977 resultados para visual variables
In order to use virtual reality as a sport analysis tool, we need to be sure that an immersed athlete reacts realistically in a virtual environment. This has been validated for a real handball goalkeeper facing a virtual thrower. However, we currently ignore which visual variables induce a realistic motor behavior of the immersed handball goalkeeper. In this study, we used virtual reality to dissociate the visual information related to the movements of the player from the visual information related to the trajectory of the ball. Thus, the aim is to evaluate the relative influence of these different visual information sources on the goalkeeper's motor behavior. We tested 10 handball goalkeepers who had to predict the final position of the virtual ball in the goal when facing the following: only the throwing action of the attacking player (TA condition), only the resulting ball trajectory (BA condition), and both the throwing action of the attacking player and the resulting ball trajectory (TB condition). Here we show that performance was better in the BA and TB conditions, but contrary to expectations, performance was substantially worse in the TA condition. A significant effect of ball landing zone does, however, suggest that the relative importance between visual information from the player and the ball depends on the targeted zone in the goal. In some cases, body-based cues embedded in the throwing actions may have a minor influence on the ball trajectory and vice versa. Kinematics analysis was then combined with these results to determine why such differences occur depending on the ball landing zone and consequently how it can clarify the role of different sources of visual information on the motor behavior of an athlete immersed in a virtual environment.
Intentar la validación, a través del método experimental, del Programa de Desarrollo de la Percepción Visual de M. Frostig, en niños de seis y siete años, que cursan primero de EGB y que presentan dificultades en el campo perceptivo-visual. Conseguir una mejora en el aprendizaje lector de estos niños. 147 sujetos de primero de EGB del colegio San Ignacio de Sarrià de Barcelona, castellanoparlantes, de clase social alta y media-alta. 16 sujetos con dificultades perceptivo-visuales de los cuales 8 forman el grupo experimental y 8 el grupo control. Desarrollan un marco teórico sobre la percepción visual y la lectura. Plantean un diseño experimental. Variables dependientes: Percepción visual y rendimiento lector. Variables independientes: Programa de Desarrollo de la Percepción Visual. Variables controladas: ambientales y individuales. Realizan una evaluación inicial del nivel de percepción visual en base a tests estandarizados y seleccionan a los sujetos con dificultades perceptivo-visuales. Forman un grupo experimental y otro control donde aplican el programa de reeducación Frostig y una serie de actividades lectoras, respectivamente. Posteriormente miden otra vez el nivel de percepción visual y lector. Comparan los resultados de ambos grupos antes y después del tratamiento a través de pruebas de significación estadística. Aplican el test EDEI (pruebas de conceptualización y categorización) para estudiar la inteligencia, el test de desarrollo de la percepción visual de M. Frostig para la percepción visual y el test de lectura de F. Cabrera para el nivel lector. Aplican la prueba de Kolmogorov para determinar la distribución normal de las puntuaciones y la T de Student para comparar los grupos experimental y control. Realizan perfiles de ambos grupos en la evaluación inicial y final. El programa de M. Frostig aplicado a niños con dificultades perceptivo-visuales mejora su percepción visual y en menor medida su rendimiento lector, siendo el programa más válido para sujetos cuyos medios sociofamiliares son menos favorecidos.
Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych
Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych
Investigar las dificultades del aprendizaje lector que impiden el avance normal de los escolares de la isla de La Graciosa, así como realizar un acercamiento a la realidad educativa de esta isla. 53 escolares de los 136 que componen la población escolar de la isla, en el momento de la investigación. Estos 53 niños pertenecen a los tres primeros cursos de EGB; 35 son varones y 18 hembras. La profesión de los padres, en su mayoría, es la de marineros, lo que hace que la madre tenga que desempeñar los dos roles en la unidad familiar. En esta investigación se trata de medir la inteligencia general, la organización perceptiva, el nivel de desarrollo visomotor, el dominio de cierto número de conceptos básicos y la aptitud para la lectura, que comprende: comprensión auditiva, comprensión visual y discriminación visual. Variables dependientes son las puntuaciones que obtienen los alumnos en las pruebas que se le pasaron. Test de matrices progresivas, de inteligencia general de Raven, J.C.; Prueba de organización perceptiva, de H. Santucci; test guestáltico visomotor, de Lauretta Bender; test de copia de una figura compleja, de A. Rey; test de Boehm de conceptos básicos, de Ann E. Borhm; prueba de lectura, nivel 1, de María Victoria Cruz. Son muchos los factores que influyen en las dificultades del aprendizaje lector de estos niños; entre ellos podemos entresacar los siguientes, que condicionan fuertemente la realidad escolar: 1. El abandono cultural, las relaciones familiares muy cerradas y los escasos estímulos que rodean a los niños. 2. Madurez perceptiva insuficiente, poca capacidad de análisis, estancamiento en la etapa de desarrollo del pensamiento concreto, graves dificultades en la percepción espacial debido a problemas de lateralidad y escaso e insuficiente vocabulario que dificulta enormemente la comprensión verbal. 3. La inexistencia en épocas anteriores de un profesorado con permanencia mínima y con inquietudes para hacer frente a los problemas educativos existentes. La deficiente labor de inspección, por otra parte, tampoco ha proporcionado pautas para mejorar esta realidad. Aunque somos conscientes de que una realidad tan compleja como la de la isla de La Graciosa requiere mucha investigación, este trabajo supone una sencilla aportación al mundo cultural y educativo de esta isla. Al no contar con investigaciones previas, se ha tenido que perder mucho tiempo en estudiar el medio, para poder centrar la investigación. Las futuras investigaciones podrían dirigirse a partir de esta investigación a los problemas educativos en concreto.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The combination of acquired mirror writing and reading is an extremely rare neurological disorder. It is encountered when brain damaged patients prefer horizontally mirrored over normal script in writing and reading. Previous theories have related this pathology to a disinhibition of mirrored engrams in the non-dominant hemisphere, possibly accompanied by a reversal of the preferred scanning direction. Here, we report the experimental investigation of PR, a patient who developed pronounced mirror writing and reading following septic shock that caused hypoxic brain damage. A series of five oculomotor experiments revealed that the patient's preferred scanning direction was indeed reversed. However, PR showed striking scanpath abnormalities and mirror reversals that cannot be explained by previous theories. Considered together with mirror phenomena she displayed in neuropsychological tasks and everyday activities, our findings suggest a horizontal reversal of visual information on a perceptual level. In addition, a systematic manipulation of visual variables within two further experiments had dramatic effects on her mirror phenomena. When confronted with moving, flickering or briefly presented stimuli, PR showed hardly any left-right reversals. Not only do these findings underline the perceptual nature of her disorder, but also allow interpretation of the pathology in terms of a dissociation between visual subsystems. We speculate that early visual cortices are crucially involved in this dissociation. More generally, her mirrored vision may represent an extreme clinical manifestation of the relative instability of the horizontal axis in spatial vision.
Motor timing tasks have been employed in studies of neurodevelopmental disorders such as developmental dyslexia and ADHD, where they provide an index of temporal processing ability. Investigations of these disorders have used different stimulus parameters within the motor timing tasks which are likely to affect performance measures. Here we assessed the effect of auditory and visual pacing stimuli on synchronised motor timing performance and its relationship with cognitive and behavioural predictors that are commonly used in the diagnosis of these highly prevalent developmental disorders. Twenty- one children (mean age 9.6 years) completed a finger tapping task in two stimulus conditions, together with additional psychometric measures. As anticipated, synchronisation to the beat (ISI 329 ms) was less accurate in the visually paced condition. Decomposition of timing variance indicated that this effect resulted from differences in the way that visual and auditory paced tasks are processed by central timekeeping and associated peripheral implementation systems. The ability to utilise an efficient processing strategy on the visual task correlated with both reading and sustained attention skills. Dissociations between these patterns of relationship across task modality suggest that not all timing tasks are equivalent.
