995 resultados para virtualizzazione, VMWare, prestazioni, SAN, vSphere
Il lavoro svolto da Fabrizio Amici ha suscitato immediatamente il mio interesse in primo luogo perché quando si parla di virtualizzazione con vari fornitori e commerciali, questi la indicano come una soluzione che possa coprire a 360 gradi le esigenze di un Datacenter. Questo è vero nella misura in cui il progetto di virtualizzazione e consolidamento dei Server sia svolto sotto certi criteri progettuali. Per esperienza personale non ho trovato in letteratura lavori che potessero fornire indicazioni approfondite sui parametri da considerare per una corretta progettazione di sistemi di virtualizzazione, spesso ci si avvale di vari fornitori che accennano ad eventuali criticità. Un lavoro come quello proposto da Fabrizio va esattamente nella direzione di rispondere a quelle domande che nascono quando si affronta la tematica della virtualizzazione e soprattutto cerca di capire quali siano i limiti intrinseci della virtualizzazione. In particolare nei vari confronti che, con piacere, ho avuto con Fabrizio, il mio suggerimento è stato quello di esasperare il sistema che aveva assemblato, caricando i test sino ad osservarne i limiti. Dai vari test sono emerse sia conferme, sia inaspettati comportamenti del sistema che rendono ancora più chiaro che solo una prova sperimentale può essere il banco di prova di un sistema complesso. L'elemento che colpisce maggiormente analizzando i risultati è il diverso comportamento in funzione delle CPU utilizzate. I risultati indicano chiaramente che le prestazioni sono fortemente influenzate da come si distribuiscono i core nelle macchine virtuali. Dalla lettura dei risultati viene confermato che i sistemi virtualizzati devono essere progettati per non raggiungere il 70-80% della componente più critica (RAM, CPU) ma anche che sono fortemente sensibili alle disponibilità prestazionali dei sistemi al contorno (Rete, SAN/Dischi). L'approccio metodico sperimentale ed i risultati forniscono una serie di elementi che permettono di affrontare la tematica della virtualizzazione in un quadro generale più solido, offrendo fra l'altro spunti di ricerca ulteriori anche in previsione di nuove soluzioni che vari costruttori, sviluppatori e system integrator proporranno nei prossimi anni. Ing. Massimiliano Casali Esperto di Gestione ICT, Pubblica Amministrazione,Repubblica di San Marino
L'analisi storico-critica delle vicende costruttive risulta di fondamentale importanza per operare sul manufatto edilizio in maniera consapevole. Soltanto interrogando l'edificio si è in grado di comprenderne le singolarità qualitative, la vulnerabilità ed i punti critici, per agire dove necessario con tecniche compatibili e non invasive seguendo il criterio del minimo intervento. Gli interventi progettuali di miglioramento strutturale proposti si pongono a coronamento del percorso conoscitivo di ricerca svolto.
