895 resultados para voluntary counseling and testing HIV


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It is estimated that 5.6% of the Tanzanian population ages 15-49 are infected with HIV, but only 30% of adults have ever had an HIV test. Couples' testing has proven to increase testing coverage and introduce HIV prevention, but barriers include access to testing services and unequal gender dynamics in relationships. Innovative approaches are needed to address barriers to couple's testing and increase uptake of HIV testing. Using qualitative data collection methods, a formative study was conducted to assess the acceptability of a home-based couples counseling and testing (HBCCT) approach. Eligible study participants included married men and women, HIV-infected individuals, health care and home-based care providers, voluntary counseling and testing counselors, and community leaders. A total of 91 individuals participated in focus group discussions (FGDs) and in-depth interviews conducted between September 2009 and January 2010 in rural settings in Northern Tanzania. An HBCCT intervention appears to be broadly acceptable among participants. Benefits of HBCCT were identified in terms of access, confidentiality, and strengthening the relationship. Fears of negative consequences from knowing one's HIV status, including stigma, blame, physical abuse, or divorce, remain a concern and a potential barrier to the successful provision of the intervention. Lessons for implementation highlighted the importance of appointments for home visits, building relationships of confidence and trust between counselors and clients, and assessing and responding to a couple's readiness to undergo HIV testing. HBCCT should addresses HIV stigma, emphasize confidentiality, and improve communication skills for disclosure and decision-making among couples.


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BACKGROUND: Optimally, expanded HIV testing programs should reduce barriers to testing while attracting new and high-risk testers. We assessed barriers to testing and HIV risk among clients participating in mobile voluntary counseling and testing (MVCT) campaigns in four rural villages in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania. METHODS: Between December 2007 and April 2008, 878 MVCT participants and 506 randomly selected community residents who did not access MVCT were surveyed. Gender-specific logistic regression models were used to describe differences in socioeconomic characteristics, HIV exposure risk, testing histories, HIV related stigma, and attitudes toward testing between MVCT participants and community residents who did not access MVCT. Gender-specific logistic regression models were used to describe differences in socioeconomic characteristics, HIV exposure risk, testing histories, HIV related stigma, and attitudes toward testing, between the two groups. RESULTS: MVCT clients reported greater HIV exposure risk (OR 1.20 [1.04 to 1.38] for males; OR 1.11 [1.03 to 1.19] for females). Female MVCT clients were more likely to report low household expenditures (OR 1.47 [1.04 to 2.05]), male clients reported higher rates of unstable income sources (OR 1.99 [1.22 to 3.24]). First-time testers were more likely than non-testers to cite distance to testing sites as a reason for not having previously tested (OR 2.17 [1.05 to 4.48] for males; OR 5.95 [2.85 to 12.45] for females). HIV-related stigma, fears of testing or test disclosure, and not being able to leave work were strongly associated with non-participation in MVCT (ORs from 0.11 to 0.84). CONCLUSIONS: MVCT attracted clients with increased exposure risk and fewer economic resources; HIV related stigma and testing-related fears remained barriers to testing. MVCT did not disproportionately attract either first-time or frequent repeat testers. Educational campaigns to reduce stigma and fears of testing could improve the effectiveness of MVCT in attracting new and high-risk populations.


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HIV testing has been promoted as a key HIV prevention strategy in low-resource settings, despite studies showing variable impact on risk behavior. We sought to examine rates of HIV testing and the association between testing and sexual risk behaviors in Kisumu, Kenya. Participants were interviewed about HIV testing and sexual risk behaviors. They then underwent HIV serologic testing. We found that 47% of women and 36% of men reported prior testing. Two-thirds of participants who tested HIV-positive in this study reported no prior HIV test. Women who had undergone recent testing were less likely to report high-risk behaviors than women who had never been tested; this was not seen among men. Although rates of HIV testing were higher than seen in previous studies, the majority of HIV-infected people were unaware of their status. Efforts should be made to increase HIV testing among this population.


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To evaluate the impact of a national HIV voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) campaign on presentation to HIV care in a rural population in Tanzania.


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We have run experimental interventions to promote HIV tests in a large firm in South Africa. We combined HIV tests with existing medical check programs to increase the uptake. In the foregoing survey we undertook previously, it was suggested that fears and stigma of HIV/AIDS were the primary reasons given by the employees for not taking the test. To counter these, we implemented randomized interventions. We find substantial heterogeneity in responses by ethnicity. Africans and Colored rejected the tests most often. Supportive information increased the uptake by 6 to 16% points. A tradeoff in targeting resulting in stigmatizing the targeted and a reduction of exclusion error is discussed.