This present paper reviews the reliability and validity of visual analogue scales (VAS) in terms of (1) their ability to predict feeding behaviour, (2) their sensitivity to experimental manipulations, and (3) their reproducibility. VAS correlate with, but do not reliably predict, energy intake to the extent that they could be used as a proxy of energy intake. They do predict meal initiation in subjects eating their normal diets in their normal environment. Under laboratory conditions, subjectively rated motivation to eat using VAS is sensitive to experimental manipulations and has been found to be reproducible in relation to those experimental regimens. Other work has found them not to be reproducible in relation to repeated protocols. On balance, it would appear, in as much as it is possible to quantify, that VAS exhibit a good degree of within-subject reliability and validity in that they predict with reasonable certainty, meal initiation and amount eaten, and are sensitive to experimental manipulations. This reliability and validity appears more pronounced under the controlled (but more arti®cial) conditions of the laboratory where the signal : noise ratio in experiments appears to be elevated relative to real life. It appears that VAS are best used in within-subject, repeated-measures designs where the effect of different treatments can be compared under similar circumstances. They are best used in conjunction with other measures (e.g. feeding behaviour, changes in plasma metabolites) rather than as proxies for these variables. New hand-held electronic appetite rating systems (EARS) have been developed to increase reliability of data capture and decrease investigator workload. Recent studies have compared these with traditional pen and paper (P&P) VAS. The EARS have been found to be sensitive to experimental manipulations and reproducible relative to P&P. However, subjects appear to exhibit a signi®cantly more constrained use of the scale when using the EARS relative to the P&P. For this reason it is recommended that the two techniques are not used interchangeably
Of the numerous factors that play a role in fatal pedestrian collisions, the time of day, day of the week, and time of year can be significant determinants. More than 60% of all pedestrian collisions in 2007 occurred at night, despite the presumed decrease in both pedestrian and automobile exposure during the night. Although this trend is partially explained by factors such as fatigue and alcohol consumption, prior analysis of the Fatality Analysis Reporting System database suggests that pedestrian fatalities increase as light decreases after controlling for other factors. This study applies graphical cross-tabulation, a novel visual assessment approach, to explore the relationships among collision variables. The results reveal that twilight and the first hour of darkness typically observe the greatest frequency of pedestrian fatal collisions. These hours are not necessarily the most risky on a per mile travelled basis, however, because pedestrian volumes are often still high. Additional analysis is needed to quantify the extent to which pedestrian exposure (walking/crossing activity) in these time periods plays a role in pedestrian crash involvement. Weekly patterns of pedestrian fatal collisions vary by time of year due to the seasonal changes in sunset time. In December, collisions are concentrated around twilight and the first hour of darkness throughout the week while, in June, collisions are most heavily concentrated around twilight and the first hours of darkness on Friday and Saturday. Friday and Saturday nights in June may be the most dangerous times for pedestrians. Knowing when pedestrian risk is highest is critically important for formulating effective mitigation strategies and for efficiently investing safety funds. This applied visual approach is a helpful tool for researchers intending to communicate with policy-makers and to identify relationships that can then be tested with more sophisticated statistical tools.
Objective The current study evaluated part of the Multifactorial Model of Driving Safety to elucidate the relative importance of cognitive function and a limited range of standard measures of visual function in relation to the Capacity to Drive Safely. Capacity to Drive Safely was operationalized using three validated screening measures for older drivers. These included an adaptation of the well validated Useful Field of View (UFOV) and two newer measures, namely a Hazard Perception Test (HPT), and a Hazard Change Detection Task (HCDT). Method Community dwelling drivers (n = 297) aged 65–96 were assessed using a battery of measures of cognitive and visual function. Results Factor analysis of these predictor variables yielded factors including Executive/Speed, Vision (measured by visual acuity and contrast sensitivity), Spatial, Visual Closure, and Working Memory. Cognitive and Vision factors explained 83–95% of age-related variance in the Capacity to Drive Safely. Spatial and Working Memory were associated with UFOV, HPT and HCDT, Executive/Speed was associated with UFOV and HCDT and Vision was associated with HPT. Conclusion The Capacity to Drive Safely declines with chronological age, and this decline is associated with age-related declines in several higher order cognitive abilities involving manipulation and storage of visuospatial information under speeded conditions. There are also age-independent effects of cognitive function and vision that determine driving safety.
