997 resultados para visual fixation
Visual fixation is employed by humans and some animals to keep a specific 3D location at the center of the visual gaze. Inspired by this phenomenon in nature, this paper explores the idea to transfer this mechanism to the context of video stabilization for a handheld video camera. A novel approach is presented that stabilizes a video by fixating on automatically extracted 3D target points. This approach is different from existing automatic solutions that stabilize the video by smoothing. To determine the 3D target points, the recorded scene is analyzed with a stateof- the-art structure-from-motion algorithm, which estimates camera motion and reconstructs a 3D point cloud of the static scene objects. Special algorithms are presented that search either virtual or real 3D target points, which back-project close to the center of the image for as long a period of time as possible. The stabilization algorithm then transforms the original images of the sequence so that these 3D target points are kept exactly in the center of the image, which, in case of real 3D target points, produces a perfectly stable result at the image center. Furthermore, different methods of additional user interaction are investigated. It is shown that the stabilization process can easily be controlled and that it can be combined with state-of-theart tracking techniques in order to obtain a powerful image stabilization tool. The approach is evaluated on a variety of videos taken with a hand-held camera in natural scenes.
The purpose of this study is to introduce a method to evaluate visual functions in infants in the first three months of life. An adaptation of the Guide for the Assessment of Visual Ability in Infants (Gagliardo, 1997) was used. The instrument was a ring with string. It was implemented a pilot study with 33 infants, selected according to the following criteria: neonates well enough to go home within two days of birth; 1 to 3 months of chronological age; monthly evaluation with no absence; subjects living in Campinas/SP metropolitan area. In the first month we observed: visual fixation (93,9%); eye contact (90,9%); horizontal tracking (72,7%); inspects surroundings (97,0%). In the third month, we observed: inspects own hands (42,4%) and increased movements of arms (36,4%). This method allowed the evaluation of visual functions in infants, according to the chronological age. Alterations in this function will facilitate immediate referral to medical services for diagnoses.
Defensive behaviors, such as withdrawing your hand to avoid potentially harmful approaching objects, rely on rapid sensorimotor transformations between visual and motor coordinates. We examined the reference frame for coding visual information about objects approaching the hand during motor preparation. Subjects performed a simple visuomanual task while a task-irrelevant distractor ball rapidly approached a location either near to or far from their hand. After the distractor ball appearance, single pulses of transcranial magnetic stimulation were delivered over the subject's primary motor cortex, eliciting motor evoked potentials (MEPs) in their responding hand. MEP amplitude was reduced when the ball approached near the responding hand, both when the hand was on the left and the right of the midline. Strikingly, this suppression occurred very early, at 70-80ms after ball appearance, and was not modified by visual fixation location. Furthermore, it was selective for approaching balls, since static visual distractors did not modulate MEP amplitude. Together with additional behavioral measurements, we provide converging evidence for automatic hand-centered coding of visual space in the human brain.
The McGurk effect, in which auditory [ba] dubbed onto [go] lip movements is perceived as da or tha, was employed in a real-time task to investigate auditory-visual speech perception in prelingual infants. Experiments 1A and 1B established the validity of real-time dubbing for producing the effect. In Experiment 2, 4(1)/(2)-month-olds were tested in a habituation-test paradigm, in which 2 an auditory-visual stimulus was presented contingent upon visual fixation of a live face. The experimental group was habituated to a McGurk stimulus (auditory [ba] visual [ga]), and the control group to matching auditory-visual [ba]. Each group was then presented with three auditory-only test trials, [ba], [da], and [deltaa] (as in then). Visual-fixation durations in test trials showed that the experimental group treated the emergent percept in the McGurk effect, [da] or [deltaa], as familiar (even though they had not heard these sounds previously) and [ba] as novel. For control group infants [da] and [deltaa] were no more familiar than [ba]. These results are consistent with infants'perception of the McGurk effect, and support the conclusion that prelinguistic infants integrate auditory and visual speech information. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
If a dot is flashed in perfect alignment with a pair of dots rotating around the visual fixation point, most observers perceive the rotating dots as being ahead of the flashing dot (flash-lag effect). This perceptual effect has been interpreted to result from the perceptual extrapolation of the moving dots, the differential visual latencies between flashing and moving stimuli, as well as the modulation of attentional mechanisms. Here we attempted to uncouple the attentional effects brought about by the spatial predictability of the flashing dot from the sensory effects dependent on its visual eccentricity. The stimulus was a pair of dots rotating clockwise around the fixation point. Another dot was flashed at either the upper right or the lower left of the visual field according to three separate blocked situations: fixed, alternate and random positions. Twenty-four participants had to judge, in all three situations, the location of the rotating dots in relation to the imaginary line connecting the flashing dot and the fixation point at the moment the dot was flashed. The flash-lag effect was observed in all three situations, and a clear influence of the spatial predictability of the flashing dot on the magnitude of the perceptual phenomenon was revealed, independently of sensory effects related to the eccentricity of the stimulus in the visual field. These findings are consistent with our proposal that, in addition to sensory factors, the attentional set modulates the magnitude of the differential latencies that give rise to the flash-lag phenomenon.