Questa tesi propone un progetto di riqualificazione funzionale ed energetica del Polo ospedaliero civile di Castel San Pietro Terme, un complesso di edilizia sanitaria attivo dal 1870, che la AUSL proprietaria ha ora programmato di riqualificare. Il complesso, costituito da diversi edifici realizzati in epoche successive con un volume lordo riscaldato di 41670 m3, occupa un’area di 18415 m2. Sottoposto nel corso del tempo a ripetute modifiche e ampliamenti,oggi si presenta come un insieme eterogeneo di volumi, disorganici nell’aspetto ed interessati da importanti criticità: • prestazioni energetiche largamente inadeguate; • insufficiente resistenza alle azioni sismiche; • inefficiente distribuzione interna degli ambienti e delle funzioni. Partendo da un’analisi che dal complesso ospedaliero si estende sull’intera area di Castel San Pietro Terme, è stato definito un progetto che tiene conto delle peculiarità e delle criticità del luogo. Il progetto propone la riqualificazione dell’area antistante l’ingresso storico dell’ospedale tramite il collegamento diretto al parco fluviale, oggi interrotto da viale Oriani e da un parcheggio. Sul complesso edificato viene invece progettato un insieme di interventi differenziati, che rispondono all’obiettivo primario di adattare il polo ospedaliero a nuove funzioni sanitarie. La riorganizzazione prevede: • L’eliminazione del reparto di chirurgia; • L’adeguamento delle degenze a funzioni di hospice e lungodegenza per malati terminali; • L’ampliamento del progetto Casa della Salute che prevede locali ambulatoriali. Il progetto ha assunto questo programma funzionale,puntando a mantenere e riqualificare quanto più possibile l’esistente. E’ stato quindi previsto di: • Demolire il corpo del blocco operatorio. • Ridefinire volumetricamente il corpo delle degenze • Prevedere la costruzione di nuovi volumi per ospitare i poliambulatori. Per assicurare un adeguato livello di prestazioni,l’intervento ha puntato a far conseguire all’intero complesso la classe energetica A e ad adeguare la capacità di risposta al sisma, in particolare del corpo delle degenze, che presenta le condizioni più critiche. Le simulazioni eseguite con il software Termolog Epix3 attestano un valore di fabbisogno energetico finale pari a 5,10 kWh/m3 anno, con una riduzione del 92,7% rispetto ai livelli di consumo attuali. E' stata posta particolare attenzione anche al comfortdegli ambienti di degenza, verificato tramite l’utilizzo del software di simulazione energetica in regime dinamico IESVE che ha permesso di monitorare gli effetti ottenuti in relazione ad ogni scelta progettuale. I nuovi padiglioni sono stati progettati per integrare in modo funzionale i locali ambulatoriali ed alcuni ambienti dedicati alle terapie complementari per i lungodegenti. La tecnologia a setti portanti Xlam è stata preferita per la velocità di realizzazione. La sovrastante copertura costituita da una membrana di ETFE sostenuta da travi curve in legno lamellare, oltre ad assicurare il comfort ambientale tramite lo sfruttamento di sistemi passivi, permette di limitare i requisiti dell’involucro dei volumi sottostanti.
The state of the practice in safety has advanced rapidly in recent years with the emergence of new tools and processes for improving selection of the most cost-effective safety countermeasures. However, many challenges prevent fair and objective comparisons of countermeasures applied across safety disciplines (e.g. engineering, emergency services, and behavioral measures). These countermeasures operate at different spatial scales, are funded often by different financial sources and agencies, and have associated costs and benefits that are difficult to estimate. This research proposes a methodology by which both behavioral and engineering safety investments are considered and compared in a specific local context. The methodology involves a multi-stage process that enables the analyst to select countermeasures that yield high benefits to costs, are targeted for a particular project, and that may involve costs and benefits that accrue over varying spatial and temporal scales. The methodology is illustrated using a case study from the Geary Boulevard Corridor in San Francisco, California. The case study illustrates that: 1) The methodology enables the identification and assessment of a wide range of safety investment types at the project level; 2) The nature of crash histories lend themselves to the selection of both behavioral and engineering investments, requiring cooperation across agencies; and 3) The results of the cost-benefit analysis are highly sensitive to cost and benefit assumptions, and thus listing and justification of all assumptions is required. It is recommended that a sensitivity analyses be conducted when there is large uncertainty surrounding cost and benefit assumptions.
The Valley Mountain 15’ quadrangle straddles the Pinto Mountain Fault, which bounds the eastern Transverse Ranges in the south against the Mojave Desert province in the north. The Pinto Mountains, part of the eastern Transverse Ranges in the south part of the quadrangle expose a series of Paleoproterozoic gneisses and granite and the Proterozoic quartzite of Pinto Mountain. Early Triassic quartz monzonite intruded the gneisses and was ductiley deformed prior to voluminous Jurassic intrusion of diorite, granodiorite, quartz monzonite, and granite plutons. The Jurassic rocks include part of the Bullion Mountains Intrusive Suite, which crops out prominently at Valley Mountain and in the Bullion Mountains, as well as in the Pinto Mountains. Jurassic plutons in the southwest part of the quadrangle are deeply denuded from midcrustal emplacement levels in contrast to supracrustal Jurassic limestone and volcanic rocks exposed in the northeast. Dikes inferred to be part of the Jurassic Independence Dike Swarm intrude the Jurassic plutons and Proterozoic rocks. Late Cretaceous intrusion of the Cadiz Valley Batholith in the northeast caused contact metamorphism of adjacent Jurassic plutonic rocks...
