996 resultados para weather changes


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The impact of climate change on fungal growth and spore production is less well documented than for allergenic pollen grains, although similar implications for respiratory tract diseases in humans occur. Fungal spores are commonly described as either “dry” or “wet” according to the type of weather associated with their occurrence in the air. This study examined the distribution of selected fungal spores (Alternaria spp., Cladosporium spp., Didymella spp., Epicoccum spp., Leptosphaeria spp. and rusts) occurring in the West Midlands of UK during 2 years of contrasting weather. Spore specimens were collected using a 7-day volumetric air sampler and then analysed with the aid of light microscopy. Distributions of spores were then studied using normality tests and Mann–Whitney U test, while relationships with meteorological parameters were investigated using Spearman’s rank test and angular-linear correlation for wind direction analysis. Our results showed that so-called wet spores were more sensitive to the weather changes showing statistically significant differences between the 2 years of study, in contrast to “dry” spores. We predict that in following years we will observe accelerated levels in allergenic fungal spore production as well as changes in species diversity. This study could be a starting point to revise the grouping system of fungal spores as either “dry” or “wet” types and their response to climate change


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This article presents a visual servoing system to follow a 3D moving object by a Micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (MUAV). The presented control strategy is based only on the visual information given by an adaptive tracking method based on the colour information. A visual fuzzy system has been developed for servoing the camera situated on a rotary wing MAUV, that also considers its own dynamics. This system is focused on continuously following of an aerial moving target object, maintaining it with a fixed safe distance and centred on the image plane. The algorithm is validated on real flights on outdoors scenarios, showing the robustness of the proposed systems against winds perturbations, illumination and weather changes among others. The obtained results indicate that the proposed algorithms is suitable for complex controls task, such object following and pursuit, flying in formation, as well as their use for indoor navigation


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Changing environments present a number of challenges to mobile robots, one of the most significant being mapping and localisation. This problem is particularly significant in vision-based systems where illumination and weather changes can cause feature-based techniques to fail. In many applications only sections of an environment undergo extreme perceptual change. Some range-based sensor mapping approaches exploit this property by combining occasional place recognition with the assumption that odometry is accurate over short periods of time. In this paper, we develop this idea in the visual domain, by using occasional vision-driven loop closures to infer loop closures in nearby locations where visual recognition is difficult due to extreme change. We demonstrate successful map creation in an environment in which change is significant but constrained to one area, where both the vanilla CAT-Graph and a Sum of Absolute Differences matcher fails, use the described techniques to link dissimilar images from matching locations, and test the robustness of the system against false inferences.


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As emissões atmosféricas têm sido consideradas por especialistas, poder público, iniciativa privada e organizações ambientalistas, um dos maiores impactos ambientais que o planeta vem enfrentando. Neste contexto estão tanto as fontes estacionárias quanto as fontes móveis. Ao mesmo tempo em que se lançam na atmosfera milhões de toneladas de poluentes a cada ano através da indústria, o homem procura soluções alternativas através de fontes de energia limpa. Adicionalmente, procura-se ao diminuir as emissões das fontes fixas exercer melhor controle e tratamento. Apresenta-se nesse trabalho, a possibilidade da implementação de ações que visem minimizar o impacto causado pelas caldeiras geradoras de energia, em especial as que operam com queimadores convencionais. Experimentou-se um procedimento capaz de ser utilizado de imediato pelas indústrias, antes mesmo de se implementar inovações tecnológicas, que demandam tempo e recursos. Desta forma, pode-se reduzir, de maneira imediata, o volume de poluentes lançados diariamente na atmosfera, em especial o monóxido de carbono, CO, os óxidos de nitrogênio, NOx, e o material particulado, MP. Objetivou-se atingir um nível de emissões capaz de minimizar o custo do dano, sem perder a eficiência da combustão. Apresenta-se ainda a base metodológica de um modelo, utilizando-se a lógica difusa, como forma de se obter um controle e confiabilidade na gestão das emissões.


