986 resultados para visual manual


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Background Standard operating procedures state that police officers should not drive while interacting with their mobile data terminal (MDT) which provides in-vehicle information essential to police work. Such interactions do however occur in practice and represent a potential source of driver distraction. The MDT comprises visual output with manual input via touch screen and keyboard. This study investigated the potential for alternative input and output methods to mitigate driver distraction with specific focus on eye movements. Method Nineteen experienced drivers of police vehicles (one female) from the NSW Police Force completed four simulated urban drives. Three drives included a concurrent secondary task: imitation licence plate search using an emulated MDT. Three different interface methods were examined: Visual-Manual, Visual-Voice, and Audio-Voice (“Visual” and “Audio” = output modality; “Manual” and “Voice” = input modality). During each drive, eye movements were recorded using FaceLAB™ (Seeing Machines Ltd, Canberra, ACT). Gaze direction and glances on the MDT were assessed. Results The Visual-Voice and Visual-Manual interfaces resulted in a significantly greater number of glances towards the MDT than Audio-Voice or Baseline. The Visual-Manual and Visual-Voice interfaces resulted in significantly more glances to the display than Audio-Voice or Baseline. For longer duration glances (>2s and 1-2s) the Visual-Manual interface resulted in significantly more fixations than Baseline or Audio-Voice. The short duration glances (<1s) were significantly greater for both Visual-Voice and Visual-Manual compared with Baseline and Audio-Voice. There were no significant differences between Baseline and Audio-Voice. Conclusion An Audio-Voice interface has the greatest potential to decrease visual distraction to police drivers. However, it is acknowledged that an audio output may have limitations for information presentation compared with visual output. The Visual-Voice interface offers an environment where the capacity to present information is sustained, whilst distraction to the driver is reduced (compared to Visual-Manual) by enabling adaptation of fixation behaviour.


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The Lane Change Test (LCT) is one of the growing number of methods developed to quantify driving performance degradation brought about by the use of in-vehicle devices. Beyond its validity and reliability, for such a test to be of practical use, it must also be sensitive to the varied demands of individual tasks. The current study evaluated the ability of several recent LCT lateral control and event detection parameters to discriminate between visual-manual and cognitive surrogate In-Vehicle Information System tasks with different levels of demand. Twenty-seven participants (mean age 24.4 years) completed a PC version of the LCT while performing visual search and math problem solving tasks. A number of the lateral control metrics were found to be sensitive to task differences, but the event detection metrics were less able to discriminate between tasks. The mean deviation and lane excursion measures were able to distinguish between the visual and cognitive tasks, but were less sensitive to the different levels of task demand. The other LCT metrics examined were less sensitive to task differences. A major factor influencing the sensitivity of at least some of the LCT metrics could be the type of lane change instructions given to participants. The provision of clear and explicit lane change instructions and further refinement of its metrics will be essential for increasing the utility of the LCT as an evaluation tool.


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Driver distraction has recently been defined by Regan as "the diversion of attention away from activities critical for safe driving toward a competing activity, which may result in insufficient or no attention to activities critical for safe driving (Regan, Hallett & Gordon, 2011, p.1780)". One source of distraction is in-vehicle devices, even though they might provide other benefits, e.g. navigation systems. Currently, eco-driving systems have been growing rapidly in popularity. These systems send messages to drivers so that driving performance can be improved in terms of fuel efficiency. However, there remain unanswered questions about whether eco-driving systems endanger drivers by distracting them. In this research, the CARRS-Q advanced driving simulator was used in order to provide safety for participants and meanwhile simulate real world driving. The distraction effects of tasks involving three different in-vehicle systems were investigated: changing a CD, entering a five digit number as a part of navigation task and responding to an eco-driving task. Driving in these scenarios was compared with driving in the absence of these distractions, and while drivers engaged in critical manoeuvres. In order to account for practice effects, the same scenarios were duplicated on a second day. The three in-vehicle systems were not the exact facsimiles of any particular existing system, but were designed to have similar characteristics to those of system available. In general, the results show that drivers’ mental workloads are significantly higher in navigation and CD changing scenarios in comparison to the two other scenarios, which implies that these two tasks impose more visual/manual and cognitive demands. However, eco-driving mental workload is still high enough to be called marginally significant (p ~ .05) across manoeuvres. Similarly, event detection tasks show that drivers miss significantly more events in the navigation and CD changing scenarios in comparison to both the baseline and eco-driving scenario across manoeuvres. Analysis of the practice effect shows that drivers’ baseline scenario and navigation scenario exhibit significantly less demand on the second day. However, the number of missed events across manoeuvres confirmed that drivers can detect significantly more events on the second day for all scenarios. Distraction was also examined separately for five groups of manoeuvres (straight, lane changing, overtaking, braking for intersections and braking for roundabouts), in two locations for each condition. Repeated measures mixed ANOVA results show that reading an eco-driving message can potentially impair driving performance. When comparing the three in–vehicle distractions tested, attending to an eco-driving message is similar in effect to the CD changing task. The navigation task degraded driver performance much more than these other sources of distraction. In lane changing manoeuvres, drivers’ missed response counts degraded when they engaged in reading eco-driving messages at the first location. However, drivers’ event detection abilities deteriorated less at the second lane changing location. In baseline manoeuvres (driving straight), participants’ mean minimum speed degraded more in the CD changing scenario. Drivers’ lateral position shifted more in both CD changing and navigation tasks in comparison with both eco-driving and baseline scenarios, so they were more visually distracting. Participants were better at event detection in baseline manoeuvres in comparison with other manoeuvres. When approaching an intersection, the navigation task caused more events to be missed by participants, whereas eco-driving messages seemed to make drivers less distracted. The eco-driving message scenario was significantly less distracting than the navigation system scenario (fewer missed responses) when participants commenced braking for roundabouts. To sum up, in spite of the finding that two other in-vehicle tasks are more distracting than the eco-driving task, the results indicate that even reading a simple message while driving could potentially lead to missing an important event, especially when executing critical manoeuvres. This suggests that in-vehicle eco-driving systems have the potential to contribute to increased crash risk through distraction. However, there is some evidence of a practice effect which suggests that future research should focus on performance with habitual rather than novel tasks. It is recommended that eco-driving messages be delivered to drivers off-line when possible.


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Police in-vehicle systems include a visual output mobile data terminal (MDT) with manual input via touch screen and keyboard. This study investigated the potential for voice-based input and output modalities for reducing subjective workload of police officers while driving. Nineteen experienced drivers of police vehicles (one female) from New South Wales (NSW) Police completed four simulated urban drives. Three drives included a concurrent secondary task: an imitation licence number search using an emulated MDT. Three different interface output-input modalities were examined: Visual-Manual, Visual-Voice, and Audio-Voice. Following each drive, participants rated their subjective workload using the NASA - Raw Task Load Index and completed questions on acceptability. A questionnaire on interface preferences was completed by participants at the end of their session. Engaging in secondary tasks while driving significantly increased subjective workload. The Visual-Manual interface resulted in higher time demand than either of the voice-based interfaces and greater physical demand than the Audio-Voice interface. The Visual-Voice and Audio-Voice interfaces were rated easier to use and more useful than the Visual-Manual interface, although not significantly different from each other. Findings largely echoed those deriving from the analysis of the objective driving performance data. It is acknowledged that under standard procedures, officers should not drive while performing tasks concurrently with certain invehicle policing systems; however, in practice this sometimes occurs. Taking action now to develop voice-based technology for police in-vehicle systems has potential to realise visions for potentially safer and more efficient vehicle-based police work.


