8 resultados para vitellin
We describe the first application of a non-radioactive ligand-blotting technique to the characterization of proteins interacting with nematode vitellins. Chromatographically purified vitellins from the free-living nematode Oscheius tipulae were labeled with fluorescein in vitro. Ligand-blotting assays with horseradish peroxidase-conjugated anti-fluorescein antibodies showed that labeled vitellins reacted specifically with a polypeptide of approximately 100 kDa, which we named P100. This polypeptide is a specific worm`s vitellin-binding protein that is present only in adult worms. Blots containing purified O. tipulae vitellin preparations showed no detectable signal in the 100 kDa region, ruling out any possibility of yolk polypeptides self-assembling under the conditions used in our assay. Experiments done in the presence of alpha-methyl mannoside ruled out the possibility of vitellins binding to P100 through mannose residues. Triton X-114 fractionation of whole worm extracts showed that P100 is either a membrane protein or has highly hydrophobic regions. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The fates of purified 32P-vitellin and 32P-lipophorin were followed in vitellogenic females of Rhodnius prolixus. While the radioactivity from 32P-vitellin 6 hours after injection was found almost exclusively in the ovary, the radioactivity from injected 32P-lipophorin was found distributed among several organs. In the ovary, the radioactivity from 32P-vitellin was associated with the contents of the yolk granules. 32P-lipophorin delivered a great amount of radioactive phospholipids to the ovary with no accumulation of its protein moiety, as observed after its iodination with 131I. The delivery of phospholipids was inhibited at 0ºC and by the metabolic inhibitors, sodium azide and sodium fluoride. Comparison of the radioactivity incorporation from 32P-lipophorin with that of 14C-inulin suggests that the 32P-phospholipids from lipophorin are not taken up by fluid phase endocytosis. The data presented here are compatible with the concept of lipophorin as a carrier of lipids in insects and provide evidence that lipophorin transports phospholipids as shown previously for other classes of lipids. The utilization by the oocytes of the phospholipids transported by lipophorin is discussed.
The eggs from oviparous organisms contain large amounts of vitellus, or yolk, wich are utilized by the growing embryo. Vitellogenesis is the process of vitellus accumulation and involves massive heterosynthetic synthesis of the protein vitellogenin (Vg) and its deposition in the oocyte. This work summarizes data on Vg structure, synthesis, uptake by oocytes and its fate during embryogenesis. The hormonal control of vitellogenesis and its tissue, sex and temporal regulation are also discussed. Where it is available, data on structure and expression of Vg-coding genes are reviewed. Insect vitellogenesis is priorized although other oviparous animal groups outside insects are also treated.
Le diabète insipide néphrogénique (DIN) autosomal peut être causé par les mutations du gène codant pour le canal à eau aquaporine-2 (AQP2). Un modèle couramment utilisé pour l’étude des protéines membranaires telle l’AQP2 est l’expression hétérologue dans les ovocytes de Xenopus laevis. Malheureusement, les techniques déjà existantes de purification de membranes plasmiques sont soit trop longues, trop difficiles ou demandent trop de matériel, ne permettent pas l’analyse adéquate du ciblage des formes sauvage comme mutantes, un élément crucial de ce type d’étude. Nous avons donc dans un premier temps mis au point une technique rapide et efficace de purification de membranes plasmiques qui combine la digestion partielle de la membrane vitelline, sa polymérisation à la membrane plasmique suivi de centrifugations à basse vitesse pour récolter les membranes purifiées. Nous avons utilisé cette technique dans l’étude de deux nouveaux cas familiaux de patients hétérozygotes possédant les mutations V24A et R187C dans un cas et K228E et R187C dans le second cas. Pour chaque mutation, nous avons analysé autant les éléments de fonctionnalité que les paramètres d’expression des protéines mutantes. Les expériences de perméabilité membranaire démontrent que les ovocytes exprimant AQP2-V24A (Pf = 16.3 ± 3.5 x 10-4 cm/s, 10 ng) et AQP2- K228E (Pf = 19.9 ± 7.0 x 10-4 cm/s, 10 ng) ont des activités similaires à celle exprimant la forme native (Pf = 14.4 ± 5.5 x 10-4 cm/s, 1 ng), tandis que AQP2- R187C (Pf = 2.6 ± 0.6 x 10-4 cm/s, 10 ng) ne semble avoir aucune activité comme ce qui est observé chez les ovocytes non-injectés (Pf = 2.8 ± 1.0 x 10-4 cm/s). Les études de co-expression ont démontré un effet d’additivité lorsque AQP2-V24A et -K228E sont injectées avec la forme native et un effet s’apparentant à la dominance négative lorsque AQP2-R187C est injecté avec la forme native, avec AQP2-V24A ou avec –K228E. Les résultats obtenus par immunobuvardage représente bien ce qui a été démontré précédemment, on remarque la présence des mutations K228E, V24A et la forme sauvage à la membrane plasmique, contrairement à la mutation R187C. Cependant, lorsque les mutations sont exprimées dans des cellules mIMCD-3, il n’y a qu’une faible expression à la membrane de la forme –K228E et une absence totale des formes –V24A et –R187C à la membrane plasmique, contrairement à la forme native. Les résultats de nos études démontrent que tout dépendant du système d’expression les formes –K228E et –V24A peuvent être utiles dans l’étude des problèmes d’adressage à la membrane à l’aide de chaperonne chimique. De plus, la forme –R187C démontre des difficultés d’adressage qui devront être étudiées afin de mieux comprendre la synthèse des formes natives.