The multisensory attentional consequences of tool use: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study
Background: Tool use in humans requires that multisensory information is integrated across different locations, from objects seen to be distant from the hand, but felt indirectly at the hand via the tool. We tested the hypothesis that using a simple tool to perceive vibrotactile stimuli results in the enhanced processing of visual stimuli presented at the distal, functional part of the tool. Such a finding would be consistent with a shift of spatial attention to the location where the tool is used. Methodology/Principal Findings: We tested this hypothesis by scanning healthy human participants' brains using functional magnetic resonance imaging, while they used a simple tool to discriminate between target vibrations, accompanied by congruent or incongruent visual distractors, on the same or opposite side to the tool. The attentional hypothesis was supported: BOLD response in occipital cortex, particularly in the right hemisphere lingual gyrus, varied significantly as a function of tool position, increasing contralaterally, and decreasing ipsilaterally to the tool. Furthermore, these modulations occurred despite the fact that participants were repeatedly instructed to ignore the visual stimuli, to respond only to the vibrotactile stimuli, and to maintain visual fixation centrally. In addition, the magnitude of multisensory (visual-vibrotactile) interactions in participants' behavioural responses significantly predicted the BOLD response in occipital cortical areas that were also modulated as a function of both visual stimulus position and tool position. Conclusions/Significance: These results show that using a simple tool to locate and to perceive vibrotactile stimuli is accompanied by a shift of spatial attention to the location where the functional part of the tool is used, resulting in enhanced processing of visual stimuli at that location, and decreased processing at other locations. This was most clearly observed in the right hemisphere lingual gyrus. Such modulations of visual processing may reflect the functional importance of visuospatial information during human tool use
Given that the auditory system is rather well developed at the end of the third trimester of pregnancy, it is likely that couplings between acoustics and motor activity can be integrated as early as at the beginning of postnatal life. The aim of the present mini-review was to summarize and discuss studies on early auditory-motor integration, focusing particularly on upper-limb movements (one of the most crucial means to interact with the environment) in association with auditory stimuli, to develop further understanding of their significance with regard to early infant development. Many studies have investigated the relationship between various infant behaviors (e.g., sucking, visual fixation, head turning) and auditory stimuli, and established that human infants can be observed displaying couplings between action and environmental sensory stimulation already from just after birth, clearly indicating a propensity for intentional behavior. Surprisingly few studies, however, have investigated the associations between upper-limb movements and different auditory stimuli in newborns and young infants, infants born at risk for developmental disorders/delays in particular. Findings from studies of early auditory-motor interaction support that the developing integration of sensory and motor systems is a fundamental part of the process guiding the development of goal-directed action in infancy, of great importance for continued motor, perceptual, and cognitive development. At-risk infants (e.g., those born preterm) may display increasing central auditory processing disorders, negatively affecting early sensorymotor integration, and resulting in long-term consequences on gesturing, language development, and social communication. Consequently, there is a need for more studies on such implications.