Although many immigrants enter the United States with a healthy body weight, this health advantage disappears the longer they reside in the United States. To better understand the complexities of obesity change within a cultural framework, a community-based participatory research (CBPR) approach, PhotoVoice, was used, focusing on physical activity among Muslim Somali women. The CBPR partnership was formed to identify barriers and resources to engaging in physical activity with goals of advocacy and program development. Muslim Somali women (n = 8) were recruited to participate, trained and provided cameras, and engaged in group discussions about the scenes they photographed. Participants identified several barriers, including safety concerns, minimal culturally appropriate resources, and financial constraints. Strengths included public resources and a community support system. The CBPR process identified opportunities and challenges to collaboration and dissemination processes. The findings laid the framework for subsequent program development and community engagement.
Unified communications as a service (UCaaS) can be regarded as a cost-effective model for on-demand delivery of unified communications services in the cloud. However, addressing security concerns has been seen as the biggest challenge to the adoption of IT services in the cloud. This study set up a cloud system via VMware suite to emulate hosting unified communications (UC), the integration of two or more real time communication systems, services in the cloud in a laboratory environment. An Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) gateway was also set up to support network-level security for UCaaS against possible security exposures. This study was aimed at analysis of an implementation of UCaaS over IPSec and evaluation of the latency of encrypted UC traffic while protecting that traffic. Our test results show no latency while IPSec is implemented with a G.711 audio codec. However, the performance of the G.722 audio codec with an IPSec implementation affects the overall performance of the UC server. These results give technical advice and guidance to those involved in security controls in UC security on premises as well as in the cloud.
This work examines the urban modernization of San José, Costa Rica, between 1880 and 1930, using a cultural approach to trace the emergence of the bourgeois city in a small Central American capital, within the context of order and progress. As proposed by Henri Lefebvre, Manuel Castells and Edward Soja, space is given its rightful place as protagonist. The city, subject of this study, is explored as a seat of social power and as the embodiment of a cultural transformation that took shape in that space, a transformation spearheaded by the dominant social group, the Liberal elite. An analysis of the product built environment allows us to understand why the city grew in a determined manner: how the urban space became organized and how its infrastructure and services distributed. Although the emphasis is on the Liberal heyday from 1880-1930, this study also examines the history of the city since its origins in the late colonial period through its consolidation as a capital during the independent era, in order to characterize the nineteenth century colonial city that prevailed up to 1890 s. A diverse array of primary sources including official acts, memoirs, newspaper sources, maps and plans, photographs, and travelogues are used to study the initial phase of San Jose s urban growth. The investigation places the first period of modern urban growth at the turn of the nineteenth century within the prevailing ideological and political context of Positivism and Liberalism. The ideas of the city s elite regarding progress were translated into and reflected in the physical transformation of the city and in the social construction of space. Not only the transformations but also the limits and contradictions of the process of urban change are examined. At the same time, the reorganization of the city s physical space and the beginnings of the ensanche are studied. Hygiene as an engine of urban renovation is explored by studying the period s new public infrastructure (including pipelines, sewer systems, and the use of asphalt pavement) as part of the Saneamiento of San José. The modernization of public space is analyzed through a study of the first parks, boulevards and monuments and the emergence of a new urban culture prominently displayed in these green spaces. Parks and boulevards were new public and secular places of power within the modern city, used by the elite to display and educate the urban population into the new civic and secular traditions. The study goes on to explore the idealized image of the modern city through an analysis of European and North American travelogues and photography. The new esthetic of theatrical-spectacular representation of the modern city constructed a visual guide of how to understand and come to know the city. A partial and selective image of generalized urban change presented only the bourgeois facade and excluded everything that challenged the idea of progress. The enduring patterns of spatial and symbolic exclusion built into Costa Rica s capital city at the dawn of the twentieth century shed important light on the long-term political social and cultural processes that have created the troubled urban landscapes of contemporary Latin America.
