999 resultados para virtual property theft


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The crime of virtual property theft has become a serious problem in virtual worlds in recent years. Players of these games are repeatedly falling victim to this crime, with little or no repercussion for the offender. Virtual property often has a substantial real world monetary value and the theft of such items impacts greatly on victims. The problem of virtual property theft is complex, involving many legal, regulatory and technological factors. As such, trying to address this problem in a single dimension is not sufficient, each factor need to be addressed with a multidisciplinary approach. In addressing this problem, this paper provides a model for describing the issue of virtual property trading and the issues associated with virtual property theft. The paper also proposes an approach for handling virtual property theft based on improvements to laws related to virtual property and theft, improvements to the virtual world software components and better regulation from governments.


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 The issue of virtual property theft in virtual worlds is a serious problem which has ramifications in both the real and virtual world. Virtual world users invest a considerable amount of time, effort and often money to collect virtual property items, only to have them stolen by thieves. Many virtual property thefts go undetected, with thieves often stealing virtual property items without resistance, leaving victims to discover the theft only after it has occurred. This paper presents the design of a detection framework that uses an algorithm for identifying virtual property theft at two key stages: account intrusion and unauthorized virtual property trades. Initial tests of this framework on a synthetic data set show an 80% detection rate with no false positives. This framework can allow virtual world developers to tailor and extend it to suit their specific virtual world software and provide an effective way of detecting virtual property theft while being a low maintenance, user friendly and cost effective.


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Virtual worlds have become highly popular in recent years with reports of over a billion people accessing these worlds and the virtual goods market growing to near $50 US billion dollars. An undesirable outcome to this popularity and market value is thriving criminal activity in these worlds.  The most profitable transgression at the moment in virtual worlds is named Virtual Property Theft.  The aim of this study is to gain insight using an online survey, as to how thieves in these synthetic worlds conduct their criminal activities.  This survey asked questions on: thief profiling, how theft was conducted, times of criminal activity, which items are stolen and distributed, victim targeting and criminal profiteering.  This survey is the first to report an insight into the criminal mind of virtual thieves.  The results of this study will provide a pathway for designing an effective anti-theft mechanism capable of abolishing this criminal enterprise.


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What types of goods should be considered digital goods? This paper discusses the question of whether virtual property, such as items available in virtual world environments like Linden Lab’s Second Life and Blizzard’s World of Warcraft, should be considered a valid digital good. The makeup of a virtual property items are explored in this paper and their key features compared and contrasted with that of digital goods. Common examples of digital goods include: electronic books, software, digital music and digital movies. These goods are considered a tangible commodity, that is they have an unlimited supply and secondly they are in a digital/binary form (a sequence of 1’s and 0s’). When looking at why a virtual property items should be included in the category of ‘digital goods’, it is important to consider how items in a virtual world come to exist and how the availability of these items are often controlled by publishers and developers. The aim of this paper is show that digital goods should not be limited to the traditional views such as electronic books, software, music and movies; but in fact the term ‘digital good’ should also include the active market of virtual property


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 Virtual property theft is a serious problem that exists in virtual worlds. Legitimate users of these worlds invest considerable amounts of time, effort and real-world money into obtaining virtual property, but unfortunately, are becoming victims of theft in high numbers. It is reported that there are over 1 billion registered users of virtual worlds containing virtual property items worth an estimated US$50 billion dollars. The problem of virtual property theft is complex, involving many legal, social and technological issues. The software used to access virtual worlds is of great importance as they form the primary interface to these worlds and as such the primary interface to conduct virtual property theft. The security vulnerabilities of virtual world applications have not, to date, been examined. This study aims to use the process of software inspection to discover security vulnerabilities that may exist within virtual world software – vulnerabilities that enable virtual property theft to occur. Analyzing three well know virtual world applications World of Warcraft, Guild Wars and Entropia Universe, this research utilized security analysis tools and scenario testing with focus on authentication, trading, intruder detection and virtual property recovery. It was discovered that all three examples were susceptible to keylogging, mail and direct trade methods were the most likely method for transferring stolen items, intrusion detection is of critical concern to all VWEs tested, stolen items were unable to be recovered in all cases and lastly occurrences of theft were undetectable in all cases. The results gained in this study present the key problem areas which need to be addressed to improve security and reduce the occurrence of virtual property theft.