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Aportar nuevas ideas para los educadores, psicólogos, pedagogos y neuropsicólogos, que quieran optimizar el desarrollo infantil. Y demostrar la validez del Programa de Habilidad Visual para mejorar la lectura y el rendimiento escolar en alumnos de Educación Primaria. El primer estudio se realiza con 456 niños de segundo a quinto de Educación Primaria de un colegio de Madrid. Para el segundo, 90 niños de segundo, tercero y quinto de Primaria que hayan suspendido Lengua, Matemáticas, Ciencias Sociales y Naturales o Inglés. Este estudio interdisciplinar en su primera parte revisa las investigaciones realizadas en torno a la visión, la lectura y el aprendizaje. También se diseñan los programas de Habilidades Visuales para mejorar la lectura y el desarrollo de la inteligencia y con ello mejorar el rendimiento escolar. El primer trabajo de campo comprueba la rapidez lectora, la comprensión lectora y el número de errores en la lectura en voz alta, tras la aplicación de los Programas de Habilidades Visuales y el de Lectura Eficaz. Con el segundo se trata de validar el Programa de Apoyo y Desarrollo de la Inteligencia en alumnos con dificultades de aprendizaje en Educación Primaria para mejorar las calificaciones académicas como efecto del desarrollo de este programa y del de Habilidades Visuales y del Programa de Lectura Eficaz. Se utilizan Pruebas Psicopedagógicas de Aprendizajes Instrumentales de Canals y otros. Mediante pruebas visuales se comprueba la motricidad ocular, la amplitud de acomodación, la vergencias, y la lateralidad visual, manual, auditiva y pédica. Se realizan pruebas optométricas y la prueba Neruopsicológica Luria-DNI. También se tienen en cuenta las calificaciones escolares. Para comprobar las hipótesis se usa el Análisis de Covarianza y la Prueba de Sceffé. Se establece un grupo de control donde se aplica el Programa de Lectura Eficaz, y un grupo experimental donde se imparte el Programa de Habilidades Visuales. Para el segundo estudio se organizan dos grupos de control, en uno se aplica el Programa de Habilidades Visuales y en el otro el de Lectura Eficaz, y en el grupo experimental se trabaja con el Programa de Apoyo y Desarrollo de la Inteligencia. En el primer estudio, un 19 por ciento de los alumnos muestran dificultades de motricidad ocular, en torno al 18 por ciento convergencia derecha con dificultades y un 20 por ciento dificultades en convergencia izquierda. Todos los alumnos mejoran significativamente la rapidez lectora, la comprensión lectora y disminuyen el número de errores al leer en voz alta. El Programa de Apoyo y Desarrollo de la Inteligencia obtiene una mejora significativa del rendimiento académico en las cuatro áreas curriculares tratadas. Los estudios actuales sobre el nivel lector de los alumnos muestran la necesidad de realizar Programas de Intervención. La lectura es un proceso en el que intervienen factores psicofisiológicos. El programa de Habilidades Visuales puede constituir un procedimiento sencillo, adecuado y eficaz para mejorar los niveles visuales y la lectura en los distintos cursos de Educación Primaria. Para mejorar la atención y la concentración, es necesario entrenar las habilidades oculomotoras. El Programa de Apoyo y Desarrollo de la Inteligencia puede constituir un medio eficaz para mejorar el rendimiento escolar de los alumnos de Educación Primaria ya que es facilmente aplicable, con alta motivación en niños y gran colaboración de profesores y padres. Los programas para mejorar el rendimiento escolar deben centrarse en el desarrollo de los receptores sensoriales como la visión, la audición y el tacto, así como en programas neuromotores que favorezcan la organización neurológica y aquellas técnicas que potencien el procesamiento eficiente de la información. Los niños de Educación Primaria que fracasan en la escuela, necesitan ayuda en distintas disciplinas para poder afrontar los desafios del aprendizaje. Es necesario articular proyectos educativos que favorezcan el trabajo interdisciplinar de Psicología Cognitiva, Neuropsicología y Optometría, porque resultan altamente eficaces e innovadores para el enriquecimiento de la educación actual.


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Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo refletir sobre o ensino instrumental da leitura em inglês, através da utilização de componentes visuais para auxiliar leitores na construção do significado. Com pressupostos teóricos baseados principalmente em Swales (1990); Soares (1993); Bronckart (1999); Joly (2002); Santaella (1983, 2000); Magno e Silva (2002, 2004); e Field (2004), efetuamos um estudo descritivo das características semiótico-discursivas presentes em manuais de instalação de softwares com enfoque nos recursos visuais. Além disso, coletamos dados e descrevemos os procedimentos pedagógicos observados em uma turma de Inglês Instrumental do Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Redes de Computadores, da Faculdade de Tecnologia da Amazônia (FAZ), em Belém. Nossa pesquisa-ação objetivou também investigar em que medida os componentes visuais podem influenciar o leitor nas suas escolhas de leitura; de que forma os componentes visuais podem ser utilizados em atividades de pré-leitura, leitura e pós-leitura para conduzir o leitor à compreensão do sentido do texto; e qual a importância dos componentes visuais na leitura de manuais de instalação de softwares. Os resultados da análise foram sucessivamente alterando a coleta seqüencial dos dados e mostraram que os componentes visuais são excelentes ferramentas que, quando bem utilizadas e associadas às palavras, podem incentivar e simplificar o processamento da leitura, especialmente num contexto em que os participantes não possuem pleno domínio lingüístico na língua-alvo.


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Sanke är ett nystartat företag som genom sin hemsida ska sälja produkter som producerats i norra och västra Afrika. Konkurrensen mellan olika företag skapar oändliga valmöjligheter för kunden vilket blir ett problem för de företag som vill nå ut i mediebruset. Därför var målet med examensarbetet är att ge Sanke ett enhetligt grafiskt utseende för att öka medvetenheten och igenkännandet av företaget och dess varumärke. Detta har genomförts genom att utforma en grafisk profil som återspeglar företagets kärnvärden. Genom en intervju med Sanke fastställdes företagets kärnvärden. Dessa användes sedan för att skapa nio olika förslag på grafiska profiler som målgruppen genom en webbenkät gett återkoppling på. Resultatet av målgruppens återkoppling blev Sankes grafiska profil. Den grafiska profilen omfattades av en logotyp, profilfärger och hustypsnitt samt riktlinjer för hanterande av elementen och deras samspel. Slutsatsen blev att det faktum att kärnvärden och färgkonnotationer kan ha olika betydelse för olika individer kan ha försvårat bedömningen av förslagen, men att målgruppen till en vis del visat en gemensam uppfattning.


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OBJECTIVE: To study the visual acuity and astigmatism of persons undergoing cataract extraction by local surgeons in rural China. METHODS: Visual acuity, keratometry, and refraction were measured 10 to 14 months postoperatively for all cataract cases during 4 months in Sanrao, China. RESULTS: Among 313 eligible subjects, 242 (77%) could be contacted, of whom 176 (73%) were examined. Of those who were examined, mean +/- SD age was 69.3 +/- 10.5 years, 66.5% were female, 35 had been operated on bilaterally at Sanrao, and 85.2% had a preoperative presenting visual acuity of 6/60 or worse. Presenting and best-corrected postoperative acuity in the eye that was operated on were 6/18 or better in 83.4% and 95.7%, respectively. Among 27 fellow eyes operated on elsewhere, 40.7% had a presenting acuity of 6/18 or better and 40.7% were blind (P < .001). Mean +/- SD postoperative astigmatism did not differ between 211 eyes that were operated on (-1.13 +/- 0.84 diopters) and 109 eyes that were not (-1.13 +/- 1.17 diopters; P = .27). Presence of operative complications (8.5%) and older age were associated with worse vision; bilateral surgery was associated with better vision. CONCLUSIONS: These results confirm the effectiveness of skill transfer in this setting, with superior outcomes to most studies in rural Asia and to eyes in this cohort operated on at other facilities.


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The premotor theory of attention claims that attentional shifts are triggered during response programming, regardless of which response modality is involved. To investigate this claim, event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded while participants covertly prepared a left or right response, as indicated by a precue presented at the beginning of each trial. Cues signalled a left or right eye movement in the saccade task, and a left or right manual response in the manual task. The cued response had to be executed or withheld following the presentation of a Go/Nogo stimulus. Although there were systematic differences between ERPs triggered during covert manual and saccade preparation, lateralised ERP components sensitive to the direction of a cued response were very similar for both tasks, and also similar to the components previously found during cued shifts of endogenous spatial attention. This is consistent with the claim that the control of attention and of covert response preparation are closely linked. N1 components triggered by task-irrelevant visual probes presented during the covert response preparation interval were enhanced when these probes were presented close to cued response hand in the manual task, and at the saccade target location in the saccade task. This demonstrates that both manual and saccade preparation result in spatially specific modulations of visual processing, in line with the predictions of the premotor theory.


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Os tempos de reação manuais e sacádicos (TRMs e TRSs) são reduzidos quando um sinal de aviso precede o aparecimento do alvo. O decréscimo nos TRSs observados depois do desaparecimento do ponto de fixação tem sido chamado de efeito de intervalo. Teorias diferentes foram propostas para explicá-lo. De acordo com alguns autores, o desaparecimento também permite ao sistema sacádico gerar uma população separada de TRSs, as sacádicas expressas. No entanto, não há concordância sobre a influência do desaparecimento de um estímulo periférico no TRM. Em dois experimentos, testou-se os efeitos de um desaparecimento visual periférico empregado como um sinal preparatório para os TRMs a um alvo, após intervalos variáveis. Encontrou-se uma redução no TRM para intervalos curtos (200-300 ms) e longos (1300-2000 ms) após o desaparecimento periférico. A distribuição dos TRMs deslocou-se para latências curtas, formando por vezes populações separadas. Visto que os TRMs obtidos em intervalos longos foram afetados pela introdução de sessões capciosas, enquanto que os TRMs em intervalos curtos não o foram, propõe-se que dois mecanismos diferentes estão envolvidos no decréscimo dos TRMs: alerta e expectativa temporal. Nossos dados sustentam a hipótese de que o componente temporal envolvido com os estágios preparatórios das respostas motoras podem ser compartilhados pelos movimentos sacádicos e pelas respostas de apertar botões, permitindo a redução das latências motoras após o desaparecimento visual, dentro do paradigma do intervalo. Nossos dados corroboram o modelo de três componentes do efeito de intervalo. Em nosso ponto de vista, a questão da existência ou não do efeito de intervalo para respostas manuais é essencialmente conceitual.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.