951 resultados para waste water sludge
This article describes an effective procedure for reducing the water content of excess sludge production from a wastewater treatment plant by increasing its concentration and, as a consequence, minimizing the volume of sludge to be managed. It consists of a pre-dewatering sludge process, which is used as a preliminary step or alternative to the thickening. It is made up of two discontinuous sequential stages: the first is resettling and the second, filtration through a porous medium. The process is strictly physical, without any chemical additives or electromechanical equipment intervening. The experiment was carried out in a pilot-scale system, consisting of a column of sedimentation that incorporates a filter medium. Different sludge heights were tested over the filter to verify the influence of hydrostatic pressure on the various final concentrations of each stage. The results show that the initial sludge concentration may increase by more than 570% by the end of the process with the final volume of sludge being reduced in similar proportions and hydrostatic pressure having a limited effect on this final concentration. Moreover, the value of the hydrostatic pressure at which critical specific cake resistance is reached is established.
A two-stage thermophilic-mesophilic anaerobic digestion pilot-plant was operated solely on waste activated sludge (WAS) from a biological nutrient removal (BNR) plant. The first-stage thermophilic reactor (HRT 2 days) was operated at 47, 54 and 60 degrees C. The second-stage mesophilic digester (HRT 15 days) was held at a constant temperature of 36-37 degrees C. For comparison with a single-stage mesophilic process, the mesophilic digester was also operated separately with an HRT of 17 days and temperature of 36-37 degrees C. The results showed a truly thermophilic stage (60 degrees C) was essential to achieve good WAS degradation. The lower thermophilic temperatures examined did not offer advantages over single-stage mesophilic treatment in terms of COD and VS removal. At a thermophilic temperature of 60 degrees C, the plant achieved 35% VS reduction, representing a 46% increase compared to the single-stage mesophilic digester. This is a significant level of degradation which could make such a process viable in situations where there is no primary sludge generated. The fate of the biologically stored phosphorus in this BNR sludge was also investigated. Over 80% of the incoming phosphorus remained bound up with the solids and was not released into solution during the WAS digestion. Therefore only a small fraction of phosphorus would be recycled to the main treatment plant with the dewatering stream.
L’objectiu principal és presentar un nou prototipus d’eina per al disseny de les plantes de tractament d’aigües residuals utilitzant models mecànics dinàmics quantificant la incertesa
This work aimed to study the agronomic performance and capacity of nutrient removal by bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) and cattail (Typha sp.) when grown in constructed wetlands systems (CWSs) of vertical and horizontal flow, respectively, used in the post-treatment of swine breeding wastewater (ARS). The average yield of dry matter (DM) of bermudagrass in sections of 60-day interval ranged from 14 to 43 t ha-1, while the cultivated cattail produced in a single cut after 200 days of cultivation between 45 and 67 t ha-1 of DM. Bermudagrass extracted up to 17.65 kg ha-1 d-1 of nitrogen, 1.76 kg ha-1 d-1 of phosphorus, 6.67 g ha-1 d-1 of copper and 54.75 g ha-1 d-1 of zinc. Cattail extracted up to 5.10 kg ha-1 d-1 of nitrogen, 1.07 kg ha-1 d-1 of phosphorus, 1.41 g ha-1 d-1 of copper and 16.04 g ha-1 d-1 of zinc. Cattail and bermudagrass were able to remove, respectively, 5.0 and 4.6% of the nitrogen and 11.2 and 5.4% of the phosphorus applied via ARS, being less efficient in extracting N and P when the initial intake of these nutrients is evaluated.
Arsenic is a toxic substance. The amount of arsenic in waste water is a raising problem because of increasing mining industry. Arsenic is connected to cancers in areas where arsenic concentration in drinking water is higher than recommendations. The main object in this master’s thesis was to research how ferrous hydroxide waste material is adsorbed arsenic from ammonia containing waste water. In this master’s thesis there is two parts: theoretical and experimental part. In theoretical part harmful effects of arsenic, theory of adsorption, isotherms modeling of adsorption and analysis methods of arsenic are described. In experimental part adsorption capacity of ferrous hydroxide waste material and adsorption time with different concentrations of arsenic were studied. Waste material was modified with two modification methods. Based on experimental results the adsorption capacity of waste material was high. The problem with waste material was that at same time with arsenic adsorption sulfur was dissolving in solution. Waste material was purified from sulfur but purification methods were not efficient enough. Purification methods require more research.
