976 resultados para visual identity


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A new visual identity for the ski store Alpingaraget in Stockholm has been proposed as the result of this thesis. Theproposal includes a new logotype, various printed matters, design planning of the store, interior design, signs and otherapplications.The theory section is within the field of graphic profiling and with some focus on profiling in stores.A clear visual identity is important for a company because what the company communicates internally and externallyshould be kept as consistent as possible. This is especially important nowadays when more and more similar products andstores are available. This means that the visual identity becomes part of the competition with other products and stores.The base elements in a visual identity are logotype, colors and typograpy. Using these elements according to rules andtemplates makes a consistent visual profile.


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Investigates the degree of global standardisation of a corporate visual identity system (CVIS) in multinational operations. A special emphasis of this research is accorded to UK companies operating in Malaysia. In particular, the study seeks to reveal the reasons for developing a standardised CVIS; the behavioural issues associated with CVIS; and the determination in selecting a graphic design agency. The findings of the research revealed that multinational corporations in an increasingly corporate environment adopted a standardised CVIS for several reasons, including, aiding the sale of products and services, creating an attractive environment for hiring employees, and increasing the company’s stature and presence. Further findings show that the interest in global identity was stimulated by global restructuring, merger or acquisition. The above trends help explain why increased focus has been accorded to CVIS over the past five years by many UK companies operating in Malaysia. Additional findings reveal that both the UK design agencies and in-house design department are used in the development of the firms’ CVIS.


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The purpose of this study is to contribute to the cross-disciplinary body of literature of identity and organisational culture. This study empirically investigated the Hatch and Schultz (2002) Organisational Identity Dynamics (OID) model to look at linkages between identity, image, and organisational culture. This study used processes defined in the OID model as a theoretical frame by which to understand the relationships between actual and espoused identity manifestations across visual identity, corporate identity, and organisational identity. The linking processes of impressing, mirroring, reflecting, and expressing were discussed at three unique levels in the organisation. The overarching research question of How does the organisational identity dynamics process manifest itself in practice at different levels within an organisation? was used as a means of providing empirical understanding to the previously theoretical OID model. Case study analysis was utilised to provide exploratory data across the organisational groups of: Level A - Senior Marketing and Corporate Communications Management, Level B - Marketing and Corporate Communications Staff, and Level C - Non-Marketing Managers and Employees. Data was collected via 15 in-depth interviews with documentary analysis used as a supporting mechanism to provide triangulation in analysis. Data was analysed against the impressing, mirroring, reflecting, and expressing constructs with specific criteria developed from literature to provide a detailed analysis of each process. Conclusions revealed marked differences in the ways in which OID processes occurred across different levels with implications for the ways in which VI, CI, and OI interact to develop holistic identity across organisational levels. Implications for theory detail the need to understand and utilise cultural understanding in identity programs as well as the value in developing identity communications which represent an actual rather than an espoused position.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Gestão Estratégica das Relações Públicas.


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Several brand identity frameworks have been published in the B2C and the B2B brand marketing literature. A reliable, valid and parsimonious service brand identity scale that empirically establishes the construct's dimensionality in a B2B market has yet to be developed. This paper reports the findings of a study conducted amongst 421 senior executives working in the UK IT Service sector to develop and validate a B2B Service Brand Identity Scale. Following established scale development procedures support is provided for a B2B Service Brand Identity Scale comprising five dimensions; employee and client focus, visual identity, brand personality, consistent communications and human resource initiatives. Concluding remarks discuss theoretical and managerial implications with limitations and directions for future research.


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Historical listed buildings have their own unique cultural identity, which is one of the criteria used by decision mechanisms for their statutory protection. The identity of many of these buildings is often related to their tangible features/components, such as period characteristics (geometry, size, colour, form, and shape), materials and construction. Daylight is one of the in/tangible elements that have contributed to the distinctiveness of many historical buildings, yet when constructing preservation schemes of historical buildings, daylight is rarely introduced or considered as one of the components that shape the character of buildings. One of the reasons is the limited number of credible simulation studies that identify such interrelationships. As many of these buildings were originally designed to accommodate different activities to today's requirements, maintaining the quality of daylight that originally contributed to their visual identity can be a very challenging task, especially if the building is to be adapted to accommodate a different activity. In this paper we will discuss the conflict between maintaining the original visual identity of historical buildings and meeting the visual requirements of restored buildings. The paper discusses the visual performance of a traditional bathhouse (Hammam) in the city of Bursa in Turkey. The change in the visual performance of the selected case study will be discussed in terms of daylight conditions. The paper explores the possibility of maintaining the original daylight conditions of renovated historical buildings while meeting the visual requirements of the new use.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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One of the actual biggest problems in big towns is the visual pollution. The advertising has become a necessity for any type of business, resulting in the use of as urban spaces as possible like fronts structures, lights, with too many colors and details to keep the attention of sight, thus becoming an important problem for the social and cultural coexistence. The work of graphic designer can reduce this problem through the concepts of visual identity applied on the enterprise building front, giving harmony in the colors and spaces where they can apply the advertising without to attack the urban beauty and esthetics.


