998 resultados para voltametria de pulso diferencial


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A new electroanalytical method coupling TLC-DPV in solid state was developed for quantitative determination of phytoantioxidants with medicinal purpose, e.g. rosmarinic acid (RA) in samples of phytopharmaceuticals, e.g. rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.). The method showed to be feasible, presenting linearity in concentrations ranging from 0.694 x 10-3 to 9.526 x 10-3 mol L-1 (r = 0.9945), good sensibility, selectivity, reproducibility, repeatability, agility and affordable cost. The concentrations of RA in different extracts of rosemary ranged from 0.05 to 0.52 (% w/w), presenting high recovery levels when compared to HPLC.


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The development of more selective and sensitive analytical methods is of great importance in different areas of knowledge, covering, for example, food, biotechnological, environmental and pharmaceutical sectors. The study aimed to employ the technique electroanalytical differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) as an innovative and promising alternative for identification and quantification of organic compounds. The organic compounds were investigated in this study oxalic acid (OA) and folic acid (FA). The electrochemical oxidation of oxalic acid has been extensively studied as a model reaction in the boundary between the organic and inorganic electrochemistry. Since the AF, an essential vitamin for cell multiplication in all tissues, which is essential for DNA synthesis. The AF has been investigated using analytical techniques, liquid chromatography and molecular absorption spectrophotometry. The results obtained during the experimental procedure indicated that the process of electrochemical oxidation of oxalic acid is strongly dependent on the nature of the anode material and the oxidation mechanism, which affects their detection. Efficient removal was observed in Ti/PbO2 anodes, graphite, BDD and Pt 90, 85, 80 and 78% respectively. It was also shown that the DPV employing glassy carbon electrode offers a fast, simple, reliable and economical way to determine the AO during the process of electrochemical oxidation. Furthermore, electroanalytical methods are more expensive than commonly used chromatographic analysis and other instrumental methods involving toxic reagents and higher cost. Compared with the classical method of titration and DPV could be a good fit, confidence intervals and detection limits confirming the applicability of electroanalytical technique for monitoring the degradation of oxalic acid. For the study of AF was investigated the electrocatalytic activity of the carbon paste electrode for identification and quantification in pharmaceutical formulations by applying the DPV. The results obtained during the experimental procedure showed an irreversible oxidation peak at 9.1 V characteristic of FA. The carbon paste sensor showed low detection limit of 5.683×10−8 mol L-1 reducing matrix effects. The spectrophotometric analysis showed lower concentrations of HF compared with those obtained by HPLC and DPV. The levels of AF were obtained according to the methodology proposed by the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia. The electroanalytical method (DPV) proposed is cheaper than GC analysis commonly used by the pharmaceutical industry. The results demonstrated the potential of these electroanalytical techniques for future applications in environmental, chemical and biological sensors


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In this work a study was done using electrochemical cyclic voltammetry and differential pulse voltammetry for isoniazida (INH), ethambutol (EMB), rifampicina (RIF) and pyrazinamide (PZA) using the electrode boron-doped diamond (BDD) as working electrode. It also verified the applicability of the technique of differential pulse voltammetry in the quantification of the active compounds used in the treatment of tuberculosis, subsequently applying in samples of pharmaceutical formulation. Among the four active compounds studied, isoniazid showed the best results for the detection and quantification using differential pulse voltammetry. At pH 4 and pH 8, for the calibration curves to INH showed good linearity, with quantification limits of 6.15 mmol L-1 (0,844 ppm) and 4.08 mmol L-1 (0.560 ppm) for the respective pH. The proposed method can be used to determine drug isoniazid, for recovery values were obtained in approximately 100%


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In this paper, the technique of differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) has been studied for monitoring the concentration of oxalic acid (OA) during their electrochemical oxidation (EO) in acidic medium using platinum anode supported on titanium (Ti / Pt). The DPV was standardized and optimized using a glassy carbon electrode modified with cysteine. The modification with cysteine was developed electrochemically, forming a polymeric film on the surface of the glassy carbon electrode. The formation of the polymer film was confirmed by analysis of scanning electron microscope and atomic force microscope, confirming the modification of the electrode. The electrochemical degradation was developed using different current densities 10, 20 30 and 40 mA cm -2 electrode with Ti / Pt observing the degradation of oxalic acid, and monitored using the method of KMnO4 titration. However, the analyzes with DPV showed the same behavior elimination of oxalic acid titration. Compared with the titration method classical observed and DPV could be a good fit, confidence limits of detection and confirming the applicability of the technique electroanalytical for monitoring the degradation of oxalic acid