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Malgré une baisse importante de nouvelles infections, l’Afrique subsaharienne et la région des Caraïbes demeurent fortement touchées par l’épidémie du VIH/sida. La diaspora vivant ailleurs en Occident n’est pas épargnée : les communautés originaires de ces pays étant surreprésentées dans la cohorte des personnes vivant avec le VIH. De plus, ces individus rencontrent des difficultés spécifiques en matière d’accès au conseil et dépistage du VIH. Compte tenu l’importance de l’accessibilité à ce service dans la lutte contre le VIH, il devient crucial de mieux en cerner les enjeux. Fort de ces différents constats, le projet « Moi je fais le test » dont l’objectif était d’augmenter l’accès au conseil et dépistage du VIH a été déployé à Montréal en 2010. Notant le peu d’interventions recensées faisant la promotion du dépistage du VIH dans les communautés originaires de pays à forte prévalence pour le VIH, l’objectif de la présente évaluation est double : documenter le projet et évaluer l’implantation de ce dernier. L’évaluation réalisée sous la forme d’une étude de cas sera articulée autour de deux pôles : la théorie de changement sous-tendant le projet ainsi que le processus d’implantation. Les perspectives rapportées par les partenaires du projet de même que les éléments liés à l’implantation démontrent la complexité de mener des actions conjointes, même de tailles modestes. Dans la mesure où les approches combinées de prévention du VIH sont encouragées, l’évaluation du présent projet illustre de façon éloquente les défis du déploiement de projet similaires à l’échelle nationale et internationale.


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This study identifies and describes HIV Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) of middle aged and older Latinas. The rate of new cases of HIV in people age 45 and older is rapidly increasing, with a 40.6% increase in the numbers of older Latinas infected with HIV between 1998 and 2002. Despite this increase, there is paucity of research on this population. This research seeks to address the gap through a secondary data analysis of Latina women. The aim of this study is twofold: (1) Develop and empirically test a multivariate model of VCT utilization for middle aged and older Latinas; (2) To test how the three individual components of the Andersen Behavioral Model impact VCT for middle aged and older Latinas. The study is organized around the three major domains of the Andersen Behavioral Model of service use that include: (a) predisposing factors; (b) enabling characteristics and (c) need. Logistic regression using structural equation modeling techniques were used to test multivariate relationships of variables on VCT for a sample of 135 middle age and older Latinas residing in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Over 60% of participants had been tested for HIV. Provider endorsement was found to he the strongest predictor of VCT (odds ration [OR] 6.38), followed by having a clinic as a regular source of healthcare (OR=3.88). Significant negative associations with VCT included self rated health status (OR=.592); Age (OR=.927); Spanish proficiency (OR=.927); number of sexual partners (OR=.613) and consumption of alcohol during sexual activity (.549). As this line of inquiry provides a critical glimpse into the VCT of older Latinas, recommendations for enhanced service provision and research will he offered.


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BACKGROUND: Monogamy, together with abstinence, partner reduction, and condom use, is widely advocated as a key behavioral strategy to prevent HIV infection in sub-Saharan Africa. We examined the association between the number of sexual partners and the risk of HIV seropositivity among men and women presenting for HIV voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) in northern Tanzania. METHODOLOGY/ PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Clients presenting for HIV VCT at a community-based AIDS service organization in Moshi, Tanzania were surveyed between November 2003 and December 2007. Data on sociodemographic characteristics, reasons for testing, sexual behaviors, and symptoms were collected. Men and women were categorized by number of lifetime sexual partners, and rates of seropositivity were reported by category. Factors associated with HIV seropositivity among monogamous males and females were identified by a multivariate logistic regression model. Of 6,549 clients, 3,607 (55%) were female, and the median age was 30 years (IQR 24-40). 939 (25%) females and 293 (10%) males (p<0.0001) were HIV seropositive. Among 1,244 (34%) monogamous females and 423 (14%) monogamous males, the risk of HIV infection was 19% and 4%, respectively (p<0.0001). The risk increased monotonically with additional partners up to 45% (p<0.001) and 15% (p<0.001) for women and men, respectively with 5 or more partners. In multivariate analysis, HIV seropositivity among monogamous women was most strongly associated with age (p<0.0001), lower education (p<0.004), and reporting a partner with other partners (p = 0.015). Only age was a significant risk factor for monogamous men (p = 0.0004). INTERPRETATION: Among women presenting for VCT, the number of partners is strongly associated with rates of seropositivity; however, even women reporting lifetime monogamy have a high risk for HIV infection. Partner reduction should be coupled with efforts to place tools in the hands of sexually active women to reduce their risk of contracting HIV.


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Objectives: The aim of this article is to analyze the factors associated with HIV testing among 767 sexually active women. Methods: Participants were administered several self-report questionnaires that assessed behavioral and psychosocial measures. Results: Overall, 59.8% of the participants reported ever having tested for HIV. Results show that higher levels of education, being pregnant or having been pregnant, concern about AIDS, AIDS knowledge, self-efficacy in condom negotiation and perception of no risk in partner significantly predicted the likelihood of testing among women. Attending the mass was negatively associated with HIV testing. Conclusions: These findings provide information that can be used in the development of a focused gender sensitive HIV prevention program to increase HIV testing.


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This paper explores whether a worker's unwillingness to make his/her HIV-positive status or test-taking experience known by colleagues impedes his/her decision to test for HIV. After analyzing the new survey data provided by employees working for a large multinational enterprise in South Africa (2009-2010), this study finds that this unwillingness is negatively associated with test-taking (at the enterprise's on-site clinic) of workers who are extensively networked with close colleagues (i.e., know their phone numbers). It appears that the expected disutility associated with HIV/AIDS-related stigma prohibits test uptake. When introducing HIV counseling and testing programs into a corporate sector, providing all workers with an excuse to test in the workplace and/or inducing them to privately test outside the workplace may be effective in encouraging the uptake.


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Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the nature and prevalence of discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS in West Bengal, India, and how discrimination is associated with depression, suicidal ideation and suicidal attempts. Method Semi-structured interviews and the Beck Depression Inventory were administered to 105 HIV infected persons recruited by incidental sampling, at an Integrated Counseling and Testing Center (ICTC) and through Networks of People Living with HIV/AIDS, in the West Bengal area. Results Findings showed that 40.8% of the sample has experienced discrimination at least in one social setting – such as family (29.1%), health centers (18.4%), community (17.5%) and workplace (6.8%). About two-fifths (40.8%) reported experiencing discrimination in multiple social settings. Demographic factors associated with discrimination were gender, age, occupation, education, and current residence. More than half of the sample was suffering from severe depression while 8.7% had attempted suicide. Discrimination in most areas was significantly associated with suicidal ideation and suicidal attempts. Conclusions Prevalence of discrimination associated with HIV/AIDS is high in our sample from West Bengal. While discrimination was not associated with depressive symptomatology, discrimination was associated with suicidal ideation and attempts. These findings suggest that there is an urgent need for interventions to reduce discrimination of HIV/AIDS in the West Bengal region.


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OBJECTIVES: To assess attitudes to HIV risk and acceptability of rapid HIV testing among clients of street-based female sex workers (FSW) in Lausanne, Switzerland, where HIV prevalence in the general population is 0.4%. METHODS: The authors conducted a cross-sectional study in the red light district of Lausanne for five nights in September of 2008, 2009 and 2010. Clients of FSW were invited to complete a questionnaire in the street assessing demographic characteristics, attitudes to HIV risk and HIV testing history. All clients interviewed were then offered anonymous finger stick rapid HIV testing in a van parked on-site. RESULTS: The authors interviewed 112, 127 and 79 clients in 2008, 2009 and 2010, respectively. All were men, average age 32-37 years old; 40-60% were in a stable relationship. History of unprotected sex was higher with non-commercial partners (33-50%) than with FSW (6-11%); 29-46% of clients had never undergone an HIV test. Anonymous rapid HIV testing was accepted by 45-50% of clients. Out of 109 HIV tests conducted during the three study periods, none was reactive. CONCLUSIONS: On-site HIV counselling and testing is acceptable among clients of FSW in this urban setting. These individuals represent an unquantified population, a proportion of which has an incomplete understanding of HIV risk in the face of high-risk behaviour, with implications for potential onward transmission to non-commercial sexual partners.


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A central obstacle to the design of a global HIV vaccine is viral diversity. Antigenic differences in envelope proteins result in distinct HIV serotypes, operationally defined such that antibodies raised against envelope molecules from one serotype will not bind envelope molecules from a different serotype. The existence of serotypes has presented a similar challenge to vaccine development against other pathogens. In such cases, antigenic diversity has been addressed by vaccine design. For example, the poliovirus vaccine includes three serotypes of poliovirus, and Pneumovax® presents a cocktail of 23 pneumococcal variants to the immune system. It is likely that a successful vaccine for HIV must also comprise a cocktail of antigens. Here, data relevant to the development of cocktail vaccines, designed to harness diverse, envelope-specific Bcell and T-cell responses, are reviewed.