Heavy metals are major toxic pollutants with severe health effects on humans. They are released into the environment from a variety of industrial activities. Cadmium, lead, zinc, chromium and copper are the most toxic metals of widespread use in industries such as tanning, electroplating, electronic equipment manufacturing and chemical processing plants. Heavy metals contribute to a variety of adverse health environmental effects due to their acute and chronic exposure through air, water and food chain. Conventional treatment methods of metal removal are often limited by their cost and ineffectiveness at low concentrations. Adsorption, the use of inactivated biomass as adsorbents offers an attractive potential alternative to their conventional methods. Mango peel and Alisma plantago aquatica are naturally occurring and abundant biomass can offer an economical solution for metal removal.The Cd(II), Pb(II), Zn(II), Cr(III) and Cu(II) adsorption by milled adsorbents of mango peel and Alisma plantago aquatica were evaluated in batches.
La implantació de Sistemes de Suport a la presa de Decisions (SSD) en Estacions Depuradores d'Aigües Residuals Urbanes (EDAR) facilita l'aplicació de tècniques més eficients basades en el coneixement per a la gestió del procés, assegurant la qualitat de l'aigua de sortida tot minimitzant el cost ambiental de la seva explotació. Els sistemes basats en el coneixement es caracteritzen per la seva capacitat de treballar amb dominis molt poc estructurats, i gran part de la informació rellevant de tipus qualitatiu i/o incerta. Precisament aquests són els trets característics que es poden trobar en els sistemes biològics de depuració, i en conseqüència en una EDAR. No obstant, l'elevada complexitat dels SSD fa molt costós el seu disseny, desenvolupament i aplicació en planta real, pel que resulta determinant la generació d'un protocol que faciliti la seva exportació a EDARs de tecnologia similar. L'objectiu del present treball de Tesi és precisament el desenvolupament d'un protocol que faciliti l'exportació sistemàtica de SSD i l'aprofitament del coneixement del procés prèviament adquirit. El treball es desenvolupa en base al cas d'estudi resultant de l'exportació a l'EDAR Montornès del prototipus original de SSD implementat a l'EDAR Granollers. Aquest SSD integra dos tipus de sistemes basats en el coneixement, concretament els sistemes basats en regles (els quals són programes informàtics que emulen el raonament humà i la seva capacitat de solucionar problemes utilitzant les mateixes fonts d'informació) i els sistemes de raonament basats en casos (els quals són programes informàtics basats en el coneixement que volen solucionar les situacions anormals que pateix la planta en el moment actual mitjançant el record de l'acció efectuada en una situació passada similar). El treball està estructurat en diferents capítols, en el primer dels quals, el lector s'introdueix en el món dels sistemes de suport a la decisió i en el domini de la depuració d'aigües. Seguidament es fixen els objectius i es descriuen els materials i mètodes utilitzats. A continuació es presenta el prototipus de SSD desenvolupat per la EDAR Granollers. Una vegada el prototipus ha estat presentat es descriu el primer protocol plantejat pel mateix autor de la Tesi en el seu Treball de Recerca. A continuació es presenten els resultats obtinguts en l'aplicació pràctica del protocol per generar un nou SSD, per una planta depuradora diferent, partint del prototipus. L'aplicació pràctica del protocol permet l'evolució del mateix cap a un millor pla d'exportació. Finalment, es pot concloure que el nou protocol redueix el temps necessari per realitzar el procés d'exportació, tot i que el nombre de passos necessaris ha augmentat, la qual cosa significa que el nou protocol és més sistemàtic.
"Compiled from basic data files of the Connecticut Water Resources Commission."
Mode of access: Internet.
At head of title: State of California, the Resources Agency of California, Dept. of Water Resources.
Mode of access: Internet.
Composites are fast becoming a cost effective option when considering the design of engineering structures in a broad range of applications. If the strength to weight benefits of these material systems can be exploited and challenges in developing lower cost manufacturing methods overcome, then the advanced composite systems will play a bigger role in the diverse range of sectors outside the aerospace industry where they have been used for decades.
This paper presents physical testing results that showcase the advantages of GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastics), such as the ability to endure loading with minimal deformation. The testing involved is a cross comparison of GRP grating vs. GRP encapsulated foam core. Resulting data gained within this paper will then be coupled with design optimization (utilising model simulation) to bring forward layup alterations to meet the specified load classifications involved.