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Virtual property theft is a serious problem that exists in virtual worlds. Legitimate users of these worlds invest considerable amounts of time, effort and real-world money into obtaining virtual property, but unfortunately, are becoming victims of theft in high numbers. It is reported that there are over 1 billion registered users of virtual worlds containing virtual property items worth an estimated US$50 billion dollars. The problem of virtual property theft is complex, involving many legal, social and technological issues. The software used to access virtual worlds is of great importance as they form the primary interface to these worlds and as such the primary interface to conduct virtual property theft. The security vulnerabilities of virtual world applications have not, to date, been examined. This study aims to use the process of software inspection to discover security vulnerabilities that may exist within virtual world software – vulnerabilities that enable virtual property theft to occur. Analyzing three well know virtual world applications World of Warcraft, Guild Wars and Entropia Universe, this research utilized security analysis tools and scenario testing with focus on authentication, trading, intruder detection and virtual property recovery. It was discovered that all three examples were susceptible to keylogging, mail and direct trade methods were the most likely method for transferring stolen items, intrusion detection is of critical concern to all VWEs tested, stolen items were unable to be recovered in all cases and lastly occurrences of theft were undetectable in all cases. The results gained in this study present the key problem areas which need to be addressed to improve security and reduce the occurrence of virtual property theft.


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With increasing popularity and 1.9 billion cumulative registered accounts, virtual worlds are seeing an increase in a cybercrime named Virtual Property Theft. Currently, there is no data available on victim's perception of reasons for this theft. In this study, the authors aim to identify these reasons, and fill the need for a deeper understanding of VPT. This study used a survey including questions on virtual property ownership, theft, recovery and security. This survey is the first to report the views of victims of theft and remarkably showed although users are aware of offenders and have adequate security knowledge, 23% still become victims. This highlights that cyber criminals have found loopholes in existing security systems. Finally, given the continual growth of virtual worlds, it is essential to develop new policies and effective regulations. In this paper we will discuss the most critical survey results relating to security and provide statistical analysis.


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As virtual communities become more central to the everyday activities of connected individuals, we face increasingly pressing questions about the proper allocation of power, rights and responsibilities. This paper argues that our current legal discourse is ill-equipped to provide answers that will safeguard the legitimate interests of participants and simultaneously refrain from limiting the future innovative development of these spaces. From social networking sites like Facebook to virtual worlds like World of Warcraft and Second Life, participants who are banned from these communities stand to lose their virtual property, their connections to their friends and family, and their personal expression. Because our legal system views the proprietor’s interests as absolute private property rights, however, participants who are arbitrarily, capriciously or maliciously ejected have little recourse under law. This paper argues that, rather than assuming that a private property and freedom of contract model will provide the most desirable outcomes, a more critical approach is warranted. By rejecting the false dichotomy between ‘public’ and ‘private’ spaces, and recognising some of the absolutist and necessitarian trends in the current property debate, we may be able to craft legal rules that respect the social bonds between participants while simultaneously protecting the interests of developers.


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What if you could check out of your world, and enter a place where the social environment was different, where real world laws didn't apply, and where the political system could be anything you wanted it to be? What if you could socialize there with family and friends, build your own palace, go skiing, and even hold down a job there? And what if there wasn't one alternate world, there were hundreds, and what if millions of people checked out of Earth and went there every day? Virtual worlds - online worlds where millions of people come to interact, play, and socialize - are a new type of social order. In this Article, we examine the implications of virtual worlds for our understanding of law, and demonstrate how law affects the interests of those within the world. After providing an extensive primer on virtual worlds, including their history and function, we examine two fundamental issues in detail. First, we focus on property, and ask whether it is possible to say that virtual world users have real world property interests in virtual objects. Adopting economic accounts that demonstrate the real world value of these objects and the exchange mechanisms for trading these objects, we show that, descriptively, these types of objects are indistinguishable from real world property interests. Further, the normative justifications for property interests in the real world apply - sometimes more strongly - in the virtual worlds. Second, we discuss whether avatars have enforceable legal and moral rights. Avatars, the user-controlled entities that interact with virtual worlds, are a persistent extension of their human users, and users identify with them so closely that the human-avatar being can be thought of as a cyborg. We examine the issue of cyborg rights within virtual worlds and whether they may have real world significance. The issues of virtual property and avatar rights constitute legal challenges for our online future. Though virtual worlds may be games now, they are rapidly becoming as significant as real-world places where people interact, shop, sell, and work. As society and law begin to develop within virtual worlds, we need to have a better understanding of the interaction of the laws of the virtual worlds with the law of this world.


