982 resultados para volcaniclastic deposit


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The Jericho kimberlite (173.1. ±. 1.3. Ma) is a small (~. 130. ×. 70. m), multi-vent system that preserves products from deep (>. 1. km?) portions of kimberlite vents. Pit mapping, drill core examination, petrographic study, image analysis of olivine crystals (grain size distributions and shape studies), and compositional and mineralogical studies, are used to reconstruct processes from near-surface magma ascent to kimberlite emplacement and alteration. The Jericho kimberlite formed by multiple eruptions through an Archean granodiorite batholith that was overlain by mid-Devonian limestones ~. 1. km in thickness. Kimberlite magma ascended through granodiorite basement by dyke propagation but ascended through limestone, at least in part, by locally brecciating the host rocks. After the first explosive breakthrough to surface, vent deepening and widening occurred by the erosive forces of the waxing phase of the eruption, by gravitationally induced failures as portions of the vent margins slid into the vent and, in the deeper portions of the vent (>. 1. km), by scaling, as thin slabs burst from the walls into the vent. At currently exposed levels, coherent kimberlite (CK) dykes (<. 40. cm thick) are found to the north and south of the vent complex and represent the earliest preserved in-situ products of Jericho magmatism. Timing of CK emplacement on the eastern side of the vent complex is unclear; some thick CK (15-20. m) may have been emplaced after the central vent was formed. Explosive eruptive products are preserved in four partially overlapping vents that are roughly aligned along strike with the coherent kimberlite dyke. The volcaniclastic kimberlite (VK) facies are massive and poorly sorted, with matrix- to clast-supported textures. The VK facies fragmented by dry, volatile-driven processes and were emplaced by eruption column collapse back into the volcanic vents. The first explosive products, poorly preserved because of partial destruction by later eruptions, are found in the central-east vent and were formed by eruption column collapse after the vent was largely cleared of country rock debris. The next active vent was either the north or south vent. Collapse of the eruption column, linked to a vent widening episode, resulted in coeval avalanching of pipe margin walls into the north vent, forming interstratified lenses of country rock-rich boulder breccias in finer-grained volcaniclastic kimberlite. South vent kimberlite has similar characteristics to kimberlite of the north vent and likely formed by similar processes. The final eruptive phase formed olivine-rich and moderately sorted deposits of the central vent. Better sorting is attributed to recycling of kimberlite debris by multiple eruptions through the unconsolidated volcaniclastic pile and associated collapse events. Post-emplacement alteration varies in intensity, but in all cases, has overprinted the primary groundmass and matrix, in CK and VK, respectively. Erosion has since removed all limestone cover.


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The matrix of volcaniclastic kimberlite (VK) from the Muskox pipe (Northern Slave Province, Nunavut, Canada) is interpreted to represent an overprint of an original clastic matrix. Muskox VK is subdivided into three different matrix mineral assemblages that reflect differences in the proportions of original primary matrix constituents, temperature of formation and nature of the altering fluids. Using whole rock X-ray fluorescence (XRF), whole rock X-ray diffraction (XRD), microprobe analyses, back-scatter electron (BSE) imaging, petrography and core logging, we find that most matrix minerals (serpentine, phlogopite, chlorite, saponite, monticellite, Fe-Ti oxides and calcite) lack either primary igneous or primary clastic textures. The mineralogy and textures are most consistent with formation through alteration overprinting of an original clastic matrix that form by retrograde reactions as the deposit cools, or, in the case of calcite, by precipitation from Ca-bearing fluids into a secondary porosity. The first mineral assemblage consists largely of serpentine, phlogopite, calcite, Fe-Ti oxides and monticellite and occurs in VK with relatively fresh framework clasts. Alteration reactions, driven by deuteric fluids derived from the juvenile constituents, promote the crystallisation of minerals that indicate relatively high temperatures of formation (> 400 °C). Lower-temperature minerals are not present because permeability was occluded before the deposit cooled to low temperatures, thus shielding the facies from further interaction with fluids. The other two matrix mineral assemblages consist largely of serpentine, phlogopite, calcite, +/- diopside, and +/- chlorite. They form in VK that contains more country rock, which may have caused the deposit to be cooler upon emplacement. Most framework components are completely altered, suggesting that larger volumes of fluids drove the alteration reactions. These fluids were likely of meteoric provenance and became heated by the volcaniclastic debris when they percolated into the VK infill. Most alteration reactions ceased at temperatures > 200 °C, as indicated by the absence or paucity of lower-temperature phases in most samples, such as saponite. Recognition that Muskox VK contains an original clastic matrix is a necessary first step for evaluating the textural configuration, which is important for reconstructing the physical processes responsible for the formation of the deposit.


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Detailed knowledge of the past history of an active volcano is crucial for the prediction of the timing, frequency and style of future eruptions, and for the identification of potentially at-risk areas. Subaerial volcanic stratigraphies are often incomplete, due to a lack of exposure, or burial and erosion from subsequent eruptions. However, many volcanic eruptions produce widely-dispersed explosive products that are frequently deposited as tephra layers in the sea. Cores of marine sediment therefore have the potential to provide more complete volcanic stratigraphies, at least for explosive eruptions. Nevertheless, problems such as bioturbation and dispersal by currents affect the preservation and subsequent detection of marine tephra deposits. Consequently, cryptotephras, in which tephra grains are not sufficiently concentrated to form layers that are visible to the naked eye, may be the only record of many explosive eruptions. Additionally, thin, reworked deposits of volcanic clasts transported by floods and landslides, or during pyroclastic density currents may be incorrectly interpreted as tephra fallout layers, leading to the construction of inaccurate records of volcanism. This work uses samples from the volcanic island of Montserrat as a case study to test different techniques for generating volcanic eruption records from marine sediment cores, with a particular relevance to cores sampled in relatively proximal settings (i.e. tens of kilometres from the volcanic source) where volcaniclastic material may form a pervasive component of the sedimentary sequence. Visible volcaniclastic deposits identified by sedimentological logging were used to test the effectiveness of potential alternative volcaniclastic-deposit detection techniques, including point counting of grain types (component analysis), glass or mineral chemistry, colour spectrophotometry, grain size measurements, XRF core scanning, magnetic susceptibility and X-radiography. This study demonstrates that a set of time-efficient, non-destructive and high-spatial-resolution analyses (e.g. XRF core-scanning and magnetic susceptibility) can be used effectively to detect potential cryptotephra horizons in marine sediment cores. Once these horizons have been sampled, microscope image analysis of volcaniclastic grains can be used successfully to discriminate between tephra fallout deposits and other volcaniclastic deposits, by using specific criteria related to clast morphology and sorting. Standard practice should be employed when analysing marine sediment cores to accurately identify both visible tephra and cryptotephra deposits, and to distinguish fallout deposits from other volcaniclastic deposits.


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Five significant problems hinder advances in understanding of the volcanology of kimberlites: (1) kimberlite geology is very model driven; (2) a highly genetic terminology drives deposit or facies interpretation; (3) the effects of alteration on preserved depositional textures have been grossly underestimated; (4) the level of understanding of the physical process significance of preserved textures is limited; and, (5) some inferred processes and deposits are not based on actual, modern volcanological processes. These issues need to be addressed in order to advance understanding of kimberlite volcanological pipe forming processes and deposits. The traditional, steep-sided southern African pipe model (Class I) consists of a steep tapering pipe with a deep root zone, a middle diatreme zone and an upper crater zone (if preserved). Each zone is thought to be dominated by distinctive facies, respectively: hypabyssal kimberlite (HK, descriptively called here massive coherent porphyritic kimberlite), tuffisitic kimberlite breccia (TKB, descriptively here called massive, poorly sorted lapilli tuff) and crater zone facies, which include variably bedded pyroclastic kimberlite and resedimented and reworked volcaniclastic kimberlite (RVK). Porphyritic coherent kimberlite may, however, also be emplaced at different levels in the pipe, as later stage intrusions, as well as dykes in the surrounding country rock. The relationship between HK and TKB is not always clear. Sub-terranean fluidisation as an emplacement process is a largely unsubstantiated hypothesis; modern in-vent volcanological processes should initially be considered to explain observed deposits. Crater zone volcaniclastic deposits can occur within the diatreme zone of some pipes, indicating that the pipe was largely empty at the end of the eruption, and subsequently began to fill-in largely through resedimentation and sourcing of pyroclastic deposits from nearby vents. Classes II and III Canadian kimberlite models have a more factual, descriptive basis, but are still inadequately documented given the recency of their discovery. The diversity amongst kimberlite bodies suggests that a three-model classification is an over-simplification. Every kimberlite is altered to varying degrees, which is an intrinsic consequence of the ultrabasic composition of kimberlite and the in-vent context; few preserve original textures. The effects of syn- to post-emplacement alteration on original textures have not been adequately considered to date, and should be back-stripped to identify original textural elements and configurations. Applying sedimentological textural configurations as a guide to emplacement processes would be useful. The traditional terminology has many connotations about spatial position in pipe and of process. Perhaps the traditional terminology can be retained in the industrial situation as a general lithofacies-mining terminological scheme because it is so entrenched. However, for research purposes a more descriptive lithofacies terminology should be adopted to facilitate detailed understanding of deposit characteristics, important variations in these, and the process origins. For example every deposit of TKB is different in componentry, texture, or depositional structure. However, because so many deposits in many different pipes are called TKB, there is an implication that they are all similar and that similar processes were involved, which is far from clear.


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Although kimberlite pipes/bodies are usually the remains of volcanic vents, in-vent deposits, and subvolcanic intrusions, the terminology used for kimberlite rocks has largely developed independently of that used in mainstream volcanology. Existing kimberlite terminology is not descriptive and includes terms that are rarely used, used differently, and even not used at all in mainstream volcanology. In addition, kimberlite bodies are altered to varying degrees, making application of genetic terminology difficult because original components and depositional textures are commonly masked by alteration. This paper recommends an approach to the terminology for kimberlite rocks that is consistent with usage for other volcanic successions. In modern terrains the eruption and emplacement origins of deposits can often be readily deduced, but this is often not the case for old, variably altered and deformed rock successions. A staged approach is required whereby descriptive terminology is developed first, followed by application of genetic terminology once all features, including the effects of alteration on original texture and depositional features, together with contact relationships and setting, have been evaluated. Because many volcanic successions consist of both primary volcanic deposits as well as volcanic sediments, terminology must account for both possibilities.


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Rio Apa Massif crops out in the Mato Grosso do Sul state and corresponds to the southeastern portion of the Amazonian Craton dominantly Paleoproterozoic in age. Rio Apa Complex is oldest and it is composed mainly by migmatitic orthogneisses, beyond amphybolites, tonalities and granodiorite. Alto Tererê Group is composed by schists, biotitemuscovite gneisses and micaceous quartzites generally rich in garnets, beyond metabasic rocks of low amphibolite facies. The Amoguijá Group is constituted by Alumiador Intrusive Suite, which is represented by a sieno to monzogranitic batholith and Serra da Bocaina Volcanic Suite composed of volcanoclastic rocks of alkali riolites to monzoriolites compositions and pyroclastic products. Overlaying towards East and South occurs Neoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks from the Paraguai Folded Belt (Cuiabá, Corumbá and Jacadigo Groups - Urucum Formation). Structural-metamorphic framewok is identified by five deformational phases but the actual tectonic and metamorphic structure shows the superposed tectonic array of the Paraguai Folded Belt. Rocks from Rio Apa Complex, Alto Tererê Group and Amoguijá Group record an older structural evolution defined by (Dn-1 and Dn). The deformational phases (Dn+1 and Dn+2) are visible mainly in rocks of Paraguai Folded Belt beyond the last deformation (Dn+3) that imprints all sequences.


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The Rio Apa Massif corresponds the southern portion of the Amazon Craton and is located in the southwest of Mato Grosso do Sul State. It consists on Paleoproterozoic rocks of Rio Apa Complex, Alto Tererê Group and Amonguijá Group, is subdivided into Alumiador Plutonic Suite and Serra da Bocaina Volcanic Suite. The volcanic suite is comprises sub volcanic, volcanic and varied volcanoclastics rocks with composition ranging from alkali-rhyolitic to rhyolite types. The plutonic suite corresponds to an N-S elongated batholith and is characterized by four main segments delimited by NW-SE faults. The southern and central main segments, discussed in this paper, are characterized by the following petrographic facies: medium to fine grained hornblende-biotite monzogranites, coarse grained biotite monzogranites, graphic biotite sienogranites and muscovite sienogranites and the northern segment is contemporaneous and is composed of two different sequences of rocks, one acid and another of basic to ultrabasic composition. The southern and central segment consists of to chemically compatible rocks with the types I and A Granites. These are calc-alkaline rocks of high potassium to the shoshonitic and subalkaline. Constitute sin-collisional granites of metaluminous the peraluminous characters of the Amonguijá Magmatic Arc, but they exhibit late litotypes with chemical characteristics of post tectonic granites from intraplate environment.


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Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat, has been erupting since 1995. During the current eruption, a large part of the material produced by the volcano has been transported into the sea, modifying the morphology of the submarine flanks of the volcano. We present a unique set of swath bathymetric data collected offshore from Montserrat in 1999, 2002 and 2005. From 1999 to 2002, pyroclastic flows associated with numerous dome collapses entered the sea to produce 100 Mm3 deposit. From 2002 to 2005, the 290 Mm3 submarine deposit is mainly from the 12–13 July 2003 collapse. These data allow us to estimate that, by May 2005, at least 482 Mm3 of material had been deposited on the sea floor since 1995. We compare on-land characteristics and volumes of dome collapse events with the submarine deposits and propose a new analysis of their emplacement on the submarine flanks of the volcano. The deposition mechanism shows a slope dependence, with the maximum thickness of deposit before the break in the slope, probably because of the type of the dense granular flow involved. We conclude that from 1995 to 2005 more than 75% of the erupted volume entered the sea.


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ELA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon geochronology has been used to show that the porphyritic intrusions related to the formation of the Bajo de la Alumbrera porphyry Cu-Au deposit, NW Argentina, are cogenetic with stratigraphically well-constrained volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of the Late Miocene Farallon Negro Volcanic Complex. Zircon geochronology for intrusions in this deposit and the host volcanic sequence show that multiple mineralized porphyries were emplaced in a volcanic complex that developed over 1.5 million years. Volcanism occurred in a multivent volcanic complex in a siliciclastic intermontane basin. The complex evolved from early mafic-intermediate effusive phases to a later silicic explosive phase associated with mafic intrusions. Zircons from the basal mafic-intermediate lavas have ages that range from 8.46 +/- 0.14 to 7.94 +/- 0.27 Ma. Regionally extensive silicic explosive volcanism occurred at similar to8.0 Ma (8.05 +/- 0.13 and 7.96 +/- 0.11 Ma), which is co-temporal with intrusion of the earliest mineralized porphyries at Bajo de la Alumbrera (8.02 +/- 0.14 and 7.98 +/- 0.14 Ma). Regional uplift and erosion followed during which the magmatic-hydrothermal system was probably unroofed. Shortly thereafter, dacitic lava domes were extruded (7.95 +/- 0.17 Ma) and rhyolitic diatremes (7.79 +/- 0.13 Ma) deposited thick tuff blankets, across the region. Emplacement of large intermediate composition stocks occurred at 7.37 +/- 0.22 Ma, shortly before renewed magmatism occurred at Bajo de la Alumbrera (7.10 +/- 0.07 Ma). The latest porphyry intrusive event is temporally associated with new ore-bearing magmatic-hydrothermal fluids. Other dacitic intrusions are associated with subeconomic deposits that formed synchronously with the mineralized porphyries at Bajo de la Alumbrera. However, their emplacement continued (from 7.10 +/- 0.06 to 6.93 +/- 0.07 Ma) after the final intrusion at Bajo de al Alumbrera. Regional volcanism had ceased by 6.8 Ma (6.92 +/- 0.07 Ma). The brief history of the volcanic complex hosting the Bajo de la Alumbrera Cu-Au deposit differs from that of other Andean provinces hosting porphyry deposits. For example, at the El Salvador porphyry copper district in Chile, magmatism related to Cu mineralization was episodic in regional igneous activity that occurred over tens of millions of years. Bajo de la Alumbrera resulted from the superposition of multiple porphyry-related hydrothermal systems, temporally separated by a million years. It appears that the metal budget in porphyry ore deposits is not simply a function of their longevity and/or the superposition of multiple porphyry systems. Nor is it a function of the duration of the associated cycle of magmatism. Instead, the timing of processes operating in the parental magma body is the controlling factor in the formation of a fertile porphyry-related ore system.


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The late Miocene Farallon Negro volcanics, comprising basaltic to rhyodacitic volcano-sedimentary rocks, host the Bajo de la Alumbrera porphyry copper-gold deposit in northwest Argentina. Early studies of the geology of the district have underpinned the general model for porphyry ore deposits where hydrothermal alteration and mineralization develop in and around porphyritic intrusions emplaced at shallow depths (2.5-3.5 km) into stratovolcanic assemblages. The Farallon Negro succession is dominated by thick sequences of volcano-sedimentary breccias, with lavas forming a minor component volumetrically. These volcaniclastic rocks conformably overlie crystalline basement-derived sedimentary rocks deposited in a developing foreland basin southeast of the Puna-Altiplano plateau. Within the Farallon Negro volcanics, volcanogenic accumulations evolved from early mafic to intermediate and silicic compositions. The younger and more silicic rocks are demonstrably coeval and comagmatic with the earliest group of mineralized porphyritic intrusions at Bajo de la Alumbrera. Our analysis of the volcanic stratigraphy and facies architecture of the Farallon Negro volcanics indicates that volcanic eruptions evolved from effusive to mixed effusive and explosive styles, as magma compositions changed to more intermediate and silicic compositions. Air early phase of mafic to intermediate voleanism was characterized by small synsedimentary intrusions with peperitic contacts, and lesser lava units scattered widely throughout the district, and interbedded with thick and extensive successions of coarse-grained sedimentary breccias. These sedimentary breccias formed from numerous debris- and hyperconcentrated flow events. A later phase of silicic volcanism included both effusive eruptions, forming several areally restricted lavas, and explosive eruptions, producing more widely dispersed (up to 5 kin) tuff units, some tip to 30-m thickness in proximal sections. Four key features of the volcanic stratigraphy suggest that the Farallon Negro volcanics need not simply record the construction of a large steep-sided polygenetic stratovolcano: (1) sheetlike, laterally continuous debris-flow and other coarse-grained sedimentary deposits are dominant, particularly in the lower sections; (2) mafic-intermediate composition lavas are volumetrically minor; (3) peperites are present throughout the sequence; and (4) fine-grained lacustrine sandstone-siltstone sequences occur in areas previously thought to be proximal to the summit region of the stratovolcano. Instead, the nature, distribution, and geometry of volcanic and volcaniclastic facies suggest that volcanism occurred as a relatively low relief, multiple-vent volcanic complex at the eastern edge of a broad, > 200-km-wide late Miocene volcanic belt and oil ail active foreland sedimentary basin to the Puna-Altiplano. Volcanism that occurred synchronously with the earliest stages of porphyry-related mineralization at Bajo de la Alumbrera apparently developed in an alluvial to ring plain setting that was distal to larger volcanic edifices.


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In Theodore v Mistford Pty Ltd [2005] HCA 45, the High Court considered certain principles governing the creation of an equitable mortgage by the deposit of a title deed as first developed by the English courts of equity with respect to old system conveyancing. The decision will be of interest to Queensland practitioners as it concerned the application of these equitable principles to Torrens land regulated by the provisions of the Land Title Act 1994 (Qld) and, in particular, the operation of s 75 of the Land Title Act 1994 (Qld) which provides: (i) An equitable mortgage of a lot may be created by leaving a certificate of title with the mortgagee (ii) Subsection (1) does not affect the ways in which an equitable mortgage may be created.


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Before even thinking of approaching charitable trusts for funding, consideration needs to be given to a whole range of issues. As with many endeavours, preparation paves the way for success...