998 resultados para visual angles


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Birds in the infraorder Corvida [1] (ravens, jays, bowerbirds) are renowned for their cognitive abilities [2–4], which include advanced problem solving with spatial inference [4–8], tool use and complex constructions [7–10], and bowerbird cognitive ability is associated with mating success [11]. Great bowerbird males construct bowers with a long avenue from within which females view the male displaying over his bower court [10]. This predictable audience viewpoint is a prerequisite for forced (altered) visual perspective [12–14]. Males make courts with gray and white objects that increase in size with distance from the avenue entrance. This gradient creates forced visual perspective for the audience; court object visual angles subtended on the female viewer’s eye are more uniform than if the objects were placed at random. Forced perspective can yield false perception of size and distance [12, 15]. After experimental reversal of their size-distance gradient, males recovered their gradients within 3 days, and there was little difference from the original after 2 wks. Variation among males in their forced-perspective quality as seen by their female audience indicates that visual perspective is available for use in mate choice, perhaps as an indicator of cognitive ability. Regardless of function, the creation and maintenance of forced visual perspective is clearly important to great bowerbirds and suggests the possibility of a previously unknown dimension of bird cognition.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden verschiedene, insbesondere zeitliche Aspekte des Blickrichtungsnacheffekts (gaze aftereffect) untersucht. Dieser Effekt besagt, dass nach längerer Betrachtung von Bildern, die Personen mit abgewandtem Blick zeigen, die Wahrnehmung von Blickrichtungen in Richtung des adaptierten Blickes verschoben ist. Betrachter halten dann zugewandte Blicke fälschlicherweise für in die Gegenrichtung verschoben, und Blicke in die Adaptationsblickrichtung fälschlicherweise für geradeaus, d.h. sie fühlen sich angeschaut, obwohl sie es nicht werden. In dieser Dissertation wird der Blickrichtungsnacheffekt mit vier psychophysischen Experimenten untersucht, in denen die Probanden einfache kategoriale Urteile über die Blickrichtung der Testbilder abzugeben hatten.rnrnDas erste Experiment untersucht die Induktion des Blickrichtungsnacheffekts. Es wird gezeigt, dass keine separate Adaptationsphase für die Induktion des Nacheffekts notwendig ist. Auch die alleinige, relativ kurze Darbietung des zur Adaptation verwendeten Reizes (TopUp-Display) vor der Präsentation eines Testbildes führt im Laufe wiederholter experimenteller Darbietungen zu einer Verschiebung der allgemeinen Blickrichtungs-Tuningkurve, sowie zu ihrer Verbreiterung. In einem zweiten Experiment wird nachgewiesen, dass die Ausprägung des Blickrichtungsnacheffekts von der jeweiligen Darbietungszeit des Adaptationsreizes abhängt. Zwar ist der Nacheffekt umso stärker, je länger das TopUp-Display gezeigt wird. Aber auch bei sehr kurzen Darbietungszeiten von einer Sekunde kommt der Effekt bereits zustande, hier zeigt sich eine lokal begrenztere Wirkung. Die Auswertung des zeitlichen Verlaufs ergibt, dass sich der Effekt rasch vollständig aufbaut und bereits innerhalb der ersten Darbietungen entsteht. Das dritte Experiment zeigt, dass dem Nacheffekt sowohl kurzfristige Einwirkungen der direkt vor dem Testbild erfolgten Reizung zugrunde liegen, als auch langfristige Memory-Effekte, die über die im Laufe des Experiments gegebenen Wiederholungen akkumuliert werden. Bei Blickwinkeln von 5° halten sich kurzfristige und langfristige Einwirkungen in etwa die Waage. Bei Blickwinkeln von 10° aber sind nur knapp 20% kurzfristig, und etwa 80% langfristige Einwirkungen für den Effekt verantwortlich. In einem vierten Experiment wird die zeitliche Rückbildung des Effekts untersucht und gezeigt, dass sich der Blickrichtungsnacheffekt im Kontrast zu seiner schnellen Entstehung langsam, nämlich innerhalb mehrerer Minuten zurückbildet.rnrnDie Diskussion der Ergebnisse kommt zu dem Schluss, dass die hier gefundene zeitliche Dynamik des Blickrichtungsnacheffekts Adaptationsprozesse auf höheren Schichten der visuellen Informationsverarbeitung als die zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen nahe legt.


