901 resultados para voltage regulator relay
Two different fuzzy approaches to voltage control in electric power distribution systems are introduced in this paper. The real-time controller in each case would act on power transformers equipped with under-load tap changers. Learning systems are employed to turn the voltage-control relays into adaptive devices. The scope of this study has been limited to the power distribution substation, and the voltage measurements and control actions are carried out on the secondary bus. The capacity of fuzzy systems to handle approximate data, together with their unique ability to interpret qualitative information, make it possible to design voltage-control strategies that satisfy the requirements of the Brazilian regulatory bodies and the real concerns of the electric power distribution companies. Fuzzy control systems based on these two strategies have been implemented and the test results were highly satisfactory.
A fuzzy control strategy for voltage regulation in electric power distribution systems is introduced in this article. This real-time controller would act on power transformers equipped with under-load tap changers. The fuzzy system was employed to turn the voltage-control relays into adaptive devices. The scope of the present study has been limited to the power distribution substation, and both the voltage measurements and control actions are carried out on the secondary bus. The capacity of fuzzy systems to handle approximate data, together with their unique ability to interpret qualitative information, make it possible to design voltage control strategies that satisfy both the requirements of the Brazilian regulatory bodies and the real concerns of the electric power distribution companies. A prototype based on the fuzzy control strategy proposed in this paper has also been implemented for validation purposes and its experimental results were highly satisfactory.
One of a series of photographs accompanying a press release by the New York Trade School announcing the development and demonstration of a new technique in closed-circuit TV. Student Dennis Mahoney serves as one of the cameramen as William C. H. Meyers of the Automotive Department performs the demonstration. Black and white photograph.
This paper presents the analysis, design, simulation, and experimental results for a high frequency high Power-Factor (PF) AC (Alternate Current) voltage regulator, using a Sepic converter as power stage. The control technique employed to impose a sinusoidal input current waveform, with low Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), is the sinusoidal variable hysteresis control. The control technique was implemented in a FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) device, using a Hardware Description Language (VHDL). Through the use of the proposed control technique, the AC voltage regulator performs active power-factor correction, and low THD in the input current, for linear and non-linear loads, satisfying the requirements of the EEC61000-3-2 standards. Experimental results from an example prototype, designed for 300W of nominal output power, 50kHz (switching frequency), and 127Vrms of nominal input and output voltages, are presented in order to validate the proposed AC regulator. © 2005 IEEE.
In this paper a three-phase power flow for electrical distribution systems considering different models of voltage regulators is presented. A voltage regulator (VR) is an equipment that maintains the voltage level in a predefined value in a distribution line in spite of the load variations within its nominal power. Three different types of connections are analyzed: 1) wye-connected regulators, 2) open delta-connected regulators and 3) closed delta-connected regulators. To calculate the power flow, the three-phase backward/forward sweep algorithm is used. The methodology is tested on the IEEE 34 bus distribution system. ©2008 IEEE.
This paper deals with the subject-matter of teaching immaterial issues like power system dynamics where the phenomena and events are not sense-perceptible. The dynamics of the power system are recognized as analogous to the dynamics of a simple mechanical pendulum taken into account the well-known classical model for the synchronous machine. It is shown that even for more sophisticated models including flux decay and Automatic Voltage Regulator the mechanical device can be taken as an analogous, since provided some considerations about variation and control of the pendulum length using certain control laws. The resulting mathematical model represents a mechanical system that can be built for use in laboratory teaching of power system dynamics. © 2010 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved.
This paper describes a CMOS implementation of a linear voltage regulator (LVR) used to power up implanted physiological signal systems, as it is the case of a wireless blood pressure biosensor. The topology is based on a classical structure of a linear low-dropout regulator. The circuit is powered up from an RF link, thus characterizing a passive radio frequency identification (RFID) tag. The LVR was designed to meet important features such as low power consumption and small silicon area, without the need for any external discrete components. The low power operation represents an essential condition to avoid a high-energy RF link, thus minimizing the transmitted power and therefore minimizing the thermal effects on the patient's tissues. The project was implemented in a 0.35-mu m CMOS process, and the prototypes were tested to validate the overall performance. The LVR output is regulated at 1 V and supplies a maximum load current of 0.5 mA at 37 degrees C. The load regulation is 13 mV/mA, and the line regulation is 39 mV/V. The LVR total power consumption is 1.2 mW.