An aspartic endopeptidase was purified in our laboratory from Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus eggs [Logullo, C., Vaz, I.S., Sorgine, M.H., Paiva-Silva, G.O., Faria, F.S., Zingali, R.B., De Lima, M.F., Abreu, L., Oliveira, E.F., Alves, E.W, Masuda, H., Gonzales, J.C., Masuda, A., and Oliveira, P.L., 1998. Isolation of an aspartic proteinase precursor from the egg of a hard tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. Parasitology 116, 525-532]. Boophilus yolk cathepsin (BYC) was tested as component of a protective vaccine against the tick, inducing a significant immune response in cattle [da Silva, VI., Jr., Logullo, C., Sorgine, M., Velloso, F.F., Rosa de Lima, M.F., Gonzales, J.C., Masuda, H., Oliveira, P.L., and Masuda, A., 1998. Immunization of bovines with an aspartic proteinase precursor isolated from Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus eggs. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 66,331-341]. In this work, BYC was cloned and its primary sequence showed high similarity with other aspartic endopeptidases. In spite of this similarity, BYC sequence shows many important differences in relation to other aspartic peptidases, the most important being the lack of the second catalytic Asp residue, considered to be essential for the catalysis of this class of endopeptidases. When we determined BYC cleavage specificity by LC-MS, we found out that it presents a preference for hydrophobic residues in P1 and P1` in accordance to most aspartic endopeptidases. Also, when analyzed by circular dicroism, BYC presented high beta sheet content, also a characteristic of aspartic endopeptidases. On the other hand, although both native and recombinant BYC are catalytically active, they present a very low specific activity, what seems to indicate that this peptidase will digest its natural substrate, vitellin, very slowly. We speculate that such a slow Vn degradative process might constitute an important strategy to preserve egg protein content to the hatching larvae. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The aim of the present work is to perform morphological and histological studies of the ovaries of workers and mated queens of Pachycondyla striata ants, which belong to the subfamily Ponerinae. The ovaries, after being removed, were schematized. Next, historesin and electronic scanning microscopy techniques were applied, making it possible to note that the left ovary owns a greater number of ovarioles when compared to the right one (workers - 7 to the right and 8 to the left; queens - 6 to the right and 7 to the left) and that the ovarioles of workers present a rather wrinkled aspect due to the fact that they are not developed. The same situation does not occur in mated queens once they always present oocytes in distinct development phases in their ovarioles. Histologically it was observed that the ovarioles are of the meroistic polytrophic kind. Inside the ovarioles of workers, germinative cells were observed in their distal portion, but their lumen were empty. on the other hand, ovarioles of mated queens presented the germinative cells as well as oocytes in different degrees of development, although more than one developing oocyte was never observed in the interior of each ovariole. It was possible to note the presence of follicular epithelium, chorion and vitellin membrane in oocytes of mated queens, which change morphologically according the oocyte development stage.
Insect oocytes are surrounded by the follicular epithelium which is simple and cuboidal, wih the mainly functions of: synthesis of vitellin membrane and chorion and synthesis and transport of hemolymph products (proteins). In Pachycondyla (Neoponera) villosa ants workers aged less than 10 days do not present the formation of ovarian follicles (oocytes, nurse cells and follicular cells) indicating that vitellogenesis starts at approximately 10 days of age. Studies of participation of the follicular epithelium in Pachycondyla (Neoponera) villosa showed that in stage I oocytes the epithelium does not present the opening of intercellular spaces. In stage II these spaces begin to be observed together with separation of the follicular epithelium from the oocyte surface. In stage III two types of material were observed in the intercellular spaces: electrodense material in the basal region and compacted material in apical one as well as follicular epithelium/oocytes interface suggesting that the extraovarian material that reach oocytes undergoes some type of modification during passage through the intercellular spaces. The follicular epithelium spaces in queen are bigger than in workers oocytes.
Vitellogenin (Vg) is an egg yolk protein that is produced primarily in the fat body of most female insects. In the advanced social structure of eusocial honeybees, the presence of the queen inhibits egg maturation in the workers ovaries. However in the stingless bee Melipona quadrifasciata, the workers always develop ovaries and lay a certain amount of eggs while provisioning the brood cells with larval food during what is known as the worker nurse phase. The present work is a comparative study of the presence of Vg in homogenates of the fat bodies and ovaries of the nurse workers, and the virgin and physogastric queens of M. quadrifasciata. The presence of Vg was determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting using Apis mellifera anti-egg antibody. Vg was not detected in the fat bodies or ovaries of the workers, but it was found in the ovaries of virgin and physogastric queens and in the fat body of physogastric queens. The results are discussed, taking into account the reproductive state of the individuals and the other possible roles of Vg, such as a storage protein for metoabolism of other organs.