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This work describes methodologies for speciation analysis of the metals copper and zinc as total, total dissolved, labile, as well as complexation capacity (conditional stability constants and available ligand concentration), using the same technique, differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry (DPASV). Several supporting electrolytes were tested, and the results showed that KNO3 and HNO3 resulted in voltamograms without interferences as well as excellent resolution for the total and labile fractions. The methodology using the DPASV technique allows a simple and low cost analysis of copper and zinc speciation, with high precision and sensitivity, with limits of quantification (LOQ) of 1.8 nmol L-1 for copper and 2.1 nmol L-1 for zinc.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A differential pulse polarographic study with the objective to determine iron (III) in presense of copper (II) in a supporting electrolyte based on citrate - EDTA was made. The best experimental conditions found were a supporting electrolyte of citrate 0.25 mol L-1, EDTA 0.050 mol L-1 and KNO3 0.50 mol L-1, pH 5.00. In this media iron (III) showed a polarographic peak in -0.08 V and the copper (II) in -0.34 V, both vs. Ag/AgCl (saturated KCl). Thus, a analytical method was developed and applied to determine iron (III) in brass alloy, a matrix were copper is in large excess over iron. The results obtained showed no interference of copper in the iron determination. The value of 0.21% of iron in the sample alloy composition was obtained and the method was validated by atomic absortion and recovery test, and the results exhibited a good agreement with the proposed method.


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Um método envolvendo a pré-concentração e redissolução anódica em condições de voltametria de pulso diferencial empregando um eletrodo de pasta de carbono modificado (EPCM) com uma resina de troca iônica Amberlite IR120 foi proposto para a determinação de íons chumbo em álcool combustível. O procedimento é baseado em um pico de oxidação do analito observado em -0,53 V(vs. Ag/AgCl) em solução de HCl. As melhores condições experimentais encontradas foram: 5% (m/m) da Amberlite IR120 para a construção do eletrodo, solução de HCl 0,1 mol L-1, velocidade de varredura de 10 mVs-1, tempo de pré-concentração de 15 min e amplitude de pulso de 100 mV. Utilizando essas condições, o EPCM apresentou uma resposta linear entre a corrente de pico anódica e a concentração de íons chumbo para o intervalo entre 9,9 x 10-9 e 1,2 x 10-6 mol L-1 e um limite de detecção de 7,2 x 10-9 mol L-1. Valores de recuperação entre 96 % e 102 % foram encontrados para amostras de álcool combustível enriquecidas com Pb2+ em níveis de 10-7 mol L-1. O efeito da presença de outros íons concomitantes sobre a resposta voltamétrica do eletrodo também foi avaliado.


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Um método envolvendo a pré-concentração e redissolução anódica em condições de voltametria de pulso diferencial empregando um eletrodo de pasta de carbono modificado (EPCM) com uma resina de troca iônica Amberlite IR120 foi proposto para a determinação de íons chumbo em álcool combustível. O procedimento é baseado em um pico de oxidação do analito observado em -0,53 V(vs. Ag/AgCl) em solução de HCl. As melhores condições experimentais encontradas foram: 5% (m/m) da Amberlite IR120 para a construção do eletrodo, solução de HCl 0,1 mol L-1, velocidade de varredura de 10 mVs-1, tempo de pré-concentração de 15 min e amplitude de pulso de 100 mV. Utilizando essas condições, o EPCM apresentou uma resposta linear entre a corrente de pico anódica e a concentração de íons chumbo para o intervalo entre 9,9 x 10-9 e 1,2 x 10-6 mol L-1 e um limite de detecção de 7,2 x 10-9 mol L-1. Valores de recuperação entre 96 % e 102 % foram encontrados para amostras de álcool combustível enriquecidas com Pb2+ em níveis de 10-7 mol L-1. O efeito da presença de outros íons concomitantes sobre a resposta voltamétrica do eletrodo também foi avaliado.