This paper presents a high performance system of regulation and stabilization of luminous flux for public street lighting installations. Its purpose is to reduce the luminous flux of the luminaries efficiently by reducing their voltage supply, resulting in the improvement of energy efficiency in the installation. The system is basically composed of electromagnetic components which provide robustness and high-performance to the device, as well as minimum maintenance requirements. However, the voltage regulation is based on the application of voltage steps. Aging studies of the luminaries have been carried out to analyze the impact of this discrete voltage regulation. A specific prototype of this voltage and stabilizer regulator have been in operation in a real outdoor lighting installation for more than one year.
"April 1965."
"August 1966."
"15 October 1971."
Salient pole brushless alternators coupled to IC engines are extensively used as stand-by power supply units for meeting in- dustrial power demands. Design of such generators demands high power to weight ratio, high e ciency and low cost per KVA out- put. Moreover, the performance characteristics of such machines like voltage regulation and short circuit ratio (SCR) are critical when these machines are put into parallel operation and alterna- tors for critical applications like defence and aerospace demand very low harmonic content in the output voltage. While designing such alternators, accurate prediction of machine characteristics, including total harmonic distortion (THD) is essential to mini- mize development cost and time. Total harmonic distortion in the output voltage of alternators should be as low as possible especially when powering very sophis- ticated and critical applications. The output voltage waveform of a practical AC generator is replica of the space distribution of the ux density in the air gap and several factors such as shape of the rotor pole face, core saturation, slotting and style of coil disposition make the realization of a sinusoidal air gap ux wave impossible. These ux harmonics introduce undesirable e ects on the alternator performance like high neutral current due to triplen harmonics, voltage distortion, noise, vibration, excessive heating and also extra losses resulting in poor e ciency, which in turn necessitate de-rating of the machine especially when connected to non-linear loads. As an important control unit of brushless alternator, the excitation system and its dynamic performance has a direct impact on alternator's stability and reliability. The thesis explores design and implementation of an excitation i system utilizing third harmonic ux in the air gap of brushless al- ternators, using an additional auxiliary winding, wound for 1=3rd pole pitch, embedded into the stator slots and electrically iso- lated from the main winding. In the third harmonic excitation system, the combined e ect of two auxiliary windings, one with 2=3rd pitch and another third harmonic winding with 1=3rd pitch, are used to ensure good voltage regulation without an electronic automatic voltage regulator (AVR) and also reduces the total harmonic content in the output voltage, cost e ectively. The design of the third harmonic winding by analytic methods demands accurate calculation of third harmonic ux density in the air gap of the machine. However, precise estimation of the amplitude of third harmonic ux in the air gap of a machine by conventional design procedures is di cult due to complex geome- try of the machine and non-linear characteristics of the magnetic materials. As such, prediction of the eld parameters by conven- tional design methods is unreliable and hence virtual prototyping of the machine is done to enable accurate design of the third har- monic excitation system. In the design and development cycle of electrical machines, it is recognized that the use of analytical and experimental methods followed by expensive and in exible prototyping is time consum- ing and no longer cost e ective. Due to advancements in com- putational capabilities over recent years, nite element method (FEM) based virtual prototyping has become an attractive al- ternative to well established semi-analytical and empirical design methods as well as to the still popular trial and error approach followed by the costly and time consuming prototyping. Hence, by virtually prototyping the alternator using FEM, the important performance characteristics of the machine are predicted. Design of third harmonic excitation system is done with the help of results obtained from virtual prototype of the machine. Third harmonic excitation (THE) system is implemented in a 45 KVA ii experimental machine and experiments are conducted to validate the simulation results. Simulation and experimental results show that by utilizing third harmonic ux in the air gap of the ma- chine for excitation purposes during loaded conditions, triplen harmonic content in the output phase voltage is signi cantly re- duced. The prototype machine with third harmonic excitation system designed and developed based on FEM analysis proved to be economical due to its simplicity and has the added advan- tage of reduced harmonics in the output phase voltage.