Zielgerichtete Orientierung ermöglicht es Lebewesen, überlebenswichtige Aufgaben, wie die Suche nach Ressourcen, Fortpflanzungspartnern und sicheren Plätzen zu bewältigen. Dafür ist es essentiell, die Umgebung sensorisch wahrzunehmen, frühere Erfahrungen zu speichern und wiederabzurufen und diese Informationen zu integrieren und in motorische Aktionen umzusetzen.rnWelche Neuronengruppen vermitteln zielgerichtete Orientierung im Gehirn einer Fliege? Welche sensorischen Informationen sind in einem gegebenen Kontext relevant und wie werden diese Informationen sowie gespeichertes Vorwissen in motorische Aktionen übersetzt? Wo findet im Gehirn der Übergang von der sensorischen Verarbeitung zur motorischen Kontrolle statt? rnDer Zentralkomplex, ein Verbund von vier Neuropilen des Zentralhirns von Drosophila melanogaster, fungiert als Übergang zwischen in den optischen Loben vorverarbeiteten visuellen Informationen und prämotorischem Ausgang. Die Neuropile sind die Protocerebralbrücke, der Fächerförmige Körper, der Ellipsoidkörper und die Noduli. rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass Fruchtfliegen ein räumliches Arbeitsgedächtnis besitzen. Dieses Gedächtnis kann aktuelle visuelle Information ersetzen, wenn die Sicht auf das Zielobjekt verloren geht. Dies erfordert die sensorische Wahrnehmung von Zielobjekten, die Speicherung der Position, die kontinuierliche Integration von Eigen-und Objektposition, sowie die Umsetzung der sensorischen Information in zielgerichtete Bewegung. Durch konditionale Expression von Tetanus Toxin mittels des GAL4/UAS/GAL80ts Systems konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Ringneurone, welche in den Ellipsoidkörper projizieren, für das Orientierungsgedächtnis notwendig sind. Außerdem konnte gezeigt werden, dass Fliegen, denen die ribosomale Serinkinase S6KII fehlt, die Richtung verlieren, sobald keine Objekte mehr sichtbar sind und, dass die partielle Rettung dieser Kinase ausschließlich in den Ringneuronenklassen R3 und R4d hinreichend ist, um das Gedächtnis wieder herzustellen. Bei dieser Gedächtnisleistung scheint es sich um eine idiothetische Form der Orientierung zu handeln. rn Während das räumliche Arbeitsgedächtnis nach Verschwinden von Objekten relevant ist, wurde in der vorliegende Arbeit auch die Vermittlung zielgerichteter Bewegung auf sichtbare Objekte untersucht. Dabei wurde die zentrale Frage bearbeitet, welche Neuronengruppen visuelle Orientierung vermitteln. Anhand von Gehirnstrukturmutanten konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine intakte Protocerebralbrücke notwendig ist, um Laufgeschwindigkeit, Laufaktivität und Zielgenauigkeit bei der Ansteuerung visueller Stimuli korrekt zu vermitteln. Dabei scheint das Horizontale Fasersystem, welches von der Protocerebralbrücke über den Fächerförmigen Körper auf den Zentralkomplex assoziierte Neuropile, die Ventralkörper, projiziert, notwendig für die lokomotorische Kontrolle und die zielgenaue Bewegung zu sein. Letzeres konnte zum einen durch Blockade der synaptischen Transmission anhand konditionaler Tetanus Toxin Expression mittels des GAL4/UAS/GAL80ts Systems im Horizontalen Fasersystem gezeigt werden;. zum anderen auch durch partielle Rettung der in den Strukturmutanten betroffenen Gene. rn Den aktuellen Ergebnissen und früheren Studien folgend, ergibt sich dabei ein Modell, wie zielgerichtete Bewegung auf visuelle Stimuli neuronal vermittelt werden könnte. Nach diesem Modell bildet die Protocerebralbrücke die Azimuthpositionen von Objekten ab und das Horizontale Fasersystem vermittelt die entsprechende lokomotorische Wo-Information für zielgerichtete Bewegungen. Die Eigenposition in Relation zum Zielobjekt wird über die Ringneurone und den Ellipsoidkörper vermittelt. Wenn das Objekt aus der Sicht verschwindet, kann die Relativposition ideothetisch ermittelt werden und integriert werden mit Vorinformation über das Zielobjekt, die im Fächerförmigen Körper abgelegt ist (Was-Information). Die resultierenden Informationen könnten dann über das Horizontale Fasersystem in den Ventralkörpern auf absteigende Neurone gelangen und in den Thorax zu den motorischen Zentren weitergeleitet werden.rn
We report 24 children (14 girls) who presented with the typical neuroimaging findings of pontocerebellar hypoplasia (PCH) to describe the clinical spectrum of type 2. Twenty-one presented with the classical form described by Barth; characteristic features (15/21) were breathing and/or sucking problems during neonatal period and early onset hyperkinetic movement disorder. Eighteen were normocephalic at birth, but all developed microcephaly during infancy. Development was severely affected with none of the children being capable of sitting, walking, or talking. Social contact and visual fixation were persistently poor. Dyskinetic movement disorder was present in all, in some together with mild spasticity. Seizures occurred in 14 (in 7 as neonates). Eight children died (age 1 day-6 years). Neuroimaging showed an absent or severely flattened pons, different degrees of vermian hypoplasia, with cerebellar hemispheres (wing-like structures) being equally or more affected. Three (all girls) were less severely affected clinically and did not develop the dyskinetic movement disorder, motor and cognitive development were somewhat better. Microcephaly was also a prominent sign. Severity of pontocerebellar neuroimaging findings did not differentiate between the typical and atypical clinical group and did not correlate with clinical outcome.