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Purpose: Investigations of foveal aberrations assume circular pupils. However, the pupil becomes increasingly elliptical with increase in visual field eccentricity. We address this and other issues concerning peripheral aberration specification. Methods: One approach uses an elliptical pupil similar to the actual pupil shape, stretched along its minor axis to become a circle so that Zernike circular aberration polynomials may be used. Another approach uses a circular pupil whose diameter matches either the larger or smaller dimension of the elliptical pupil. Pictorial presentation of aberrations, influence of wavelength on aberrations, sign differences between aberrations for fellow eyes, and referencing position to either the visual field or the retina are considered. Results: Examples show differences between the two approaches. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, but there are ways to compensate for most disadvantages. Two representations of data are pupil aberration maps at each position in the visual field and maps showing the variation in individual aberration coefficients across the field. Conclusions: Based on simplicity of use, adequacy of approximation, possible departures of off-axis pupils from ellipticity, and ease of understanding by clinicians, the circular pupil approach is preferable to the stretched elliptical approach for studies involving field angles up to 30 deg.


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Purpose To investigate hyperopic shifts and the oblique (or 45-degree/135-degree) component of astigmatism at large angles in the horizontal visual field using the Hartmann-Shack technique. Methods The adult participants consisted of 6 hypermetropes, 13 emmetropes and 11 myopes. Measurements were made with a modified COAS-HD Hartmann-Shack aberrometer across T60 degrees along the horizontal visual field in 5-degree steps. Eyes were dilated with 1% cyclopentolate. Peripheral refraction was estimated as mean spherical (or spherical equivalent) refraction, with/against the rule of astigmatism and oblique astigmatism components, and as horizontal and vertical refraction components based on 3-mm major diameter elliptical pupils. Results Thirty percent of eyes showed a pattern that was a combination of type IV and type I patterns of Rempt et al. (Rempt F, Hoogerheide J, Hoogenboom WP. Peripheral retinoscopy and the skiagram. Ophthalmologica 1971;162:1Y10), which shows the characteristics of type IV (relative hypermetropia along the vertical meridian and relative myopia along the horizontal meridian) out to an angle of between 40 and 50 degrees before behaving like type I (both meridians show relative hypermetropia). We classified this pattern as type IV/I. Seven of 13 emmetropes had this pattern. As a group, there was no significant variation of the oblique component of astigmatism with angle, but about one-half of the eyes showed significant positive slopes (more positive or less negative values in the nasal field than in the temporal field) and one-fourth showed significant negative slopes. Conclusions It is often considered that a pattern of relative peripheral hypermetropia predisposes to the development of myopia. In this context, the finding of a considerable portion of emmetropes with the IV/I pattern suggests that it is unlikely that refraction at visual field angles beyond 40 degrees from fixation contributes to myopia development.


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Purpose To design and manufacture lenses to correct peripheral refraction along the horizontal meridian and to determine whether these resulted in noticeable improvements in visual performance. Method Subjective refraction of a low myope was determined on the basis of best peripheral detection acuity along the horizontal visual field out to ±30° for both horizontal and vertical gratings. Subjective refraction was compared to objective refractions using a COAS-HD aberrometer. Special lenses were made to correct peripheral refraction, based on designs optimized with and without smoothing across a 3 mm diameter square aperture. Grating detection was retested with these lenses. Contrast thresholds of 1.25’ spots were determined across the field for the conditions of best correction, on-axis correction, and the special lenses. Results The participant had high relative peripheral hyperopia, particularly in the temporal visual field (maximum 2.9 D). There were differences > 0.5D between subjective and objective refractions at a few field angles. On-axis correction reduced peripheral detection acuity and increased peripheral contrast threshold in the peripheral visual field, relative to the best correction, by up to 0.4 and 0.5 log units, respectively. The special lenses restored most of the peripheral vision, although not all at angles to ±10°, and with the lens optimized with aperture-smoothing possibly giving better vision than the lens optimized without aperture-smoothing at some angles. Conclusion It is possible to design and manufacture lenses to give near optimum peripheral visual performance to at least ±30° along one visual field meridian. The benefit of such lenses is likely to be manifest only if a subject has a considerable relative peripheral refraction, for example of the order of 2 D.


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Purpose: We term the visual field position from which the pupil appears most nearly circular as the pupillary circular axis (PCAx). The aim was to determine and compare the horizontal and vertical co-ordinates of the PCAx and optical axis from pupil shape and refraction information for only the horizontal meridian of the visual field. Method: The PCAx was determined from the changes with visual field angle in the ellipticity and orientation of pupil images out to ±90° from fixation along the horizontal meridian for the right eyes of 30 people. This axis was compared with the optical axis determined from the changes in the astigmatic components of the refractions for field angles out to ±35° in the same meridian. Results: The mean estimated horizontal and vertical field coordinates of the PCAx were (‒5.3±1.9°, ‒3.2±1.5°) compared with (‒4.8±5.1°, ‒1.5±3.4°) for the optical axis. The vertical co-ordinates of the two axes were just significantly different (p =0.03) but there was no significant correlation between them. Only the horizontal coordinate of the PCAx was significantly related to the refraction in the group. Conclusion: On average, the PCAx is displaced from the line-of-sight by about the same angle as the optical axis but there is more inter-subject variation in the position of the optical axis. When modelling the optical performance of the eye, it appears reasonable to assume that the pupil is circular when viewed along the line-of-sight.


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Purpose To explore the effect of small-aperture optics, designed to aid presbyopes by increasing ocular depth-of-focus, on measurements of the visual field. Methods Simple theoretical and ray-tracing models were used to predict the impact of different designs of small-aperture contact lenses or corneal inlays on the proportion of light passing through natural pupils of various diameters as a function of the direction in the visual field. The left eyes of five healthy volunteers were tested using three afocal, hand-painted opaque soft contact lenses (www.davidthomas.com). Two were opaque over a 10 mm diameter but had central clear circular apertures of 1.5 and 3.0 mm in diameter. The third had an annular opaque zone with inner and outer diameters of 1.5 and 4.0 mm, approximately simulating the geometry of the KAMRA inlay (www.acufocus.com). A fourth, clear lens was used for comparison purposes. Visual fields along the horizontal meridian were evaluated up to 50° eccentricity with static automated perimetry (Medmont M700, stimulus Goldmann-size III; www.medmont.com). Results According to ray-tracing, the two lenses with the circular apertures were expected to reduce the relative transmittance of the pupil to zero at specific field angles (around 60° for the conditions of the experimental measurements). In contrast, the annular stop had no effect on the absolute field but relative transmittance was reduced over the central area of the field, the exact effects depending upon the natural pupil diameter. Experimental results broadly agreed with these theoretical expectations. With the 1.5 and 3.0 mm pupils, only minor losses in sensitivity (around 2 dB) in comparison with the clear-lens case occurred across the central 10° radius of field. Beyond this angle, sensitivity losses increased, to reach about 7 dB at the edge of the measured field (50°). The field results with the annular stop showed at most only a slight loss in sensitivity (≤3 dB) across the measured field. Conclusion The present theoretical and experimental results support earlier clinical findings that KAMRA-type annular stops, unlike circular artificial pupils, have only minor effects on measurements of the visual field.