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Os crescentes alertas sobre as mudanças climáticas e suas consequências vêm preocupando a sociedade de modo geral. Geram dúvidas sobre as reais modificações que podem ser ocasionadas, principalmente com relação aos efeitos da elevação do nível médio dos oceanos e seus efeitos nas regiões costeiras. Por vezes, as informações veiculadas contribuem para uma percepção limitada da extensão espaço-temporal dos fenômenos. Em paralelo, a democratização de mapas 2D e 3D está cada vez mais ampla, não sendo mais uma ferramenta direcionada apenas aos profissionais ligados à área da Cartografia e demais Geociências. Este é um dos enormes benefícios proporcionados pela Cartografia Digital. Porém, não teria tanto alcance sem a associação das informações a um poderoso veículo de divulgação como a Web. A Internet é um dos meios de comunicação mais democráticos do mundo e uma ferramenta de grande alcance na sociedade. O uso dessas ferramentas pode ser ainda mais explorado para a construção do conhecimento, permitindo aos cidadãos entenderem mais facilmente um determinado fenômeno por meio da sua visualização/simulação em tempo real. Isto melhora a formação de opinião e o posicionamento da sociedade sobre o caso em questão. Com base nessa argumentação, esta dissertação tem o objetivo de simular cenários de elevações do nível médio do mar e disponibilizá-los em formato de mapas interativos na Web utilizando um Modelo Digital de Elevação suficientemente acurado. Para isto, a área de estudo escolhida foi a Praia do Leme, situada no município do Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Os processos para atingir os objetivos envolveram etapas de coleta de dados de campo, confecção de um banco de dados integrado a dados pré-existentes, interpolações, simulação de cenários da elevação do nível do mar e implementação de uma página Web. Os cenários investigados foram obtidos por simulações de elevações do nível do mar a cada 0,5m até 4,0m acima da cota atual. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a Praia do Leme sofrerá modificações geomorfológicas, com perda de até 18,0m da praia, para uma elevação do nível médio do mar de 2,0m. Entretanto, a orla litorânea sofrerá impactos significativos a partir de uma elevação do nível do mar de 3,0m, em que o avanço planimétrico do mar pode ficar entre 76 e 90m, o que atingiria o calçadão e a região do emissário de águas pluviais do Leme, respectivamente. Isto resultaria em um volume adicional de água na praia de, aproximadamente, 106.000m3 e uma perda de até 41.400m3 de areia. Somente a partir de 3,5m de elevação, o mar atingiria a Avenida Atlântica, sendo que, desta altitude em diante, todo o bairro do Leme seria gradualmente inundado pelo avanço do mar.


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O meio ambiente, habitat natural do ser humano, tem sido degradado com tamanha velocidade que o planeta já não é mais capaz de renovar suas reservas naturais. A mudança climática é sentida nas alterações do tempo, tendo como exemplo as calamidades ocorridas constantemente em diversos países, envolvendo furacões, enchentes e aquecimento global. Este estudo objetiva investigar como são formados os créditos de carbono, suas implicações contábeis e gerenciais e propor uma forma de contabilização desses créditos nas Demonstrações Contábeis das empresas. As abordagens, envolvendo energias renováveis e limpas, visando reduzir a escala de monóxido de carbono que é jogado na atmosfera do planeta, têm sido uma constante no cenário mundial, envolvendo o acordo firmado em Kyoto e suas normatizações impostas às grandes economias, ou seja, os grandes poluidores. A partir do ano de 2008, com a convergência às Normas Internacionais de Contabilidade no Brasil, torna-se imperioso desbravar essa fronteira que envolve o tema mudança climática, elucidando a contabilização dos créditos de carbono. A metodologia utilizada foi a revisão bibliográfica. Os resultados demonstram que as poucas normas contábeis existentes não atendem nem normatizam o assunto de forma a elucidá-lo. Visando responder este questionamento e mitigar o descaso das empresas pelo assunto, buscaram-se vários trabalhos na literatura atual, que serviram de base para um modelo proposto de contabilização e evidenciação dos valores ambientais.


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African coastal regions are expected to experience the highest rates of population growth in coming decades. Fresh groundwater resources in the coastal zone of East Africa (EA) are highly vulnerable to seawater intrusion. Increasing water demand is leading to unsustainable and ill-planned well drilling and abstraction. Wells supplying domestic, industrial and agricultural needs are or have become, in many areas, too saline for use. Climate change, including weather changes and sea level rise, is expected to exacerbate this problem. The multiplicity of physical, demographic and socio-economic driving factors makes this a very challenging issue for management. At present the state and probable evolution of coastal aquifers in EA are not well documented. The UPGro project 'Towards groundwater security in coastal East Africa' brings together teams from Kenya, Tanzania, Comoros Islands and Europe to address this knowledge gap. An integrative multidisciplinary approach, combining the expertise of hydrogeologists, hydrologists and social scientists, is investigating selected sites along the coastal zone in each country. Hydrogeologic observatories have been established in different geologic and climatic settings representative of the coastal EA region, where focussed research will identify the current status of groundwater and identify future threats based on projected demographic and climate change scenarios. Researchers are also engaging with end users as well as local community and stakeholder groups in each area in order to understanding the issues most affecting the communities and searching sustainable strategies for addressing these.


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In this paper, we focus on the effects of weather, such as sunshine, as an exogenous shifter of happiness using happiness data at the individual level, and estimate sunshine as a predictor of happiness. Then we relate the predicted happiness to risk-taking. By doing so, we estimate a relationship, stronger than a simple correlation, between happiness and risky behavior. Weather changes, and sunshine in particular, have substantial influences on personal happiness. However, unexpected weather changes appear to be more important than expected changes for happiness. We include several risk measures such as subjective risk-taking and financial assets in our analysis. Happier people appear to be more risk-averse in general and more specifically in financial decisions, and choose accordingly safer investments. This might be explained by the fact that happy people take more time for making decisions and have more self-control. In addition, predicted happiness affects expectations about longevity and inflation. Happy people expect to live longer and accordingly seem more concerned about the future than the present, and expect less inflation.


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This paper addresses the topics required for the selection of surge arresters used, the output of autotransformers, which protect the system Auxiliary Services (SE) of an electrical substation. Surge arresters used are part of the Protection System Lightning (SPDA). Transmission lines mostly run through regions with orographic well diversified and have constant weather changes, which lead to many undesirable interactions with electromagnetic phenomena, such as giving rise to blackout on 10 November 2009, which left nine states without power, which led to unplanned shutdowns in the system that left millions of people without electricity. This work of completion is to determine whether the method used in the selection of surge arresters meet the protection needs faced by a substation auxiliary services, through the use of software use ATPDraw


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This article presents a novel system and a control strategy for visual following of a 3D moving object by an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle UAV. The presented strategy is based only on the visual information given by an adaptive tracking method based on the color information, which jointly with the dynamics of a camera fixed to a rotary wind UAV are used to develop an Image-based visual servoing IBVS system. This system is focused on continuously following a 3D moving target object, maintaining it with a fixed distance and centered on the image plane. The algorithm is validated on real flights on outdoors scenarios, showing the robustness of the proposed systems against winds perturbations, illumination and weather changes among others. The obtained results indicate that the proposed algorithms is suitable for complex controls task, such object following and pursuit, flying in formation, as well as their use for indoor navigation


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This article presents a visual servoing system to follow a 3D moving object by a Micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (MUAV). The presented control strategy is based only on the visual information given by an adaptive tracking method based on the colour information. A visual fuzzy system has been developed for servoing the camera situated on a rotary wing MAUV, that also considers its own dynamics. This system is focused on continuously following of an aerial moving target object, maintaining it with a fixed safe distance and centred on the image plane. The algorithm is validated on real flights on outdoors scenarios, showing the robustness of the proposed systems against winds perturbations, illumination and weather changes among others. The obtained results indicate that the proposed algorithms is suitable for complex controls task, such object following and pursuit, flying in formation, as well as their use for indoor navigation


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El triatlón es un deporte combinado en el que sin solución de continuidad se hace un tramo de nado, en aguas abiertas, seguido por uno de ciclismo, para terminar en carrera a pie. Las distancias son muy variadas, aunque la que nos importa en esta tesis es la de-nominada olímpica: 1.500 metros nadando, 40 km en bicicleta y 10 km en carrera a pie. Es un deporte joven, nació a finales de los 80 y es olímpico solo desde los JJ. OO. de Sídney 2000. Sin embargo, esta juventud le ha hecho crecer con fuerza y con muchas ganas de conocerse por dentro a sí mismo. La elección de este deporte se debe, entre otros factores, a la afinidad personal como entrenador del equipo nacional en dos JJ. OO. Por otro lado, al ser un deporte que se desarrolla al aire libre hace que sus par-ticipantes estén expuestos a los cambios climáticos, por lo que la adaptación a los mismos es un factor que juega a favor de la mejora del rendimiento. Cuando la temperatura del agua donde se nada es baja se permite la utilización de un traje especial de neopreno que aísla de dicha temperatura. Ambos elementos, neopreno y clima, están directamente relacionados con el resultado final de la prueba. El objetivo de la presente investigación es demostrar cómo la utilización del neo-preno influye en el resultado final de la misma y cómo las condiciones de calor también tienen una clara influencia en el resultado de la competición de élite femenino en triatlón olímpico de élite internacional. Realizado el análisis de los resultados de la competición de máximo nivel internacional entre 2005 y 2014 (382) participantes y 2.500 participaciones, claramente, los resultados obtenidos determinan que el uso del neopreno hace que la natación sea más rápida y que el calor influye negativamente en el ritmo de carrera a pie. ABSTRACT Triathlon is a combined sport consisting on open water swimming, cycling and running, one after the other with no stops. Distance of the segments can vary, however this thesis will be focus in the called olympic distance: 1.500 meters swimming, 40 km cycling and 10 km running. It´s a relatively new sport, born in the final 80´s, and olympic since Sydney Olympic Games in 2000. Nevertheless, it´s growing fast and there´s a high inte¬rest in knowing all the aspects of it. The choice of triathlon is due, between other reasons, to the special personal affi¬nity with the sport, coming from being the principal trainer of the Spanish Na¬tional Team in two different Olympic Games (Sydney 2000 and Athens 2004). As an outdoor sport, participants are exposed to weather changes and their adaptation to them plays a role in the final performance. When the water tem-perature in the swimming section is bellow certain degrees (20º C in the case of the olympic distance), a special isolation wetsuit is allowed for swimming. Both elements, weather and wetsuit, are related with the final results. Main goal of this paper is to show the influence of the use of wetsuits in the final results, and how hot weather clearly impacts the result of the female elite races in olympic triathlon. Results from highest performance competitions between 2005 and 2014 has been analysed. 382 participants and 2.500 participations. Results show clearly that the use of a wetsuit makes swimming faster and high temperature makes running slower.


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Ecuador se ubica en zona de riesgo para la llegada del Fenómeno del Niño, por lo que es necesario estar informados sobre este tema y diferenciar que es la Corriente del Niño (corriente cálida del Pacífico Sudamericano) y el Niño-Oscilación del Sur (patrón climático en el que se producen oscilaciones de la temperatura en dos fases: el Fenómeno del Niño y La Niña). En los años 1997-1998 este fenómeno afectó el 60% del total de la población, con un impacto muy alto en la salud de la ciudadanía, así como en la propiedad pública privada y en diversos ecosistemas. Ante la amenaza en el periodo 2015-2016, la Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos (SGR) planificó tres etapas de acción: Preparación, Respuesta y Rehabilitación. Luego de la revisión los autores recomiendan entre otras cosas: brindar información oportuna sobre los cambios meteorológicos, informar sobre los planes de contingencia, garantizar la seguridad alimentaria y el acceso al agua; y fortalecer la atención integral que proveen los Servicios de Salud