Transformers are very important elements of any power system. Unfortunately, they are subjected to through-faults and abnormal operating conditions which can affect not only the transformer itself but also other equipment connected to the transformer. Thus, it is essential to provide sufficient protection for transformers as well as the best possible selectivity and sensitivity of the protection. Nowadays microprocessor-based relays are widely used to protect power equipment. Current differential and voltage protection strategies are used in transformer protection applications and provide fast and sensitive multi-level protection and monitoring. The elements responsible for detecting turn-to-turn and turn-to-ground faults are the negative-sequence percentage differential element and restricted earth-fault (REF) element, respectively. During severe internal faults current transformers can saturate and slow down the speed of relay operation which affects the degree of equipment damage. The scope of this work is to develop a modeling methodology to perform simulations and laboratory tests for internal faults such as turn-to-turn and turn-to-ground for two step-down power transformers with capacity ratings of 11.2 MVA and 290 MVA. The simulated current waveforms are injected to a microprocessor relay to check its sensitivity for these internal faults. Saturation of current transformers is also studied in this work. All simulations are performed with the Alternative Transients Program (ATP) utilizing the internal fault model for three-phase two-winding transformers. The tested microprocessor relay is the SEL-487E current differential and voltage protection relay. The results showed that the ATP internal fault model can be used for testing microprocessor relays for any percentage of turns involved in an internal fault. An interesting observation from the experiments was that the SEL-487E relay is more sensitive to turn-to-turn faults than advertized for the transformers studied. The sensitivity of the restricted earth-fault element was confirmed. CT saturation cases showed that low accuracy CTs can be saturated with a high percentage of turn-to-turn faults, where the CT burden will affect the extent of saturation. Recommendations for future work include more accurate simulation of internal faults, transformer energization inrush, and other scenarios involving core saturation, using the newest version of the internal fault model. The SEL-487E relay or other microprocessor relays should again be tested for performance. Also, application of a grounding bank to the delta-connected side of a transformer will increase the zone of protection and relay performance can be tested for internal ground faults on both sides of a transformer.
Neste trabalho é efectuado, não só o diagnóstico em regime permanente, mas também o estudo, simulação e análise do comportamento dinâmico da rede eléctrica da ilha de São Vicente em Cabo Verde. Os estudos de estabilidade transitória desempenham um importante papel, tanto no planeamento como na operação dos sistemas de potência. Tais estudos são realizados, em grande parte, através de simulação digital no domínio do tempo, utilizando integração numérica para resolver as equações não-lineares que modelam a dinâmica do sistema e dependem da existência de registos reais de perturbação (ex: osciloperturbografia). O objectivo do trabalho será também verificar a aplicabilidade dos requisitos técnicos que as unidades geradoras devem ter, no que concerne ao controlo de tensão, estabelecidos na futura regulamentação europeia desenvolvida pela ENTSO-E (European Network Transmission System Operator for Electricity). De entre os requisitos analisou-se a capacidade das máquinas existentes suportarem cavas de tensão decorrentes de curto-circuitos trifásicos simétricos, Fault Ride Through, no ponto de ligação à rede. Identificaram-se para o efeito os factores que influenciam a estabilidade desta rede, em regime perturbado nomeadamente: (i) duração do defeito, (ii) caracterização da carga, com e sem a presença do sistema de controlo de tensão (AVR) em unidades de geração síncronas. Na ausência de registos reais sobre o comportamento do sistema, conclui-se que este é sensível à elasticidade das cargas em particular do tipo potência constante, existindo risco de perda de estabilidade, neste caso, para defeitos superiores a 5ms sem AVR. A existência de AVR nesta rede afigura-se como indispensável para garantir estabilidade de tensão sendo contudo necessário proceder a uma correcta parametrização.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores