992 resultados para water collection


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Social organization enables leaf-cutting ants to keep appropriate micro-ecological nest conditions for the fungus garden (their main food), eggs, larvae and adults. To maintain stability while facing changing conditions, individual ants must perceive destabilising factors and produce a proper behavioral response. We investigated behavioral responses to experimental dehydration in leaf-cutting ants to verify if task specialization exists, and to quantify the ability of ant sub-colonies for water management. Our setup consisted of fourteen sub-colonies, ten of which were randomly assigned to different levels of experimental dehydration with silica gel, whereas the remaining four were controls. The ten experimental sub-colonies were split into two groups, so that five of them had access to water. Diverse ant morphs searched for water in dehydrated colonies, but mainly a caste of small ants collected water after sources had been discovered. Size specialization for water collection was replicable in shorter experiments with three additional colonies. Ants of dehydrated colonies accumulated leaf-fragments on the nest entrance, and covering the fungus garden. Behaviors that may enhance humidity within the nests were common to all dehydration treatments. Water availability increased the life span of dehydrated colonies.


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In this work the influence of the anhtropogenic activities in the uptake of metals at a reservoir for public water supply in Araraquara City, São Paulo State, Brazil was studied. For this, the distribution of Cr, Ni, Cu, Cd and Pb in sediments collected from Anhumas reservoir, at seven sampling points and at three depths for each point was investigated. The pseudo-total and available metals contained in the different sediment samples were assessed using an ICP-AES technique. Among the five metals studied, cadmium possesses the largest relative potential availability, with percentages of 20 to 98% for the three different sediment types. In addition, the following decreasing availability order was characterized: Cd > Cu > Pb > Ni > Cr.


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We describe a previously unreported behavior for water collection in juveniles of a neotropical viperid snake. Bothrops moojeni. When sprayed over, this snake displays a stereotyped coiling, bringing its body loops in close contact with each other, so that water is retained between the loops and over the body surface. This water is continuously ingested during and after its collection. The functional significance of the water collecting behavior is suggested to be related with the acquisition of water from short rainfalls, and with the special climatic and geologic conditions of B. moojeni habitat. Rates of evaporative water loss did not differ between juvenile and adult snakes, but since juveniles have a greater surface-to-volume ratio, they were significantly more sensitive to desiccation than the adults.


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Fog is a potential source of water that could be exploited using the innovative technology of fog collection. Naturally, the potential of fog has proven its significance in cloud forests that are thriving from fog interception. Historically, the remains of artificial structures in different countries prove that fog has been collected as an alternative and/or supplementary water source. In the beginning of the 19th century, fog collection was investigated as a potential natural resource. After the mid-1980s, following success in Chile, fog-water collection commenced in a number of developing countries. Most of these countries are located in arid and semi-arid regions with topographic and climatic conditions that favour fog-water collection. This paper reviews the technology of fog collection with initial background information on natural fog collection and its historical development. It reviews the climatic and topographic features that dictate fog formation (mainly advection and orographic) and the innovative technology to collect it, focusing on the amount collected, the quality of fog water, and the impact of the technology on the livelihoods of beneficiary communities. By and large, the technology described is simple, cost-effective, and energy-free. However, fog-water collection has disadvantages in that it is seasonal, localised, and the technology needs continual maintenance. Based on the experience in several countries, the sustainability of the technology could be guaranteed if technical, economic, social, and management factors are addressed during its planning and implementation.


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In this work was studied the distribution of Cr, Ni, Cu, Cd and Pb in humic fractions with different molecular size. The HS were extracted from waters (AHS), surface sediments (HESS), interface water sediment (HSIS) and bottom sediment (HSBS) collected in the Anhumas surface water collection reservoir, located in the district of Araraquara - São Paulo State Brazil. The humic substances were extracted by procedures recommended by International Humic Substances Society (IHSS). After purification by dialysis, the humic substances were fractionated using a multistage tangential flow ultrafiltration system. The fractionation patterns of HS characterized a mass distribution relatively uniform among the fractions with different molecular sizes, with larger values in the fractions F-2 (20.8%) and F-4 (23.8%), Except for the ions Pb(II) and Cu(II), which presented relatively higher concentrations in the fractions F-2 and F-4, respectively. In general, chromium, nickel, cadmium and lead have similar distributions in the five fractions with larger and medium molecular sizes (F-1 to F-5). With relation to the mass distributions in the different humic substances fractions extracted from sediment samples collected at three depth, they presented 42-48% of HS in the fractions with larger molecular sizes (F-1 and F-2), 29-31% in the middle fractions (F-3 and F-4) and 13-20% in the fractions with smaller molecular sizes (F-5 and F-6). In general, the metallic ions presented distributions similar among the respective fractions F-1 to F-6, Exceptions for Pb(II) and M(II) in surface sediment with concentrations relatively smaller in the fractions F-2 and F-4, respectively,


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Freshwater use is a major concern in the mass production of algae for biofuels. This project examined the use of canal water obtained from the Everglades Agricultural Area as a base medium for the mass production of algae. This water is not suitable for human consumption, and it is currently used for crop irrigation. A variety of canals were found to be suitable for water collection. Comparison of two methods for algal production showed no significant difference in biomass accumulation. It was discovered that synthetic reticulated foam can be used for algal biomass collection and harvest, and there is potential for its application in large-scale operations. Finally, it was determined that high alkaline conditions may help limit contaminants and competing organisms in growing algae cultures.