Objective: Downbeat nystagmus (DBN) is the most frequent form of acquired persisting fixation nystagmus with different symptoms such as unsteadiness of gait, postural instability, and blurred vision with reduced visual acuity (VA) and oscillopsia. However, different symptomatic therapeutic principles are required, such as 3,4-diaminopyridine and 4-aminopyridine, that effectively suppress DBN. Chlorzoxazone (CHZ) is a nonselective activator of small conductance calcium-activated potassium (SK) channels that modifies the activity of cerebellar Purkinje cells. We evaluated the effects of this agent on DBN in an observational proof-of-concept pilot study. Methods: Ten patients received CHZ 500 mg 3 times a day for 1 or 2 weeks. Slow-phase velocity of DBN, VA, postural sway, and the drug's side effects were evaluated. Recordings were conducted at baseline, 90 minutes after first administration, and after 1 or 2 weeks. Results: Mean slow-phase velocity significantly decreased from a baseline of 2.74°/s ± 2.00 to 2.29°/s ± 2.12 (mean ± SD) 90 minutes after first administration and to 2.04°/s ± 2.24 (p < 0.001; post hoc both p = 0.024) after long-term treatment. VA significantly increased and postural sway in posturography showed a tendency to decrease on medication. Fifty percent of patients did not report any side effects. The most common reported side effect was abdominal discomfort and dizziness. Conclusions: The treatment with the SK-channel activator CHZ is a potentially new therapeutic agent for the symptomatic treatment of DBN. Classification of evidence: This study provides Class IV evidence that CHZ 500 mg 3 times a day may improve eye movements and visual fixation in patients with DBN.
Systematic differences in circadian rhythmicity are thought to be a substantial factor determining inter-individual differences in fatigue and cognitive performance. The synchronicity effect (when time of testing coincides with the respective circadian peak period) seems to play an important role. Eye movements have been shown to be a reliable indicator of fatigue due to sleep deprivation or time spent on cognitive tasks. However, eye movements have not been used so far to investigate the circadian synchronicity effect and the resulting differences in fatigue. The aim of the present study was to assess how different oculomotor parameters in a free visual exploration task are influenced by: a) fatigue due to chronotypical factors (being a 'morning type' or an 'evening type'); b) fatigue due to the time spent on task. Eighteen healthy participants performed a free visual exploration task of naturalistic pictures while their eye movements were recorded. The task was performed twice, once at their optimal and once at their non-optimal time of the day. Moreover, participants rated their subjective fatigue. The non-optimal time of the day triggered a significant and stable increase in the mean visual fixation duration during the free visual exploration task for both chronotypes. The increase in the mean visual fixation duration correlated with the difference in subjectively perceived fatigue at optimal and non-optimal times of the day. Conversely, the mean saccadic speed significantly and progressively decreased throughout the duration of the task, but was not influenced by the optimal or non-optimal time of the day for both chronotypes. The results suggest that different oculomotor parameters are discriminative for fatigue due to different sources. A decrease in saccadic speed seems to reflect fatigue due to time spent on task, whereas an increase in mean fixation duration a lack of synchronicity between chronotype and time of the day.
An unusual stroke-like clinical presentation of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: acute vestibular syndrome
INTRODUCTION Vertigo and dizziness are common neurological symptoms in general practice. Most patients have benign peripheral vestibular disorders, but some have dangerous central causes. Recent research has shown that bedside oculomotor examinations accurately discriminate central from peripheral lesions in those with new, acute, continuous vertigo/dizziness with nausea/vomiting, gait unsteadiness, and nystagmus, known as the acute vestibular syndrome. CASE REPORT A 56-year-old man presented to the emergency department with acute vestibular syndrome for 1 week. The patient had no focal neurological symptoms or signs. The presence of direction-fixed, horizontal nystagmus suppressed by visual fixation without vertical ocular misalignment (skew deviation) was consistent with an acute peripheral vestibulopathy, but bilaterally normal vestibuloocular reflexes, confirmed by quantitative horizontal head impulse testing, strongly indicated a central localization. Because of a long delay in care, the patient left the emergency department without treatment. He returned 1 week later with progressive gait disturbance, limb ataxia, myoclonus, and new cognitive deficits. His subsequent course included a rapid neurological decline culminating in home hospice placement and death within 1 month. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed restricted diffusion involving the basal ganglia and cerebral cortex. Spinal fluid 14-3-3 protein was elevated. The rapidly progressive clinical course with dementia, ataxia, and myoclonus plus corroborative neuroimaging and spinal fluid findings confirmed a clinicoradiographic diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease. CONCLUSIONS To our knowledge, this is the first report of an initial presentation of Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease closely mimicking vestibular neuritis, expanding the known clinical spectrum of prion disease presentations. Despite the initial absence of neurological signs, the central lesion location was differentiated from a benign peripheral vestibulopathy at the first visit using simple bedside vestibular tests. Familiarity with these tests could help providers prevent initial misdiagnosis of important central disorders in patients presenting vertigo or dizziness.