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The visual identity is based on a semantic relationship of several signs that make up a coherent system. A bimédia language formed by text and image complement to create an understandable message. This study aims the use of non-verbal communication in the corporate visual identity design project, contextualizing the role of the designer as mediator for informational corporate message to their audiences.


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Currently, too much visual information present in all media is form vehemently, for example, in print media and interfaces used for publicity in conjunction with informational design. This visual information has great influence in the lives of human beings, since the vision of these individuals is the sense most used. Studies on visual identity have not explored this issue in a satisfactory manner, favoring thus the subject of this little development projects in the area. Note the need for analyzes to enable implementation principles of projective, making them accessible to the understanding of most individuals. This study aimed to propose an evaluation of visual identities, which were analyzed by means of visual concepts of usability, design methodologies and Gestalt. We contacted design firms specializing in visual identity projects, places where interviews were conducted to collect the marks allowed for analysis. The results point to a frequent demand the employment of visual usability principles, design methodologies and design in Gestalt visual identities.


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Purpose – This paper aims to apply the business-to-business (B2B) Service Brand Identity (SBI) scale to empirically assess the influence of service brand identity on brand performance for the first time. Design/methodology/approach – Based on data collected from 421 senior marketing executives, this paper applies the B2B SBI and structural equation modeling to fulfill the above purpose. Findings – Brand personality and human resource initiatives have a positive and significant influence on brand performance. Corporate visual identity, in addition to an employee and client focus, has an insignificant impact on performance. Consistent communications have a negative and significant influence on brand performance. Research limitations/implications – Data were only collected from executives in the UK. This research would benefit from replicative studies. Practical implications – This research empirically establishes the brand management activities that drive brand performance. Originality/value – This is the first empirical study to assess the influence service brand identity has on brand performance.


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Several brand identity frameworks have been published in the B2C and the B2B brand marketing literature. A reliable, valid and parsimonious service brand identity scale that empirically establishes the construct's dimensionality in a B2B market has yet to be developed. This paper reports the findings of a study conducted amongst 421 senior executives working in the UK IT Service sector to develop and validate a B2B Service Brand Identity Scale. Following established scale development procedures support is provided for a B2B Service Brand Identity Scale comprising five dimensions; employee and client focus, visual identity, brand personality, consistent communications and human resource initiatives. Concluding remarks discuss theoretical and managerial implications with limitations and directions for future research. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.


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Jelen cikk a szervezeti identitás különböző tudományos értelmezéseit, elemeit mutatja be és kapcsolja össze a gyakorlattal. A szerzők értelmezése szerint a szervezeti identitás nem azonos a köznyelvben elterjedt arculattal (sem image-zsal), hanem egy holisztikus, menedzsment-szakirodalmakon átívelő fogalomként értelmezhető, mely a külső tényezők hatására a szervezeti kultúra és a szervezeti stratégia alapján alakítható ki. A szervezeti identitás három alkotóelem-csoportból áll (nevezhetjük ezt identitásmixnek is): a munkáltatói márkázásból, az integrált marketingkommunikációból és a vizuális identitásból. Mivel a változó környezet szükségessé teszi, a szervezeti identitás menedzselése egy véget nem érő „spirálfolyamat”, mely a felmérés, a meghatározás, a bevezetés és értékelés szakaszok ismétléséből áll addig, amíg az ideális identitás ki nem alakul. Melyet talán soha nem ér el a vállalat. _____ In this article the different scientific interpretations and elements of organizational identity are presented and combined with practice. According to the authors’ interpretation the organizational identity is not the same as the corporate image, but it can be interpreted as a holistic management literatures panning notion which can be formed by the effect of external factors on basis of the organizational culture and organizational strategy. The organizational identity consists of three component-groups (also called this identity mix) the employer branding, integrated marketingcommunications and visual identity. Due to the changing environment makes it necessary the management of organizational identity is a never-ending ”spiral process”, which consists of repetitions of the survey, the definition, the introduction and the assessment phases until the ideal identity will be formed. Which may be never achieved by the corporate.