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The possibility of using a graphite silicone-rubber composite electrode (GSR) in a differential pulse voltammetric(DPV) procedure for rutin (vitamin P) determination is described. Cyclic voltammograms of rutin presented a reversible pair of oxidation/reduction peaks respectively at 0.411 and 0.390 V (vs. SCE) at the GSR surface in Britton-Robinson(B-R) buffer solution pH 4.0. In DPV after optimization of conditions, an oxidation peak at 0.370 V (vs. SCE) was used to quantitative determination of rutin in B-R buffer solution pH 4.0. In this case a linear dynamic range of 5.0×10-8 to 50.0×10-8 mol L-1 was observed with a detection limit of 1.8×10-8 mol L-1 for the analyte. Recoveries from 94 to 113% were observed. The electrode surface was renewed by polishing after each determination, with a repeatability of 1.09 ± 0.06 µA (n = 10) peak current. Rutin was determined in a pharmaceutical formulation using the proposed electrode and the results agreed with those from an official method within 95% confidence level.


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Estudos eletroanalíticos foram realizados com o Nedocromil de Sódio empregando as técnicas voltamétricas de varredura linear, pulso diferencial e onda quadrada, em tampão Britton-Robinson (pH 4,0). No estudo voltamétrico empregando a modalidade de varredura linear observou-se dois picos catódicos, irreversíveis, nos valores de potencial de -0,86 V e -1,10 V (vs ECS). As correntes de pico catódicas apresentaram um controle difusional segundo a relação Ipc versus v½. A dependência de Ipc com a concentração apresentou linearidade entre 5,0x10-4 mol L-1 e 5,0x10-3 mol L-1, limite de detecção de 8,2x10-5 mol L-1 e sensibilidade de 6,3x10³ mA/ mol L-1. Na voltametria de pulso diferencial o Nedocromil de Sódio apresentou dois picos catódicos, irreversíveis, nos valores de potencial de -0,67 V e -0,75 V (vs ECS). Curvas analíticas foram obtidas no intervalo de 3,0x10-6 mol L-1 a 1,0x10-5 mol L-1, limite de detecção de 4,9x10-7 mol L-1 e sensibilidade de 8,7x10(4) mA/ mol L-1. Na voltametria de onda quadrada observou-se dois picos catódicos nos valores de potencial de -0,80 V e -0,91 V (vs ECS), linearidade de 5,0x10-7 mol L-1 a 1,0x10-5 mol L-1, com limite de detecção e uma sensibilidade de 2,7x10-6 mol L-1 e 1,1x10(6) mA/ mol L-1, respectivamente.


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O corante reativo Reactive Blue (RB4), que possui como grupo cromóforo uma antraquinona e um grupo diclorotriazina como grupo reativo, foi determinado em níveis de micromol utilizando eletrodos de carbono impresso empregando a técnica de voltametria de pulso diferencial. Foram obtidas respostas lineares entre a corrente de pico e a concentração do corante entre 3,4 x 10-6 e 3,0 x 10-4 mol L-1 em solução de KCl pH 1,0. Empregando as condições otimizadas para a analise do corante, foi estudada a influência da temperatura de aquecimento na hidrólise do grupo reativo, monitorando um pico de redução em -1,1 V (vs. carbono impresso).


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Eletrodos de carbono vítreo foram modificados com filmes de poli ácido glutâmico (PAG) pela eletropolimerização do ácido glutâmico em tampão fosfato pH 7,0, utilizando-se varreduras sucessivas de potencial entre ­0,8 a +2,0 V. Os eletrodos modificados foram aplicados na determinação de hidrazina, a qual é pré-concentrada na superfície através da interação entre grupos carboxílicos livres no filme e grupo amino da hidrazina. Embora a hidrazina não seja oxidada em intervalo útil de potencial sobre eletrodo convencional, no eletrodo modificado caracteriza-se pelo pico de oxidação em potencial de +0,57 V usado para fins analíticos. Gráfico de calibração linear foi obtido no intervalo de concentração entre 4 x 10-5 a 1 x 10-3 mol L-1, usando voltametria de pulso diferencial. O limite de detecção foi de 1,2 x 10-6 mol L-1. O método foi aplicado para a determinação de hidrazina em amostras coletadas de água de caldeira com recuperação de 94%.