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The purpose of this dissertation was to estimate HIV incidence among the individuals who had HIV tests performed at the Houston Department of Health and Human Services (HDHHS) public health laboratory, and to examine the prevalence of HIV and AIDS concurrent diagnoses among HIV cases reported between 2000 and 2007 in Houston/Harris County. ^ The first study in this dissertation estimated the cumulative HIV incidence among the individuals testing at Houston public health laboratory using Serologic Testing Algorithms for Recent HIV Seroconversion (STARHS) during the two year study period (June 1, 2005 to May 31, 2007). The HIV incidence was estimated using two independently developed statistical imputation methods, one developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the other developed by HDHHS. Among the 54,394 persons who tested for HIV during the study period, 942 tested HIV positive (positivity rate=1.7%). Of these HIV positives, 448 (48%) were newly reported to the Houston HIV/AIDS Reporting System (HARS) and 417 of these 448 blood specimens (93%) were available for STARHS testing. The STARHS results showed 139 (33%) out of the 417 specimens were newly infected with HIV. Using both the CDC and HDHHS methods, the estimated cumulative HIV incidences over the two-year study period were similar: 862 per 100,000 persons (95% CI: 655-1,070) by CDC method, and 925 per 100,000 persons (95% CI: 908-943) by HDHHS method. Consistent with the national finding, this study found African Americans, and men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for most of the new HIV infections among the individuals testing at Houston public health laboratory. Using CDC statistical method, this study also found the highest cumulative HIV incidence (2,176 per 100,000 persons [95%CI: 1,536-2,798]) was among those who tested in the HIV counseling and testing sites, compared to the sexually transmitted disease clinics (1,242 per 100,000 persons [95%CI: 871-1,608]) and city health clinics (215 per 100,000 persons [95%CI: 80-353]. This finding suggested the HIV counseling and testing sites in Houston were successful in reaching high risk populations and testing them early for HIV. In addition, older age groups had higher cumulative HIV incidence, but accounted for smaller proportions of new HIV infections. The incidence in the 30-39 age group (994 per 100,000 persons [95%CI: 625-1,363]) was 1.5 times the incidence in 13-29 age group (645 per 100,000 persons [95%CI: 447-840]); the incidences in 40-49 age group (1,371 per 100,000 persons [95%CI: 765-1,977]) and 50 or above age groups (1,369 per 100,000 persons [95%CI: 318-2,415]) were 2.1 times compared to the youngest 13-29 age group. The increased HIV incidence in older age groups suggested that persons 40 or above were still at risk to contract HIV infections. HIV prevention programs should encourage more people who are age 40 and above to test for HIV. ^ The second study investigated concurrent diagnoses of HIV and AIDS in Houston. Concurrent HIV/AIDS diagnosis is defined as AIDS diagnosis within three months of HIV diagnosis. This study found about one-third of the HIV cases were diagnosed with HIV and AIDS concurrently (within three months) in Houston/Harris County. Using multivariable logistic regression analysis, this study found being male, Hispanic, older, and diagnosed in the private sector of care were positively associated with concurrent HIV and AIDS diagnoses. By contrast, men who had sex with men and also used injection drugs (MSM/IDU) were 0.64 times (95% CI: 0.44-0.93) less likely to have concurrent HIV and AIDS diagnoses. A sensitivity analysis comparing difference durations of elapsed time for concurrent HIV and AIDS diagnosis definitions (1-month, 3-month, and 12-month cut-offs) affected the effect size of the odds ratios, but not the direction. ^ The results of these two studies, one describing characteristics of the individuals who were newly infected with HIV, and the other study describing persons who were diagnosed with HIV and AIDS concurrently, can be used as a reference for HIV prevention program planning in Houston/Harris County. ^


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Introduction In 2007, St Luke’s Mission Hospital initiated a district-wide Door to Door HIV counselling and testing (HCT) programme in Zomba district. The intent of the programme was to provide quality HCT services to people in their homes and effectively those found to be HIV positive referred to appropriate services. Methodology This was a cross sectional study using a questionnaire consecutively administered to a sample of 105 counsellors who had resided in the community for a period of over one year. The questionnaire sought to establish, knowledge gained, experiences and recommendations on how the programme has been implemented and assist running of similar future programmes. Data analysis was done manually using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Results We report that nearly 23% of the counsellors thought that during their training as a door to door HTC councelor they had benefited in learning to working with communities; an aspect they found to be highly applicable in discharge of their duties. The major setbacks during the training were lack daily allowances, less amount of time spent on understanding child councelling and the manual used was diffucult to follow. Over 32% of the councellors were satisfied with the participation of their clients during pre-test counselling sessions, however, the major challenge they had was the misconception that they were blood suckers, a view reported by nearly 17% of the counsellors. Close to 72% reported not to have met any problems during post-test counselling compared to 24% who reported to have found challenges. Conclusion The study has revealed that there is a need to re-look child children counselling especially in training door to door HCT counsellors. It has also revealed the prevalent allowance culture despite the benefits of training. The common challenges were refusal of test Results and failure to understand discordance. Misconceptions may still exist in the community regarding anything dealing with removing blood. There is still need for more information regarding discordance especially among couples in the community.