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Thèse réalisée en cotutelle avec l'université Paris1-Sorbonne


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Thèse réalisée en cotutelle avec l'université Paris1-Sorbonne


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A delinquência juvenil representa um problema social em crescimento e é influenciada por um conjunto de fatores de risco muitas vezes presentes no estilo de vida dos jovens. Desta forma, a pertinência deste estudo foca-se na compreensão dos estilos de vida dos jovens e os comportamentos desviantes ou delinquentes para melhor compreender e intervir no combate à delinquência. A amostra foi constituída por 80 participantes de ambos os sexos pertencentes à localidade de Ponte de Lima. Para tal recorreu-se à administração de um questionário, construído para o efeito, e o qual contempla itens para a caracterização sociodemográfica dos participantes, o seu funcionamento escolar/ocupacional e familiar, o estilo de vida e a ocupação de tempos livres e, por último, procura-se caracterizar a frequência da prática de certos comportamentos e desvios por parte dos adolescentes, nos últimos 12 meses. Os resultados deste estudo demonstraram que apesar da maior parte dos jovens se revelarem satisfeitos com o seu ambiente familiar, uma percentagem não negligenciável caraterizou esse ambiente como razoável, apelando à necessidade de haver mais tempo para a família e mais diálogo. Os relatos dos participantes apontam para a ausência de supervisão parental nas saídas à noite, falta de imposição de regras e tarefas diárias. A maior parte dos participantes classificou o ambiente escolar como razoável, admitindo a existência de alguns conflitos com colegas, professores e funcionários, falta de hábitos de estudo e atividades extracurriculares; a maior parte dos jovens admitiu realizar essencialmente atividades em grupos de pares, desde as saídas à noite como atividades de lazer; os comportamentos desviantes e delinquentes que mais se destacaram nos últimos 12 meses foram o envolvimento em agressões com colegas, professores e funcionários, o dano intencional de objetos de outra pessoa, e o download de filmes, músicas e documentos e o envolvimento em grupos de pares desviantes; os comportamentos delinquentes descritos foram a invasão em propriedades privadas, os furtos, e o tráfico de droga. O sexo masculino destacou-se na prática de crimes. Os dados deste estudo apontam, assim para a necessidade de se apostar mais na prevenção precoce de comportamentos de risco, de forma a diminuir comportamentos desviantes ou delinquentes futuros.


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This paper queries the soundness of the view that wrongful possession (eg a thief’s possession of goods he has stolen) should be protected by the standard actions for interference with goods. It uses close historical analysis of the development of the relevant concepts through the cases to argue that this is not a proposition that is compelled on the authorities, nor one demanded as a matter of principle. It then abstracts to consider the implications of this argument at a theoretical level, exposing great need for development in the common law’s basic principles of possessory protection. It argues innovatively that the objects of the law might be better served by the creation of a more limited form of possessory protection, achieved through the possessor’s acquisition of a personal right, and correlatively that the values that underpin and justify our basic rules of possessory protection entail a more nuanced response to matters of property acquisition.


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In a world that is increasingly dominated by the Internet, there is a growing demand for low cost access at the users convenience. The expansion of wireless Internet networks, in particular unsecured wireless Internet networks, gives rise to novel challenges for the regulation of Internet access. The ability to access unsecured wireless Internet networks with ease and with very little impact upon the owner of the network suggests that such 'piggybacking' may be criminal behaviour or may amount to an actionable civil wrong. This paper will explore the legal ramifications of piggybacking an unsecured wireless network with knowledge that there is no entitlement to the use of the network and will consider what Australian authorities should do about this situation. This paper will look at the position in Australia and juxtapose this with that of the United Kingdom and the United States of America. In both the United Kingdom and the United States of America prosecutions have taken place of individuals who knowingly accessed unsecured wireless
networks for their own personal use.