964 resultados para vocal repertoire
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
Vocal differentiation is widely documented in birds and mammals but has been poorly investigated in other vertebrates, including fish, which represent the oldest extant vertebrate group. Neural circuitry controlling vocal behaviour is thought to have evolved from conserved brain areas that originated in fish, making this taxon key to understanding the evolution and development of the vertebrate vocal-auditory systems. This study examines ontogenetic changes in the vocal repertoire and whether vocal differentiation parallels auditory development in the Lusitanian toadfish Halobatrachus didactylus (Batrachoididae). This species exhibits a complex acoustic repertoire and is vocally active during early development. Vocalisations were recorded during social interactions for four size groups (fry: <2 cm; small juveniles: 2-4 cm; large juveniles: 5-7 cm; adults >25 cm, standard length). Auditory sensitivity of juveniles and adults was determined based on evoked potentials recorded from the inner ear saccule in response to pure tones of 75-945 Hz. We show an ontogenetic increment in the vocal repertoire from simple broadband-pulsed 'grunts' that later differentiate into four distinct vocalisations, including low-frequency amplitude-modulated 'boatwhistles'. Whereas fry emitted mostly single grunts, large juveniles exhibited vocalisations similar to the adult vocal repertoire. Saccular sensitivity revealed a three-fold enhancement at most frequencies tested from small to large juveniles; however, large juveniles were similar in sensitivity to adults. We provide the first clear evidence of ontogenetic vocal differentiation in fish, as previously described for higher vertebrates. Our results suggest a parallel development between the vocal motor pathway and the peripheral auditory system for acoustic social communication in fish.
The vocal repertoire of some animal species has been considered a non-invasive tool to predict distress reactivity. In rats ultrasound emissions were reported as distress indicator. Capybaras[ vocal repertoire was reported recently and seems to have ultrasound calls, but this has not yet been confirmed. Thus, in order to check if a poor state of welfare was linked to ultrasound calls in the capybara vocal repertoire, the aim of this study was to track the presence of ultrasound emissions in 11 animals under three conditions: 1) unrestrained; 2) intermediately restrained, and 3) highly restrained. The ultrasound track identified frequencies in the range of 31.8±3.5 kHz in adults and 33.2±8.5 kHz in juveniles. These ultrasound frequencies occurred only when animals were highly restrained, physically restrained or injured during handling. We concluded that these calls with ultrasound components are related to pain and restraint because they did not occur when animals were free of restraint. Thus we suggest that this vocalization may be used as an additional tool to assess capybaras[ welfare.
This paper investigates the links between the teaching of singing, training and inspection during the late Victorian era. It utilises as a primary source the annual inspection reports of the music inspector, Sir John Stainer. More specifically it focuses upon the musical background of the students in the training colleges of England, Wales and Scotland, the methods employed to teach sight singing and voice production, the vocal repertoire and preparation for the teaching of singing in schools. Finally, some comparison is made with the present day and the relationship between the teaching of singing, training and inspection.
One of the main environmental cues for the adjustment of temporal organization of the animals is the light-dark cycle (LD), which undergoes changes in phase duration throughout the seasons. Photoperiod signaling by melatonin in mammals allows behavioral changes along the year, as in the activity-rest cycle, in mood states and in cognitive performance. The aim of this study was to investigate if common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) exhibits behavioral changes under short and long photoperiods in a 24h cycle, assessing their individual behaviors, vocal repertoire, exploratory activity (EA), recognition memory (RM) and the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity (CRA). Eight adult marmosets were exposed to a light-dark cycle of 12:12; LD 08:16; LD 12:12 and LD 16:08, sequentially, for four weeks in each condition. Locomotor activity was recorded 24h/day by passive infrared motion detectors above the individual cages. A video camera system was programmed to record each animal, twice a week, on the first two light hours. From the videos, frequency of behaviors was registered as anxiety-like, grooming, alert, hanging position, staying in nest box and feeding using continuous focal animal sampling method. Simultaneously, the calls emitted in the experimental room were recorded by a single microphone centrally located and categorized as affiliative (whirr, chirp), contact (phee), long distance (loud shrill), agonistic (twitter) and alarm (tsik, seep, see). EA was assessed on the third hour after lights onset on the last week of each condition. In a first session, marmosets were exposed to one unfamiliar object during 15 min and 24h later, on the second session, a novel object was added to evaluate RM. Results showed that long days caused a decreased of amplitude and period variance of the CRA, but not short days. Short days decreased the total daily activity and active phase duration. On long days, active phase duration increased due to an advance of activity onset in relation to symmetric days. However, not all subjects started the activity earlier on long days. The activity offset was similar to symmetric days for the majority of marmosets. Results of EA showed that RM was not affected by short or long days, and that the marmosets exhibited a decreased in duration of EA on long days. Frequency and type of calls and frequency of anxiety-like behaviors, staying in nest box and grooming were lower on the first two light hours on long days. Considering the whole active phase of marmosets as we elucidate the results of vocalizations and behaviors, it is possible that these changes in the first two light hours are due to the shifting of temporal distribution of marmoset activities, since some animals did not advance the activity onset on long days. Consequently, the marmosets mean decreased because the sampling was not possible. In conclusion, marmosets synchronized the CRA to the tested photoperiods and as the phase angle varied a lot among marmosets it is suggested that they can use different strategies. Also, long days had an effect on activity-rest cycle and exploratory behaviors
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
Neste estudo foi realizado o censo de uma população de Papagaio-do-mangue Amazona amazonica em um dormitório, a Ilha dos Papagaios, nos arredores de Belém, PA. Através das contagens verificamos que o número total de papagaios, indivíduos sozinhos, casais, trios, grupos de quatro e de cinco indivíduos apresentaram uma flutuação, indicando sazonalidade reprodutiva, que influencia no número de indivíduos através da diminuição de sua participação nos bandos que dormem na ilha durante seu período reprodutivo, já que a espécie fornece cuidados parentais aos filhotes. Em relação ao ciclo nictemeral, avaliamos a influência de fatores abióticos nos horários de deslocamentos dos indivíduos dessa população no dormitório. Estabelecemos uma forma de registrar a freqüência de sua chegada ou saída de minuto em minuto e relacionamos os dados obtidos com o horário do ocaso e da aurora. Verificamos que a porcentagem média de indivíduos que chega e sai é significativamente maior depois do ocaso e antes da aurora, respectivamente, e que as condições climatológicas adversas influenciam significativamente na movimentação diária dos papagaios, mascarando o real posicionamento do Sol, adiantando ou atrasando sua chegada e saída do dormitório. Embora os Papagaios-do-mangue sejam aves diurnas, eles se deslocam em horários de pouca luminosidade, e o fotoperiodismo é o sincronizador de suas atividades. Quanto sua comunicação sonora, registramos 9 vocalizações em seu repertório vocal durante o período reprodutivo, relacionadas a três categorias comportamentais diferentes. Verificamos ainda diferenças inter-individuais em seu chamado de contato de vôo e dialetos vocais entre as populações estudadas.
A vocalização é uma importante forma de comunicação em primatas, pois a maioria das espécies vive em florestas densas, o que dificulta a comunicação visual à distância. A espécie Cebus apella apresenta um rico repertório de sinais vocais contextualizados a diversos comportamentos, como o forrageio alimentar, alerta a predadores, chamados de contato, chamados de corte, entre outros. Com o objetivo de elaborar um banco de dados (biblioteca sonora) de vocalizações de dezesseis indivíduos cativos da espécie Cebus apella, nós coletamos no biotério da Escola Experimental de Primatas, na Universidade Federal do Pará, vocalizações emitidas em ocorrências naturais (agonismo, contato) e em experimentos planejados (alimentação individual e alarme), editamos o material coletado e produzimos os sonogramas. Registramos e analisamos, pelo menos, dez emissões sonoras distintas agrupadas em diferentes contextos (alimentação, alarme, agonismo, contato) e mapeamos os comportamentos que não foram acompanhados de vocalizações. Foram feitas análises estatísticas das diferenças entre os chamados de machos e fêmeas na situação de alimentação individual. Nossos dados confirmaram que a espécie Cebus apella, possui um repertório vocal extenso, com chamados diferentes relacionados a comportamentos particulares, diferenças sexuais nos chamados e combinação de unidades sonoras, o que está de acordo com as indicações de plasticidade cerebral e complexidade social da espécie.
A comunicação acústica em beija-flores durante muito tempo foi negligenciada em função da coloração conspícua que representa uma sofisticada comunicação visual da maioria dos representantes deste grupo. Entretanto, estudos recentes constataram que há indícios de aprendizagem vocal em algumas espécies de Trochilidae. O presente estudo aborda o comportamento vocal do beija-flor Phaethornis superciliosus, espécie abundante na região amazônica. Esta espécie apresenta como sistema de acasalamento a formação em arena, que consiste na agregação de machos em um pequeno território, onde se exibem para outros machos e fêmeas, com o intuito de atrair estas últimas para acasalar. O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi analisar o comportamento vocal de P. superciliosus dispostos em seis arenas no Parque Ecológico de Gunma, Santa Bárbara do Pará, 50 km ao norte de Belém, considerando a emissão e estrutura física do canto, seu repertório, a frequência de emissão ao longo do dia e do ano e a dinâmica das arenas. Verificamos que a população estudada apresenta um repertório vocal composto de duas notas que são emitidas de maneira alternada. Os cantos dos indivíduos analisados apresentaram diferenças significativas entre si considerando os parâmetros físicos do som (frequências máxima e mínima, duração e intervalo entre as notas e o ritmo de emissão das notas). Esta diferenciação inter-individual pode estar relacionada à seleção sexual, na qual o canto pode permitir o reconhecimento individual, sua posição social e seu desempenho para a atração das fêmeas. Constatamos que a atividade vocal é mais intensa no segundo semestre, entre junho e novembro, período que provavelmente corresponde à estação reprodutiva. Realizamos testes de playback, que consistem em reproduzir um som previamente gravado e registrar a resposta provocada em uma das arenas em dois pontos distintos, simulando a entrada de outro indivíduo. Constatamos que o som emitido em resposta ao teste diferiu significativamente do canto espontâneo em todos os parâmetros físicos analisados. A resposta ao playback mostra que houve uma redução na faixa de frequência com que o canto foi emitido e o ritmo de emissão de notas mais rápido. Tais características do canto podem estarrelacionadas a um comportamento mais agressivo. As arenas são formadas emáreas de borda e sempre próximas a igarapés, com o tamanho da área variando entre 86m2 e 14m2, compostas de dois a quatro indivíduos distantes de 7m a 72m entre si. Nossos resultados mostraram que a organização social da arena deve ser melhor compreendida através de estudos mais detalhados sobre o possível significado que as diferenças individuais no canto podem representar para o estabelecimento da posição hierárquica dos indivíduos nas arenas.
The maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus Illiger 1815) is the biggest canid in South America and it is considered a “near threatened” species by IUCN. Because of its nocturnal, territorial and solitary habits, there are still many understudied aspects of their behavior in natural environments, including acoustic communication. In its vocal repertoire, the wolf presents a longdistance call named “roar-bark” which, according to literature, functions for spacing maintenance between individuals and/or communication between members of the reproductive pair inside the territory. In this context, this study aimed: 1) to compare four methods for detecting maned wolf’s roar-barks in recordings made in a natural environment, in order to elect the most efficient one for our project; 2) to understand the night emission pattern of these vocalizations, verifying possible weather and moon phases influences in roarbark’s emission rates; and 3) to test Passive Acoustic Monitoring as a tool to identify the presence of maned wolves in a natural environment. The study area was the Serra da Canastra National Park (Minas Gerais, Brazil), where autonomous recorders were used for sound acquisition, recording all night (from 06pm to 06am) during five days in December/2013 and every day from April to July/2014. Roar-barks’ detection methods were tested and compared regarding time needed to analyze files, number of false positives and number of correctly identified calls. The mixed method (XBAT + manual) was the most efficient one, finding 100% of vocalizations in almost half of the time the manual method did, being chosen for our data analysis. By studying roarbarks’ temporal variation we verified that the wolves vocalize more in the early hours of the evening, suggesting an important social function for those calls at the beginning of its period of most intense activity. Average wind speed negatively influenced vocalization rate, which may indicate lower sound reception of recorders or a change in behavioral patterns of wolves in high speed wind conditions. A better understanding of seasonal variation of maned wolves’ vocal activity is required, but our study already shows that it is possible to detect behavioral patterns of wild animals only by sound, validating PAM as a tool in this species’ conservation.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This research is focussed on the study of Orcinus orca's communication system. The analysis of vocalizations emitted by marine mammals has started in the '80s and most studies have been carried out in the wild. In this regard the most studied animal has been common dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) as the numerous presence of captive individuals worldwide made researches easier to be carried out. Studies about Orcinus orca's vocalizations have mainly been carried out in the wild (most in British Columbia) because its maintenance in a controlled environment results to be very difficult, only 17 among parks and oceanaria worldwide have some Orcinus orca (45 overall among which 64% born in captivity). These researches showed that Orcinus orca emit three main different types of sounds, classified as: whistles, clicks and calls. Besides, it was discovered that different groups (pods) produce sounds belonging only to the relevant pod (dialects). It is rare to find two pods sharing some calls. The two pods usually live in adjacent areas and can form a clan. This study was carried out in a controlled environment in the Orca ocean structure (Loro Parque, Tenerife, Spain) where, at the moment (March 2012) 6 individuals are hosted. Here it was developed an automatic sound recording system. Thanks to the use of suitable mathematical algorithms that allow to isolate only "interesting" sound events that differ from the "background noise", it was possible to create a database. The visualization of the sound events collected in the database is carried out with the use of a software. By looking at this output and at the observation register we could match the animal to the sound produced. Three situations were detected and studied: 1) Chosen alone: the animal chooses to go to the recording pool but it is free to move to another pool with other individuals. 2) Put alone: the animal is put alone in the recording pool. 3) With other orcas: more animals are together in the recording pool. The statistic analysis show that animals emit more vocalizations when they are in the situation "Chosen alone". The research will continue in order to observe eventual differences in the individual repertoire of each Orcinus orca.
The purpose of these extended program notes is to provide information that will assist the listening audience in comprehending the historical and biographical significance of the each vocal selection. A brief analysis of each selection, a historical interpretation of the work, a translation of the texts and a CD of the recital are included. The contents of the recital comprise of several selections from the soprano repertoire: The Georg Phillip Telemann cantata Lauter Wonne, lauter Freude; the Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Laudate Dominum from the Vesperae solemnes de confessore; the Joaquin Nin y Castellano Diez Villancicos de Noel; Gabriel Faurd's art songs Dans le ruines d'une abbay, Les Berceaux, and Au bord e l'eau; Sergei Rachmaninov's three songs Oni otvechali, Zdes Khorosho, and Vocalise; and Libby Larsen's Cowboy Songs.