23 resultados para voçorocas


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O solo é um recurso natural essencial para os seres humanos. Porém, atualmente, as atividades humanas estão provocando a degradação do solo principalmente através da aceleração dos processos erosivos. Os estudos sobre estes processos ajudam na compreensão, interpretação e conservação do solo. Assim, este trabalho pretende estudar e datar os processos erosivos em uma voçoroca localizada na Estação Experimental de Tupi (Piracicaba SP) mediante o uso da dendrogeomorfologia. A dendrogeomorfologia é uma ciência relativamente recente que relaciona os anéis de crescimento das árvores com processos geomorfológicos permitindo a reconstrução cronológica e ocorrência dos eventos. A relevância deste estudo é conhecer o potencial desta ciência em áreas tropicais já que atualmente este tipo de estudos são escassos nestas áreas. Esta técnica foi aplicada utilizando raízes expostas de espécies do gênero Pinus sp. A datação do processo erosivo baseou-se nas mudanças no padrão de crescimento das raízes, tais como: a largura do anel, crescimento excêntrico, porcentagem do lenho tardio e densidade do lenho ocorridas após a sua exposição pelo processo erosivo. Através do estudo destas alterações determinou-se o primeiro ano de exposição da raiz e se calculou a taxa de erosão anual. Os resultados mostraram que a voçoroca está formada pela integração de dois sistemas de diferentes origens que confluem em um degrau de erosão. A abertura das voçorocas está influenciada pela presença de processos de \"piping\" na área, os quais também afetam a morfologia das raízes quando enterradas. A taxa de erosão vertical, segundo o método de GÄRTNER (2007), atingem valores entre 17,0 e 36,5 mm/ano quantificando o processo de afundamento da voçoroca; e a taxa de erosão horizontal, segundo o método de MALIK (2008), valores de 0,70 e 1,45 m/ano caracterizando o avanço longitudinal da mesma. Estes resultados são elevados se comparados com resultados obtidos em climas temperados por outros autores e similares aos publicados por BOVI (2013) na mesma área de estudo. Finalmente, a dendrogeomorfologia se corrobora como uma ferramenta de grande potencial em áreas tropicais. Os dados e informações obtidos podem se traduzir num banco de dados dendrogeomorfológicos e contribuir à expansão desta ciência no Brasil e áreas de ambientes tropicais.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Geografia, 2015.


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The soil erodibility factor is represented by the integrated effect of processes that regulate the water infiltration, soil resistance and the transport of soil particles. Therefore, this study had as objective to estimate the soil erodibility in the Corrego do Tijuco watershed, São Paulo State, Brazil, for guiding farmers in decision making for application of techniques for soil conservation. The soil samples were collected in a regular spacing of 500 m, resulting in a total of 310 points in a 0-20.0 m depth in an area of approximately 8,000 ha. For the estimation of soil erodibility (K) was applied a mathematical model which takes into account the soil organic matter content, the sand and silt size fractions, the soil permeability, and the particle mean diameter for each point of soil sampling. Estimated values greater than 0.040 Mg ha h ha(-1) MJ(-1) mm(-1) were considered very high for this factor. In areas with greater degree of erodibility occurs the Argisols order predominance, that shows high susceptibility to the development of interrill erosion due to its remarkable performance in relation to textural gradient, thereby, the interrill erosion rates can be very intensive due to rapid saturation of upper horizon, increasing the erosion process. At the Latosols (Oxisols) areas were also observed high soil erodibility values that under inappropriate conditions of soil occupation, concentrating runoff of rain water, leading to appear deep gullies.


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The study area comprises the western portion of the Marília Plateau, State of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. The geological substrate encompasses Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Bauru Group and local Neocenozoic units like colluvium aprons, fluvial terrace deposits, in situ regoliths, and modern alluvial deposits. In a geomorphologic sense, the study area might be characterized as showing two main pediplanes, viz. P1 Surface (upper) and P2 Surface (lower), both surfaces are presently under dissecation processes. After the 1920's the expansion of the railroad system fostered the removal of the natural vegetation, which in turn was followed by the introduction of coffee, peanut, corn and cotton crops. This intense exploitation was conducted without respect to the soil carrying capacity and its natural susceptibility to erosional processes, including an aggressive form known as voçoroca. As a result, the study shows that the most susceptible material includes colluvium aprons, in situ regoliths, and colluvium-alluvium or alluvium deposits. The most critical situation is in the P2 Surface context, near the bottom of the Marília Plateau scarpment, where surface runoff can be very strong. Another point of active erosion is represented by the exposed walls of gullies and voçorocas, mainly in fluvial reaches subjected to talweg lowering. In a general sense, this study shows current evidence of erosional stability due to the ìntroduction of pastures as a predominant type of land occupation and to a series of erosion control procedures. Among these actions are terrace implantation, construction of small pits for runoff control, natural or induced reforestation by land owners. Despite these efforts, some erosion points remain chiefly in steeper country roads and trail stretches, in areas of concentration of cattle tracks (e.g., near cattle ponds), gullies or voçorocas exposed walls, and badly planned urbanization. The permanence of these erosion points demonstrates the necessity of a continuous monitoring of surface dynamics as well as a rapid and effective intervining measures of erosion and/or silting control.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study aimed to determine how the richness and composition of ant species behaves with changes in the recovery process of a gully erosion. The study area has 0.9 hectares subdivided into three sections called sector: A, B and C. For the definition of the sectors, erosive and natural restoring were taken as the base level of activity. Four transects were laid systematically throughout the area and surrounding compound with forest and grassland. Each transect had three pitfall trap ten meters apart from each other, with catches of ants were held in rainy and dry seasons. Analysis of variance was applied to compare the number of ant species per plot captured and Scott-Knott test 5% for comparison of means. To verify the similarity of species between environments it was performed an analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) and ordering of environments a Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS). We captured 74 species of ants inside and around the gully erosion. The more degraded environment and initial stage of regeneration, showed greater richness of ant species. The composition of ant species was different between the recovery environments and around. The parameters of ant communities analyzed, richness and composition species were influenced by the regeneration of the area, indicating that ants can be used as bioindicators of gullies recovery.


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE