes of newborns (birth weight [BW] < 1,000 g) with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), from the Brazilian Neonatal Research Network (BNRN) on: death, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), severe intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH III/IV), retinopathy of prematurity requiring surgical (ROPsur), necrotizing enterocolitis requiring surgery (NECsur), and death/BPD. This was a multicentric, cohort study, retrospective data collection, including newborns (BW < 1000 g) with gestational age (GA) < 33 weeks and echocardiographic diagnosis of PDA, from 16 neonatal units of the BNRN from January 1, 2010 to Dec 31, 2011. Newborns who died or were transferred until the third day of life, and those with presence of congenital malformation or infection were excluded. Groups: G1 - conservative approach (without treatment), G2 - pharmacologic (indomethacin or ibuprofen), G3 - surgical ligation (independent of previous treatment). Factors analyzed: antenatal corticosteroid, cesarean section, BW, GA, 5 min. Apgar score < 4, male gender, Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology Perinatal Extension (SNAPPE II), respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), late sepsis (LS), mechanical ventilation (MV), surfactant (< 2 h of life), and time of MV. death, O2 dependence at 36 weeks (BPD36wks), IVH III/IV, ROPsur, NECsur, and death/BPD36wks. Student's t-test, chi-squared test, or Fisher's exact test; Odds ratio (95% CI); logistic binary regression and backward stepwise multiple regression. Software: MedCalc (Medical Calculator) software, version p-values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. 1,097 newborns were selected and 494 newborns were included: G1 - 187 (37.8%), G2 - 205 (41.5%), and G3 - 102 (20.6%). The highest mortality was observed in G1 (51.3%) and the lowest in G3 (14.7%). The highest frequencies of BPD36wks (70.6%) and ROPsur were observed in G3 (23.5%). The lowest occurrence of death/BPD36wks occurred in G2 (58.0%). Pharmacological (OR 0.29; 95% CI: 0.14-0.62) and conservative (OR 0.34; 95% CI: 0.14-0.79) treatments were protective for the outcome death/BPD36wks. The conservative approach of PDA was associated to high mortality, the surgical approach to the occurrence of BPD36wks and ROPsur, and the pharmacological treatment was protective for the outcome death/BPD36wks.
Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) requires strict daily compliance with oral medication and regular blood and bone marrow control tests. The objective was to evaluate CML patients' perceptions about the disease, their access to information regarding the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment, adverse effects and associations of these variables with patients' demographics, region and healthcare access. Prospective cross-sectional study among CML patients registered with the Brazilian Lymphoma and Leukemia Association (ABRALE). CML patients receiving treatment through the public healthcare system were interviewed by telephone. Among 1,102 patients interviewed, the symptoms most frequently leading them to seek medical care were weakness or fatigue. One third were diagnosed by means of routine tests. The time that elapsed between first symptoms and seeking medical care was 42.28 ± 154.21 days. Most patients had been tested at least once for Philadelphia chromosome, but 43.2% did not know the results. 64.8% had had polymerase chain reaction testing for the BCR/ABL gene every three months. 47% believed that CML could be controlled, but 33.1% believed that there was no treatment. About 24% reported occasionally stopping their medication. Imatinib was associated with nausea, cramps and muscle pain. Self-reported treatment adherence was significantly associated with normalized blood count, and positively associated with imatinib. There is a lack of information or understanding about disease monitoring tools among Brazilian CML patients; they are diagnosed quickly and have good access to treatment. Correct comprehension of CML control tools is impaired in Brazilian patients.
Weight loss failure is a widely recognized occurrence following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. This study aims to identify predictors associated with weight loss failure. It is a retrospective cohort which enrolled 187 subjects who underwent RYGB. Comparisons were made between patients' features at baseline and 24 months after surgery. A weight loss failure rate of 11.2% was found. Advanced age and diabetes were statistically associated with failure. The results found were close to previous reports. As weight loss failure represents an important concern, there is the possibility to perform revisional surgeries, which may emphasize the restrictive or malabsorptive characteristics of RYGB, leading to varied results. It is reinforced that weight loss cannot be used as the unique outcome to evaluate the success of surgery.
To assess sexual function (SF) and quality of life (QOL) in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). A cross-sectional study was conducted to assess 56 women with PCOS and 102 control women with regular menstrual cycles. To assess SF and QOL in Brazilian women with PCOS with Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and the WHOQOL-bref questionnaires. Women with PCOS had a worse evaluation to arousal, lubrication, satisfaction, pain and total FSFI, and there was no difference in sexual desire and orgasm. Besides, they had a worse evaluation concerning health status than controls. The body mass index was inversely correlated to the QOL, especially to the physical, psychological, environment aspects and self-assessment of QOL, but it did not show correlation to the SF. Women with PCOS had a worse sexual function and self-assessment of health condition in comparison to controls. The body weight as isolated symptom was correlated to the worsening in quality of life, but not with the worsening of sexual function.
This work presents a study of the association between low molecular weight hyaluronic acid (16 kDa HA) and cationic liposomes composed of egg phosphatidylcholine (EPC), 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (DOPE), and 1,2-dioleoyl-3-trimethylammonium-propane (DOTAP). The cationic liposome/HA complexes were evaluated to determine their mesoscopic structure, average size, zeta potential, and morphology as a function of the amount of HA in the system. Small angle X-ray scattering results revealed that neighboring cationic liposomes either stick together after a partial coating of low concentration HA or disperse completely in excess of HA, but they never assemble as multilamellar vesicles. Cryo-transmission electron microscopy images confirm the existence of unilamellar vesicles and large aggregates of unilamellar vesicles for HA fractions up to 80% (w/w). High concentrations of HA (> 20% w/w) proved to be efficient for coating extruded liposomes, leading to particle complexes with sizes in the nanoscale range and a negative zeta potential.