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No Estado do Rio de Janeiro, a atividade de transporte rodoviário de produtos perigosos foi responsável por aproximadamente 40% dos atendimentos a emergências realizados pela FEEMA (hoje INEA) nos últimos anos. Dentre as diversas rotas de tráfego desses produtos, destaca-se a rodovia Presidente Dutra que percorre as imediações dos rios Paraíba do Sul e Guandu, e seus principais afluentes. A exposição a riscos ambientais da ETA Guandu é, portanto, bastante alta, pois compreende a Bacia do rio Paraíba do Sul, a montante da transposição, bem como a Bacia do rio Guandu, a montante do ponto de captação da Cedae (área de influência da ETA Guandu). Este trabalho identifica riscos de acidentes ambientais associados ao transporte terrestre de produtos perigosos em parte da área territorial de influência da ETA Guandu, buscando fornecer subsídios para a elaboração de um plano de contingência das Bacias dos rios Paraíba do sul e Guandu. A ETA Guandu, que abastece cerca de 9 milhões de habitantes da RMRJ, capta águas do rio Guandu que, por sua vez, depende principalmente das águas transpostas do rio Paraíba do Sul e do rio Piraí, situados em outra bacia hidrográfica. Além de um mapeamento de pontos de alta e média gravidade das principais rodovias e ferrovias na área de influência da ETA Guandu, a principal contribuição deste estudo foi a identificação de vários trechos de alto risco de acidentes ambientais ao longo da rodovia Presidente Dutra, em território fluminense, que podem efetivamente comprometer a qualidade das águas dos rios Paraíba do Sul e Guandu.


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This paper examines the significance of seventeen later Bronze Age wells found during construction at Swalecliffe, in north-east Kent. The unusual depth of the features made for exceptional preservation of wooden structural elements, including steps and revetments, demonstrating rare evidence for woodworking and woodmanship. Extensive biological remains facilitated environmental reconstruction, and a lengthy dendrochronological sequence corroborates the internationally important Flag Fen chronology. Dendrochronological and radiocarbon dates demonstrate around 500 years of seemingly continuous use and replacement of wells. Votive deposits and apparatus used for water collection provide glimpses of small-scale ritual and domestic activities. The highly unusual concentration of wells is compared to contemporary sites regionally and elsewhere.


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Trophallaxis, the transfer of liquid among individuals by oral regurgitation or anal deposition, occurs in many insect groups including ants. The first indication that trophallaxis could occur in leaf cutting ants (Atta sexdens rubropilosa) was made by Autuori in 1942. He reported water collection by this ant species, and highlighted what in those days was an undescribed behavior for this species. In 2005, Da-Silva and Ribeiro presented preliminary results suggesting the existence of trophallaxis in A. sexdens rubropilosa. Here we report on a formal test of the hypothesis of trophallaxis in that species. Our approach was to test ant pairs in which only one individual (Group I) had access to blue-dyed water and the other individual (Group II), a nest-mate, came from a colony dehydrated by offering dry crushed corn for fungal growth. Positive results for trophallaxis were obtained in ants from four colonies and accounted for 33%-46% of all tests in which ants from Group I drank dyed water. These results indicate that trophallaxis occurs in this species.


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Research in pursuit of an effective response to the demands for a sustainable architecture has lead towards the conception of a Renewable, Adaptive, Recyclable and Environmental (R.A.R.E.) building typology. The term R.A.R.E. expresses issues that have assumed central importance in the current architectural debate. This paper establishes the principles of the typology, drawing on the contents and pedagogical methods applied in a building technology academic course, at fourth year level. The R.A.R.E methodology is presented to and explored by students in the search for a definition of an innovative architecture, which is both progressive and sustainable. The unit is structured into eight subjects: Sustainable Site & Climate Analysis; Flexible & Adaptive Structural Systems; Renewable & Environmental Building Materials; Modular Building Systems; Innovative Building Envelope Systems; Renewable & Non-conventional Energy Systems; Innovative Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning Systems; Water Collection & Storage Systems. Through a holistic and integrated approach, the unit presents a comprehensive overview of these ‘Sustainable Building Categories’, so that the students can produce a guide towards the design requirements of a Renewable, Adaptive, Recyclable and Environmental (R.A.R.E.) Architecture.


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Thin porous materials that can spontaneously transport oil fluids just in a single direction have great potential for making energy-saving functional membranes. However, there is little data for the preparation and functionalities of this smart material. Here, we report a novel method to prepare one-way oil-transport fabrics and their application in detecting liquid surface tension. This functional fabric was prepared by a two-step coating process to apply flowerlike ZnO nanorods, fluorinated decyl polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes, and hydrolyzed fluorinated alkylsilane on a fabric substrate. Upon one-sided UV irradiation, the coated fabric shows a one-way transport feature that allows oil fluid transport automatically from the unirradiated side to the UV-irradiated surface, but it stops fluid transport in the opposite direction. The fabric still maintains high superhydrophobicity after UV treatment. The one-way fluid transport takes place only for the oil fluids with a specific surface tension value, and the fluid selectivity is dependent on the UV treatment time. Changing the UV irradiation time from 6 to 30 h broadened the one-way transport for fluids with surface tension from around 22.3 mN/m to a range of 22.3-56.7 mN/m. We further proved that this selective one-way oil transport can be used to estimate the surface tension of a liquid simply by observing its transport feature on a series of fabrics with different one-way oil-transport selectivities. To our knowledge, this is the first example to use one-way fluid-transport materials for testing the liquid surface tension. It may open up further theoretical studies and the development of novel fluid sensors.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA