973 resultados para vocal folds


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Objectives: Studies of the viscoelastic properties of the vocal folds are normally performed with rheometers that use parallel assigned a fixed value. In tissues subject to variation of thickness plates whose interplate space is usually at between samples, fixed gaps could result in different compressions, compromising the comparison among them. We performed,in experimental study to determine whether different compressions call lead to different results in measurements of dynamic viscosity (DV) of vocal fold samples. Methods: We Measured the DV of vocal fold samples of 10 larynges of cadavers under 3 different compression levels, corresponding to 0.2, 0.5, and 10 N on an 8-mm-diameter parallel-plate rheometer. Results: The DV directly varied with compression. We observed statistically significant differences between the results of 0.2 and 10 N (p = 0.0396) and 0.5 and 10 N (p = 0.0442). Conclusions: The study demonstrated that the level of compression influences the DV measure and Suggests that a defined compression level should be used in rheometric studies of biological tissues.


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In this work a computational method is presented to simulate the movements of vocal folds in three dimensions. The proposed model consists of a mesh free structure where each vertex is connected its neighbor through a group spring-damper. Forced oscillations were studied by time varying surface forces. The preliminary results using this model are similar with the literature and with the experimental stroboscopic observations of larynx. © 2006 IEEE.


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Primary voice production occurs in the larynx through vibrational movements carried out by vocal folds. However, many problems can affect this complex system resulting in voice disorders. In this context, time-frequency-shape analysis based on embedding phase space plots and nonlinear dynamics methods have been used to evaluate the vocal fold dynamics during phonation. For this purpose, the present work used high-speed video to record the vocal fold movements of three subjects and extract the glottal area time series using an image segmentation algorithm. This signal is used for an optimization method which combines genetic algorithms and a quasi-Newton method to optimize the parameters of a biomechanical model of vocal folds based on lumped elements (masses, springs and dampers). After optimization, this model is capable of simulating the dynamics of recorded vocal folds and their glottal pulse. Bifurcation diagrams and phase space analysis were used to evaluate the behavior of this deterministic system in different circumstances. The results showed that this methodology can be used to extract some physiological parameters of vocal folds and reproduce some complex behaviors of these structures contributing to the scientific and clinical evaluation of voice production. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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To examine the basis of emotional changes to the voice, physiological and electroglottal measures were combined with acoustic speech analysis of 30 men performing a computer task in which they lost or gained points under two levels of difficulty. Predictions of the main effects of difficulty and reward on the voice were not borne out by the data. Instead, vocal changes depended largely on interactions between gain versus loss and difficulty. The rate at which the vocal folds open and close (fundamental frequency; f0) was higher for loss than for gain when difficulty was high, but not when difficulty was low. Electroglottal measures revealed that f0 changes corresponded to shorter glottal open times for the loss conditions. Longer closed and shorter open phases were consistent with raised laryngeal tension in difficult loss conditions. Similarly, skin conductance indicated higher sympathetic arousal in loss than gain conditions, particularly when difficulty was high. The results provide evidence of the physiological basis of affective vocal responses, confirming the utility of measuring physiology and voice in the study of emotion.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objectives/Hypothesis. Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is a multifunctional polypeptide that plays various roles in embryogenesis and tissue regeneration and exhibits marked antifibrotic activity. The present study sought to assess the effects of HGF injection and reinjection coinciding with its peak of activity on collagen density, vessel density, inflammatory reaction in the lamina propria, and mean epithelial thickness in the injured rabbit vocal fold. Study Design. Prospective, controlled, experimental animal study. Methods. Fourteen rabbits were subdivided into two groups and underwent injury of the vocal folds. Immediately after injury, animals in group 1 received HGF injections into the right vocal fold (RVF), whereas those in group 2 received bilateral HGF injections and a single reinjection into the RVF 10 days after the first, to coincide with the peak of HGF activity. The left vocal folds (LVFs) served as controls in both groups. Histological assessment of laryngeal specimens was performed at 30 and 40 days, respectively. Results. In both groups, collagen density was lower in the right (treated) vocal folds than in the left (control) folds (P = 0.018). Vessel density was higher in the RVFs in group 2 (P = 0.018). Differences were found in mean epithelial thickness and inflammatory reaction in the lamina propria but did not reach statistical significance. Conclusions. In the scarred rabbit vocal fold, HGF injection is associated with decreased collagen density in the lamina propria, whereas reinjection after 10 days produces decreased collagen density and higher vessel density.


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Acute pulmonary disorders are commonplace within the athletic population, with exercise induced bronchoconstriction (EIB), and vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) common diagnoses. VCD is a condition that causes the adduction of the vocal folds during inhalation, causing obstruction at the larynx and thereby a severely impaired sporting performance. VCD can be brought on by laryngeal irritants, emotional and psychological stress and asthma. The gold standard of treatment for VCD centres on an interdisciplinary approach from specialists that often include a respiratory consultant, speech and language therapist (SLT) and a psychologist. The present case study details the interdisciplinary approach to the treatment of an elite female swimmer with VCD with an intervention programme that lasted nine weeks, instigated by a local general practitioner (G.P.) who chose to engage a Sport Psychology Consultant (SPC) due to the sport-specific nature of the psychological stress experienced by the individual. The steps involved in the design of the sport psychology interventions are outlined and the relationship of those interventions to the work of the other specialists is discussed. The 9 week intervention programme was aimed at reducing perfectionist tendencies and competitive state anxiety using a combination of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), goal-setting and imagery. Overall, the treatment programme was deemed a success as perfectionism and competitive state anxiety levels reduced over time along with the frequency of VCD occurrence. This case study demonstrates the breadth of roles that can be undertaken by a SPC and raises awareness of a complex respiratory disorder that is not yet fully understood.


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The human voice is an important communication tool and any disorder of the voice can have profound implications for social and professional life of an individual. Techniques of digital signal processing have been used by acoustic analysis of vocal disorders caused by pathologies in the larynx, due to its simplicity and noninvasive nature. This work deals with the acoustic analysis of voice signals affected by pathologies in the larynx, specifically, edema, and nodules on the vocal folds. The purpose of this work is to develop a classification system of voices to help pre-diagnosis of pathologies in the larynx, as well as monitoring pharmacological treatments and after surgery. Linear Prediction Coefficients (LPC), Mel Frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) and the coefficients obtained through the Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT) are applied to extract relevant characteristics of the voice signal. For the classification task is used the Support Vector Machine (SVM), which aims to build optimal hyperplanes that maximize the margin of separation between the classes involved. The hyperplane generated is determined by the support vectors, which are subsets of points in these classes. According to the database used in this work, the results showed a good performance, with a hit rate of 98.46% for classification of normal and pathological voices in general, and 98.75% in the classification of diseases together: edema and nodules


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Edema de Reinke é doença crônica da laringe na qual a camada superficial da lâmina própria é expandida por muco espesso conferindo-lhe aspecto gelatinoso. Relaciona-se ao tabagismo e acomete, preferencialmente mulheres, as quais apresentam a voz mais grave. Suas características histológicas nem sempre conseguem diferenciá-lo das demais lesões benignas da laringe, havendo necessidade de técnicas histológicas adicionais. OBJETIVOS: Estudar a imunoexpressão da fibronectina, do colágeno IV e da laminina no edema de Reinke por meio de técnicas imunoistoquímicas. Estudo prospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Blocos histológicos de 60 casos cirúrgicos de edema de Reinke foram resgatados, submetidos a novos cortes e às reações imunoistoquímicas para fibronectina, laminina e colágeno IV pelo método da Avidina Biotina Peroxidase. Todos os pacientes eram fumantes e adultos, sendo 50 mulheres e 10 homens. RESULTADOS: As análises da imunoexpressão da fibronectina, do colágeno IV e da laminina foram mais expressivas no endotélio dos vasos (68,33%, 76,66%, 73,33%, respectivamente), e menos relevantes na membrana basal (25,0%, 5,0% e 3,3%, respectivamente). CONCLUSÕES: No edema de Reinke, a imunoexpressão da fibronectina, da laminina e do colágeno IV na membrana basal não apresentam relevância, havendo predomínio desses anticorpos no endotélio do vasos.


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A Paracoccidioidomicose (PCM) é uma doença sistêmica que em sua forma sequelar se caracteriza por manifestações clínicas relacionadas às alterações anatômicas ou funcionais de órgãos e sistemas comprometidos no período de estado. OBJETIVO: Descrever as alterações anatômicas e funcionais laríngeas sequelares em pacientes com paracoccidioidomicose. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo, sendo avaliados 49 pacientes do sexo masculino, na faixa etária de 30 a 60 anos, entre 1999 a 2004, com diagnóstico de PCM em acompanhamento pela disciplina de Moléstias Infecciosas e Parasitárias, confirmado pela demonstração do fungo em escarro, exame citológico ou histopatológico. RESULTADOS: As pregas vocais foram a estrutura laríngea mais afetada, em 67% dos pacientes verificaram-se alterações. A epiglote estava acometida em 55% dos casos. As pregas ariepiglóticas tinham modificações em 53% dos pacientes. As pregas vestibulares estavam alteradas em 46% dos casos. em 40% dos casos verificaram-se alterações em aritenoides. Na fonação, 28% tinham limitação ao movimento das cordas vocais, paresia unilateral ocorreu em 4% casos. em 24% havia restrição da luz supraglótica e 4% tinham estenose glótica, sendo que 2% precisaram de traqueotomia. CONCLUSÃO: As lesões sequelares na laringe devido à infecção pelo P. brasilienses são extensas e causam restrições funcionais na maioria dos casos.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)