PURPOSE: To examine the basis of previous findings of an association between indices of driving safety and visual motion sensitivity and to examine whether this association could be explained by low-level changes in visual function. METHODS: 36 visually normal participants (aged 19 – 80 years), completed a battery of standard vision tests including visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and automated visual fields. and two tests of motion perception including sensitivity for movement of a drifting Gabor stimulus, and sensitivity for displacement in a random-dot kinematogram (Dmin). Participants also completed a hazard perception test (HPT) which measured participants’ response times to hazards embedded in video recordings of real world driving which has been shown to be linked to crash risk. RESULTS: Dmin for the random-dot stimulus ranged from -0.88 to -0.12 log minutes of arc, and the minimum drift rate for the Gabor stimulus ranged from 0.01 to 0.35 cycles per second. Both measures of motion sensitivity significantly predicted response times on the HPT. In addition, while the relationship involving the HPT and motion sensitivity for the random-dot kinematogram was partially explained by the other visual function measures, the relationship with sensitivity for detection of the drifting Gabor stimulus remained significant even after controlling for these variables. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that motion perception plays an important role in the visual perception of driving-relevant hazards independent of other areas of visual function and should be further explored as a predictive test of driving safety. Future research should explore the causes of reduced motion perception in order to develop better interventions to improve road safety.
AIM To examine the prevalence of dyslexia and Meares–Irlen syndrome (MIS) among female students and determine their level of visual stress in comparison with normal subjects. METHODS A random sample of 450 female medical students of King Saud University Riyadh (age range, 18 - 30 years) responded to a wide range of questions designed to accomplish the aims of this study. The detailed questionnaire consisted of 54 questions with twelve questions enquiring on ocular history and demography of participants while 42 questions were on visual symptoms. Items were categorized into; critical and non-critical questions (CQ and NCQ) and were rated on four point Likert scale. Based on the responses obtained, the subjects were grouped into normal (control), dyslexic with or without MIS (Group 1) and subjects with MIS only (Group 2). Responses were analysed as averages and mean scores were calculated and compared between-groups using one way analysis of variance to evaluate total (TVSS = NCQ + CQ), critical and non-critical visual stress scores. The relationship between categorical variables such as age, handedness and condition were assessed with Chi- Square test. RESULTS The completion rate was 96.8% and majority of the respondents (92%) were normal readers, 2% dyslexic and 6% had MIS. They were age-matched. More than half of the participants had visited an eye care practitioner in the last 2yrs. About 13% were recommended eye exercises and one participant experienced pattern glare. Hand preference was not associated with any condition but Group 1 subjects (3/9, 33%) were significantly more likely to be diagnosed of lazy eye than Group 2 (2/27, 7%) and control (27/414, 5%) subjects. The mean ± SD of TVSS responses were 63 ± 14 but it was 44 ± 9 for CQ and 19 ± 5 for NCQ. Responses from all three variables were normally distributed but the CQ responses were on the average more positive (82%) in Group 2 and less positive (46%) in Group 1 than control. With NCQ, the responses were equally less positive in Group 1 and 2 than control. Group 2 subjects showed significantly higher TVSS (P = 0.002), NCQ (P = 0.006) and CQ (P = 0.008) visual stress scores than control but no difference between Group 1 and control subjects, was observed for all scores (P > 0.05, for all comparisons). CONCLUSION The prevalence of dyslexia and MIS among Saudi female students was 2 and 6%, respectively. Critical questions performed best for assessing visual stress symptoms in dyslexic and MIS subjects. Generally, students with MIS were more sensitive to visual stress than normal students but dyslexics were more likely to present with a lazy eye than MIS and normal readers.
This is the Visual survey ERS Dane, Weaver & Bollin Catchments produced by the Environment Agency in 2005. Visual surveys of the River Dane downstream of the confluence with the Swettenham Brook, the River Weaver, and the River Bollin catchment in the EA Northwest South area of England were undertaken between 3rd and 9th February 2005 with the aim of identifying the spatial distribution and relative quality of exposed Riverine sediments (ERS). The potential value of these ERS in terms of likely habitat quality for ERS invertebrate communities was determined by recording a suite of appropriate environmental variables. Following an initial cartographical analysis of reaches likely to contain ERS, tens of kilometres of riverbank were inspected and 67 areas of ERS were selected for detailed visual survey. Site characteristics ranged widely both between and within catchments, with habitat quality ranging from poor to very high.