Pro gradu-työni aihe on ruokaterminologiaa käsittelevät ranskan puhekielen ja Pariisin slangin lainasanat sekä kirjailija Frédéric Dardin alias San-Antonion (1921-2000) luomat, ruokatermistöön kuuluvat uudissanat ja -sanonnat kahdessa San-Antonio-romaanissa C'est mort et ça ne sait pas sekä Le fil à couper le beurre. Näissä ns. kioskikirjallisuutta edustavissa rikosromaaneissa seikkailee puheenparttaan ruoka-alan termeillä höystävä, "erikoistehtäviä" hoitava komisario ja naistenmies, San-Antonio. Ranskankielisessä arjen kielenkäytössä vilisee ruokaan liittyviä sanoja ja sanontoja muissakin kuin varsinaisissa ruuanvalmistus- ja ateriointiyhteyksissä. Halusin tarkastella, millaisena tämä yleisesti havaitsemani ilmiö todentuu Frédéric Dardin kahdessa romaanissa, jotka olen valinnut aineistokseni. Frédéric Dard käyttää romaaneissaan varsin omaperäistä kieltä: sekä puhekieltä että Pariisin slangia. Korpukseni koostuu romaaneista poimimistani ruoka-alan termistöä sisältävistä esimerkeistä, joita valmiiseen työhön tuli 228 kappaletta. Jaoin kaikki korpuksesta löytämäni ruokatermit kahteen luokkaan sen mukaan, oliko kirjailija lainannut käyttämänsä sanan tai ilmauksen puhekielestä tai Pariisin slangista (lainatermit), vai oliko hän luonut termin tai ilmauksen itse (neologismit). Määrittelin termin tai ilmauksen neologismiksi, jos se ei esiintynyt joko laisinkaan tai ainakaan kirjailijan tarkoittamassa merkityksessä seuraavissa sanakirjoissa: Le Dictionnaire du français argotique, populaire et familier; Le Dictionnaire de l'argot moderne; Le Dictionnaire du français non conventionnel; Le Dictionnaire de l'argot; Le Dictionnaire du français argotique et populaire; L'argot chez les vrais de vrai ja Trésor de la langue française. Varsinainen tutkimus perustuu sanojen ja ilmausten merkitysten selvittämiseen ja analysointiin. Lainatermien analyysillä tarkoitan lainatermien merkitysten selvitystä em. sanakirjojen avulla. Neologismit analysoin tarkemmin käyttäen em. sanakirjoja sekä tukeutuen gastronomisten ja erityisesti kielitieteellisten lähdeteosteni tarjoamiin rakenteellisiin ja semanttisiin muodostustapoihin ja tekemällä niistä tarvittavat yhteenvedot oikean merkityksen selvittämiseksi. Käsittelin aineiston kaikki ruokatermit. Niiden valtavan lukumäärän vuoksi analysoitavien esimerkkien määrää piti rajoittaa niin, että valmiiseen työhön jäi jokaisesta termistä enintään kaksi esimerkkiä kummastakin korpuksen kirjasta eli yhteensä 228 esimerkkiä. Muut esimerkit luetteloin työn lopusta löytyvään liitteeseen. Neologismianalyysissä selvisi, että Frédéric Dard suosi erityisesti semanttisia muodostustapoja eli olemassa olevan merkityksen muuttamista metaforien ja kielikuvien avulla. Dardin rikas terminologia ja hänen humoristiset oivalluksensa ovat osaltaan rikastuttaneet ranskan puhekieltä.Työssäni totean, että Pariisin slangia ja puhekieltä on totuttu pitämään sosiaalisesti sopimattomana, marginaalisten ryhmien kielenä, vaikka sen ilmauksia saattaa nykyisin kuulla jopa akateemikkojen käyttävän, ja ilmauksia on siirtynyt slangi- ja puhekielestä yleiskieleen. Toivon työni edistävän kiinnostusta kielitaidon parantamiseen San-Antonion tyyliin tutustumisen avulla sekä herättävän mielenkiintoa ranskan kielen vivahteikkuuteen ja monimuotoisuuteen muullakin kuin yleiskielen tasolla. Kielessä ei mielestäni voi olla sellaisia osa-alueita, joiden opiskelu ja osaaminen olisi tarpeetonta.
"This paper analyzes how expenditures of the city of San Francisco were altered in response to changes in municipal labor costs over the period 1945 through 1976. A hybrid of the "demands" and the "organizational" models of budgeting is used to measure the budgetary response to changes in the relative prices of labor inputs. Descriptive and econometric evidence reveals significant adjustments both among and within departments in reaction to changes in relative labor costs. The empirical evidence demonstrates that the city's budgetary process is guided by simple allocative rules modified by price-responsive adjustments."
The localization and dispersion quality of as received NH2 terminated multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNT-I) and ethylene diamine (EDA) functionalized MWNTs in melt mixed blends of polycarbonate ( PC) and poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile) (SAN) were assessed in this study using rheo-electrical and electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding measurements. In order to improve the dispersion quality and also to selectively localize MWNTs in the PC phase of the blends, EDA was grafted onto MWNTs by two different strategies like diazonium reaction of the para-substituted benzene ring of MWNTs with EDA ( referred to as MWNT-II) and acylation of carboxyl functionalized MWNTs with thionyl chloride ( referred to as MWNT-III). By this approach we could systematically vary the concentration of NH2 functional groups on the surface of MWNTs at a fixed concentration (1 wt%) in PC/SAN blends. XPS was carried to evaluate the % concentration of N in different MWNTs and was observed to be highest for MWNT-III manifesting in a large surface coverage of EDA on the surface of MWNTs. Viscoelastic properties and melt electrical conductivities were measured to assess the dispersion quality of MWNTs using a rheo-electrical set-up both in the quiescent as well as under steady shear conditions. Rheological properties revealed chain scission of PC in the presence of MWNT-III which is due to specific interactions between EDA and PC leading to smaller PC grafts on the surface of MWNTs. The observed viscoelastic properties in the blends were further correlated with the phase morphologies under quiescent and annealed conditions. Electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding effectiveness in X and K-u-band frequencies were measured to explore these composites for EMI shielding applications. Interestingly, MWNT-II showed the highest electrical conductivity and EMI shielding in the blends.
In this study, multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) were chemically grafted onto dopamine anchored iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticles via diazotization reaction to design electromagnetic (EM) shielding materials based on PC (polycarbonate)/SAN poly (styrene-co-acrylonitrile)] blends. A two step mixing protocol was adopted to selectively localize the nanoparticles in a given phase of the blends. In the first step, MWNT-g-Fe3O4 nanoparticles were solution blended with PC, followed by dilution with SAN during melt mixing in the subsequent step. This strategy, besides improving the quality of dispersion of MWNTs in the blends, facilitated enhanced EM interference shielding effectiveness (SE). Both, the MWNTs and the modified MWNTs, selectively localized in the PC phase and led to high electrical conductivity, in striking contrast to PC filled MWNT composites. The SE was measured on toroidal samples over a broad range of frequencies; X-band (8.2-12 GHz) and K-u-band (12-18 GHz). It was observed that the shielding mechanism mostly involved reflection in the blends with MWNTs, whereas absorption dominated in the case of blends with MWNT-g-Fe3O4. To realize the efficacy of this strategy, a few compositions were prepared by physical mixing MWNTs with Fe3O4 nanoparticles. Intriguingly, blends with MWNT-g-Fe3O4 nanoparticles manifested enhanced microwave absorption over physically mixed nanoparticles. An SE of -32.5 dB was observed (at 18 GHz) for MWNT (3 wt%)-g-Fe3O4 (3 vol%) in PC/SAN blends.