957 resultados para wake, tidal-turbine, ADP, ADV, flow- characterization


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Recent research has shown that higher ambient turbulence leads to better wake recovery, so turbines could be installed in closer proximity in real tidal flows than might be assumed from typical towing tank tests that do not take into account turbulent inflow conditions. The standard tools to assess flow velocities in field conditions are Doppler based sonar devices, such as Acoustic Doppler Profilers (ADPs) or Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters (ADVs). The use of these devices poses some challenges when assessing the wake of a tidal turbine. While ADPs allow the three-dimensional measurement of a velocity profile over a distance, the data is calculated as a mean of three diverging beams and with low temporal resolution. ADVs can measure with higher sampling frequency but only at a single point in the flow. During the MaRINET testing of the SCHOTTELSIT turbine at the QUB tidal test site in Portaferry, Northern Ireland, ADP and ADV measurements were successfully tested.Two methods were employed for measuring the wake: firstly, with a rigidly mounted ADP and secondly, with a submerged ADV which was streamed behind the turbine. This paper presents the experimental set-up and results and discusses limitations and challenges of the two methods used.


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An experimental study measuring the performance and wake characteristics of a 1:10th scale horizontal axis turbine in steady uniform flow conditions is presented in this paper.
Large scale towing tests conducted in a lake were devised to model the performance of the tidal turbine and measure the wake produced. As a simplification of the marine environment, towing the turbine in a lake provides approximately steady, uniform inflow conditions. A 16m long x 6m wide catamaran was constructed for the test programme. This doubled as a towing rig and flow measurement platform, providing a fixed frame of reference for measurements in the wake of a horizontal axis tidal turbine. Velocity mapping was conducted using Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters.
The results indicate varying the inflow speed yielded little difference in the efficiency of the turbine or the wake velocity deficit characteristics provided the same tip speed ratio is used. Increasing the inflow velocity from 0.9 m/s to 1.2 m/s influenced the turbulent wake characteristics more markedly. The results also demonstrate that the flow field in the wake of a horizontal axis tidal turbine is strongly affected by the turbine support structure


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In recent years, many tidal turbine projects have been developed using composites blades. Tidal turbine blades are subject to ocean forces and sea water aggressions, and the reliability of these components is crucial to the profitability of ocean energy recovery systems. The majority of tidal turbine developers have preferred carbon/epoxy blades, so there is a need to understand how prolonged immersion in the ocean affects these composites. In this study the long term behaviour of different carbon/epoxy composites has been studied using accelerated ageing tests. A significant reduction of composite strengths has been observed after saturation of water in the material. For longer immersions only small further changes in these properties occur. No significant changes have been observed for moduli nor for composite toughness. The effect of sea water ageing on damage thresholds and kinetics has been studied and modelled. After saturation, the damage threshold is modified while kinetics of damage development remain the same.


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Like any new technology, tidal power converters are being assessed for potential environmental impacts. Similar to wind power, where noise emissions have led to some regulations and limitations on consented installation sites, noise emissions of these new tidal devices attract considerable attention, especially due to the possible interaction with the marine fauna. However, the effect of turbine noise cannot be assessed as a stand-alone issue, but must be investigated in the context of the natural background noise in high flow environments. Noise measurements are also believed to be a useful tool for monitoring the operating conditions and health of equipment. While underwater noise measurements are not trivial to perform, this non-intrusive mon- itoring method could prove to be very cost effective. This paper presents sound measurements performed on the SCHOTTEL Instream Turbine as part of the MaRINET testing campaign at the QUB tidal test site in Portaferry during the summer of 2014. This paper demonstrates a comparison of the turbine noise emissions with the normal background noise at the test site and presents possible applications as a monitoring system.


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We report the first observation of protons in the near-lunar (100-200 km from the surface) and deeper (near anti-subsolar point) plasma wake when the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and solar wind velocity (vsw) are parallel (aligned flow; angle between IMF and vsw≤10°). More than 98% of the observations during aligned flow condition showed the presence of protons in the wake. These observations are obtained by the Solar Wind Monitor sensor of the Sub-keV Atom Reflecting Analyser experiment on Chandrayaan-1. The observation cannot be explained by the conventional fluid models for aligned flow. Back tracing of the observed protons suggests that their source is the solar wind. The larger gyroradii of the wake protons compared to that of solar wind suggest that they were part of the tail of the solar wind velocity distribution function. Such protons could enter the wake due to their large gyroradii even when the flow is aligned to IMF. However, the wake boundary electric field may also play a role in the entry of the protons into the wake.


