921 resultados para waterjet conditioning


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Työn tavoitteena oli uudentyyppisen hiontaprosessin ohjausjärjestelmän kehittäminen ja testaaminen UPM-Kymmene Kaukaan hiomossa. Uuden ohjausjärjestelmän perusajatuksena oli pitää yksittäistä hiomakiveä jatkuvasti optimaalisessa toimintapisteessä, ja hiomon kaikilla koneilla pyrittiin samaan kivenalusmassan laatuun. Uutta ohjaustapaa kutsuttiin Optimum operating point -strategiaksi (OOPS). Hiomakiven pitäminen optimaalisessa toimintapisteessä tapahtui pääosin vesiteräyskäsittelyllä, jonka intensiteettiä ohjasi asiantuntijajärjestelmä (AI-järjestelmä). Lisäksi testattiin ohjelmoidun anturan nopeussäädön vaikutusta hiomakoneen resurssien käyttöön. AI-järjestelmä päätteli vesiteräyskäsittelyn tarpeellisuuden CSF-mallin ja hiomakoneen resurssien perusteella. Seurannasta saatujen tulosten perusteella AI-järjestelmän käyttöönotto vesiteräyskäsittelyssä paransi tuotannon ja massan laadun tasaisuutta. Hiomakoneiden resurssien havaittiin pienenevän puunsyöttölinjan mukaisesti. Paksummat pöllit kerääntyvät linjan päähän, jolloin varsinkin hydrauliikkapaineiden tarve lisääntyy linjan päässä olevilla hiomakoneilla. Hiomakoneen resurssit saatiin paremmin käyttöön kuormittamalla konetta ohjelmoidulla anturan nopeussäädöllä (ONS) kuin vakioidulla anturan nopeussäädöllä (VNS). Kuitenkin hydraulipaineresurssien puutteellisuus rajoitti koeajon aikana ONS:n toimintaa. Resursseja ei optimoitu koeajon aikana, koska kiven pinnan haluttiin pysyvän mahdollisimman stabiilina. Kivelle ei suoritettu mekaanista käsittelyä, vaikka kivenpinnan massan kuljetuskapasiteetin havaittiin olevan huono. AI-järjestelmä otettiin ohjaamaan vesiteräyskäsittelyä vasta ONS - VNS -koeajon jälkeen. Mekaanisen rullateräyksen jälkeen massan ominaisuudet muuttuivat, koska kiven pinnan terävät särmät katkoivat kuituja alentaen massan sitoutumiskykyä. Heti rullakäsittelyn jälkeen mitattu CSF saattoi jopa alentua huomattavasti, mutta AI-järjestelmän laskema CSF nousi selvästi indikoiden energian ominaiskulutuksen (EOK) laskua. Muutaman päivän hionnan jälkeen mitattu ja laskettu CSF saavuttivat saman tason.


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Mechanically evoked reflexes have been postulated to be less sensitive to presynaptic inhibition (PSI) than the H-reflex. This has implications on investigations of spinal cord neurophysiology that are based on the T-reflex. Preceding studies have shown an enhanced effect of PSI on the H-reflex when a train of ~10 conditioning stimuli at 1 Hz was applied to the nerve of the antagonist muscle. The main questions to be addressed in the present study are if indeed T-reflexes are less sensitive to PSI and whether (and to what extent and by what possible mechanisms) the effect of low frequency conditioning, found previously for the H-reflex, can be reproduced on T-reflexes from the soleus muscle. We explored two different conditioning-to-test (C-T) intervals: 15 and 100 ms (corresponding to D1 and D2 inhibitions, respectively). Test stimuli consisted of either electrical pulses applied to the posterior tibial nerve to elicit H-reflexes or mechanical percussion to the Achilles tendon to elicit T-reflexes. The 1 Hz train of conditioning electrical stimuli delivered to the common peroneal nerve induced a stronger effect of PSI as compared to a single conditioning pulse, for both reflexes (T and H), regardless of C-T-intervals. Moreover, the conditioning train of pulses (with respect to a single conditioning pulse) was proportionally more effective for T-reflexes as compared to H-reflexes (irrespective of the C-T interval), which might be associated with the differential contingent of Ia afferents activated by mechanical and electrical test stimuli. A conceivable explanation for the enhanced PSI effect in response to a train of stimuli is the occurrence of homosynaptic depression at synapses on inhibitory interneurons interposed within the PSI pathway. The present results add to the discussion of the sensitivity of the stretch reflex pathway to PSI and its functional role.