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The detection performance regarding stationary acoustic monitoring of Yangtze finless porpoises Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis was compared to visual observations. Three stereo acoustic data loggers (A-tag) were placed at different locations near the confluence of Poyang Lake and the Yangtze River, China. The presence and number of porpoises were determined acoustically and visually during each 1-min time bin. On average, porpoises were acoustically detected 81.7 +/- 9.7% of the entire effective observation time, while the presence of animals was confirmed visually 12.7 +/- 11.0% of the entire time. Acoustic monitoring indicated areas of high and low porpoise densities that were consistent with visual observations. The direction of porpoise movement was monitored using stereo beams, which agreed with visual observations at all monitoring locations. Acoustic and visual methods could determine group sizes up to five and ten individuals, respectively. While the acoustic monitoring method had the advantage of high detection probability, it tended to underestimate group size due to the limited resolution of sound source bearing angles. The stationary acoustic monitoring method proved to be a practical and useful alternative to visual observations, especially in areas of low porpoise density for long-term monitoring.


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Gait period estimation is an important step in the gait recognition framework. In this paper, we propose a new gait cycle detection method based on the angles of extreme points of both legs. In addition to that, to further improve the estimation of the gait period, the proposed algorithm divides the gait sequence into sections before identifying the maximum values. The proposed algorithm is scale invariant and less dependent on the silhouette shape. The performance of the proposed method was evaluated using the OU-ISIR speed variation gait database. The experimental results show that the proposed method achieved 90.2% gait recognition accuracy and outperforms previous methods found in the literature with the second best only achieved 67.65% accuracy.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of laser peripheral iridotomy (LPI) on forward-scatter of light and subjective visual symptoms and to identify LPI parameters influencing these phenomena. DESIGN: Cohort study derived from a randomized trial, using an external control group. PARTICIPANTS: Chinese subjects initially aged 50 or older and 70 years or younger with bilateral narrow angles undergoing LPI in 1 eye selected at random, and age- and gender-matched controls. METHODS: Eighteen months after laser, LPI-treated subjects underwent digital iris photography and photogrammetry to characterize the size and location of the LPI, Lens Opacity Classification System III cataract grading, and measurement of retinal straylight (C-Quant; OCULUS, Wetzlar, Germany) in the treated and untreated eyes and completed a visual symptoms questionnaire. Controls answered the questionnaire and underwent straylight measurement and (in a random one-sixth sample) cataract grading. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Retinal straylight levels and subjective visual symptoms. RESULTS: Among 230 LPI-treated subjects (121 [58.8%] with LPI totally covered by the lid, 43 [19.8%] with LPI partly covered by the lid, 53 [24.4%] with LPI uncovered by the lid), 217 (94.3%) completed all testing, as did 250 (93.3%) of 268 controls. Age, gender, and prevalence of visual symptoms did not differ between treated subjects and controls, although nuclear (P<0.01) and cortical (P = 0.03) cataract were less common among controls. Neither presenting visual acuity nor straylight score differed between the treated and untreated eyes among all treated persons, nor among those (n = 96) with LPI partially or totally uncovered. Prevalence of subjective glare did not differ significantly between participants with totally covered LPI (6.61%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 3.39%-12.5%), partially covered LPI (11.6%; 95% CI, 5.07%-24.5%), or totally uncovered LPI (9.43%; 95% CI, 4.10%-10.3%). In regression models, only worse cortical cataract grade (P = 0.01) was associated significantly with straylight score, and no predictors were associated with subjective glare. None of the LPI size or location parameters were associated with straylight or subjective symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggests that LPI is safe regarding measures of straylight and visual symptoms. This randomized design provides strong evidence that treatment programs for narrow angles would be unlikely to result in important medium-term visual disability.


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Despite great progress in elucidating risk factors and effective treatments for eye disease in the last decades, blindness prevalence in the developing and developed world is either static or rising. A research agenda is needed to develop and test specific strategies to reduce the burden of blindness from glaucoma and other common eye diseases. Current knowledge about open and closed-angle glaucoma is reviewed and a strategy to reduce glaucoma blindness in Asia is suggested. A critical component of this strategy is enhanced training in the detection of narrow angles and optic nerve damage by direct examination. Specific research topics that could inform such a strategy are outlined.