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This paper presents analytical bounds for blade–wake interaction phenomenona occurring in rotating cross-flow turbines for wind and tidal energy generation (e.g. H rotors, Darrieus or vertical axis). Limiting cases are derived for one bladed turbines and extended to the more common three bladed configuration. Additionally, we present a classification of the blade–wake type of interactions in terms of limiting tip speed ratios. These bounds are validated using a high order h=p Discontinuous Galerkin solver with sliding meshes. This computational method enables highly accurate flow solutions and shows that the analytical bounds correspond to limiting blade-wake interactions in fully resolved flow simulations


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Vortex dislocations in wake-type flow induced by three types of spanwise disturbances superimposed on an upstream velocity profile are investigated by direct numerical simulations. Three distinct modes of vortex dislocations and flow transitions have been found. A local spanwise exponential decay disturbance leads to the appearance of a twisted chainlike mode of vortex dislocation. A stepped spanwise disturbance causes a streamwise periodic spotlike mode of vortex dislocation. A spanwise sinusoidal wavy disturbance with a moderate waviness causes a strong unsteadiness of wake behavior. This unsteadiness starts with a systematic periodic mode of vortex dislocation in the spanwise direction followed by the spanwise vortex shedding suppressed completely with increased time and the near wake becoming a steady shear flow. Characteristics of these modes of vortex dislocation and complex vortex linkages over the dislocation, as well as the corresponding dynamic processes related to the appearance of dislocations, are described by examining the variations of vortex lines and vorticity distribution. The nature of the vortex dislocation is demonstrated by the substantial vorticity modification of the spanwise vortex from the original spanwise direction to streamwise and vertical directions, accompanied by the appearance of noticeable vortex branching and complex vortex linking, all of which are produced at the locations with the biggest phase difference or with a frequency discontinuity between shedding cells. The effect of vortex dislocation on flow transition, either to an unsteady irregular vortex flow or suppression of the Kaacutermaacuten vortex shedding making the wake flow steady state, is analyzed. Distinct similarities are found in the mechanism and main flow phenomena between the present numerical results obtained in wake-type flows and the experimental-numerical results of cylinder wakes reported in previous studies.


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This paper describes an investigation of the behavior of suction surface boundary layers in a modern multistage Low-Pressure turbine. An array of 18 surface-mounted hot-film anemometers was mounted on a stator blade of the third stage of a four-stage machine. Data were obtained at Reynolds numbers between 0.9 × 105 and 1.8 × 105. At the majority of the test conditions, wakes from upstream rotors periodically initiated transition at about 40 percent surface length. In between these events, laminar separation occurred at about 75 percent surface length. Because the wake-affected part of the flow appeared to be only intermittently turbulent, laminar separation also occurred at about 75 percent surface length while this flow was instantaneously laminar. At all but the lowest Reynolds numbers, the time-mean boundary layer appeared to have re-attached by the trailing edge even though it was not fully turbulent. It is inferred that the effect of the wakes on the performance of the blade row is limited and that steady flow design methods should provide an adequate assessment of LP turbine performance during design.


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Steady simulations were performed to investigate tip leakage flow and heat transfer characteristics on the rotor blade tip and casing in a single-stage gas turbine engine. A typical high-pressure gas turbine stage was modeled with a pressure ratio of 3.2. The predicted isentropic Mach number and adiabatic wall temperature on the casing showed good agreement with available experimental data under similar operating condition. The present numerical study focuses extensively on the effects of tip clearance heights and rotor rotational speeds on the blade tip and casing heat transfer characteristics. It was observed that the tip leakage flow structure is highly dependent on the height of the tip gap and the speed of the rotor. In all cases, the tip leakage flow was seen to separate and recirculate just around the corner of the pressure side of the blade tip. This region of re-circulating flow enlarges with increasing clearance heights. The separated leakage flow reattaches afterwards on the tip surface. Leakage flow reattachment was shown to enhance surface heat transfer at the tip. The interaction between tip leakage flow and secondary flows that is induced by the relative casing motion is found to significantly influence the blade tip and casing heat transfer distribution. A region of critical heat transfer exists on the casing near the blade tip leading edge and along the pressure-side edge for all the clearance heights that were investigated. At high rotation speed, the region of critical heat transfer tends to move towards the trailing edge due to the change in inflow angle.


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Hydrodynamic models are a powerful tool that can be used by a wide range of end users to assist in predicting the effects of both physical and biological processes on local environmental conditions. This paper describes the development of a tidal model for Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland, a body of water renowned for the location of the first grid-connected tidal turbine, SeaGen, as well as the UK’s third Marine Nature Reserve. Using MIKE 21 modelling software, the development, calibration and performance of the modelare described in detail. Strangford Lough has a complex flow pattern with high flows through the Narrows (~3.5 m/s) linking the main body of the Lough to the Irish Sea and intricate flow patterns around the numerous islands. With the aid of good quality tidal and current data obtained throughout the Lough during the model development, the surface elevation and current magnitude between the observed and numerical model were almost identical with model skill >0.98 and >0.84 respectively. The applicability of the model is such that it can be used as an important tool for the prediction of important ecological processes as well as engineering applications within Strangford Lough.