One of the fundamental questions in neuroscience is to understand how encoding of sensory inputs is distributed across neuronal networks in cerebral cortex to influence sensory processing and behavioral performance. The fact that the structure of neuronal networks is organized according to cortical layers raises the possibility that sensory information could be processed differently in distinct layers. The goal of my thesis research is to understand how laminar circuits encode information in their population activity, how the properties of the population code adapt to changes in visual input, and how population coding influences behavioral performance. To this end, we performed a series of novel experiments to investigate how sensory information in the primary visual cortex (V1) emerges across laminar cortical circuits. First, it is commonly known that the amount of information encoded by cortical circuits depends critically on whether or not nearby neurons exhibit correlations. We examined correlated variability in V1 circuits from a laminar-specific perspective and observed that cells in the input layer, which have only local projections, encode incoming stimuli optimally by exhibiting low correlated variability. In contrast, output layers, which send projections to other cortical and subcortical areas, encode information suboptimally by exhibiting large correlations. These results argue that neuronal populations in different cortical layers play different roles in network computations. Secondly, a fundamental feature of cortical neurons is their ability to adapt to changes in incoming stimuli. Understanding how adaptation emerges across cortical layers to influence information processing is vital for understanding efficient sensory coding. We examined the effects of adaptation, on the time-scale of a visual fixation, on network synchronization across laminar circuits. Specific to the superficial layers, we observed an increase in gamma-band (30-80 Hz) synchronization after adaptation that was correlated with an improvement in neuronal orientation discrimination performance. Thus, synchronization enhances sensory coding to optimize network processing across laminar circuits. Finally, we tested the hypothesis that individual neurons and local populations synchronize their activity in real-time to communicate information about incoming stimuli, and that the degree of synchronization influences behavioral performance. These analyses assessed for the first time the relationship between changes in laminar cortical networks involved in stimulus processing and behavioral performance.
Clinical evidence suggests that control mechanisms for local and global attention are lateralized in the temporal–parietal cortex. However, in the human occipital (visual) cortex, the evidence for lateralized local/global attention is controversial. To clarify this matter, we used functional MRI to map activity in the human occipital cortex, during local and global attention, with sustained visual fixation. Data were analyzed in a flattened cortical format, relative to maps of retinotopy and spatial frequency peak tuning. Neither local nor global attention was lateralized in the occipital cortex. Instead, local attention and global attention appear to be special cases of visual spatial attention, which are mapped consistently with the maps of retinotopy and spatial frequency tuning, in multiple visual cortical areas.
Visual acuity is limited by the size and density of the smallest retinal ganglion cells, which correspond to the midget ganglion cells in primate retina and the beta- ganglion cells in cat retina, both of which have concentric receptive fields that respond at either light- On or light- Off. In contrast, the smallest ganglion cells in the rabbit retina are the local edge detectors ( LEDs), which respond to spot illumination at both light- On and light- Off. However, the LEDs do not predominate in the rabbit retina and the question arises, what role do they play in fine spatial vision? We studied the morphology and physiology of LEDs in the isolated rabbit retina and examined how their response properties are shaped by the excitatory and inhibitory inputs. Although the LEDs comprise only similar to 15% of the ganglion cells, neighboring LEDs are separated by 30 - 40 mu m on the visual streak, which is sufficient to account for the grating acuity of the rabbit. The spatial and temporal receptive- field properties of LEDs are generated by distinct inhibitory mechanisms. The strong inhibitory surround acts presynaptically to suppress both the excitation and the inhibition elicited by center stimulation. The temporal properties, characterized by sluggish onset, sustained firing, and low bandwidth, are mediated by the temporal properties of the bipolar cells and by postsynaptic interactions between the excitatory and inhibitory inputs. We propose that the LEDs signal fine spatial detail during visual fixation, when high temporal frequencies are minimal.