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Les stimuli naturels projetés sur nos rétines nous fournissent de l’information visuelle riche. Cette information varie le long de propriétés de « bas niveau » telles que la luminance, le contraste, et les fréquences spatiales. Alors qu’une partie de cette information atteint notre conscience, une autre partie est traitée dans le cerveau sans que nous en soyons conscients. Les propriétés de l’information influençant l’activité cérébrale et le comportement de manière consciente versus non-consciente demeurent toutefois peu connues. Cette question a été examinée dans les deux derniers articles de la présente thèse, en exploitant les techniques psychophysiques développées dans les deux premiers articles. Le premier article présente la boîte à outils SHINE (spectrum, histogram, and intensity normalization and equalization), développée afin de permettre le contrôle des propriétés de bas niveau de l'image dans MATLAB. Le deuxième article décrit et valide la technique dite des bulles fréquentielles, qui a été utilisée tout au long des études de cette thèse pour révéler les fréquences spatiales utilisées dans diverses tâches de perception des visages. Cette technique offre les avantages d’une haute résolution au niveau des fréquences spatiales ainsi que d’un faible biais expérimental. Le troisième et le quatrième article portent sur le traitement des fréquences spatiales en fonction de la conscience. Dans le premier cas, la méthode des bulles fréquentielles a été utilisée avec l'amorçage par répétition masquée dans le but d’identifier les fréquences spatiales corrélées avec les réponses comportementales des observateurs lors de la perception du genre de visages présentés de façon consciente versus non-consciente. Les résultats montrent que les mêmes fréquences spatiales influencent de façon significative les temps de réponse dans les deux conditions de conscience, mais dans des sens opposés. Dans le dernier article, la méthode des bulles fréquentielles a été combinée à des enregistrements intracrâniens et au Continuous Flash Suppression (Tsuchiya & Koch, 2005), dans le but de cartographier les fréquences spatiales qui modulent l'activation de structures spécifiques du cerveau (l'insula et l'amygdale) lors de la perception consciente versus non-consciente des expressions faciales émotionnelles. Dans les deux régions, les résultats montrent que la perception non-consciente s'effectue plus rapidement et s’appuie davantage sur les basses fréquences spatiales que la perception consciente. La contribution de cette thèse est donc double. D’une part, des contributions méthodologiques à la recherche en perception visuelle sont apportées par l'introduction de la boîte à outils SHINE ainsi que de la technique des bulles fréquentielles. D’autre part, des indications sur les « corrélats de la conscience » sont fournies à l’aide de deux approches différentes.


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Spontaneous activity of the brain at rest frequently has been considered a mere backdrop to the salient activity evoked by external stimuli or tasks. However, the resting state of the brain consumes most of its energy budget, which suggests a far more important role. An intriguing hint comes from experimental observations of spontaneous activity patterns, which closely resemble those evoked by visual stimulation with oriented gratings, except that cortex appeared to cycle between different orientation maps. Moreover, patterns similar to those evoked by the behaviorally most relevant horizontal and vertical orientations occurred more often than those corresponding to oblique angles. We hypothesize that this kind of spontaneous activity develops at least to some degree autonomously, providing a dynamical reservoir of cortical states, which are then associated with visual stimuli through learning. To test this hypothesis, we use a biologically inspired neural mass model to simulate a patch of cat visual cortex. Spontaneous transitions between orientation states were induced by modest modifications of the neural connectivity, establishing a stable heteroclinic channel. Significantly, the experimentally observed greater frequency of states representing the behaviorally important horizontal and vertical orientations emerged spontaneously from these simulations. We then applied bar-shaped inputs to the model cortex and used Hebbian learning rules to modify the corresponding synaptic strengths. After unsupervised learning, different bar inputs reliably and exclusively evoked their associated orientation state; whereas in the absence of input, the model cortex resumed its spontaneous cycling. We conclude that the experimentally observed similarities between spontaneous and evoked activity in visual cortex can be explained as the outcome of a learning process that associates external stimuli with a preexisting reservoir of autonomous neural activity states. Our findings hence demonstrate how cortical connectivity can link the maintenance of spontaneous activity in the brain mechanistically to its core cognitive functions.