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Dental roots that have been exposed to the oral cavity and periodontal pocket environment present superficial changes, which can prevent connective tissue reattachment. Demineralizing agents have been used as an adjunct to the periodontal treatment aiming at restoring the biocompatibility of roots. OBJECTIVE: This study compared four commonly used demineralizing agents for their capacity of removing smear layer and opening dentin tubules. METHODS: Fifty fragments of human dental roots previously exposed to periodontal disease were scaled and randomly divided into the following groups of treatment: 1) CA: demineralization with citric acid for 3 min; 2) TC-HCl: demineralization with tetracycline-HCl for 3 min; 3) EDTA: demineralization with EDTA for 3 min; 4) PA: demineralization with 37% phosphoric acid for 3 min; 5) Control: rubbing of saline solution for 3 min. Scanning electron microscopy was used to check for the presence of residual smear layer and for measuring the number and area of exposed dentin tubules. RESULTS: Smear layer was present in 100% of the specimens from the groups PA and control; in 80% from EDTA group; in 33.3% from TC-HCl group and 0% from CA group. The mean numbers of exposed dentin tubules in a standardized area were: TC-HCl=43.8±25.2; CA=39.3±37; PA=12.1±16.3; EDTA=4.4±7.5 and Control=2.3±5.7. The comparison showed significant differences between the following pairs of groups: TC-HCl and Control; TC-HCl and EDTA; CA and Control; and CA and EDTA. The mean percentages of area occupied by exposed dentin tubules were: CA=0.12±0.17%; TC-HCl=0.08±0.06%; PA=0.03±0.05%; EDTA=0.01±0.01% and Control=0±0%. The CA group differed significantly from the others except for the TC-HCl group. CONCLUSION: There was a decreasing ability for smear layer removal and dentin tubule widening as follows: AC>TC-HCl>PA>EDTA. This information can be of value as an extra parameter for choosing one of them for root conditioning.


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Classical and operant conditioning principles, such as the behavioral discrepancy-derived assumption that reinforcement always selects antecedent stimulus and response relations, have been studied at the neural level, mainly by observing the strengthening of neuronal responses or synaptic connections. A review of the literature on the neural basis of behavior provided extensive scientific data that indicate a synthesis between the two conditioning processes based mainly on stimulus control in learning tasks. The resulting analysis revealed the following aspects. Dopamine acts as a behavioral discrepancy signal in the midbrain pathway of positive reinforcement, leading toward the nucleus accumbens. Dopamine modulates both types of conditioning in the Aplysia mollusk and in mammals. In vivo and in vitro mollusk preparations show convergence of both types of conditioning in the same motor neuron. Frontal cortical neurons are involved in behavioral discrimination in reversal and extinction procedures, and these neurons preferentially deliver glutamate through conditioned stimulus or discriminative stimulus pathways. Discriminative neural responses can reliably precede operant movements and can also be common to stimuli that share complex symbolic relations. The present article discusses convergent and divergent points between conditioning paradigms at the neural level of analysis to advance our knowledge on reinforcement.


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RWMODEL II simulates the Rescorla-Wagner model of Pavlovian conditioning. It is written in Delphi and runs under Windows 3.1 and Windows 95. The program was designed for novice and expert users and can be employed in teaching, as well as in research. It is user friendly and requires a minimal level of computer literacy but is sufficiently flexible to permit a wide range of simulations. It allows the display of empirical data, against which predictions from the model can be validated.


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Fear-potentiated startle is a well-established measure of emotional learning in nonhuman animals. In humans, startle potentiation in anticipation of an aversive unconditional stimulus (US) has been interpreted as reflecting the same emotional process. This interpretation was supported by previous failures to fmd startle potentiation in anticipation of nonaversive USs, reactiontime tasks. The present research questions these results. Experiment 1 found startle-potentiation in anticipation of an aversive US, which resulted in increased dislike of the conditional stimulus (CS), and in anticipation of a nonaversive US, which did not affect CS valence. Experiment 2 replicated the latter finding, indicating that provision of performance feedback enhanced the salience of the reaction time task USs and thus anticipatory startle potentiation. The present results pose problems for the interpretation of fmdings of potentiated startle in human-aversive conditioning as reflecting emotion. Rather, startle potentiation during aversive and non-aversive conditioning may reflect the attentional processes known to occur during human-associative learning.


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Estrogen deficiency has been associated with stress, anxiety and depression. Estrogen receptors have been identified in the median raphe nucleus (MRN). This structure is the main source of serotonergic projections to the hippocampus, a forebrain area implicated in the regulation of defensive responses and in the resistance to chronic stress. There is reported evidence indicating that estrogen modulates 5-HT(1A) receptor function. In the MRN, somatodendritic 5-HT(1A) receptors control the activity of serotonergic neurones by negative feedback. The present study has evaluated the effect of intra-MRN injection of estradiol benzoate (EB, 600 or 1200 ng/0.2 mu l) on the performance of ovariectormized rats submitted to contextual conditioning. Additionally, the same treatment was given after intra-MRN injection of Way 100635 (100 ng/0.2 mu l). a 5-HT(1A) receptor antagonist. Both doses of EB decreased freezing and increased rearing, indicating an anxiolytic effect. Pretreatment with Way 100635 antagonized the anxiolytic effect of estradiol. On the basis of these results, it may be suggested that estrogens modulate anxiety by acting on 5-HT(1A) receptors localized in the MRN. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The involvement of dopamine (DA) mechanisms in the nucleus accumbens (NAC) in fear conditioning has been proposed by many studies that have challenged the view that the NAC is solely involved in the modulation of appetitive processes. However, the role of the core and shell subregions of the NAC in aversive conditioning remains unclear. The present study examined DA release in these NAC subregions using microdialysis during the expression of fear memory. Guide cannulae were implanted in rats in the NAC core and shell. Five days later, the animals received 10 footshocks (0.6 mA, 1 s duration) in a distinctive cage A (same context). On the next day, dialysis probes were inserted through the guide cannulae into the NAC core and shell subregions, and the animals were behaviorally tested for fear behavior either in the same context (cage A) or in a novel context (cage B). Dialysates were collected every 5 min for 90 min and analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. The rats exhibited a significant fear response in cage A but not in cage B. Moreover, increased DA levels in both NAC subregions were observed 5-25 min after the beginning of the test when the animals were tested in the same context compared with accumbal DA levels from rats tested in the different context. These findings Suggest that DA mechanisms in both the NAC core and shell may play an important role in the expression of contextual fear memory. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The inferior colliculus (IC) is primarily involved in the processing of acoustic stimuli, being in a position to send auditory information to motor centers that participate in behaviors such as prey catching and predators` avoidance The role of the central nucleus of the IC (CIC) on fear and anxiety has been suggested on the basis that rats are able to engage in tasks to decrease the aversiveness of CIC stimulation, increased Fos immunolabeling during diverse aversive states and increased CIC auditory evoked potentials (AEP) induced by conditioned fear stimuli Additionally it was shown that brainstem AEP, represented by wave V, for which the main generator is the IC, is increased during experimentally induced anxiety Rats segregated according to their low or high emotional reactivity have been used as an important tool in the study of fear and anxiety The IC contains a high density of GABA receptors Since the efficacy of an anxiolytic compound is a function of the animal`s anxiety level, it is possible that GABA-benzodiazepine (Bzp) agents affect LA and HA animals differently In this study we investigated the GABA-Bzp influence on the modulation of AEP in rats with low (LA) or high-anxiety (HA) levels, as assessed by the elevated plus maze test (EPM) GABA-Bzp modulation on the unconditioned AEP response was analyzed by using intra CIC injections (0 2 mu l) of the GABA-Bzp agonists muscimol (121 ng) and diazepam (30 mu g) or the GABA inhibitors bicuculline (10 ng) and semicarbazide (7 mu g) In a second experiment, we evaluate the effects of contextual aversive conditioning on AEP using foot shocks as unconditioned stimuli On the unconditioned fear paradigm GABA inhibition in creased AEP in LA rats and decreases this measure in HA counterparts Muscimol was effective in reducing AEP in both LA and HA rats Contextual fear stimuli increased the magnitude of AEP In spite of no effect obtained with diazepam in LA rats the drug inhibited AEP in HA animals The specificity of the regulatory mechanisms mediated by GABA Bzp for the ascending neurocircuits responsible for the acquisition of aversive information in LA and HA animals shed light on the processing of sensory information underlying the generation of defensive reactions (C) 2010 IBRO Published by Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved


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Sprague Dawley rats were submitted to bilateral ventral hippocampus lesions 7 days after birth. This corresponds to the Lipska and Weinberger`s procedure for modeling schizophrenia. The aim of the present work was to test the learning capacity of such rats with an associative Pavlovian and an instrumental learning paradigm, both methods using reward outcome (food, sucrose or polycose). The associative paradigm comprised also a second learning test with reversed learning contingencies. The instrumental conditioning comprised an extinction test under outcome devaluation conditions. Neonatally lesioned rats, once adults (over 60 days of age), showed a conditioning deficit in the associative paradigm but not in the instrumental one. Lesioned rats remained able to adapt as readily as controls to the reversed learning contingency and were as sensitive as controls to the devaluation of outcome. Such observations indicate that the active access (instrumental learning) to a reward could have compensated for the deficit observed under the ""passive"" stimulus-reward associative learning condition. This feature is compared to the memory management impairments observed in clinical patients. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Vieira RP, de Andrade VF, Duarte AC, dos Santos AB, Mauad T, Martins MA, Dolhnikoff M, Carvalho CR. Aerobic conditioning and allergic pulmonary inflammation in mice. II. Effects on lung vascular and parenchymal inflammation and remodeling. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 295: L670-L679, 2008. First published August 29, 2008; doi: 10.1152/ajplung.00465.2007.-Recent evidence suggests that asthma leads to inflammation and remodeling not only in the airways but also in pulmonary vessels and parenchyma. In addition, some studies demonstrated that aerobic training decreases chronic allergic inflammation in the airways; however, its effects on the pulmonary vessels and parenchyma have not been previously evaluated. Our objective was to test the hypothesis that aerobic conditioning reduces inflammation and remodeling in pulmonary vessels and parenchyma in a model of chronic allergic lung inflammation. Balb/c mice were sensitized at days 0, 14, 28, and 42 and challenged with ovalbumin ( OVA) from day 21 to day 50. Aerobic training started on day 21 and continued until day 50. Pulmonary vessel and parenchyma inflammation and remodeling were evaluated by quantitative analysis of eosinophils and mononuclear cells and by collagen and elastin contents and smooth muscle thickness. Immunohistochemistry was performed to quantify the density of positive cells to interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4, IL-5, interferon-gamma, IL-10, monocyte chemotatic protein (MCP)-1, nuclear factor (NF)-kappa B p65, and insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I. OVA exposure induced pulmonary blood vessels and parenchyma inflammation as well as increased expression of IL-4, IL-5, MCP-1, NF-kappa B p65, and IGF-I by inflammatory cells were reduced by aerobic conditioning. OVA exposure also induced an increase in smooth muscle thickness and elastic and collagen contents in pulmonary vessels, which were reduced by aerobic conditioning. Aerobic conditioning increased the expression of IL-10 in sensitized mice. We conclude that aerobic conditioning decreases pulmonary vascular and parenchymal inflammation and remodeling in this experimental model of chronic allergic lung inflammation in mice.


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The present study aimed to demonstrate conditioned inhibition of Pavlovian conditioning of autonomic responses in humans. Subjects (N = 21) were presented initially with four geometric shapes (A, B, C and D). An electric shock served as the unconditioned stimulus (US) during acquisition. Conditional stimuli lasted for 8 s and US onset coincided with CS offset. Subjects were trained with A-US, C-US, and AC-US pairings and AB alone and B alone presentations. The subsequent summation test consisted of C-US pairings and CB alone and CD alone presentations. Conditioning was evident in self-reported US expectancy and first and second interval electrodermal responses. Evidence for conditioned inhibition during the summation test was found in US expectancy and second interval electrodermal responses. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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In rats, phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) activity was found to be increased in the hippocampus immediately after training and retrieval of a contextual fear conditioning paradigm (step-down inhibitory avoidance [IA] task). In the present study we investigated whether PLA(2) is also activated in the cerebral cortex of rats in association with contextual fear learning and retrieval. We observed that IA training induces a rapid (immediately after training) and long-lasting (3 h after training) activation of PLA(2) in both frontal and parietal cortices. However, immediately after retrieval (measured 24 h after training), PLA(2) activity was increased just in the parietal cortex. These findings suggest that PLA(2) activity is differentially required in the frontal and parietal cortices for the mechanisms of contextual learning and retrieval. Because reduced brain PLA(2) activity has been reported in Alzheimer disease, our results suggest that stimulation of PLA(2) activity may offer new treatment strategies for this disease.


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The ventral portion of medial prefrontal cortex (vMPFC) is involved in contextual fear-conditioning expression in rats. In the present study, we investigated the role of local N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) glutamate receptors and nitric oxide (NO) in vMPFC on the behavioral (freezing) and cardiovascular (increase of arterial pressure and heart rate) responses of rats exposed to a context fear conditioning. The results showed that both freezing and cardiovascular responses to contextual fear conditioning were reduced by bilateral administration of NMDA receptor antagonist LY235959 (4 nmol/200 nL) into the vMPFC before reexposition to conditioned chamber. Bilateral inhibition of neuronal NO synthase (nNOS) by local vMPFC administration of the N omega-propyl-L-arginine (N-propyl, 0.04 nmol/200 nL) or the NO scavenger carboxy-PTI0 (1 nmol/200 A) caused similar results, inhibiting the fear responses. We also investigated the effects of inhibiting glutamate- and NO-mediated neurotransmission in the vMPFC at the time of aversive context exposure on reexposure to the same context. It was observed that the 1st exposure results in a significant attenuation of the fear responses on reexposure in vehicle-treated animals, which was not modified by the drugs. The present results suggest that a vMPFC NMDA-NO pathway may play an important role on expression of contextual fear conditioning.